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Honeymoon for the 'pelayo generation' of the PSPV

The essence of this current is born - or at least it becomes relevant - in May 2012. José Muñoz, after a stage at the head of Joves Socialistes de València Ciudad with the today ViceAlcaldesa Sandra Gómez as Deputy Secretary General, became an autonomic leader with a 98% of the votes.Five years later, being already autonomous deputy, Puig decided in the 13th National Congress to rise to PSPV's secretary replacing Alfred Boix, who also supported the appointment.

Precisely, the first joy for the 'Pelayo Generation' in this week of successes was to know, shortly before the Congress held in Benidorm, that the PSPV leader decided to renew confidence in Muñoz to continue holding the important area of organization.It was the prelude to other milestones for the youngest of the party: Sandra Gómez was chosen as president of the party congress;Ana Domínguez was appointed Deputy Secretary General of Equality and PSPV spokesman;The mayor of the Vall d'Uixó, Tania Baños, entered as Secretary of Electoral Action;The councilor of Valencia Borja Sanjuán was located in front of studies and programs, and the mayor of Gandia, José Manuel Prieto, became Secretary of Culture and Linguistic Policy.All of them young referents of the orbit 'Pelayo'.

Luna de miel para la 'Generación Pelayo' del PSPV



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