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How to sell second -hand clothes?Tips for start your business

Are you thinking of starting a Second Hand's clothes bazaar?Calm, we have you covered.We know that starting a new project is complicated and challenging, it requires a lot of patience to march.Although it is an online store, the chamba is huge, yes, the satisfaction of seeing that entrepreneurship is incomparable.We tell you how to sell second -hand clothes.

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To be encouraged to take the big step, we put this guide with the help of the designer and businesswoman Viri Days, one of the founders of @Days_MX and @taiyo.mx.Why do we talk to her?Because throughout her life, several sales businesses have begun, in addition, in full pandemic she managed to consolidate the Days MX store as a wholesale shirt distributor.Do not be afraid of success, better Czech these recommendations to open your teach.

El Changarro

The first is to define basic aspects of your brand, name, graphic identity and personality.Think who you want to get there and how would you talk to them, from there you can start developing these points.A success of Days MX is that it became a friendly brand of her followers.But how did he?Simple, they get on trends, share a couple of personal things and show the human side of the brand;This generates trust and increases interaction.Keep it well, these tips are worth gold.

Now, choose if you will sell on Instagram or by Facebook.“I recommend that at the beginning you sell both, you have more possibility of selling if you have two distribution channels.At this point you want to make yourself known, it is better to cover more market and then choose what suits you more, ”says Viri.

If you just want to handle a channel, there you go to each other's specifications: Instagram is very visual, for this medium you need beautiful photos to keep your insertrameable feed and, as the kids would say, Aesthetic.For Facebook you do not need a very pro production, with photos of good resolution the weapons.In FB you can do your own store or join second -hand groups and publish your products.Eye, if you are going to sell second -hand clothes look for groups where people ask for these products, you will not publish your bazaar in "Group where we pretended to be lords with Internet access".

To start

Once you have decided to open your second -hand clothes bazaar you will need ... second -hand clothes!Perhaps the most obvious would be to buy in the Paca, however, it is better to start with your own garments or your brotherhoods.“Days MX started because I was going to move and did not fit in the new department, so I began to take clothes and shoes in good condition to sell.This is a great way to start your store, since you will not need the initial investment.We always have something in the closet, so look for some pledge that are special and unique, ”says Viri.

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On the other hand, your first batch of product does not have to be huge, focus on quality and not on quantity.Choose 10 garments that stand out, forget the basics, what you need is something that catches your potential customers.Find among the things that you no longer wear some dresses, blazers, jackets or bags in perfect condition and that are attractive to the kid, so they will reach your profile and will be hooked.

Paca curatorship

If you do not get 10 on your closet, you will have to go to the paca.Generally the nenis with clothing bazaars are frequent clients of the tianguis and already have them well studied.

According to Viri, another of the tips to sell second -hand clothes is to go again and again, to penetrate the land and decide if it has potential, talk with the packages and know the type of product that each one manages."Be your first client, start looking for bales that have cool things to buy for you".Also consider the price-quality ratio to define whether it is worth investment.

On the other hand, choose what kind of bazaar you will have, “there are nenis that sell more exclusive brands and products, buy faces and can give clothes above the $ 250 pesos.Others prefer to bet on quantity, that is, the volume of sale;They go to the cheapest PACA and offer their products at low costs, take into account that this implies allocating more time to fix this amount of clothing ”.You already know, the first thing is to conceptualize your store and decide these aspects, then comes the Talacha.

MERCH Shopping

To define each when buying garments for your bazaar, you have to decide the frequency with which you will publish in your store.But let's go with the basics, the recommendation of Days MX is “weekly súrtete and sees Paca early to find more cool products.Usually the updates are twice a week, so consider buying around twenty candids ”.Of course, in the end the last word you have it, but with this you can give yourself an idea.

Regardless of your bazaar's style, you need to be a trend to quickly move your Merch, an expert's project is to investigate what is fashionable.Take a dive on social networks and in stores, see what is being used.Remember that fashions return, so you will surely find something in a trend - like the mom jeans - in the paca.


This is a very important step that requires attention, since you will give treatment to the pieces that you are going to sell.Do not forget that the more you take care of and seek to your buyers, there is a greater chance to turn them into loyal customers.“Wash the garments very carefully, make sure they are impeccable.If they require ironing, give it to him, if they need a cat's hand like sewing a button or an eye, do it ”.

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The following is to know the pledge well, what is the fabric and its measures.Viri firmly holds that "the tape measure is your best ally".Not only are we size, you better measure each part with precision, yes, you will also have to learn a couple of technical pattern techniques: shot, waistby, flap ... you need to be prepared because people do ask all this.

The last step after enchular Las Purk is the product photo.Get a camera with good resolution, it doesn't matter if it's from a cell phone, and start taking the photos with neutral funds.Use free editing applications such as Snapseed, Picart or even Lightroom Express for an extra tuneadita.Your photo must be accompanied with a detailed description of the product, add the measures and any aspect that may interest your followers.

Deliveries and shipments

As part of the logistics to sell second -hand clothes, it is essential to define how you will deliver the packages to your customers.To reduce costs you can set a day deliver, but you will also need shipments.“We send by posts of Mexico and we have not had problems, yes, with the pandemic the deliveries took.To protect ourselves from customers ask we tell you that shipments take between 7 and 20 business days ".Regarding this topic, here is another Pro Tip, monitors the service of the Post Offices of Mexico, since some are faster with their shipments.

Returning with deliveries, unfortunately insecurity is an important issue to consider when establishing them.“Try to choose known places where you feel comfortable, also that they are close to your home or that they are central.Another thing is that you completely take control of these.You put the place of delivery, here your security is first ”, they already listened to Viri, Chilangos, the security above all.Other points to consider are:


The mere good arrived.The costs of costs to get your sale price are not as terrifying as they seem, just get the shot with including all your expenses, since you must add them all so as not to have small money leaks."Keep in mind that this is a real business.Add what you spend on transfers, packaging, water and cleaning products you use, electricity and even iron, also your time.Ayñ!Let's not forget adhesive tape and cinnamon, the boxes for shipments and other belongings ”.

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As parents have infinite wisdom, Viri shares a recommendation that his own gave him “the first months did not receive any salary, everything stayed in Days MX or in expenses.My dad told us that it was not a business, that we needed to set a salary even if it was small and add it to the costs, so you can better control income, remunerate your work and have a fixed percentage for reinvestment ”.

Your neighborhood supports you

With all these steps you are ready/or to sell second -hand clothes and open your store, Neni Yay!But we will not sing victory, since it is necessary to position it.Initial you will not be known for anyone, since it is a new store, so you will need all the support of your neighborhood - to.k.a.Your family and friends—."At the beginning you will have a like.No one told us, we forced our boyfriends and family to interact in all the publications of Days MX, nor do we say sales, we sold very little and we did not believe that we could live on this ”.

Patience and perseverance is very important, also the constancy, so try to post frequently, keep your followers of what happens with your bazaar.“Show the human side, even if it is to tell them that the vaccine hit you hard and you will postpone the update.These interactions create empathy ".You without fear of anything, baby, show yourself real.

Remember to believe in you and your project, “Do not stop you what they will say.Do not feel less because you are a lawyer and you have a little store, nobody has interference in your decisions.You have to believe it or will not work, talk about your project to fatigue.Fake it ‘til you make it,” adds Viri.Your support network is crucial to public.

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Now, with these recommendations you can get around with Tokyo to sell second -hand clothes.That the fear of failure does not stop you, who does not risk, does not win.Giddy Up!



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