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6 tricks to recover faded clothes and other very practical ideas

Without spending money on the dry cleaners you can save the faded or broken garments for use with some very simple homemade tricks

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Has a red sock strained in the washing machine and has faded the rest of the clothes?No problem!Bay leaves with bicarbonate, potatoes and lemon can save clothing, without having to spend money to take them to the dry cleaners.The tricks that are suggested below to recover the faded or stained clothes, and at the same time save, they are very simple to apply with products that anyone has at home. Además, en este artículo también se dan otras ideas para alargar al máximo la vida útil de la clothing.

Why have your garments faded

We do not always know why the clothes we put in the washing machine have faded with other garments that, in principle, did not seem "dangerous".Among the possible reasons for a draft and manche garment for the rest of the washing machine are the following:

Los mejores trucos para recuperar tu clothing desteñida

If a garment is felt and the colors are mixed leaving ugly brands or stripes, how to remove these spots on the clothes?You can put these ideas into practice to remove the faded:

Trick 1.Water with salt and ice

6 trucos para recuperar la clothing desteñida y otras ideas muy prácticas

A good idea is to completely cover the clothes with ice and add two tablespoons of fat salt.The garment is left covered for about 10 or 15 minutes and washed again.

Trick 2.Eggshells

Whenever the clothes accept high temperatures (you must look on the label if you can wash the clothes at 60 degrees or more temperature), you can put water in a bowl with eggshells and take it to a boil.After a few minutes boiling, you have to turn off the heat and then put the faded garment.Then wash as always.

Image: Photo25th

Cómo quitar otras manchas en clothing de color

If you stain a shirt or blouse with lipstick or makeup, you can easily remove your trail.

Más trucos para cuidar la clothing

Muchas veces los jerséis y otras prendas de lana tienen "bolitas" por el uso continuado.To remove them, you can use a razor, better already used (worn blades will be less aggressive with the fabric).To do this, you have to extend the clothes on a flat surface and pass the shave machin gently...The balls disappear!You can also prevent its appearance, if the sweater gets into a hermetic bag and spends a night in the freezer.

Si las botas de ante o las zapatillas de ballet están rayadas y manchadas, se puede quitar la suciedad y recuperar color y textura original utilizando una goma de borrar limpia.It is enough to delete thorough.

Se puede dejar el bolso, la cazadora o las botas de piel como nuevos, si se hidratan con una crema grasa o vaselina.With the help of a cloth, the whole bag or shoes must be given and let dry for a few hours, so that it penetrates thoroughly.It can be repeated whenever it is needed.



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