Homemarriage → Jumping cracks

Jumping cracks

In power relations any false step can cost an exit, even a grave (figuratively or not).Something that seems oblivious to those who for the first time we will enter those dynamics, it is much more everyday than we can imagine.

Suppose that, because of the children, things in a couple tense.On the one hand, the parenting policy should be intolerant of respect and apply punishments.On the other, before an insult, you have to open a dialogue channel to know where the bad words come from and apply psychology.For both cases, hormones do not recognize psychotherapy.And both theses can fail.If so, the positions face in order not to recognize a defeat.Or it can happen that we insist on our thesis until we wear out, consume us and endessly end up overflowing.

The overflows of governments bring fatal consequences for themselves, but very positive for those who experience them (a pot that had been boiling the water too long and finally explodes).The outbreaks leave scars.There are links that break and with just reason they cannot repurchase.That is why we cannot take steps in false.This also happens in the family nucleus.When the positions are found, and given the frustration of being understood an overflow, the consequences are fatal: you are homeless, homeless and, worst of all, without family.

Saltando grietas

How to return to the golden years of the endless party?How to meet again?Where were the squares, the parks, the bike paths, the spaces that were of all and ours?

The beginning is always beautiful.But the honeymoon comes with expiration date.It is there where the conviction that led us to commit ourselves to a life and world project becomes a rescue.In prosperity and adversity.On the street and in Congress.

In a society where the emotions of the moment are paving roads full of cracks it is complex to remember that initial moment or that goal that made us dream, which made us fly.It is difficult not to hold on to the honeymoon, the temptation is to hide the defects under the carpet and cover the errors raising the Chilean flag.

But, just as love, history is also cyclical.Today I want to believe that the new gaps, the directions and winds of changes, will permeate all the edges of life.A second air, they say.Or maybe, new lungs.

Camila MusanteAbogada y activista ecofeminista. Diputada electa por el Distrito 14.


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