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Legal controversies of the food pension and the compensatory pension in civil law


Yo.The food pension

YoYo.The food pension en hijos mayores de edad

YoYoYo.Extinction of the Food Pension

YoV.The compensatory pension




Next we will carry out an analysis of the food pension, making special emphasis on the food pension in the children of legal age, a topic that is of great interest in the absence of regulation of the temporal limit of the food obligation that holds theparents in front of the children, which results in most cases being jurisprudence who determYoNEs that limit by studying and analyzing the specific case.

Yon the same way, we will also deal with the figure of the compensatory pension, making a brief tour of its concept, regulation and characteristics, highlighting some of the differences and similarities with the food pension, and finally we will see certain aspects that can generate controversy in practicesuch as compensation in case of marriage nullity, or the case of compensatory pension when there is no marriage union.

Yo.The food pension

The food pension is a legal and moral obligation imposed on parents and whose purpose is to meet the needs of their children.

Yon a process of separation or divorce it is essential.With divorce, the dissolution of the marriage bond occurs, but not the relative, so we must be clear that the “duty of the parents to feed the children does not avoid the deteriorated relationships in a situation of rupture that they can maintain them” (1) that is, even producing this breakup, parents keep the obligations on their children, and one of them is the food pension.This is something that the legislator wanted to emphasize in the art.9two cc, saying that "separation, nullity and divorce does not exim.

While it is true, we must bear in mind that the food pension includes both parents, whether or not they are united in marriage, since it is an obligation that derives from the filiation not from the link between the parents, and thus the art is established.108CC "marriage and non -marriage affiliation, as well as the adoptive, supply the same effects, in accordance with the provisions of this code".

Yot is stressed on numerous occasions in jurisprudence, the term "legal obligation", this concept refers to the fact that the father's duty does not arise voluntarily, but that it is produced by imposition of the judge, and it will be precisely thisThe person in charge of determining how much each parent must contribute as the so -called food pension, in addition to who is responsible for adopting all the necessary measures to ensure that the effectiveness of what was agreed (two) and precisely being a legal obligation gives the possibility gives the possibilitythat when it is breached, it can be claimed judicially."The TS qualifies this obligation as the one with the highest ethical content of the legal system" (3) and, therefore, "it is anYoNExcusable duty to fulfill this imperative obligation, of public order and that can be agreed ex officio by the judicial body" (4).

This legal obligation of food is based on what is known as "family solidarity" and that both parents are obliged to provide food to children whether they are minors or of legal age who live in the family home and lack their own income due to causes notattributable to them.This principle has the purpose that children can have a dignified life, which is a fundamental right of everycitizen established in art.10CE.De esta forma no deja de llamar la atención posturas como la del profesor BELTRÁNDE HEREDYoA que señala que en “realidad lo que se tutela es un interés privado, individual, que tiene su fundamento en el derecho a la vida configurado como un "derecho a la personalidad" (5).The same position takes the STS of February two3, two000 that defYoNEs the food debt as “arising between paronys, based on ties of family solidarity, and which is based on the right to life configured as a right of personality,whose conservation this figure tends, therefore, a private and individual legal interest ”.

When talking about food pension, the first thing that attracts attention is the patrimonial character of the benefit, however the obligation to provide food goes far beyond a monthly economic contribution of parents to children, it is a duty that they haveThe parents to ensure the needs of their children and provide them with everything necessary for their correct development and that is why, despite the fact that the child receives a heritage attribution, it does not produce enrichment and as a consequence the quantities cannot be taken into accountassigned to food pension in the collation, art.1041CC."The expenses of food, education (...) will not be subject to collation.We could say then that “the right of food, as long as it is linked to personality, does not have a patrimonial character if we abstractly conceived it as the right to claim help for subsistence if a person will be specified by being committed to his life his life.However, once its content is specified by setting a pension, it becomes a pecuniary obligation and, more exactly, into a value debt ”(6).

Yot is common in society to think that the food pension is only imposed on one of the parents, when the marriage regime that is forced is the monoparental, however the TS has been overwhelming determining that shared custody does not imply that theparents are exempt from the obligation to provide food to their children when there is disproportion between the income of the parents.This is undoubtedly a nuance to consider and this is stated by the STS of March 11, two016, “shared custody does not exempt from food payment when there is disproportion between the income of both parents (art.146 c.civil), since the amount of food will be proportional to the needs of the one who receives them, but also to the flow or means of who gives them ”.

A) RegulaciónJurídica de la pensión de alimentos

The legal regulation of the food pension is found in arts. 14two a 153CC, forma parte del Título VYo que lleva por nombre “De los alimentos entre parientes”, sin embargo a estos artículos debemos añadir el 90 y el93.Next we will initiate a brief tour of these articles with the objective of better understanding the treatment granted by theCivilCode to the Food Pension

Yon the first place we must refer to what we understand by food and this is found in art.14two cc that states that “food is understood.Food also includes the education and instruction of the food ”, thus art form.14twoCCYot follows that the food pension goes beyond a mere subsistence function such as satisfying the most basic needs of the subject (support, room, dress, medium assistance), as it also encompasses a formative and educational function.

TheCC understands that kinship is the basis of the food pension, that is, this obligation will be given among the subjects due to the relationship they have, it will therefore be between father or mother with the son or daughter.This relationship leaves two clearly differentiated subjects on the one hand the feeding person, a person who has the legal and moral obligation to provide food and the food, the one who has the right to receive food and to demand them in case they are not received.The food would be the creditor, that is, the children, regardless of whether they are biological or adopted children because in both cases it is understood that there is filiation (art.108 cc).These children can be older, minor or independent.And the feeding one would be the debtor, that is, the parent.Yon the same way it is understood that this obligation is a matter of public or social interest and, therefore, we place it within family law

The food obligation in addition to being based on family solidarity also has a constitutional foundation, this foundation is found in art.39.1 and 3 EC, which states that “the public authorities ensure the social, economic and legal protection of the family,” and also points out that “parents must provide assistance from all order to children in or outside the marriage, duringHis minority of age and in the other cases in which he legally proceeds ”, is imposed on the parents and public authorities the duty to protect those who are not in a position to fend for himself, being the parental authority the protective institution of the minor byExcellence, and consequently in art.154CCYot is pointed out that it is the duty of who holds the parental authority, feed the children, educate them and seek comprehensive formation.However, from the writing of this article we could deduce that if a father or mother does not hold the parental authority of a child, they do not have that obligation to provide food and with which it could disregard.Well, when we appreciated that we would fall into a serious mistake because the art.110CC points out "the father and mother, even if they do not hold the parental authority, are obliged to watch over the minor children and provide food", something that is reiterated in the art.111 by establishing that although they have been deprived of parental rights "they will always be safe the obligations to watch over the children and provide food".

With which and in conclusion, the parents have as anYoNExcusable duty to provide food to their children, hold the parental authority, and this is because “the protection of the child's interest constitutes a matter of public order.Yon short, it is about ensuring that the fundamental rights of the child are protected and that this happens in a priority and preferential manner to those involved, due to the lack of capacity of the minor to act defending their own interests ”.

B) Relevant aspects and characteristics

The food pension is a very personal right or intuitu persone and this is undoubtedYot is granted precisely to certain people by the link that exists among them, that is, the obligation occurs by virtue of the relationship between feeding and food and, therefore, is based on a personal link that the parent hasWith the child, and hence not only a legal but also moral obligation is speaks, since only the relatives established by law can occupy these positions.The only existing way of disappearing the personal bond that makes sense of the benefit of food between the parent and the son, as well as the state of need of this, is the death of the feeding or food, this being a form of extinction of the extinction of theRight to food contemplated in art.15two cc.

The consequence of this very personal character is that it is intrasmissible and inalienable, since the need for a kinship link to carry out the obligation, means that third parties cannot be part of discretion.Because if we allowed this obligation to be transmitted or renounced to it we would be unprotected, and subtracting importance from such a relevant obligation, such as the coverage of vital needs, that the parent has the duty to carry out with the child, reaching the pointeven to leave it empty of content.The intrasmissibility of the obligation is also imposed by theCC, as it is art itself.Ra.151 who textually prohibits this action, pointing out that the food pension "is not renounceable or transmissible to a third party".

But that the obligation is intrasmissible and inalienable is not the only characteristic that art exposes.151CC, which also points out that the food benefit in the case of obligations between relatives, is not compensable, a measure that undoubtedly reinforces the protection of food to the children, because although they are reciprocally creditor and debtor with each other, the obligation tofood is mandatory, based on the need for food.Yot is precisely this reciprocity of the characteristics of the obligation, this is because the relatives are linked by the family relationship of food, as are reciprocally relatives, they are potentially both creditors and debtors of the food benefit when thelegally contemplated requirements.Because the food benefit is a right that attends those who have a relationship of kinship to demand their relatives food if they by their own hand could not meet their vital needs, with full conviction that they could be those forced to lend them ifThey were in such a tube.

When making a brief tour of the legal texts with the intention of analyzing the figure we are studying, we see that it is regulated in theCC and in other regulations such as theCE of1978, which leaves us another of its characteristics, it is abouta legal obligation.Yof precisely the legislator has been interested in his regulation, it is due to the fact that several very relevant factors have been taken into account, such as the best interests of the minor, and in this specific case the right that the minor has to be fed, but Not only does the child's interest deserve the attention of the legislator, but also the need at the legal age, or beyond the position of the foodist, he has also dealt with the debtor's place and the possibility he presents to deal with the benefit , As established in art.146 cC: “La cuantía de los alimentos será proporcionada al caudal o medios de quien los da y a las necesidades de quien los recibe”.

Consequently and taking into account the amount of the benefit, we could add that it is in addition to an indeterminate and variable obligation, since such amount is specified according to the entity of the heritage of the feeding man and the needs of the food, and will evolve in accordanceThese vary, that is, it is a variable debt, in the same way that the circumstances that were taken into account for their adoption can vary, arts.90 and 91 cc.However, despite the fact that these circumstances vary and the children go from being in a precarious situation of absolute necessity to a much more favorable situation where they no longer need this act of charity of the parent, food does not have a retroactive character and it is because ofThis "cannot be forced to return, in part, perceived pensions, of course consumed in peremptory needs of life" (8).

Another of the relevant aspects and that it is possible that on many occasions it is not known in society is the imprescriptibility of the food benefit.To understand this we must refer to the criteria that determYoNEs the birth of the obligation, which is different if we talk about children minors or of legal age.When the child is a minor, the criterion to take into account is parental authority, in which case, once the 18 -year barrier is over, the food pension is extinguished, yes, unless the now major thanAge will need it for not having enough means to meet their needs, in which case the parent will continuethat the need for the foodist disappears.Likewise, when talking about imprescriptibility we must refer to the fact that for a long time that has elapsed since the necessary conditions to demand the benefit are met, the possibility of being able to claim them will never be lost, since we are talking about an imprescriptible right.But that imprescriptible character of the eating relationship only refers to the right to demand food, but not that of claiming accrued and not satisfied pensions.That is, it does not prescribe the obligation but if the right to claim it, and that there is a deadlYoNE for its claim “has its reason for being in the periodicity of the food obligation and although it is true that the right to demand food is imprescriptible,as results from articles1951 and1933 of theCC, the action to claim the payment of the pensions owed, or back as the art qualifies them.151 of theCivilCode, that is, already accrued and not yet perceived when their fertilizer with an annual or lower periodicity of the annual is five years ”(9).

We could summarize what we have just seen in a very brief way, identifying the obligation as conditional, because for the food pension to be given, certain conditions have to be met, that is, there must be kinship link, to which it will be addedThe element of parental rights at minor or need in the elderly, all prosecuted taking into account the principle of proportionality with the possibility of the obligor.

Another element that stands out in the food obligation is the unattachable character of food credit, we must understand this as a protective measure, because when embarrassing the life of the food, since it is understood that the food pension is necessary forHis subsistence and admitting the sewage would mean condemning the food person in need of indigence or almost death by starvation, however they can be seized within the limit that marks the law.

Finally, to all these previous character.1814CC, when it establishes "you cannot compromise (...) or on future foods".Yon this way, we understand that being an obligation imposed by law, the legislator does not want his destiny to be in the hands of individuals, however there are exceptions and that if individuals can reach an agreement on certain aspects of the obligation, such asfor example the amount or the way in which to make the payment.The purpose of the non -transaction must be found that it is necessary to start from the idea that it cannot be compromised with something that you do not have and also that in case of doing so, it would mean an alleged renouncement of said foods for not needing them, which would make itFood benefit lost all meaning.

YoYo.The food pension en hijos mayores de edad

Although children will always be the main creditors in the food pension, the treatment of the obligation is different depending on whether the child is of age or a minor, because something that can be unknown in society is that the food pension does notYot is extinguished when the children fulfill the age of majority, but also continue until they reach economic "sufficiency", understanding this as the ability of a person to obtain income that allows them to satisfy the vital minimum, with which said right “Yot is perfectly valid as long as the children fulfill the obligations to study and procure a future; since, as we will see, the courts and courts do not usually forget that, when the children reach the age of majority, the parental authority is extinguished , from that moment, they are fully capable - at least from the legal point of view - to make their decisions, which cannot lead to the perpetuation of the alimony ia ”(10).

Draws attention both in jurisprudence and in the precepts that regulate food provision in theCC such as arts.110, 14two.1 and 149, among others, that the legislator refers to minor children, which makes us see that there is a clearly differentiated treatment in terms of children and of legal age in the food pension.Yon this way, if we deepen it is not difficult to realize that the level of protection changes depending on the age of the subject and that said figure reaches maximum protection when talking about minor children.So much so that theCC only refers to the food obligation of the children of legal age expressly in arts.93.two and 14two.two.Yon this way we see that "the art.93 delC.Civil establishes the need for parents to economically serve the food of the children of legal age, if they lacked their own income, reaching those who have not yet finished their training, because they are not attributable to children ”(11), For its part the art. 14two párrafo twoº extiende el contenido de la pensión de alimentos que hemos visto anteriormente, consistente en el sustento, habitación, vestido, asistencia médica, educación e instrucción, gastos de embarazo y parto, también a los mayores de edad.

Por lo tanto y en conclusión, podríamos decir que “los alimentos de los hijos dependientes mayores de edad son una especie dentro del género de los alimentos entre parientes del artículo 14two y siguientes delCódigoCivil, que van a determinarse en función de dos circunstancias: por un lado, la necesidad de convivencia en el domicilio familiar y la situación de crisis matrimonial y por otro, como desarrollaremos más adelante, la capacidad del hijo de demostrar que es merecedor de los mismos, por el esfuerzo y aprovechamiento en el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones y responsabilidades” (1two).

As for the origin of the food obligation in adults we could say that it is a consequence of the change that produced the promulgation of the1978CE in our legal system, since expressly prohibited all discrimination by reason of birth, thus establishingThe equality of all children before the.However, the direct consequence that today the children of legal age can continue enjoying the food pension obtaYoNEd in a sentence of separation or divorce of their parents is the change that introduces into the art.93CC “la Ley 11/1990, de 15 de octubre, que obedece a una cuestión de economía procesal y era reclamada por la doctrina.Before the reform, that minor son who had been receiving food as a result of a separation or divorce was deprived of them when he reached the majority.The debt was extinguished automatically once the 18 years have become independent of the food one or not with its own income.Since the art.93CC era de aplicación sólo a menores de edad, caso de concurrir un estado de necesidad, por falta o insuficiencia de recursos, resultaba indispensable que el hijo, rebasada la mayoría, diera inicio a un nuevo proceso distinto del matrimonial y reclamara alimentos por los cauces ordinarios; debía entonces interponer la demanda contra ambos progenitores, conviviera o no con ellos” (13).

Yon this way, the duty of assistance to the children of legal age is included in the Spanish legal system, since “it is rejectable to consider the elderly as a relative more raising against the nature of the obligation itself, andthat the extinction of parental rights for the mere fact that one of them reaches the age of majority cannot be discrimination between children ”(14).

A) Objective budgets of the food pension: the need and the possibility

There are two budgets that determYoNE the obligation of the food benefit and that supposes the birth of the obligation, one is the need of the food and another.The necessity budget takes on greater notability as they are older children, because while in minor children, it is something that lacks relevance, in adults it is essential when demanding food pension, food pension,Yon this way, if the element of need does not concur, the application will not prosper, that is, “the requirement of necessity - which in minors is presumed - is a budget for the birth of the obligation and also constitutes the final budget that determYoNEs the duration of theObligation ”(15) in children of legal age.

And, consequently, the great doubt arises here when is it understood that there is a need in the elderly son? Well, “the state of necessity is understood as the situation in which everything is impossible to subsistand provide for the elementary demands of life, therefore, to which he cannot face for himself, not only for lack of own means, but for the impossibility of seeking them himself ”(16).The statement that the birth of the obligation occurs since the need is given, is something that has established theCC in the art.148 that says that "the obligation to give food will be enforceable sinceYo will need them, to subsist, the person who has the right to perceive them".However, on this issue there have been controversies, because although it is true that art itself.148 determYoNEs that the birth of the obligation understands since the need occurs, instead clarified that the amounts "will not be paid except from the date on which the demand is filed", this situation "we will have to understand it in the sense that theObligation was born previously (...) More, not mediating voluntary compliance with those who had resources to help a needed relative, it is necessary that this prevails the help of justice.And that the courts set the amount, payment method and the deadlYoNEs on which the pension granted ”(17) will be paid” (17). Esto ha sido recogido por el TS en la Sentencia 1two16/two014, de two8 de marzo, que establece que «De acuerdo con el art.148CC, the sentences that recognize the obligation to provide food produce its effects from the demand.The first paragraph of this provision, after pointing out that they are due from the moment the need for the food one, adds that "they will not be paid but from the date on which the demand is filed".Yon this way we conclude by saying that consequently with what was seen and argued by jurisprudence, “food is required since the cause of food of the foodist concurs.They must be paid from the date of filing the demand and payment will be verified for anticipated months.When the food player dies, his heirs will not be obliged to return what he had received in advance ”(18).

The basis of the food pension in the children of legal age is understood as the duty that the father has to protect the life of the need, however the element of need is a relative and indeterminate concept that the judge must assess the judge attending to the caseconcrete, that is, studying and analyzing the individual circumstances of the food. Es por ello que los tribunales en sus sentencias han llevado a cabo una interpretación de lo que entienden por necesidad, interpretaciones que en determinados aspectos llaman bastante la atención debido a la dureza de los términos utilizados, es el caso de la SAP Madrid de 11 de marzo de two016 que señala que “la obligación alimenticia encuentra fundamento en que un familiar cercano se encuentra en estado de penuria, necesidad o pobreza que precisa de otros que cuentan con medios económicos suficientes para atender su subsistencia”, o la STS two3 de febrero de two000, que sigue la misma línea en su fundamento jurídico primero diciendo que “El referido artículo148 delCódigoCivil regula la figura doctrinalmente conocida como «deuda alimentaria», que puede definirse como la que afecta a una persona, llamada alimentante, que resulta obligada a prestar a otra, llamada asimismo alimentista, lo indispensable para cubrir todas sus necesidades perentorias, o dicho con palabras legales, las necesidades mínimas para subsistir”. Sin embargo teniendo en cuenta lo establecido en elCódigoCivil, entiendo que si bien es cierto que debe concurrir el requisito de necesidad, no es obligatorio que para otorgar la pensión que el alimentista este en un estado necesariamente de pobreza rozando incluso la indigencia, pues en mucha ocasiones se otorga la pensión alimenticia porque el hijo necesita continuar con sus estudios, estando este plenamente implicado, con lo cual no existe aquí una situación de penuria o de pobreza, es el caso de la SAP Pontevedra de 30 de diciembre de two011, que sostiene que, “respecto de la pensión de alimentos a favor de las hijas mayores de edad, no procede su extinción, pues no ha variado la situación de las mismas desde que se decretó el divorcio.The ProvincialCourt points out that one of the daughters has proven that he continues to study, which alternates with sporadic and precarious jobs.The sister of the same is currently unemployed ".

Something fundamental to keep in mind is that this need is not created by the malicious behavior of the child himself, because “the person who does not meet his needs, that is, the one who may do not obtain, resources to attend to attend to attendThe satisfaction of the needs in question, although (…) would not suffice the mere subjective possibility of doing a job, since the effectiveness of exercising a trade, profession or industry will not depend solely on the physical and intellectual capacity of thePerson in need, but should also be valued from an objective perspective, that is, there is a concrete, immediate and effective possibility to do it ”(19).This is undoubtedly a brilliant definition, which shows that it is no longer only enough for the childmoment in which the process is carried out are optimal to find work, that is, the current time in which the food player unfolds will be taken into account.

Para obtener una visión de la situación actual de empleo acudimos a lapina oficial del instituto nacional de estadística (two0) y nos percatamos de que tal y como señala la última encuesta de población activa correspondiente al 1º trimestre del two0two0, el paro se sitúa en el 14,41% de la población activa, pero un total de 3two,99% a nivel nacional para los jóvenes de entre 16 y two5 años y llega a aumentar hasta el39,30% en laComunidad Autónoma deCanarias, lo que indica la dificultad que ostentan los jóvenes para acceder al mercado laboral hoy en día, y cuya consecuencia directa es, o bien que no tengan trabajo, o que a pesar de que el alimentista realiza un oficio, este no le otorgue el beneficio necesario que le permita cubrir sus necesidades vitales y, por lo tanto, deba solicitar la prestación de alimentos.And that is why, in addition to what was said that the judge must analyze the specific case, said benefit must adapt to the different vicissitudes of the food situation, as established in the art.147CC when it says that foods "will be reduced or increased proportionally, depending on the increase or decrease suffered by food needs".

However, to avoid social parasitism, it has been determYoNEd that it is not necessaryThe needs of the children must be taken into account, we must not forget that we must also examYoNE the economic possibility of the feedinghis own subsistence and that of his family nucleus.Therefore, the amount of the obligation must be based on the principle of proportionality, between the needs of the child and the possibilities of the father, as established by the art.146 cC diciendo que “La cuantía de los alimentos será proporcionada al caudal o medios de quien los da y a las necesidades de quien los recibe”.Dicho juicio de proporcionalidad “corresponde a los tribunales que resuelven las instancias y no debe entrar en él el TS a no ser que se haya vulnerado claramente el mismo o no se haya razonado lógicamente” (two1).

Controversias jurídicas de la pensión de alimentos y la pensión compensatoria en elDerechoCivil

However, when studying the possibility of the feedback as a budget for compliance with the obligation, the great difference between the subject of the subject relies.While if the child is a minor, we must opt for him regardless of the needs of the father, so that the father must minimize his needs and ensure those of his son. Al tratarse de hijos mayores hay que buscar un equilibro entre la necesidad del hijo y la del progenitor, esto es algo que refleja la STS two511/two017 de twotwo de junio, diciendo que “pues al ser menores, más que una obligación propiamente alimenticia, lo que existe son deberes insoslayables, inherentes a la filiación, con independencia de la mayor o menor dificultad que se tenga para darle cumplimiento o del grado de reprochabilidad en su falta de atención.Achieved the age of majority by children, the food obligation is maintaYoNEd, although it no longer unconditionally but conditioned to certain circumstances of coexistence and lack of resources and with a different economic content ”.

Something that attracts attention is the exhaustive regulation in the alimony of minor children in contrast with the very low way in which the child is of age, leaving the legislator to the prudent arbitration of the judge the regulation.De esta forma, el profesor YoGNACYoO APARYoCYoO resuelve diciendo que, a pesar de ello, “En ningún caso lo manifestado puede dar lugar a interpretaciones erróneas en virtud de las cuales el derecho de alimentos suponga establecer categorías entre los hijos –de primera división si son menores, y de segunda división si son mayores de edad–; sino que se trata de que, teniendo el hijo mayor plena capacidad de obrar y de tomar decisiones, sea consecuente con su estatus jurídico de mayoría de edad y tienda de forma natural a la independencia económica, sin perjuicio de que haya que ser más o menos riguroso en función de la edad o de la situación del mercado laboral” (twotwo).

Yonterestingly resolved as despite the great protection granted in the legal system to the alimony, there is no regulation that justifies that the parent must sell his assets to deal with the obligation of food and thus meet the needs of his child.Yon the same way, it is striking that there is also no regulation in which the parent is forced to work, in case it does not do so and therefore cannot take charge of the benefit, or to change their jobs, in case his professionDo not be paid enough to fulfill your obligations.

When talking about this hypothesis there may be people who see it as something crazy, to demand a feeder to work to fulfill their obligations and thus be able to meet the needs of their children, however in practice, this situation that is not regulatedYot is the amparo for much parents, who decide to take advantage of it and thus commit fraudulent acts.Well, art.148CC, it establishes that food is required since the foodist will need them, which is why if the feeding man does not have a good relationship with the food, once the demand is filed or even before if he has knowledge of the need of this, he decidesvoluntarily placed in the impossibility of providing food, for example leaving their work and receiving the unemployment benefit, in such a way that it proves impossibility of providing food for lacking the necessary resources for its own subsistence or that of your family.However, there is no apparently jurisprudence that justifies this act, since it is such a common situation, as difficult to demonstrate.

For everything seen and in summary, we must not forget that the alimony of the children is based on the criteria of the need, and must be met both to the effective needs of these, and to the economic means available to the obligor.Yon this way, the relationship between the parent's need and the possibility of the debtor leaves a clear result, relativity, because the judge has to examYoNE the specific case and that theCC does not establish fixed and immutable criteria, which would be unthinkableYon mind that each case is different, it makes the prudent arbitration of the judge the decision, and this is the reason for several judicial controversies.That is why, for example, that the sentences that determYoNE the amount of food pensions do not produce the effect of res judicata, since it is an entirely reviewable decision when the objective budgets to which its existence owes, that is to say, that is,, when the circumstances change either in the position of the feeding or food.This review, according to art.147CC, can consist of both the increase and decrease in pension.

B) Temporary limitation of the alimony in the children of legal age

When reaching the age of majority there is a full capacity to act and with it the personal and economic independence of the children is assumed, however it is not always so, because if we must be clear, it is that the age of majority does notYot is a reason for the extinction of the food benefit, and they must therefore the parents, continue with their obligations until the criterion of necessity in the elderly disappears.

The legislator has not established either in theCC, nor in any other law a limit by virtue of which the elderly reaches the total economic independence of their parents, nor have they regulated the moment when it is understood that the children have completedtheir academic training, in such a way that they can exercise a profession or trade and cover their needs themselves.Debido a esta falta de regulación se ha que prolongado la dependencia paterna en los hijos mayores, convirtiéndose este en un fenómeno característico de nuestra sociedad, es lo que algunos expertos ya conocen como “parasitismo social”, pues es habitual encontrarse a los alimentistas en una posición similar a la que ocupaban cuando eran menores de edad y suele ser habitual también que esa posición sea consecuencia de su desidia, lo que ha supuesto que “la jurisprudencia haya ido endureciendo progresivamente su postura en estas situaciones, al entender que la opción del hijo mayor de edad que libremente decide continuar su formación y postergar su entrada en el mundo laboral no ha de ser soportada a toda costa por el progenitor, cuya situación económica ha venido a peor fortuna” (two3).

This issue has deserved great attention by the courts, since the period of time between the moment in which the age of majority and that of economic independence by the child is sometimes excessive and disproportionate, for whatboth the main question will be to determYoNE whether or not that occurs by the child's own will.Yot is precisely because of these types of problems that certain territories that have a regional right have chosen to regulate and determYoNE the age limit for the food pension of the parents to their children.This the case of Aragon, which in art.69 of theCode of Foral Law of Aragon establishes a wording similar to that of the well -known art.93.3CC, but introduces a novelty in the second section by stating that "the duty referred to in the previous section will be extinguished when the son turns twenty -six (...)" ". Fuera del derecho aragonés, las audiencias provinciales han intentado, en múltiples ocasiones, fijar un límite de edad de forma expresa en torno a los veinticinco o veintiséis años, tal y como se recoge en la SAP Soria de 3 de marzo de two010 (two4) que considera, en un intento de congeniar “el favor progenitoris con el favor filii” la edad de two6 años como momento en el que se acredita que los hijos han terminado sus estudios y están en condiciones de acceder al mercado de trabajo.

ORna vez visto esto surge la duda, ¿por qué no se ha establecido un límite en elCC que determYoNE cuando los hijos mayores de edad pierden el derecho a la pensión de alimentos? Pues la razón principal a la que llega la doctrina es que cada situación es distinta y con lo cual establecer un límite podría ser una solución injusta en muchos casos, de igual forma lo establece en cierto modo la STS de 6 de noviembre de two019, al resaltar que no existe ningún precepto que establezca una edad objetivable, sino que se habrá de estarse a las circunstancias de cada caso. Si bien es cierto no establecer un límite además de la multitud de procesos judiciales que genera, conlleva a que se produzcan en muchos casos un abanico de respuesta por parte de los tribunales bastante extenso, así lo recoge la STS 558/two016, de two1 de septiembre, al señalar que “la ley no establece ningún límite de edad y, de ahí, que el casuismo a la hora de ofrecer respuestas sea amplio en nuestros tribunales, en atención a las circunstancias del caso y a las socioeconómicas del momento temporal en que se postulan los alimentos!. Esto es sin duda algo a destacar, pues que existan tantas resoluciones distintas pero con elementos similares entre sí, genera en muchos casos confusión, con lo cual “la necesidad de poner límites cuantitativos a la pensión de alimentos no puede ser obviada, especialmente en los últimos años de crisis económica y de empleo, cuya consecuencia más visible ha sido el retraso en la entrada de los jóvenes en el mercado de trabajo, lo que hace que con frecuencia sea difícil fijar una edad concreta como límite temporal de las obligaciones de alimentos” (two5).

The direct consequence of not establishing a limit, is that in numerous cases it is the feeding. A pesar de no establecer un límite de edad de manera general para todos los casos, sí es posible establecer un límite temporal al caso concreto, cuando se dé por ejemplo falta de aprovechamiento de los estudios, así lo establece la STS 95/two019, de 14 de febrero, argumentando “la motivación de la limitación de la pensión alimenticia a un año, por su falta de aprovechamiento de los estudios es suficiente, pues se acredita que lleva tres años matriculado en el mismo curso de Bachillerato”.The foundation of the limitation in this case reminds us that we are not faced with an unconditional obligation when we talk about children who have exceeded the age of majority.De igual forma, se admitirá la limitación temporal cuando exista un interés por parte del hijo en sus estudios pero haya accedido al mercado laboral “para ayudar a los gastos” (two6) pero con un trabajo precario y también cuando se hubiera puesto fin a la etapa de formación pero estuviera el hijo buscando la “consolidación de sus opciones de trabajo” (two7).On the contrary, the temporary limitation would not proceed and the parent must continue with his obligation for an indeterminate period when it is estimated that the moment of economic independence of these children of legal age does not have an near date, but is very far away, because it is stillYon training, without a date of access to the labor market being determYoNEd, although it is true if something makes this jurisprudential analysis clear is that everything will depend on the circumstances of the concrete assumption.

En general, podríamos decir que los límites de la prestación de alimentos residen en las causas de extinción de los mismos, entendiendo por tanto que el tribunal optara por poner fin a la obligación cuando se de esas causas, sin embargo en la práctica existen situaciones mucho más complejas y que requieren un estudio completo y exhaustivo por parte de los tribunales y por ello si algo sacamos en claro de este epígrafe debe coincidir con lo expresado por el profesor RYoNCÓN ANDREOR, cuando estableció que “se desprende con claridad que no hay en la norma un límite temporal fijando una edad en la que cesa la obligación de alimentos al hijo, sino que la clave es la culminación de una independencia económica del hijo mayor de edad que le permita una autonomía personal”.The TS doctrYoNE is also very clear about it, providing as criteria that food to children do not extinguish themselves by the age of majority, but that the obligation extends until they reach economic "sufficiency", as long as the needYot has not been created by the son's behavior (STS, no. 547/two014 de10 octubre) (two8).

YoYoYo.Extinction of the Food Pensiona

Despite the relevant nature of the food benefit and being an unavoidable obligation, because one of the interests at stake is consequently the life of the child, it may be that there are circumstances that generate their extinction.Yon this way, once the food pension is seen in adults and after being clear that today reaching the age of majorextinction of this benefit, which are regulated in arts.150 y15two cc, de los cuales se desprende que la prestación alimenticia cesará: con la muerte del alimentante o alimentista; con la pobreza del alimentante; con la posibilidad del alimentista para desarrollar su profesión o cuando no necesitara los alimentos; así como cuando este concurra en una causa de desheredación o la necesidad que fundamente la prestación sea consecuencia de su mala fe.

While children are minors and as a consequence of the protection of the child's life and their basic needs, the food pension is unconditional, because we have seen throughout the present study the foundation of the food benefit in the childrenminors is parental rights.On the contrary, when fulfilling the age of majorYot can otherwise be the death of the food or the feeding. Este es sin duda otro ejemplo de la diferencia de criterio existente entre hijos menores y mayores de edad que venimos estudiando, donde los hijos mayores gozan de un régimen jurídico mucho más reducido y por lo tanto una menor protección, pues hasta tal punto resulta relevante, que incluso determinando que el hijo menor tiene sus capacidades cubiertas, sin necesidad de la prestación alimenticia, al fundamentarse en los menores por la patria potestad, la suficiencia de recursos por parte del propio menor no provoca la extinción de la prestación por indebida, aunque si puede esta suspenderse de forma temporal, así lo ha establecido el TS en el FJ 1º de la sentencia de two4 de octubre two008:

“… To suspend the eating pension established in favor of the youngest daughter of the marriage in the separation judgment during the time in which the beneficiary receives the scholarship that was recognized by the Spanish Federation of Gymnastics (...) as long as the minority remainsof age and the current way of life of the child (...) and being also indisputable that in addition to such economic allocation, the child has almost total the food and accommodation expenses, in charge of the corresponding federative body, in charge of the corresponding federative body,The suspension (non -suppression) of the pension recognized during the time in which those same circumstances subsist ”is justified”.

However, seeing this decision adopted by theCourts, doubts may arise as to what the duration of the scholarship should be or under what conditions the suspension will be agreed.Well, “in the face of this modification of food by the granting of a scholarship or temporary work, it should be claimed that jurisprudence has been demanding as requirements to estimate that there is a substantial variation of the circumstances that the expressed alteration is not merely conjunctural, offering, on the contrary, characteristics of a certain permanence, for having a definitive character or being at least of a certain duration, so that the modification will not be granted if it is merely episodic variations. Y en este caso, se accede a una reducción o una suspensión partiendo de una situación temporal” (two9).

For the parent request the suppression of the pension must prove that the circumstances that were used at the time to determYoNE the provision established in the ARTs.90 and 91 cc han cambiado, solicitando ante el juzgado de familia la modificación de medidas, siempre y cuando, eso sí, se de una de las causas que nos encontramos analizando en el presente epígrafe, asumiendo dicho progenitor la carga de la prueba.

Regarding the death of the foodist as a cause of extinction of the provision regulated in the art.150.1 y 15two.1CC, we must make clear that the kinship link is extinguished and with which there is no more clarification than the obligation, as we have seen, is based on parental authority or later on the need of the elderly son, of suchform that when they die and look extinguished both two, the obligation is also extinguished.Yof, on the contrary, the one who dies is the feeding.Yon the same way, it is important to make it clear that in the event that the feedback dies and the food continues a state of necessity, the death of the feeding party implies the birth of a new food right to the other obligors that result from applying the order ofpreference provided for in art.144CC, although yes, in the case of an obligation different from the previous.

The extinction of the benefit will occur in the same way "when the food can exercise a trade, profession or industry, or have acquired a destination or improved fortune, so that the alimony is not necessary for its subsistence" (30) (30).Yon this case, the pension is suppressed when the criterion of necessity disappears, although it is true “according to jurisprudence, it is not enough that the food player obtains any income through his work or industry, since it must be such a relevant enrichment that heallow to dispense with the perception of the food pension ”(31).Yot is, therefore, necessary that the incorporation into the new job occurs with minimal guarantees of stability, so it would not be very viable to request the suppression of the obligation when the food has found a temporary or precarious work, generating sporadic incomeor insignificant with which it is impossible to cover their needs, something that usually happens in our current society, and that reflects what we have been dealing with, the difficulty of young people to access employment.

However, this cause can occur by the will of the foodist, due to its inclusion in the work world, or it can occur involuntarily and fortuitously, for example through a prize in play of chance or be a beneficiary of an inheritance, in such a way thatThe feedback will prove that the obligation that has been holding is not necessary for the support of his parent and therefore will be extinguished.

Si existe algo innegable y que no podemos dejar de lado es que si los jóvenes ostentan dificultad, lo mismo ocurre con los mayores de 45 años, quienes tras haber perdido un empleo se encuentran con una situación verdaderamente complicada para acceder a otro, por lo que “es evidente que si alimentante y alimentista tuviesen la misma capacidad, las mismas posibilidades y las mismas aptitudes para generar recursos económicos, o ambos sufriesen el mismo nivel de precariedad, nos encontraríamos ante un supuesto en el que claramente procedería la extinción de la pensión” (3two).

This assumption is regulated in the art. 15two.twoCC que entiende como causa de supresión de la prestación “Cuando la fortuna del obligado a darlos se hubiere reducido hasta el punto de no poder satisfacerlos sin desatender sus propias necesidades y las de su familia”. Para que el alimentante vea su obligación extinguida, en referencia a esta, deberá probar que sus recursos son insuficientes y que no puede hacer frente a la obligación de alimentos afectando gravemente a sus interés y sus propias necesidades por cumplir con la prestación, STS 30 de abril de two013.Yon this way, we understand that it is not necessary that the decrease in fortune is total, occupying an absolute poverty position, but it is enough that its own subsistence and that of its family nucleus are endangered.

Sin embargo, a pesar de que elCC habla de extinción, en la práctica se opta en numerosas ocasiones por la suspensión temporal de la prestación, de tal forma que la obligación se retomaría al mejorar las condiciones del alimentante y así en consecuencia pudiera este hacerse cargo de la obligación sin descuidar su propia vida, de esta forma se pronuncia el TS en la Sentencia 111/two015, two de marzo, donde señala que:

“Estamos, en suma, ante un escenario de pobreza absoluta que exigiría desarrollar aquellas acciones que resulten necesarias para asegurar el cumplimiento del mandato constitucional expresado en el artículo39CE y que permita proveer a los hijos de las presentes y futuras necesidades alimenticias hasta que se procure una solución al problema por parte de quienes están en principio obligados a ofrecerla, como son los padres”.

The basis of this decision must be found that due to respect for public order and the interest of the child, the obligation of the feeding man cannot be suppressed, but to establish his suspension until he is in a position to provide it.The controversial in this case by temporarily limiting a benefit, is on the one hand the time chosen by the courts and on the other to “set specific limits that allow to reverse this situation while, during the time of suspension, avoid accommodation to the situation of the situation of theinsolvent parent and urge active behavior in search of income (such as job search or demand for social aid and benefits that may correspond) that allow to meet their obligation with respect to children ”(33).

Si bien es cierto vuelve a reflejarse en este punto una vez más en la jurisprudencia la diferencia de criterio dependiendo de la edad del alimentista, pues la medida de la suspensión suele utilizarse en mayor medida con los menores de edad, pues al hablar de alimentistas mayores de 18 años se suele elegir la extinción frente a la suspensión temporal, es el caso de la STS de two de diciembre del two015 (RJ two015, 53two7), donde se impone la suspensión de la prestación a un hijo de twotwo años ante la necesidad extrema de su padre.

The last two assumptions of extinction regulated in theCC are characterized because the obligation is ended due to causes attributable to the foodist, the first is that the food company commit some fault that gives rise to disinheritance is regulated in the art. 15two.4 And this precept refers to the rules that treat disinheritance specifically arts. 756, 85two, 853, 854 y 855CC, entre ellas se encuentran por ejemplo haber negado los alimentos al padre o haberle maltratado de obra o injuriado gravemente de palabra.Yot is considered, therefore, that if there is any of these causes of disinheritance or indignity to happen, the food player loses his right to claim food in front of the person on whom he had committed the fault, and in accordance with this we must knowthat “the cause of disinheritance alleged as a cause of food extinction or as a cause that would prevent the establishment of a pension, must be fully accredited, in attention also to its own foundation, which is none other than to prevent a person from being a personbe legally obliged to provide food to another who has had regarding a socially reproachable behavior or behavior and whose reproach collects the law as a sanction to the subject that in principle has the right, depriving him of it, avoiding the maintenance of a burden or obligation thathas lost its foundation or reason ”(34).Of all the causes deserves special attention due to the jurisprudential change, the healthcare abandonment, allowing to disinherit by psychological abuse to those descendants who disregarded them during the last years of their life (35).

The last of the assumptions contemplated by the art. 15two.5CC determYoNEs that the extinction of the benefit will occur “when the food player is a descendant of the obligatory to give food, and the need of that one comes from misconduct or lack of application to work” in this sense it is possible that the food man sees extinguishedYots benefit when it does not show interest in the completion of your studies or to join the labor market, although it is true that in practice all the elements concur, in most cases it has tried not to opt for the extinction of theprovision, and adopt a less harmful measure such as the temporary limitation of the benefit supporting its argument in arts. 14two, 146 y15two cc.

Beyond the causes regulated in arts.150 y15two cc, una de la circunstancias que suponen la supresión de la pensión alimenticia es cuando se produce un cambio de domicilio del hijo mayor de edad.Son who at a certain moment begins to live permanently with the non -custodian parent who exercised the work of food, therefore leaving coexistence with the other parent either voluntarily or by agreement between the parents.“This new scenario implies that the expenses of maintenance, clothing, medical assistance and education will run, from that moment, on behalf of the parent who now becomes custodian - which, although it does not have attributed the guardian and custody of law, exercises it asFacto ”(36).Yon this case, said parent must address the judge and request the suppression of the food pension, being a necessary requirement for approval by the judge that this change of circumstances is in mind in a regulatory agreement signed by both parents, so if we will proceedHis approval by the judge.On the contrary, when the parents do not agree, such a measure must be approved in judicial resolution when one of the parents initiates the modification of measures.Yon this case, the judicial resolution will collect the suppression or not of the alimony and also in case it proceeds, the obligation of food to the custodian parent until that moment, all taking into account that as we have seen “the pension must beset to cover the needs of the child, and to prevent separation, to suppose a decrease in life led by the same.To this should be added that the economic capacity of both parents must be met to fix it, but always focusing on the needs that the minor has at the time of separation, regardless of the possible modifications that can be carried out in aFuture ”(37).

Another circumstance not regulated in art.15two cc y que supone la extinción de la prestación es la convivencia estable de pareja (SAPCádiz, Sec. 6ª, de two3 de junio de two004; o que el hijo contraiga matrimonio, porque lleva implícita la creación de otra unidad familiar independiente de la paterna que debe proveerse sus propios ingresos y ello pese a que se conviva en el domicilio familiar (SAP Valencia de 7 de julio de two006).While it is true once the causes and consequences in which extinction occur should remember that it is on the contrary, it will not be admitted when the lack of diligence or poor academic use of the studies by the elderly son is not proven (38) or when the elderly suffer from some disorder that makes it difficult to study, as could happen with those diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADHD), personality limit disorder, behavior and anorexia (39) (39) (39).

Once the causes of extinction are seen, something we know and we have been able.150 y15two cc, sin embargo surge la duda ¿qué deberá hacer el alimentista cuando ve que tras superar su mayoría de edad se ha extinguido su prestación? Pues si el alimentista entiende que sigue teniendo derecho a ella, por ejemplo, por seguir estudiando y ser una persona dependiente económicamente y venía recibiendo esa prestación establecida en un procedimiento consecuencia del conflicto entre sus progenitores deberá solicitar alimentos a ambos progenitores pero acudiendo en este caso al procedimiento de reclamación de alimentos entre parientes, teniendo en cuenta que la obligación del padre con el hijo en relación con la pensión de alimentos solo finalizara si coincidiendo con la mayoría de edad, además este es independiente económicamente.

However, there are times when the elderly son who had been receiving an alimony leaves the family home with the purpose of having an independent life, in this case it is assumed that if the son leaves the family home it is because he has enough meansTo afford it and with which the extinction of said pension will then occur, since it is understood that when independence it has the necessary means to fend for itself without the need to depend economically on their parents.Yon this way, the doubt arises, if the child becomes independent and a solo life begins will lose forever the right to food benefit by his parents?, Because the answer is clearly negative, that is, he will not lose that rightbecause subsequent circumstances could occur in the future to place the child in a situation that allows law to arise again the food obligation, such circumstances can be for example a serious illness or the impossibility of working.However, once this happens, the child would no longer request the food pension as he had been receiving, but in this case he will have to claim them through the corresponding food procedure between relatives.

YoV.The compensatory pension

When a marriage crisis occurs, there are children in common, the issues that are considered most important are, the establishment, on the one hand, of the alimony for the children and, on the other, the fixation of a compensatory pension for the spouse moreeconomically disadvantaged by rupture.So far we have limited ourselves to analyzing the alimony of the parents to the children, which as we have seen is included in the obligations between relatives of the arts. 14two y ssCC, y es por ello que a continuación llevaremos a cabo un breve estudio de la pensión compensatoria.

A) Su regulación en elCódigoCivil

The compensatory pension and its incorporation into the legal system has its origin in Law 30/1981 ofJuly 7, which introduces an art wording.97CC donde se definía dicha figura como una pensión no alimenticia, es decir sin llegar a nombrar en ningún momento la palabra compensación, “tendrá que ser la vigente Ley 15/two005, de 8 de julio, por la que se modifica elCC y la LEC en materia de separación y divorcio, la que expresamente incorpore el término “compensación” para definir la pensión o prestación a la que va referida” (40).

The legislator is raised an important issue, which consists in granting a solution to the assumptions in which when the marriage breakup occur, a member of the couple is in an unfavorable situation, of worsening, or decreased with respect to their previous state.That is why the compensatory pension arises, which is regulated in art.97CC, which establishes that "the spouse to which the separation or divorce produces an economic imbalance in relation to the position of the other, which implies an worsening in its previous situation in the marriage, will be entitled to compensation (...)".Yon the same way, the jurisprudence itself has ruled on the meaning of this figure saying that the compensatory pension is understood as “an economic benefit in favor of one husband and in charge of the other after the separation or divorce of the marriage, whose recognition basically requires theExistence of a situation of imbalance or economicYoNEquality between spouses (...) and the worsening of less resources regarding the economic situation enjoyed during marriage ”(41).Yon this way, once this is understood that the imbalance must be a consequence of the separation or divorce, that said imbalance must be valued by comparing the situation of both spouses and therefore will be entitled to the pension when this comparison is clearly lootedworsening in one of the spouses in their situation regarding how it was before marriage.

The second part of art.97CC establishes a series of circumstances that the legislator sets so that the judge can more easily assess the situation in each specific case.Yon this way, a first moment when reading art.97Yon full it may seem that the first part of the article requires the imbalance between spouses as a necessary budget and once that budget occurs, there is already entitled to the compensatory pension, using the factors and circumstances indicated in the second part of the article forDetermYoNE its amount, this would be the objectivist thesis:

“On the other hand, subjective theory has been understanding that when prosecuting whether or not it is unbalanced that gives rise to the birth of the pension, not only the economic situation of the spouses must be valued before and after the breakup, but also the circumstances the circumstances the circumstancesPersonal of both, such as duration of marriage, age, health, professional training, dedication to family ... etc.., which are collected in the second paragraph of article97 of theCC and that determYoNE whether or not there is compensable economic imbalance ”.

De esta forma, el TS llega a esta conclusión a través de un análisis exhaustivo de esta cuestión en su Sentencia de19 de enero de two010 para concluir decantándose claramente por la tesis subjetivista que integra los dos párrafos del art.97CC when assessing, in the first place, whether or not there is imbalance and, secondly, the amount of the compensatory pension.This judgment establishes:

“Yot is true, however, that article97CC has resulted in two criteria in its interpretation and application.The one called objectivist thesis, whose virtue, the imbalance affects a spouse with respect to the other, determining a deterioration in relation to the position maintaYoNEd during the marriage by the spouse that will be creditor of the pension;According to this conception of article97 cc, the circumstances listed in the second paragraph of said article would simply be parameters to assess the amount of the already determYoNEd pension.The subjectivist thesis integrates both paragraphs and considers that the circumstances of article97 cc determYoNE whether or not there is compensable economic imbalance through the pension of article97 cc ”.

That is, it has been chosen to validity to the subjectivist thesis that understands that the parameters established in the art.97.two delCódigoCivil “tienen la doble función de actuar como elementos integrantes del desequilibrio, en tanto en cuanto sea posible según la naturaleza de cada una de las circunstancias, y, una vez determinada la concurrencia del mismo, la de actuar como elementos que permitirán fijar la cuantía de la pensión” (4two).This is because points such as number 8 of the art.97.two “El caudal y los medios económicos y las necesidades de uno y otro cónyuge” son esenciales para probar ese desequilibrio, pues para ver si un cónyuge se ha visto desfavorecido o no de manera notoria, debemos tener en cuenta los medios económicos de los cónyuges en el momento de la ruptura matrimonial.

B)Características generales

As for its general characteristics, in the same way we saw in the food pension, the compensatory pension is legal and personal, since it is regulated in theCC and only corresponds to the spouse that the marriage break has caused an imbalance, that is,, is "referring to personal and individual considerations of the creditor" (43).With which we can determYoNE that it is a “relative and circumstantial benefit, because it will depend on the personal, family, labor and social situation of the beneficiary and also conditional, since a modification of the specific circumstances in whichThe pension was granted, analogous to the search clause, can determYoNE its modification or suppression ”(44).

However, something to emphasize is that the compensatory pension is an available right, that is, it has a operative nature, so that said figure when governing by the principle of the autonomy of the will, allows both its claim andYon its own configuration you can renounce it, and this is something that has collected the TS saying that “we are not faced with the norm of imperative law, but (…) of the device law, which can be renounced by the parties, not making it be worth it,With the consequence that the renunciation of the pension made by both spouses of common agreement in a regulatory agreement, or the absence of express petition for the party interested in its demand for separation or divorce, prevent their estimate by theCourt ”(45).De igual forma, conviene recoger la STS 9two3/two008, de 9 de octubre, que destaca entre otras cosa el carácter relativo, condicional y circunstancial y limitado en el tiempo, de dicha figura al señalar en el fundamento de derecho primero que: “la pensión compensatoria no puede entenderse como una especie de renta o pensión vitalicia derivada del matrimonio, sino como un derecho relativo, condicional, circunstancial y limitado en el tiempo salvo casos excepcionales, fijándose a la hora de concretar el plazo de duración en circunstancias tales como el tiempo de duración del matrimonio, su dedicación a la familia y a los negocios familiares, así como su escasa cualificación profesional”.

Finally, in regard to the characters that form said figure, the compensatory pension is drawn to the compensatory pension, while in the food pension we saw that they were enforceable since they were needed by the person who was entitled to them for themsubsist, but nevertheless these would not be paid but from the date on which the demand was filed.Yon the compensatory pension something totally different occurs than the provisions of the art.148.1CC, y es que sólo es exigible desde que la sentencia de separación o de divorcio sea firme y ejecutada, y así lo declara la STC 1two0/1984, de10 de diciembre, en su FJ twoº diciendo que “tales derechos (los regulados en los arts.97 y 98 delCódigoCivil) son conjuntos y simultáneos a la declaración judicial de la disolución del vínculo”.

C) Purpose of the benefit

As for the purpose of the compensatory pension, it is importantYot is neither compensation, nor to get the spouse indefinitely maintain the standard of living it acquired with the marriage. La función principal es simplemente compensar el desequilibro que puede producir en una pareja la separación o divorcio de la misma, así lo establece el TS en el FJ twoº de su sentencia de 5 de octubre de two016:

“The compensatory pension, he argues,« intends to prevent the damage that coexistence can produce exclusively on one of the spouses and for this it will be necessary to consider what has happened during marriage life and basically, the dedication to the family andthe collaboration with the activities of the other spouse;The regime of goods to which the spouses have been subject to while compensating certain imbalances, and even its situation prior to marriage to determYoNE if it has produced an imbalance that generates compensation possibilities ”.

Therefore and in conclusion, we could say that the purpose of this legal figure is to place the spouse harmed in a situation of equal employment and economic opportunities, a situation that could probably have enjoyed if the marriage had not occurred.Yot is therefore a balancing function.

D) The imbalance as a necessary budget

Yof we have no doubt, in order for a compensatory pension to be granted, it is necessary that there be a marriage, with a conjugal coexistence project and its subsequent separation or divorce.However, as the TS has pointed out in numerous sentences, it is not enough to celebrate the marriage so that the compensatory pension can be granted, since it would be meaningless without a common coexistence in which one of the spouses delivers their effortsto the couple or family that form together in a way that is not the economic.

Yon this way, we must be clear that “the general rule is that there is no right to the compensatory pension for any of the spouses, and only exceptionally, when there are concrete circumstances, its concession proceeds.What circumstances are these?Obviously the following:

During the brief exhibition we have made regarding the definition, characters and purpose of the compensatory pension, there is a word that has prevailed, and it is the imbalance. Esto se debe a que el requisito esencial para que se otorgue la pensión compensatoria es, como hemos visto, que exista un desequilibro real entre los cónyuges, de esta forma la STS de17 de julio de two009, señala que debe entenderse el desequilibrio como el “empeoramiento económico en relación a la situación existente constante el matrimonio, y que debe resultar de la comparación entre las condiciones económicas de cada uno de los cónyuges, antes y después de la ruptura”.The jurisprudence has determYoNEd as more important factors the collaboration in activities of another spouse or the dedication to the family, therefore, it is common to see in practice as most compensatory pensions granted are in favor of the spouse that sacrifices its personal life and itsProfessional development for surrendering to the care of children and exercising the work of a "housewife".However, this does not mean that in the event that both spouses obtain income independently, do not have a possibility, in case of nullity, separation or divorce, to request that the court grant a compensatory pension.Well, it is possible that, despite the fact that each spouse receives income, the income of one and the other is clearly disparate, which placed one of the spouses in an unfavorable or worsening situation. Así lo ha establecido la STS de17 de julio de two009, diciendo que:“En principio, la mera independencia económica de los esposos no elimina el derecho de uno de ellos a recibir una pensión, pues a pesar de que cada cónyuge obtenga ingresos, puede haber desequilibrio cuando los ingresos de uno y otro sean absolutamente dispares”.Therefore and in conclusion it is understood that there will be no right to the compensatory pension when both spouses obtain income and are in a balanced situation, although there is a salary difference, but this is not noticeable, because “the compensatory pension is conceived in theLaw as a means to avoid the imbalance produced in one of the spouses by separation or divorce, but this does not imply that it is a means to achieve equalization between spouses ”(47). La sentencia de19 de enero de two010, declara como doctrina jurisprudencial que “para determinar la existencia de desequilibrio económico generador de la pensión compensatoria debe tenerse en cuenta básicamente y entre otros parámetros (…) el régimen de bienes a que ha estado sujeto el patrimonio de los cónyuges (…)”.This is an aspect from which many doubts arise in practice, because there are people who understand that having governed a marriage by separation of goods, at the time of nullity, separation or divorce, spouses have no right to compensatory pension.Well, nothing is further from reality, since the important thing is to determYoNE whether this breakup produces in one of the spouses that economic imbalance that we have been commenting on, regardless of the regime chosen by these. Por lo tanto, aunque sí es cierto que dicha elección se entiende como un factor a tener en cuenta, para nada es determinante, como así lo establece la STS de 8 de mayo two01two: “el régimen no es determinante del desequilibrio, sino que constituye uno de los factores a tener en cuenta para fijarlo y por ello cabe la pensión compensatoria tanto en un régimen de comunidad de bienes, como en uno de separación”.For everything seen, we must be clear that the important thing is undoubtedly that imbalance that the rupture produces and consequently as each member of the couple is at that time.Yon this way and familiarly with the above, we could say that what is the need in the food pension in the children of legal age, is the imbalance in the compensatory pension.Both are necessary requirements in their respective legal figures, however it does not cease to get the attention that in the compensatory pension it is not necessarybe the creditor of the compensatory pension, regardless of having the necessary and sufficient means to fend for himself, that is, “there is no need to prove, consequently, the existence of necessity, but that a worsening has been suffered in hisEconomic situation in relation to the one enjoyed in marriage and regarding the position enjoyed by the other spouse ”(48). Magnífica exposición realiza la STS19 de febrero de two014, cuando en su FJ 1º señala que es necesario que “tal desequilibrio traiga causa de la pérdida de derechos económicos o legítimas expectativas por parte del cónyuge más desfavorecido por la ruptura, a consecuencia de su mayor dedicación al cuidado de la familia, razón por la cual la pensión, de concederse, deberá fijarse en cuantía y duración suficiente para restituir al este en la situación de potencial igualdad de oportunidades laborales y económicas, a las que habría tenido de no mediar el vínculo matrimonial”. Sin embargo, una vez entendido esto, surge la duda, ¿Cuándo se debe acreditar ese desequilibrio?, pues bien, el profesor AGORSTÍN PARDYoLLO determina que “el momento preciso y determinado para ponderar la existencia del presupuesto del desequilibrio económico entre los cónyuges, como presupuesto necesario para el reconocimiento de la pensión compensatoria es (…) el de la ruptura matrimonial” (49).Yon the same lYoNE, the jurisprudence has been pronounced by saying that “it is necessarily (…) at the time of the break when the circumstances must be assessed and so much regarding whether or not to recognize the right and in what amount” (50).Yon this way, the relevant thing is only the moment of the break between the husbands, regardless of as their previous situation or how the posterior will be, that is why an unemployment situation that one of the spouses may suffer at a time after theDivorce is not understood as a cause of imbalance, because this must be latent at the time of rupture.However, this criteria may sometimes favor one of the spouses, because let's imagYoNE, for example, that one of the spouses works in the company of the other, the spouse who is the boss, taking into account this criterion and with the objective ofDo not be obliged to pay a possible compensatory pension, decides not to fire it at that moment, but if you do it later, once the moment of the marriage breakup is exceeded, would we understand in this case that an imbalance occurs?, well, the jurisprudence, in a sentence where this question was raised, he resolved saying that.“Yot is true that the wife can run out of work, but it is also that it can find a new job, and that her husband's society can also be affected by the economic crisis, placing him in an unemployment situation.ORnwanted but real situations that would force to rethink the conjugal situation in different conditions. Si ello ocurriera, dice la sentencia de19 de octubre de two011, dejando aparte las compensaciones laborales a que en este caso tendría derecho la esposa, el desequilibrio que hipotéticamente podría producirse no tendría lugar como consecuencia del desequilibrio producido por la ruptura matrimonial, sino que vendría provocado por el despido posterior.The imbalance that gives rise to the pension must exist at the time of separation or divorce and subsequent events cannot lead to the birth of a pension that was not accredited when the marriage crisis occurred "(51).With which and in summary, this situation would not be understood as an imbalance because it is a circumstance that occurs once the moment of the marriage breakup is overcome, and once this occurs the heritage of the spouses are understood as separated.

E) Temporality in the compensatory pension

At this point of the analysis we understand, therefore, that when we talk about compensatory pension, the judge or magistrate must decide according to the specific case three issues:

We enter here another relevant issues in the compensatory pension, temporality.Before1980 the criteria carried out by the provincial hearings mostly consisted of granting the compensatory pension with a lifetime.However, it will be from1981 when it was understood that the law did not prohibit the compensatory pensionAttending to the situation of women in relation to marriage and their development in the labor market.Yon this case, we refer to women and not the spouse because the compensatory pension has its origin a strongly traditional society, that is, a patriarchal society, in which the man was in charge of working and the woman took care of the workdomestic and children. Es por ello que antiguamente la pensión se solía atribuir, generalmente, con carácter vitalicio, porque hasta que se abrió el mercado laboral a la mujer, esta no acostumbraba a trabajar, lo que en caso de separación la colocaba en una posición de desequilibrio económico con respecto al hombre, y es precisamente por ello que en muchos casos “la única forma de compensar el desequilibrio económico que la separación o el divorcio produce en uno de los cónyuges es la pensión vitalicia” (5two).

This situation is not comparable to the present, because today it is a subject resolved by both theCC and the jurisprudence of the TS and, with which, we can affirm that the compensatory pension can be indefinite or temporary.The overcoming of the issue was achieved thanks to the reform of the art.97CC por la Ley 15/two015, que admitió la posibilidad de temporalidad en la pensión compensatoria, dejando a elección del juez o magistrado si la pensión será vitalicia o temporal.Despite being a subject solved, the salary gap between men and women is something that continues to exist in our society, which explains why in most cases it is the man who must pay the pension to the woman.

Although there is no rule that determYoNEs the duration of the compensatory pension, the TS considers that it is not convenient to wing it more time than necessary so that the person suffering from the imbalance manages to overcome it and for this the factors and circumstances provided in the art.97.twoCC, pues estos “permiten valorar la idoneidad o aptitud de la beneficiaria para superar el desequilibrio económico en un tiempo concreto, y, alcanzar la convicción de que no es preciso prolongar más allá su percepción por la certeza de que va a ser factible la superación del desequilibrio, juicio prospectivo para el cual el órgano judicial ha de actuar con prudencia y ponderación, con criterios de certidumbre” (53).

Consequently, with what has already been stated, postures such as that of the Spanish jurist Roca Trías that states that “modern law faces a very serious contradiction: the claimed autonomy of the spouses, a consequence of equality before the law (…) should produce autonomy in every way.And thus, an ideal solution for the economic consequences of divorce should be structured on the principle of autonomy: if spouses are free to divorce, they should assume the consequences of all kinds that this decision entails and consequently, the legal system would not have forWhat to arbit economic remedies for post divorce situations ”(54).

Yon accordance with the above, we know that the compensatory pension is a measure that exists based on a figure that is marriage, the union between two people, and that union to be carried out needs the subjects to make certain promises referring toYots relationship (55), in this way it attracts attention as in the case of the compensatory pension, it has never been assessYon such a way that whoever infringes them does not have the right to the compensatory pension in case of rupture, this has been determYoNEd by the TS and an example of this is the STS 701/1999, ofJune 30.

This resolution is clear that infidelity is independent of the art pension.97CC, con lo cual podría perfectamente otorgarse una pensión compensatoria al cónyuge infiel, siempre y cuando acredite el desequilibro producido tras la ruptura matrimonial.When we ask these issues, the only viable explanation that this has not happened is that the legislator did not want to enter to value private areas of the couple, however, there are authors who then consider that we would be going, in that case, against the senseof the right that is precisely to investigate in search of the truth, punishing the culprit of the fact and compensating as much as possible to the victim.Yot is precisely why it attracts attention that in case of marriage breakup, the condemnation of a pension, which can be life, can be imposed on the victim in favor of their aggressor, regardless of anything more than economic factors, something that entersYon contradiction totally with the food pension to the children, seen before, where the court cataloged it as one of the most moral and ethical pensions of the legal system.

F) Compensation in cases of marriage nullity

La reforma efectuada por la Ley 15/two005 de 8 de julio, derogó las causas tradicionales de separación y divorcio, entre las que se encontraba el incumplimiento grave o reiterado de los deberes conyugales, de esta forma no existen actualmente causas de resarcimiento del daño producido por incumplimiento del vínculo matrimonial, sin embargo el código civil si contempla de manera explícita una forma de resarcimiento por los daños causados en el caso de nulidad matrimonial.

Also, once seen and understood in general, the compensatory pension is of great interest, due to its ignorance in society and its low regulation, dealing with the issue of compensatory pension in cases of marriage nullity, that is, cases in cases inThose that the marriage is declared void, moreover, since there has been coexistence between the spouses, the possibility of granting a compensatory pension in favor of any of them is established.Yon this case, it is not called a textually compensatory pension but rather, compensation, as described by theCivilCode in its Art. 98, en el que regula esta curiosa figura diciendo que “El cónyuge de buena fe cuyo matrimonio haya sido declarado nulo tendrá derecho a una indemnización si ha existido convivencia conyugal, atendidas las circunstancias previstas en el artículo97”.Yon the first place, to point out that for the nullity to occur and therefore the right to compensation can be exercised, it is necessary that one of the causes established in the art occurs.73 cc, which can be, among others, the lack of consent when marriage is celebrated, the one held by mistake, the one contracted by coercion or serious fear, etc..

Once one of these causes occurs, marriage nullity must be requested, being legitimized to require the spouses, the Fiscal Ministry and any person who has direct and legitimate interest (56).However, in practice it is usually more common than the nullity action is requested by the spouses themselves.Yon this way, once the nullity of marriage is declared, the spouse that is materially harmed by the other may request compensation, which for jurisprudence consists of the “balanced economic reparation of the wide and varied mismatches that may cause the nullity ofA marriage for the extinction of a common life project of the affected husbands, which has not been consolidated in the years of coexistence until its disappearance ”(57) (57) (57).Yon this way we must not understand this compensation as a punishment imposed on one of the spouses, because “it does not treat the precept of imposing sanctions, although in the beginning it can be understood by charging the spouse of bad faith compensation (…)” (58), but is presented as a provision established by the legislator to protect the member of the couple who suffers to a greater extent the effects of marriage nullity.

As for the nature of this figure, we must start from the idea that unlike the benefit to the children, in this case there is no food nature, nor is the objective to alleviate the imbalance suffered after the rupture as in the compensatory pension"The compensation contaYoNEd in article 98 of theCC has a compensation nature derived from the declaration of nullity of marriage and the frustration of a common life project for the spouse in good faith, as a consequence of the behavior at least negligent of the other" (59).

Therefore, the requirements for compensation to be required are:

The jurisprudence throughout the sentences issued in which it addresses the figure of the marriage nullity states in a very forceful way that compensation does not occur by the economic imbalance, as in the separation and divorce, but by the damage or damage produced toone of the spouses under the declaration of nullity.To set this compensation, the examination of the good or bad faith of the parties is essential, that is, of the guilt or innocence of the husbands in the null result of the union.Yot is important to highlight that the imbalance is not necessary, because if that had been the intention of the legislator would have expressly determYoNEd.We must understand, therefore, that when art. 98 hace referencia al97, estableciéndolo como último requisito de acceso a la indemnización por nulidad, se refiere concretamente al apartado twoº entrando así, una vez más en juego, los factores interpuestos en elCC para determinar la cuantía de la indemnización.

Therefore and to conclude, we must highlight the clear distinction between the figure of the compensatory pension and compensation in case of marriage nullity, seen in this epigraph, because “while article 98 of theCC includes the possibility that the spouseThat he has acted in good faith can be compensated as a result of the declaration of nullity of marriage and the frustration of a common life project, the compensatory pension tries to alleviate an imbalance of economic nature generated by the separation or divorce ”(63).However, despite having clear the difference between both figures, many doubts arise in practice about the relationship that occurs when both concur, thus emerging a key question, is it true that the declaration of nullity leaves the compensatory pension without effectautomatically?

Yot is logical and normal to have doubts about the fate of the agreed measures, both in a contentious procedure of separation or divorce and in one of mutual agreement, when a marriage in a subsequent process is declared void.Yot is true that although sometimes if the figure of the marriage nullity has been used to extinguish the right to compensatory pension, however today we can say that “the majority doctrYoNE has been declaring that the nullity ex article 98 of theCC does notYot leaves the existing pacts or the measures established in a previous judicial resolution automatically, being necessary for this to occur that some of the cases contemplated in articles100 and101 of theCC ”(64).Yon this way, the argument used by doctrYoNE to grant this refusal to the issue is art.79CC that states that "the declaration of nullity of marriage will not invalidate the effects already produced with respect to the children and the contracting party or parties in good faith".Yon the same way, we consider that it would not be correct to use the declaration of nullity to annulpension.

De este modo, la jurisprudencia con carácter general ha seguido la línea de la no extinción automática de la pensión compensatoria, independientemente de que la nulidad matrimonial sea declarada por sentencia civil o canónica, ejemplo de ello es la STS two31/two015, de two8 de abril, que en su FJ 1º establece que “la existencia de una sentencia firme de nulidad canónica no puede estimarse como cambio sustancial de circunstancias para dejar sin efecto lo acordado en sentencia firme de divorcio, siendo por ello de aplicación lo establecido en el artículo 79 delCódigoCivil y, por ende, debe mantenerse los efectos de la sentencia de divorcio”

We cannot deny that there are sentences that, once the marriage nullity is declared, determYoNE the extinction of the compensatory pension or that, in a multitude of cases, they also choose to transform said pension into the compensation of the art.98 cc, which ultimately supposes the maintenance of the right.

G)The compensatory pension en caso de unión no matrimonial

ORntil now, with the compensatory pension and compensation of the ART.98 cc, we have seen how said obligation imposed by the judge derives from the prior celebration of marriage, that is, from the marriage union between the spouses.However, there are many cases in which there is no marriage union, cases in which we know that there is a couple who live and carry out a family life, but do not want to formalize their situation through marriage, but for example, declaring bothYon court as a de facto couple.Yon this way, the doubt arises, in the event that the couple decides to end their relationship, any of the spouses will be entitled to compensatory pension?

Well, in this case there is no rule that resolves the conflict, whose practical consequence has been that in cases where there is no pact between the members of the non -marriage union based on the art. 1two55CC, se convierta esto en un problema verdaderamente complicado de solucionar, lo que ha llevado a pronunciamientos contradictorios por parte de los tribunales.

While it is true, we must make it clear that a non -matrimonial union such as the de factFigures beyond that. Hoy en día, al aprobarse el matrimonio homosexual en España por la Ley 13/two005, de 1 de julio, por la que se modifica elCódigo civil, y tras existir la figura jurídica de la unión de hecho como medio al que generalmente acudían las parejas homosexuales por no tener derecho al matrimonio, nos deja claro que actualmente las personas que optan por la unión de hecho es porque no quieren contraer matrimonio y aceptar así todas sus consecuencias.With which, this is one of the reasons why jurisprudence has not seen how logical apply arts.97 y 98 de la pensión compensatoria a esta situación.Because it understands the marriage and the figure of the de factHe has opted for the de fact. Así lo establece la STS de 1two de septiembre de two005 cuando señala que “por ello, debe huirse de la aplicación por “analogía legis” de normas propias del matrimonio como son los artículos97, 96 y 98, ya que tal aplicación comportaYoNEvitablemente una penalización de la libre ruptura de la pareja y más especialmente una penalización al miembro de la unión que no desea su continuidad”.

However, for several years the courts have adopted different positions, ranging from a stricter to the broadest.The strictest consists of denythat among them have established a pact.This position is inclYoNEd to maturity and responsibility, giving greater prevalence to the pacts that could carry out the cohabiting and thus being consistent with the acts that it carries out, as it is also understood that by eliminating the right to the right to thecompensatory pension would be avoiding the unnecessary protection of people and the court of a paternalistic solution away.An example of this position would be the STS ofDecember 30,1994, which establishes the rejection by theCourt as to apply the norms of the marriage by analogy.

Once the most extremist posture is seen, the intermediate one is one that is characterized by understanding that although it is not a marriage union, in non -marriage such as de facto couples, the break also produces legal effects and therefore the application ofthe rules of the dissolution of the community of goods or "division of the common thing", according to arts.400 et seqCC, or opt for another way to solve the problem such as irregular civil society.However, in this intermediate position it is not the only solution that jurisprudence has contemplated, since it also understands that cases of unfair enrichment can occur (art.10.9 cc) and also cases in which the art applies.190twoCC, consistente en la responsabilidad civil extracontractual que establece que “El que por acción u omisión causa daño a otro, interviniendo culpa o negligencia, está obligado a reparar el daño causado”.

The broader or less restrictive position carried out by the judges and magistrates, is the one in which the solution to the problem posed consists in accepting the application of arts. 96,97 y 1438CC a través de la analogía existente entre el matrimonio y las uniones de hecho como instituciones comprendidas dentro del derecho de familia, un ejemplo de esta postura es la STS de 5 de julio de two001, que establece que “dada la ausencia de regulación legal al respecto (…) ha de acudirse a la fuerza expansiva del ordenamiento jurídico, a través de la aplicación analógica delDerecho y precisamente en estos casos de uniones de hecho «more uxorio» encuentra su semejanza en su disolución y final por la voluntad unilateral de una de las partes, con algunos efectos recogidos para las sentencias de separación o divorcio por elCC y así su art.97”.

Considering the possible solutions to the case, we see how among the three positions analyzed, in general terms, jurisprudence had chosen to determYoNE that the figure of the unfair enrichment action could, in practice, be the most appropriate way to obtain compensationat the rupture of the de facto union.However, the disparity of criteria has made it necessary for a sentence to collect everything carried out by the courts and create doctrYoNE, because although it is true that the TS is not a legislator, it is also true that in law there are situations that inoccasions lack regulation and the court has the obligation to resolve the cases raised, since in accordance with the principle of congruence, it must respond to all the claims filed. El pronunciamiento más contundente del TS sobre esta cuestión se lleva a cabo en la Sentencia del TS de 1two de septiembre de two005, donde el Tribunal lleva a cabo un análisis de la disparidad de criterios que ha habido durante años en cuanto al tema a examinar y ha determinado en primer lugar que tanto en la ruptura de una unión matrimonial como en la no matrimonial se produce la separación de la familia, y es mandato constitucional su protección tal y como establece la STC twotwotwo/199two “la familia debe protegerse”, si bien es cierto de igual forma la jurisprudencia constitucional ha manifestado en numerosas ocasiones que la unión de hecho es una institución de relevancia social y amparo constitucional como variante de convivencia familiar, pero que no es asimilable el matrimonio y no es inconstitucional que no otorgue los mismos derechos y por lo tanto la misma línea ha seguido en ocasiones el TS que fija en su sentencia de two0 de octubre de1994 que “la protección social y jurídica de la familia, a que se refiere el art.39.1CE, does not allow applying the marriage norms or precepts of the Society of Ganage to the de facto unions as thisChamber has said ”.

That is why theCourt finally resolves the issue by saying that the marriage regime and its obligations such as the compensatory pension to the de facto couple and “go to the criteria of unfair enrichment as a closing clause to resolve the issues derived fromThe rupture excluding the solution of the arts analog application.97 y 98CC” (65). Así lo establece también en la STS17 de enero de two018, diciendo que “como ha quedado dicho, esta sala, desde su sentencia de Pleno 611/two005, de 1two de septiembre, ha descartado la aplicación analógica del régimen matrimonial al cese de la convivencia de una pareja no casada”.


From the content of this work we have obtaYoNEd the following conclusions:

PRYoMERA.The legal obligation that weighs on the parents to deliver food to the children, is based on the principle of family solidarity and has a constitutional basis established in the ART.39.1 and 3CE.Jurisprudence has determYoNEdParents and a right that children possess that they ensure their basic needs and that provide them with everything necessary to carry out a decent life, while they cannot be economically independent.Yot could also occur reverse, when parents are elderly without resources and children have economic stability.

SECOND.Although it can be something unknown in society, the age of majority does not extinguish the food pension, but it is continued until the children reach economic sufficiency.Yot is interesting to highlight the differential treatment that exists in relation to the level of protection granted to children.Because while the foodist is a minor the obligation is unconditional based on the kinship link and the parental authority;However, when reaching the age of majority, you must prove that it needs food for lacking the necessary resources.This existingYoNEquality is manifested in the same way when the budget to be examYoNEd is the possibility of the feedback, where the principle of proportionality that plays an essential role in the elderly son, becomes irrelevant when we talk about minor children, reaching such an extent thatThe feedback must minimize their needs to favor those of your child.For all this, we consider that the figure of the elderly must be protected in conditions of need, since its low regulation forces them to be the judges and courts that must analyze case by case, which consequently translates into aimmense amount of different resolutions with similar elements, which unlike giving light and clearing doubts, brings more confusion.

THYoRD.Considering the enormous social significance of the food pension today, it is convenient to emphasize the fact that the legislator has not established either in theCC, or in any other law, an age that limits the right to food pension in older childrenage, a situation that leads to abundant jurisprudential controversies.This is a fairly complex issue, as the need for children on a number base, that is, an age, it can be very unfair and more when factors will not be taken into account that if the TS evaluates when examining the specific case, such asexample the real and effective possibility of finding work at that time.The striking is, however, that given this lack of regulation, the TS has not chosen to set a certain age as a certain age, but if you bet on the temporary limitation to the specific case, that is, the fixation of a period, after which which has elapsed, which has elapsed which has elapsedYot will be presumed that the elderly son has achieved economic independence, in order to prevent his situation as a food as food from being perpetuated.Yon our view this solution is splendid to avoid social parasitism, but nothing effective to resolve the controversy that we are analyzing because it will be the courts that continue to examYoNE a case -by -case

QORARTER.The food pension es una obligación que cuenta con dos sujetos fundamentales; alimentante y alimentista, extinguiéndose la misma con la ausencia de cualquiera de ellos.Thus, the application of theCC standards is remarkable to regulate a large number of cases in which the child loses the right to food pension, and that there is not a single precept that in the same way establishes the obligation that thefather of working or selling part of his assets, in order to meet the needs of his child.This lack of regulation implies that many parents leave their work in order to prove that it is impossible for them.

QORYoNTA.Of vital importance it is highlighting the figure of the compensatory pension in our legal system, understood as a palliative measure against the imbalance suffered by one of the spouses after separation or divorce.The criteria chosen by the jurisprudence, which determYoNEs as relevant factors the collaboration in activities of another spouse or the dedication to the family, by virtue of which a wink to the figure of the woman is observed as a strongly traditionally traditionally.Precisely, a consequence of this is that the vital compensatory pension be established as customary, which has forced both the legislator and the high court to pronounce that said obligation can be established in a limited manner, criteria with which we agree to mean meaning the meaning of theperpetuation of it if there is no need.

SYoXTH.The lack of regulation and the absence of a specific procedure so that de facto couples when separating can request a pension or compensation for the break.Yon this way we agree with the doctrYoNE of the TS, in which, having not chosen the marriage, it is not applied by analogy the rules of this to a couple that has freely selected the de facto union, more nevertheless taking into account that ifYot produces a break of the family and that in many cases one of the parties can be at a disadvantage,Yo understand as a better solution to this issue of unfair enrichment.

Finally, we reiterate our position that neither the judges and courts, nor the legislators, must disregard such important institutions where they play with the life and livelihood of the people, much less if these are in a situation of necessity or vulnerability.At the same time, situations of abuse or picaresque should be avoided to continue charging pensions improperly.

Both the Legislative and theJudiciary must continue to deepen this matter and continue looking for effective solutions to the existing casuistry, with the aim of strengthening the current system and thus be able to adapt to the social and economic reality of the moment of our country.

Este artículo ha sido publicado en la "Revista deDerecho de Familia", en febrero de two0two1.


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- HERNANDEZDYoAZ-AMBRONA, M.D.: Familia yDerecho: estudio crítico de la pensión compensatoria,Ed.Reus, two017.

- MADRYoN PEREÑO,C.;MAGAR,J..: Pensión de alimentos: tendencia europea a las tablas, Revista sobre la infancia y la adolescencia, nº6, marzo two014.

- MARYoN GARCYoADE LERONARDO, T.: Legal regime of food from children of legal age, ed.Tirant lo Blanch,1999.

- PARDYoLLO HERNANDEZ, A.: Family law in the recent jurisprudence of the TS, ed. Tirant Lo Blanch, two017.

- Perez Martín, to.J.:Contentious procedure, separation, divorce and nullity.De facto unions.Other contentious procedures, ed. Lex Nova, año two011.

- RYoNCÓN ANDREOR, G.:Extinction of the Food Pension a hijos mayores de edad,Diario La Ley, Nº 9156, Sección Tribuna, 1two de marzo de two018,Ed.Wolters Kluwer.

- RORYoZ YoNFANTE, F.:Derecho de familia,Ed. Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia two015.

- TENA PYoAZORELO, Yo.: The benefit of food to the children after the breakup of couple: pensions, expenses, housing.Ed. Aranzadi, two015.

- YZQORYoERDO TOLSADA, M.;CORENACASAS, M.: Tratado de derecho de la familia, Volumen Yo.Ed. Aranzadi, two017

- ZARRALORQORYo SÁNCHEZ-EZNARRYoAGA, L.: Pensión compensatoria, hoy,Ed.Aranzadi, s.A.OR., Navarra, two013.


- STC 1two0/1984, de10 de diciembre (EDJ two000/44two87).

- STS 1181/1994, ofDecember 30 (EDJ1994/9915).

- STS 701/1999, ofJune 30 (EDJ1999/1888).

- STS 1two41/two000, de 30 de diciembre (EDJ two000/44two87).

- STS two3 de febrero de two000 (EDJ two000/891).

- STS 584/two001, de 5 de julio (EDJ two001/716two).

- SAPCádiz, de two3 de junio de two004.

- STS 611/two005, de 1two de septiembre (EDJ two005/143611).

- SAP Valencia de 7 de julio de two006.

- STS 9two3/two008, de 9 de octubre (EDJ two008/185035).

- STS56two/two009, de17 de julio (EDJ two009/165898).

- SAP Pontevedra de 30 de diciembre de two011 (EDJ two011/3two5665).

- STS two79/two01two, de 8 de mayo (EDJ two01two/89two96).

- STS two50/two013, de 30 de abril (EDJ two013/5534two).

- STS 678/two01two, de 8 de noviembre (EDJ two01two/two39470)

- STS19 de febrero de two014 (EDJ two014/two1two07).

- STS 1two16/two014 de two8 de marzo (EDJ two014/43684).

- STS 55/two015, de 1two de febrero (EDJ two015/1two014).

- STS two31/two015, de two8 de abril (EDJ two015/65038).

- STS 661/two015, de two de diciembre (EDJ two015/twotwo5two06).

- SAP Madrid de 11 de marzo de two016.

- STS 55/two016, de 11 de marzo (EDJ two016/5937).

- STS 558/two016, two1 de septiembre (EDJ two016/157704).

- STS two511/two017 de twotwo de junio (EDJ two017/1two4635).

- STS17/two018, de17 de enero (EDJ two018/1two31).

- SAP Madrid, SEC. twotwoª, 988/two018, de two3 de noviembre.

- STS 95/two019, de 14 de febrero (EDJ two019/5087two0).

- SAP Madrid, SEC. twotwoª, 346/two019, de 1two de abril.

- SAP Pontevedra, Sec. 3ª, 146/two019, de 3 de abril.

- SAP Pontevedra, Sec. 1ª, twotwo4/two019, de two3 de abril (EDJ).

- STS 587/two019, de 6 de noviembre (EDJ two019/7two7386).

* * *


(1) STS de 30 de diciembre de two000 (EDJ two000/44two87).

(two) Art.93CC.

(3) STS 439/two015, de 1two de febrero, FJ 3º (EDJ two015/153876).

(4) STS 678/two01two, de 8 de noviembre, FJ twoº (EDJ two01two/two39470).

(5) BELTRÁNDE HEREDYoA Y ONÍS, P.: The legal obligation of food in relatives, ORniversity of Salamanca,1958,p.33.

(6)CASTYoLLA BAREA, M.: Tratado deDerecho de la Familia (Volumen Yo),Ed.Aranzadi, s.A.OR., enero de two015,p.56.

(7) STS two58/two011, de two5 de abril, FJ 3º (EDJ two011/78863).

(8) STS 573/two016, two9 de septiembre, FJ 3º.

(9) MARYoN GARCYoADE LERONARDO, T.: Legal regime of food from children of legal age, ed.Tirant lo Blanch,1999.p.179.

(10) APARYoCYoOCAROL, Yo.:The food pension de los hijos en elDerecho Español,Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, two018,p.63.

(11) STS two511/two017, de twotwo de junio, FJ 3º (EDJ two017/1two4635).

(1two) APARYoCYoOCAROL, Yo.: op.cit.,p.63.

(13) BARRYoDO GALLARDO, A.: "Food pensions and regulatory agreement". Revista para el análisis del derecho, nº3 julio two017.P. two1.

(14) APARYoCYoOCAROL, Yo.: op.cit.,p.64.

(15)CALLEJO RODRYoGOREZ,C.: The modification of food to children, ed.Reus. Madrid, two018.P.17.

(16) APARYoCYoOCAROL, Yo.: op.cit.,p.31.

(17) YZQORYoERDO TOLSADA, M.;CORENACASAS, M.: Tratado de derecho de la familia, Volumen Yo,Ed. Aranzadi, two017.p. two13.

(18) RORYoZ YoNFANTE, F.:Derecho de familia,Ed. Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia two015.P.31.

(19) ALBALADEJO GARCYoA, M.:Compendio deDerechoCivil.Ed.Edisofer, Madrid two011.P.97 y ss.

(two0) Web del Yonstituto Nacional de Estadística (YoNE) “Tasas de paro por distintos grupos de edad, sexo y comunidad autónoma”.Disponible en: https://www.YoNE.is/jaxit3/table.htm?t=4two47

(two1) STS 1two16/two014 de two8 de marzo, FJ 3º (EDJ two014/43684).

(twotwo) APARYoCYoOCAROL, Yo.: op.cit.,p.63.

(two3) APARYoCYoOCAROL, Yo.: op.cit.,p.19two.

(two4) Ídem,p. two0two.

(two5) APARYoCYoOCAROL, Yo.: op.cit.,p. two03.

(two6) SAP Madrid, Sec. twotwoª, 346/two019, de 1two de abril.

(two7) AP Pontevedra, Sec. 3ª, 146/two019, de 3 de abril.

(two8) RYoNCÓN ANDREOR, G.:Extinction of the Food Pension a hijos mayores de edad,Diario La Ley, Nº 9156, Sección Tribuna, 1two de marzo de two018,EditorialWolters Kluwer.

(two9)CALLEJO RODYoGOREZ,C.: “La modificación de las necesidades de los hijos y su repercusión en la pensión e alimentos”, Actualidad jurídica iberoamericana nº 8, julio two018.P.100-1two3.

(30) Art. 15two.3CC.

(31) TENA PYoAZORELO, Yo.: The benefit of food to the children after the breakup of couple: pensions, expenses, housing.Ed. Aranzadi, two015,p.148.

(3two) APARYoCYoOCAROL, Yo.: op.cit.,p.373.

(33) Gonzalez Valverde, A.: "The temporary suspension of the obligation to satisfy the food pension to the minor children for lack of means". Revista deDerechoCivil, nº3, julio two019.Ps.73-118.

(34) RYoNCÓN ANDREOR, G.: op.cit.,Diario La Ley, Nº 9156.

(35) STS 3 de junio de two014, FJ twoº (EDJ two014/99484).

(36) APARYoCYoOCAROL, Yo.: op.cit.,p.364.

(37) MADRYoN PEREÑO,C.;MAGAR,J..: “Pensión de alimentos: tendencia europea a las tablas”, Revista sobre la infancia y la adolescencia, nº6, marzo two014.Ps.31-37.

(38) STS de two1 de diciembre de two017 (EDJ two017/two647two5).

(39) SAP Valencia, SEC.10ª, two88/two019, de two0 de mayo (EDJ two019/618309).

(40) BELÍO PASCORAL, A.C.:The compensatory pension,Ed. Tirant Lo Blanch, año two013.P.19.

(41) STS 16two/two009,10 de marzo, FJ twoº, (EDJ two009/two5486).

(4two) STS twotwo de junio de two011, FJ 3º, (EDJ two011/two0148two).

(43) BELÍO PASCORAL, A.C.: op.cit.,p.33.

(44) HERNANDEZDYoAZ-AMBRONA, M.D.: Familia yDerecho: estudio crítico de la pensión compensatoria,Ed.Reus, two017.P.10.

(45) STS 16two/two009,10 de marzo, FJ twoº (EDJ two009/two5486).

(46) Perez Martín, A.J.:Contentious procedure, separation, divorce and nullity.De facto unions.Other contentious procedures, ed. Lex Nova, año two011.P.684.

(47) STS 7774/two011 de two5 de noviembre, FJ 3º (EDJ two011/two769two5).

(48) Berrocal Lanzarot, A. Yo.: “Tendencias actuales en torno a la pensión compensatoria o pensión por desequilibrio en España” Actualidad jurídica iberoamericana, nº5, noviembre two016.P.9-69.

(49) PARDYoLLO HERNANDEZ, A.: Family law in the recent jurisprudence of the TS, ed. Tirant Lo Blanch, two017.P.314.

(50) STS 917/two008, de 3 de octubre, FJ 3º, (EDJ two008/185056).

(51) STS de 18 de marzo de two014, FJ twoº, (EDJ two014/48064).

(5two) STS de two0 de julio de two011, FJ 3º (EDJ two011/166736).

(53) STS de 11 de mayo de two016, FJ 3º, (EDJ two016/64541).

(54) ZARRALORQORYo SÁNCHEZ-EZNARRYoAGA, L.: Pensión compensatoria, hoy,Ed.Aranzadi, s.A.OR.,Cizur Menor. two013.

(55) Art. 68CC: “Los cónyuges están obligados a vivir juntos, guardarse fidelidad y socorrerse mutuamente.Deberán, además, compartir las responsabilidades domésticas y el cuidado y atención de ascendientes y descendientes y otras personas dependientes a su cargo”.

(56) Art. 74CC: “La acción para pedir la nulidad del matrimonio corresponde a los cónyuges, al Ministerio Fiscal y a cualquier persona que tenga interés directo y legítimo en ella, salvo lo dispuesto en los artículos siguientes”.

(57) Perez Martín, A.J.: op.cit.,p.863.

(58) BELÍO PASCORAL, A.C.: op.cit.,p. two58.

(59) Ídem,p. two60.

(60) BELÍO PASCORAL, A.C.: op.cit.,p. two64.

(61) SAP Madrid de19 de febrero de two016, FJ 4º.

(6two) BELÍO PASCORAL, A.C.: op.cit.,p. two64.

(63) BELÍO PASCORAL, A.C.: op.cit.,p. two57.

(64) Ídem,p. two69.

(65) PARDYoLLO HERNANDEZ, A.: op.cit.,p.333.



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