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Cat |The 10 things that cats hate humans

The behavior of cats remains a great mystery that leaves us hours and hours watching cat videos on the Internet.Selfless, egocentric, independent...There are many things that have been said about these animals.However, this behavior is sometimes due to situations or things that we dislike.


Small gestures, behavior and behaviors that we have daily can confuse or bother our cat.We discover the 10 things that cats hate humans.

1.Let them get wet

It is not that cats hate water, what they don't support is to bathe or splash them.This is because the origin of these animals is in desert areas in which contact with water was very limited.Another theory explains that cats hate the time of the bathroom because their respiratory system is extremely delicate and wet could quickly get sick.

two.Strong smells

Another thing that cats hate humans is that they cook with garlic, citrus, onion, vinegar, or that they smoke in front of them.These strong odors affect the sense of feline smell, which although it is not as developed as that of dogs is quite sophisticated.

3.Strong noises

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Cats have a very perfected ear sense.Strong noises such as screams, horn, aspirator or dog barking can causes pathologies such as stress or anxiety in felines.So that cats do not hate you when you listen to music at full volume, used from small to strong sounds in their surroundings.

4.That they are not paid attention

Cats hate that humans ignore them.Although felines are quite independent, when they require your attention they will let you know in all possible ways: walking around you, mullating constantly or even biting you.

5.Visits to the veterinarian

Anyone who has a domestic animal will know that visits to the veterinarian are an authentic torture.So that felines do not stress, the most important thing is to get used to them since childhood to be transported and managed by veterinarians.

6.That we stare at them

Looking at a cat directly in the eye is something they really hate.Direct visual contact is a sign of dominance.To win your cat's trust, flash slowly while looking into her eyes.If you look back and flash slowly you will have earned your friendship.

7.The dirty sand boxes

That humans do not clean the sand box is something that cats hate with all their being.Felines are meticulously clean animals and if their sand is dirty, they will look for other places to go to the bathroom.

8.That they manipulate them too much

Cats hate that humans ignore them pero tampoco les gusta que les hagan demasiado caso.Although there are breeds that seek constant contact of their owners, normally felines will feel uncomfortable if they are too handled.This is because cats use physical contact as a way to dominate their fellow men.


To give a cat a cat you will have to prepare for a great battle.It doesn't matter if you talk to them in a reassuring tone or that you slowly approach them, as soon as they see the pill they will run.

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10.To give them cold food

No one likes to serve cold food and cats are no exception.Not to bother them with food freshly taken from the fridge, warm the food about two0 or 30 seconds in the microwave.



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