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This is what you must have before your baby is born.


A complete and practical clothing for the newborn facilitates the daily routine of newborn care on issues such as health and hygiene

Carolina Pinedo

A newborn baby has many needs, such as time and intimacy for mother and child to adapt and meet in order to establish a link that conveys security and love to the baby. But the newborn also needs other more earthly care and a successful apparel can facilitate the daily routine of issues such as hygiene or food. A basket to receive the baby at home may contain a wide variety of objects, from diapers to a teddy bear, but what should not be missing, according to the two proposals of pediatricians, Gonzalo Galicia Poblet, of the Pediatrics Service of the University Hospital of Guadalajara and associate professor of the Department of Medicine and Medical Specialities of the University of Alcal

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  1. Cojín de lactancia para facilitar la colocación del bebé y la comodidad de la madre a la hora de tomar el pecho.
  2. Sacaleches (con recipientes aptos para conservar la leche extraída).
  3. Fular de porteo (con clase incluida sobre su manejo).
  4. Un CD de música clásica (o al menos suave).
  5. Un vale para vacunas no financiadas. “No todas las vacunas están financiadas y las dosis que hay que administrar no son baratas. No hay mejor regalo que la salud”, comenta Gonzalo Galicia Poblet, del Servicio de Pediatría del Hospital Universitario de Guadalajara y profesor asociado del Departamento de Medicina y Especialidades Médicas de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
  6. Esponja vegetal.
  7. Toalla de algodón con capucha. Tras el baño, el aceite corporal de origen vegetal también es útil para evitar la sequedad de la piel y favorecer el masaje corporal.
  8. Cepillo suave par la cabeza.
  9. Body o pijama de algodón. Es recomendable que toda la ropa que se incluya sea de algodón.
  10. Gorro suave.
  11. Un libro con consejos sencillos sobre cuidados del bebé y soluciones a cuestiones habituales que suelen alarmar a los padres, sobre todo primerizos.
  12. Toquilla de algodón (Muselina).
  13. Pañales.

As a final pin to this basket option for the newborn baby, provided by pediatrician Gonzalo Galicia, this doctor adds "time and tranquillity for the mother and the child; without interference, avoiding visits as far as possible during the baby's first month of life to give privacy to the family. The child needs contact with his or her mother and father, preferably skin with skin and an environment that facilitates a good breastfeeding establishment, if the mother so decides. In the event of visits, it is recommended that they be very short and avoid separating the child from his or her mother. "

Esto es lo que debes tener antes de que nazca tu bebé

For his part, the pediatrician of the hospital 12 October, Ivan Carabaño, would add to this basket:

In addition to adequate accessories, it is important to take into account guidelines that guarantee the safety, health and well-being of the baby, such as those pointed out by the pediatrician, Ivan Carabaño:


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