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How to effectively eliminate grass stains on clothes, jeans and shoes

Clothing spots are as cumbersome as too common.The reason why it costs so much to eliminate them are the components that compose it.Chlorophyll is combined with other compounds such as xantophile or carotenoids, fusion absorbs the sun's rays with too much efficiency and therefore dry quickly and adhere to your clothes.

The bad news is that if you do not treat a stain of grass in time, it will stay forever in your clothes.No matter what you do.It will be the equivalent of a black spot in the academic file.

The good news is that there are many solutions, methods and tricks to remove grass spots on clothing of any kind, including jeans and footwear, if you know how to detect them in time.So you will have to have an avizor eye every time you enter the high grass.

You already have your first universal trick: the first step to take is to treat the stain as quickly as possible.In this sense, the initial section of this article is responsible for explaining what you should do just detect it.You will not eliminate it, but it will be easy for you to treat it when you bequerent home.

And after this global and unnegotiable law, you have sections to clean dry clothes, and more concrete tips for jeans (where grass spots are noticed a lot) and for your precious shoes.

The first thing you should do when you discover the grass stain


Throughout the article you have different methods for general clothing and more specific garments.But a golden rule that Lifehacker remembers is to treat grass stains, or any kind, as soon as possible to prevent them from being eliminated.

Once you are at home you will wash your clothes as you always do or try any of these tricks, but before that you must wear a chitamanchas as soon as possible.He will not eliminate the stains right away, but he will weaken enough.

If you do not have such a product because you have gone for the field and you did not contemplate this task, mix in a vessel or container 2/3 parts of water and a 1/3 of vinegar and soak the garment for 15 minutes.It will have the same effect as a chitamanchas.

How to eliminate grass stains on clothes

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1.Sodium bicarbonate

"Sodium bicarbonate is a miraculous clean."It must be your main secret weapon to get rid of this type of spots".

As Express Cleaning points out, you just have to mix bicarbonate and water in a container.Then you enter the garment in question and let the mixture act on its own to clean the stain.At the end, clarify the clothes with cold water.


Cómo eliminar de forma efectiva las manchas de hierba en la ropa, pantalones vaqueros y zapatos

Grass spots are of the enzymatic type, that is, it is the result of protein."So your best bet to end them is to use liquid detergent that contains enzymes that spray the components of the stain," explains Jennifer Ahoni, a scientist who works for the Tide Cleaning Product company.

As the Lizard Corporate Blog points out, the detergent is a good option if stained clothing is colored.In that case it is better to apply detergent with enzymes on the stain for 20 minutes before putting clothes in the washing machine.

3.Active oxygen chitamanches

Combine a chitamanchas of active oxygen with water to create a paste and apply in the stain.You must choose one product or another depending on the type of tissue of the garment and the color of the same.

The ideal is to leave the paste rest on the stain for a few hours before washing clothes in the usual way.But attention: if the stain is still present, do not apply hot water because heat will reinforce it.It is best to try another method listed in the article.

4.Isopropyl alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol works, but it must be your last resort.It is better to try other methods because alcohol can damage your garment.

As explained by Diario Female, prepares a glass with 3/4 parts of hot water and the remaining quarter with alcohol.Extend the mixture on the stain, let it act for 20 minutes and then remove the remains with a jet of warm water.Then, wash the garment as you would always.

You have other alternatives such as submerging the garment in alcohol or giving small touches to the stain with a wet sponge in alcohol.

How to eliminate grass spots on jeans


Jennifer Ahoni, the scientist who works for Tide, has 2 special recommendations to be in Reader's Digest to treat jeans that green spots have of having been in the grass.

Choose the first if you have time to wash the garment in question, and the second if you are more hurried.

Method 1: Remove spots from jeans washing them

  1. Cubre la mancha de hierba con detergente líquido de enzimas y deja que reposa encima durante 20 minutos.
  2. Frota el detergente. Puedes usar un cepillo de dientes para ayudar al líquido a distribuirse por las fibras de la ropa.
  3. Lava los pantalones vaqueros como lo harías de forma normal. Se recomienda usar el agua más caliente posible que recomiende la etiqueta del pantalón.
  4. Antes de secar, comprueba si la mancha sigue ahí. Si es así, repite el proceso todas las veces posibles hasta que desaparezca.

Method 2: Remove spots from unwashed jeans

You can remove the grass stain without having to wash the pants to use as long as you have the right tools.You need to always carry an emergency removal for emergencies such as that: rubbed in the affected area, add some water and then, at home, you can wash the pants with more time and without fear that the stain remains.

If you don't have such a product, just create a mixture of water and detergent and give touch on the stain using a towel or napkin.Start with the periphery of La Mancha and little by little sees approaching the center.In the end, it eliminates the remains that are with another different towel.

How to remove shoes grass stains


Do not throw your shoes if after a walk along the field they have finished more than its original color.Each type of footwear has its idiosyncrasy, but first of all it is better to make use of common direction: check the label of your footwear to see what is the best way to wash it and if you can put them in the washing machine.

If you can machine them, follow these steps:

  1. Utiliza un cepillo seco y suave para quitar primero el exceso de suciedad y de barro
  2. Cubre las manchas con detergente líquido de enzimas y deja que repose durante 20 minutos. Puedes usar un cepillo de dientes para distribuir mejor el líquido.
  3. Quita los cordones y las plantillas (deberás lavarlos por separado y a mano) y coloca los zapatos en una bolsa de malla.
  4. Pon los zapatos a salvar usando agua fría y programando un ciclo de lavado suave.
  5. Si la mancha persiste, repite el proceso hasta que no desaparezca. Luego ya puedes secar el calzado.

Leather shoes

The specialized blog crystal shoe recommends this method for both leather shoes and white footwear (large victims of this type of spots).

1.Mix water with white vinegar.

2.Wash the shoes with the mixture.

3.Let the combination act and clarify.

4.After clarifying, if the stains persist, or if you want to remove remains, press in the area with a wet cloth with a bit of bicarbonate.

Suede shoes

A quite delicate case in which specialists especially recommend common sense: the best to avoid removing any types of spots on this footwear is not to make it dirty.

Before putting your shoes, it is advisable.

If a tragedy has occurred, do not even think about the pair in the washing machine or clean them as if they were normal footwear: rub carefully using a brush or with a nail lime.

White sports

Wet a little cotton with vinegar and rub in the spotted area as quickly as possible to get green.If you have taken a long time to react, make a paste using sodium bicarbonate, hydrogen and water peroxide.

Rub the footwear to distribute the liquid with a brush and let the mixture rest for at least 30 minutes.Clarify with water and repeat everything necessary until there are spots.

If it doesn't work, you can also use the method explained above for leather shoes.Although in this case, reacting on time is more important than any technique you use.



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