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What if we dress in Holy Week according to liturgical colors?

Don't worry if you didn't get dressed yesterday for Palm Sunday

It is not a norm of the Church, much less, but since clothing is also a form of language for religion, I found it interesting to tell them why priests wear different colors during Holy Week (and perhaps we also encourage us to accompany them too in this).

The colors in the liturgy are a way to connect visually with the type of event or celebration that the Church is carrying out.But the choice of each one was not randomly, much less, each color has a deep meaning.

The first Pope who "made it official" was Innocent III in the thirteenth century, who spoke of four colors: green, red, black and white.Subsequently, in 1570, pink and purple were added, as well as gold and silver for special occasions.

Holy Wednesday: Purple

¿Y si vestimos en Semana Santa según los colores litúrgicos?

Many people use it for their association to the Nazarene.As in Lent, color represents sacrifice, penance and humility.

As the purple is also associated with mourning, it is a color that invites you to pick you, reflect, pray and regret.It is a call to conversion and preparation.

In addition, we must not forget that it was the color of the mantle that Jesus carried when he was proclaimed "King of the Jews."

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Holy Thursday: White

As is the day that the chrism is celebrated, white is used for its purity and the relevance of the communion of the priests with the bishop and the preparation of the oils that will be used the rest of the year.

In addition, it is a symbol of joy, peace and celebration, since it was the day that the Eucharist and the priesthood was established.

Good Friday: Red

Formerly, black was used on this date, but after the Second Vatican Council, red was established.

This color is used in all the feasts of the Passion of Christ and the martyrs for its similarity to blood and fire.Also, as is the color of the heart, it symbolizes the sacrifice of love of God.

Resurrection Sunday: White / Gold

On this day, more than purity, white is synonymous with life, light, joy and glory.Given the solemnity of the date, the gold or the combination of both is also allowed.

The metallic tone symbolizes that on Sunday of resurrection is the "king" of all dates.

So, as you change your wardrobe when you pass from winter to spring, the church also changes its sacred clothing when it passes from one holiday to another.

It is a sign of recognition and respect.However, he remembers that the change in clothing should not only be superficial, it also implies a change in attitude and an introspection exercise.

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