Homemarriage → EMT/3758/2021 resolu...

EMT/3758/2021 resolution, of December 20, for which


  • CAPÍTULO IV. Formación profesional
  • CAPÍTULO V. Prevención de Riesgos Laborales y Salud Laboral
  • CAPÍTULO VI. Jornada
  • CAPÍTULO VII. Estructura retributiva
  • CAPÍTULO VIII. Permisos, licencias y excedencias, suspensión del contrato de trabajo y otros derechos derivados de la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar
  • CAPÍTULO IX. Derechos sindicales
  • CAPÍTULO X. Régimen disciplinario
  • CAPÍTULO XI. Planes de igualdad
  • CAPÍTULO XII. Solución autónoma de conflictos
  • CAPÍTULO XIII. Adscripción y subrogación
  • Seen the text of the Autonomous Collective Agreement of Catalonia of the Sector of Attention to the Elderly (Gercat), subscribed at dates April 30, two0two1 and November fifteen, two0two1, by the Business Party, for the Catalan Association of Assistance Resources (Acra), the Catalan unió-aúió d'Amals (UCH) and the consortium, association sanitària i social (CAPSS), and for the social part by the union confederation of the National Commission of Catalonia (CCOO) and the General Unió General ofTreballors (UGT), in accordance with the provisions of article 90.two and 3 of Royal Legislative Decree two/two0fifteen, of October two3, which approves the consolidated text of the Law of the Workers' Statute;Article two.1) of Royal Decree 713/two010, of May two8, on registration and deposit of collective agreements, collective work agreements and equal plans;Decree two47/two0two1, of June twotwo, of restructuring of the Department of Company and Labor, and article 6 of Law two6/two010, of August 3, on Legal and Procedure Regime of the Public Administrations of Catalonia,

    I solve:

    --1 Disponer la inscripción del Convenio mencionado en el Registro de Convenios colectivos, acuerdos colectivos de trabajo y planes de igualdad de la Dirección General de Relaciones Laborales, Trabajo Autónomo, Seguridad y Salud Laboral, con notificación a la Mesa negociadora.

    --two Disponer su publicación en el Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya, con el cumplimento previo de los trámites pertinentes.

    Chapter I

    Article 1 Functional scope

    The functional scope of application of this Collective Agreement is constituted by the companies and/or establishments that exercise their main activity in the following areas of the dependent persons care sector and/or development of the promotion of personal autonomy: residences forMajor Persons, Day Centers, Night Centers, Swinding Housing, provided that they do not have their own collective agreement and that accredit habitual and continuous income greater than 60% of their turnover for this activity from the public administration.All this that is its denomination, and with the sole exception of those companies whose management and ownership corresponds to the public administration.

    For these purposes, ordinary billing will be taken into account (without computing extraordinary billing (such as COVID-19) for this activity, from the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Familias (or Department that these competences assume these competences), closed as of December 31 of the previous calendar year for each natural year of validity of the agreement.

    They will be expressly excluded from the scope of this agreement, companies that carry out specific health care as a fundamental activity, understanding this exclusion without prejudice to health care to resident and user persons as a result of the problems of their age i/or dependence.

    All this without prejudice to the provisions of the final provision 1 of this Agreement.

    Article two Territorial scope

    The territorial scope of the Collective Agreement is the Autonomous Community of Catalonia and, therefore, affects all work centers within the functional scope, although the central headquarters of the company or the registered office of the latter lies outside the Autonomous Community.

    Article 3 Personal scope

    The personnel who provide their services in the companies affected by the same are included in the scope of this Agreement.Personnel who provide their services in centers and/or companies whose ownership and management corresponds to the public administration is expressly excluded.

    Article 4 Validity and Duration

    The conditions agreed in this Collective Agreement will enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat of Catalonia and will be valid until December 31, two0two3, with the exception of the economic conditions, which will enter intoVigor with retroactive effects since January 1, two0two1.

    The arrears corresponding to the natural months prior to the publication in the DOGC will be paid during the natural month after the same publication.

    All without prejudice to the power established in article 86.1 of the Royal Legislative Decree two/two0fifteen, of October two3, which approves the consolidated text of the Law of the Statutes of the Workers, of the review of this Agreement during its validity by the subjects who meet the requirementsof legitimization provided for articles 87 and 88 of the same legal text.

    Article 5 Concurrence in the functional scope of the Agreement

    Defined the functional scope of this General Agreement in the terms of its article 1, in accordance with the principle of prohibition of concurrence of collective agreements established in article 84.1 of Royal Legislative Decree two/two0fifteen, of October two3, which approves the consolidated text of the Law of the Workers' Statute, neither this collective agreement nor any other agreement or pacts that are negotiated in development or complement of the sameThey may be affected, interfered, or overlapping by any other conventional form or company pact with the pretensions of covering, in a total or partial way, this functional scope that is own and exclusive.Consequently, if any concurrence occurred in the terms described above, it will always be resolved in favor of this Agreement by application of the principle of specialty, regardless of the date of entry into force of one or another agreement.

    Article 6 Complaint and extension

    1. The complaint for the review of the agreement will be made in writing and within three months prior to the date of its initial expiration or that of any of its extensions.The complaint may be made by any union or business organization with initial legitimation for the negotiation of the agreement, and will have to communicate to the business and union representations that also have this initial legitimation and the labor authority.

    two. The agreement will be automatically extended at the end of its validity and in its own terms, for the period of one year, if none of the representations do not proceed to its complaint in accordance with the provisions of the previous section.

    Article 7 Negotiating Commission

    The negotiating commission will be constituted by the business associations and trade union organizations that within the scope of this agreement prove what is established in the legislation in force at all times, within a month from the reception of the communication of the communication of the promotion of the promotion of the promotion of the promotion ofnegotiations, or if the promotion is the result of the denunciation of the agreement, the communication will be done simultaneously with the act of denunciation.This communication will be sent, for the purpose of registration, to the corresponding labor authority.

    The distribution of the people who make up the Commission will be based on the representativeness of organizations in the sector.The maximum number of persons will be fifteen for each of the parties and in any case will be odd in each of the representations.

    Article 8 Linking to the totality

    The agreed conditions form an organic and indivisible whole and, for the purposes of their practical application, they will be considered globally.

    In the event that, by the social jurisdiction, at the request of the labor authority or of any of the affected persons, the annulment of an article of this Agreement, the negotiating parties, within two months from theFirmness of the sentence, will proceed to the renegotiation of the content of the annulled party, and will be in force, in any case, the rest of the agreement until a final agreement is reached.

    However, the parties have the will, through this agreement, to provide legal certainty to this agreement at all its extremes.In this sense, the parties expressly state that the precepts of this agreement that regulate the remuneration and working time matters are absolutely linked and provide the agreement with the necessary internal balance.Consequently, the cancellation of any precept related to these matters will necessarily behave and automatically the cancellation of the rest of precepts linked to these matters.


    The higher and more beneficial conditions will be respected, both individual and collective, that has been perceiving and enjoying the staff staff.

    To the personnel who at the entry into force of this agreement received higher wages, in annual computation, to the determinants in this agreement, the remuneration tables approved in this Agreement will be applied.The reservoir difference will be reflected in the payroll with a personal non -absorbable, nor compensable, or revalorizable guarantee complement.With the objective of determining the amount of this complement, the annual remuneration agreed in this Agreement will be subtracted to its current annual remuneration, the resulting amount divided by twelve will be the amount of the aforementioned personal complement that will be received in the twelve monthly payments.

    All these without prejudice to the provisions of the second transitory provision of this Agreement.

    Article 10 Joint Commission

    1. A joint commission is created composed of 10 members of the organizations of the agreement:

    By trade union organizations: CCOO and UGT.

    By business organizations: ACRA, UCH and CAPSS.

    A distribution proportional to the representativeness of the organizations signed by the collective agreement must be made.

    Se señala como domicilio de la Comisión paritaria a efectos de registro, calle Calabria two36/two40 (local 1) de Barcelona (080two9).For communications purposes, the following email address is enabled: agreements.cat

    Article eleven Competencies of the Joint Commission

    A. General competences

    Interpretation, mediation and arbitration, conciliation and surveillance of compliance with the agreement especially in cases of breach of the criteria agreed in article 16 on occupation.

    In Equality, it exercises the competences and functions assigned to Chapter XI with the purpose of addressing the commitments contemplated in Chapter XI.

    In training it exercises the competences and functions that it has assigned in Chapter IV with the objective of setting the training priorities to be developed.

    In Occupational Health and Safety, it exercises the powers defined in articles 38 and 39 of Law 31/1995 of November 8, on the prevention of labor cliffs.

    B. Specific competences

    Receive information from collective agreements that regulate general working conditions in lower territorial areas.

    Para los casos en que, en un ámbito inferior, durante el período preceptivo de consultas, no se hubiera producido un acuerdo entre la parte empresarial y la representación sindical o comisión ad hoc, con respecto a la inaplicación de condiciones de trabajo (artículo 8two.3 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores, o a la modificación substancial de las condiciones establecidas en el presente Convenio (artículo 41.6, en relación con el artículo 8two.3, ambos del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores), o en los casos de movilidad geográfico de carácter colectivo (artículo 40.two del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores, las partes tendrán que dirigirse a la Comisión paritaria, que en el término máximo de 7 días tendrá que resolver sobre el asunto planteado.In case of disagreement to the SI of the Joint Commission, the parties will be submitted to the process of extrajudicial solution of conflicts contemplated in this agreement.The process of prior intervention of the Joint Commission will be understood as exhausted when the maximum period of seven days has elapsed since the discrepancy was raised without any pronouncement from the Joint Commission..

    En caso de inexistencia de representación unitaria o sindical del personal en la empresa, planteada la inaplicación de condiciones de trabajo (artículo 8two.3 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores) o la modificación substancial de las condiciones establecidas en el presente Convenio (artículo 41.6, en relación con el artículo 8two.3, both of the same legal text), or in cases of geographical mobility of a collective nature (article 40.two del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores), la empresa y/o la comisión específica ad hoc constituida en el ámbito de la empresa tendrán que informar a la Comisión paritaria en un plazo máximo de siete días a contar desde el inicio de las negociaciones respecto de estas modificaciones, así como del resultado de estas negociaciones.In case of disagreement, the procedure established in the previous paragraph will be followed.

    Both parties, in general, agree to submit to the Joint Commission all the problems, discrepancies or conflicts that may arise from the application or interpretation of the agreement, prior to the approach of the different assumptions in front of the competent social authority or social jurisdiction, whichThey will have to resolve within the maximum of fifteen days from the presentation of the situation.If this resolution did not occur for the reason that was, the procedure in the Joint Commission would be completed.

    Artículo 1two Funcionamiento de la Comisión paritaria

    1. The Joint Commission will designate, among its vowels, an presidency that UGT will exercise and a secretary that will fall in ACRA, the functions of which will be the following:


    The formal representation of the Joint Commission.

    The Presidency of Les Meetings of the Joint Commission.

    Sign the minutes and certifications of the agreements adopted by the commission together with the Secretary.

    Write the agenda, together with the secretary.

    Any other related to his status as president and those attributed to him by the Joint Commission through the corresponding Agreement.


    Convene the Meetings of the Joint Commission.

    Prepare the Meetings of the Joint Commission.

    Guard the commission documentation, as well as the processed files or that are in process.

    Bring the record corresponding to the files.

    Issue the certificates requested with the president's approval.

    Write the minutes of each of the meetings.

    Carry the file and deposit of all the documentation that is generated.

    Any other related to his status as secretary and those attributed to him by the joint commission through the corresponding agreement.


    Attend to the reunions.

    Exercise your right to vote in agreements that are submitted to the commission when necessary.

    Formulate proposals and issue the necessary opinions.

    Participate in the debates of the commission.

    Be punctually informed of the issues that are within your competence.

    Ask questions.

    two. The vote of the people who make up the Joint Commission will be, both in the Business Bank and in the Trade Union, proportional to the representativeness accredited for the constitution of the negotiating table of the collective agreement.

    3. In general, the Joint Commission will meet whenever any of the representations requested it, with indication of the topic or issues to be discussed, and advertising will be made of what is agreed.

    4. In order to expedite the procedures to the SI of the Joint Commission, a permanent commission of it is constituted that will be made up of one person for each of the organizations that integrate the first.The vote of the Persons that make up this Permanent Commission will be, in the Business Bank, proportional to what was its representation at the negotiating table of the agreement, and in the same sense in the union bank.This permanent commission will have among its functions to resolve those issues raised to the Joint Commission and that require a rapid and efficient response within seven days.To do so, the Permanent Commission will meet within a maximum period of 48 hours since the Secretariat of the Joint Commission has received the application for its intervention.The decisions adopted to this Permanent Commission will have to be ratified at the next meeting of the Joint Commission.This commission will communicate to the entire parity the issues to be addressed prior to its meeting.

    5. The different requests sent to the Secretariat of the Joint Commission will be registered and sent, on the same day, to all the organizations that are part.

    6. To be able to adopt agreements, they will have the meetings, both in the Joint Commission or in the permanent, directly or by representation, more than half of its components for each of the two parties represented, and the vote will be necessaryof the absolute majority in each of the two parties.

    7. For the cases in which the Joint Commission does not resolve on the requests raised, both parties, employer and unions, agree on the express submission to the agreements for the autonomous solution of conflicts of the Catalan field.

    8. The agreements of the Joint Commission will have the same value as the text of this collective agreement, in accordance with the provisions of article 91.4 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores.

    9. The minutes of the Joint Commission will be held and approved on the same day of the meeting, and will be signed by a member of each of the organizations that are part of the commission, as well as the President and Secretary and Secretary.

    Chapter II

    Article 13 Work Organization

    In application of the provisions of article 6 of the State Framework Agreement, the regulation of organization has a minimum right to regulation regarding these same matters may be contained in this agreement, and is reproduced below for the purposes of proof.

    The organization of work is the power and responsibility of the management of the company, subject to everyone that this collective agreement and the current law assign to the unitary or personal union representation, especially in night work and shifts.

    La representación unitaria o sindical del personal tendrá, en todo caso, en todo lo relacionado con la organización y racionalización del trabajo, las funciones que le asignen el Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores, la Ley 31/1995, de 8 de noviembre, de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales y otras legislaciones vigentes.

    Regardless of what is available in the previous paragraph, when working conditions are established or modified that affect a collective or substantially, individual workers or workers, it will have to be previously informed of the unitary or union representation of the personnel.

    Chapter III

    Article 14 Professional Classification

    In application of the provisions of article 84.4 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores y artículo 6 del VII Convenio colectivo estatal de atención a las personas dependientes y desarrollo de la promoción de la autonomía personal (en adelante, Convenio marco estatal), la clasificación profesional será en cada momento la que establezca el mencionado Convenio marco estatal que, a efectos de constancia, actualmente es la siguiente, adaptada al ámbito funcional del presente Convenio colectivo.

    Professional classification Agreement

    Areas of activity

    A) Gestión, administración y servicios generalesB) Servicios socioasistencialesC) Servicios residenciales

    1st) address

    Director.Manager administrator


    SAD coordination

    1b) Higher graduates and specialists




    Intermediate controls


    twoB) Intermediate controls

    Nursing coordinator.Nurse.

    Physiotherapist.Occupational therapist.Social worker.

    twoB) Intermediate controls



    3rd) Qualified personnel.

    Assistant Coordination SAD

    Administrative Officer.

    Administrative Officer SAD.MAINTENANCE OFFICIAL.

    IT technician.

    3b) Qualified personnel.


    4th) Auxiliary personnel

    Administrative Assistant. Administrative Assistant SAD.Maintenance assistant.




    4b) Auxiliary personnel



    5c) Auxiliary personnel.

    Cleaning staff

    Personal laundry

    Planter staff

    Kitchen assistant

    Trades assistant

    Article fifteen Functions

    In application of that established in article 6 of the State Framework Agreement, the functions of the personnel will be those established at all times said agreement that, for proof, is currently the following, adapted to the functional scope of this Collective Agreement:

    Article 16 Occupation

    In application of the provisions of article 84.4 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, mediante el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de trabajadores y artículo 6 del Convenio marco estatal, las modalidades de contratación serán las que en cada momento establezca el mencionado Convenio marco estatal que, a efectos de constancia, actualmente es la siguiente:

    With the objective of providing us with a stable labor relations model, which benefits both companies and personnel, which eliminates inequalities that have been able or intended to establish access to occupation and working conditions in regard toTo women, young people, immigrants, people with disabilities and for those who have temporary or part -time work, who contribute to the competitiveness of companies, improve occupation and reduction of temporality and rotationof the same and in order to ensure that the attention to users is of the highest quality and more qualified as possible, the following criteria on contracting modalities are determined, the indefinite hiring being a priority.

    According to the article fifteen.6 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, mediante el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores, el personal con contrato temporal y de duración determinada tendrá los mismos derechos que el personal con contrato de duración indefinida, sin perjuicio de las particularidades específicas de cada una de las modalidades contractuales en materia de extinción del contrato y de las cuales prevé expresamente la Ley en relación con los contratos formativos.

    In accordance with the legal provisions regulatory of the competences in matters of information rights of the unitary or trade union representation of contracting personnel, article 64.4 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, mediante el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores y artículo 10.3 de la Ley Orgánica eleven/1985, de two de agosto, de libertad sindical, se facilitará copia básica del contrato de trabajo a la representación unitaria o sindical del personal en un plazo máximo de 10 días desde su formalización.

    Occupation stability

    In order to promote indefinite hiring and provide greater stability to current contracts, it is agreed that all companies affected by the same agreement will have 80% personnel, on the minimum workforce that is legally required in each situation,with indefinite contracts and throughout the validity of this agreement.

    In the case of newly created companies, they must reach the following percentages:

    At the end of the first year of activity, 60%.

    At the end of the second year of activity, 80%.

    En consecuencia, los porcentajes máximos de contratación temporal, en cualquiera de las modalidades previstas en el mismo Convenio, serán del two0%, a excepción del primer año de actividad en el caso de las empresas de nueva creación que será del 40%.Interinity, practices and training contracts are exempted from this calculation.

    To give effect to compliance with the percentage agreed in this section, companies that will not comply with the necessary temporary contracts in indefinite until completing the agreed percentage, by order of greater antiquity, excluding interim contracts for personnel replacement.

    To calculate compliance with the percentage agreed in this section, the number of jobs occupied continuously in the immediately previous year must be taken as a reference.

    Indefinite Contract: It is the one that arranges without establishing time limits in the provision of services.It will acquire the status of indefinite personnel, with any contracting modality, the personnel who had not been discharged from Social Security, once a term equal to the legally set for the trial period and the personnel with a temporary contract concluded in fraud have elapsed Of law.

    El personal que en un periodo de two4 meses hubiera sido contratado durante un periodo superior a 18 meses, con o sin solución de continuidad, para el mismo puesto de trabajo con la misma empresa, mediante dos o más contratos temporales, sea directamente o a través de su puesta a disposición por empresas de trabajo temporal con las mismas o diferentes modalidades contractuales de duración determinada, adquirirá la condición de personal indefinido.What this section provides is not applicable to the use of training, relief and interim contracts.

    This section is not applicable for the use of training contracts, relief or interim.

    Eventual contract that is specified to meet the circumstances of the market: accumulation of tasks, excesses of orders, contemplated in article 5.1.b. del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores.May have a maximum duration of twelve months, within a period of eighteen months, counted from the moment these causes occur.If it is subscribed over a period below the maximum allowed duration, it can be extended only once, without the total duration exceeding the maximum duration.

    This contracting modality may be used by companies, among other cases, when temporarily increases the degree of dependence of people served, using any of the valuation scale recognized by the corresponding public administration, or when the occupation of the residence or centerexceeds 75% of its maximum authorized capacity.

    I respect home help services, it will be possible personal who has been hired by companies on the occasion of submitting services to meet the circumstantial demands of the market, accumulation of tasks or excess orders, even if it is the normal activity of the company, Understanding by accumulation of tasks in the illustrative basis, the specific increase in the demand of users of telecare and/or assistance services to causes of the variations that this sector entails, upward or downward, respect for the request for the provision of the provision of the provision of the provision of the provision of theservice.

    Practice contract: it will not be less than twelve months, extendable in periods of six months to the maximum of the legal limit.The remuneration for this contract will be, at least, of 80% the first year and 95% the second of the category for which they are hired for these modalities, without, in any case, is lower than the minimum interprofessional salary in the proportionto the hired day.Practices hired in practices will not be able to exceed 5% of the workforce.

    Contract for training and learning: it will not be less than twelve months, extendable in periods of six months to the maximum of the legal limit.The remuneration for these contracts will be 80% in the first year and 95% the following two years, of the category for training are hired, without, in any case, it is lower than the minimum interprofessional salary.The personnel hired under this contractual modality will not be able to exceed 5% of the workforce.

    La Comisión paritaria del Convenio será la encargada de desarrollar la formación mínima que ha de tener el personal contratado mediante las modalidades de prácticas y para la formación y aprendizaje, y velará por el cumplimiento del Real Decreto two317/93 del two9 de diciembre de 1993, referente a la titulación exigida para cada una de las modalidades de contratación.

    DETERMINED WORK OR SERVICE CONTRACT: The contracts concluded under the protect of this contract must assume a specific and determined service, with autonomy and own substantivity within the activity of the company, which supplies the object and the cause of the employment relationship,That is, specific services and that can easily be specified in time and space, even if its lady is uncertain, the execution exhausts both the provision and the work or service in question.The employment relationship will remain in force, by ascription to the work center, while continuing the provision of the activity or service by which the contractual relationship was established, regardless of the company that manages it.This hiring model will not be used to cover structural vacancies, or for interim contracts.

    This contracting modality may be used to formalize employment contracts as a result of contracts with temporary and determined public administrations. Estos contratos no podrán ser usados en los casos de suspensión de contratos por las causas del artículo 45 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido en la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores, ni por vacaciones.

    For the application of the contract by specific work or service, the following specifications will be taken into account:

    RESOLUCIÓN EMT/3758/two0two1, de two0 de diciembre, por la que se

    Part -time contract: The contract will necessarily formalize in writing, having to record it, the ordinary number of working hours a day, a week, month or year and its distribution and its distribution.

    La duración mínima de las jornadas a tiempo parcial será de two5 horas semanales, salvo las originadas por contratos o servicios que por sus características requieran jornadas inferiores en este caso la duración mínima será de 8 horas semanales.

    Personnel linked to your company by non -indefinite part -time employment contract will not be able to do complementary, or extraordinary hours.

    When due to the circumstances of the service there are excesses of day, this will be compensated with rest time or added to vacations, which will enjoy mutual agreement between the company and the staff.The number of complementary hours that those hired indefinitely may do, may not exceed 30% of ordinary work hours subject to the contract.In any case, the sum of ordinary and complementary hours may not exceed the legal limit of the day established in this agreement.

    Si en un trimestre no se hubieran realizado todas las horas complementarias correspondientes a esta, hasta un two0% de las horas no consumidas podrán ser transferidas por la empresa al trimestre siguiente, para su posible realización en el mismo, una vez efectuadas las horas complementarias correspondientes en este trimestre.In no case can the hours already transferred from the previous quarter be transferred in a quarter.

    The complementary hours, whose realization is planned in advance, will be included within the work program of the worker, respecting a minimum notice of 7 days, with the only exception that the need for its realization arises in a non -planned way;In this case, the minimum communication notice to the worker will be 48 hours.

    In no case may the worker be required to carry out complementary hours outside the schedule corresponding to their work shift (mornings, afternoons or Saturdays, Sundays and holidays).

    For all personnel, the distribution and complementary hours must respect, in any case, the limits of day and rest determined in this agreement.

    To enable voluntary mobility in part -time work, the company must inform the unitary or union representation of the personnel or, in their absence, to the workers' workers on the existence of vacant jobs, so that these theseThey can formulate voluntary conversion requests from full -time work to part -time work and vice versa, or for the increase in part -time work time working time.

    The workers who have agreed to the voluntary conversion of a full -time employment contract to a part -time or vice versa and who, by virtue of the information referred to in the preceding paragraph, request the return to the previous situation, will havePreference for access to a vacant job of that nature that is in the company corresponding to its same professional group or equivalent category.The same preference will have the personnel who, having initially hired part -time, have provided services as such to the company for 3 or more years, for the coverage of those full -time vacancies, corresponding to their same professional group or equivalent category that there are in the company.

    The requests referred to in the previous paragraphs must be taken into consideration, if possible, by the company.The denial of the application will have to be notified by the company to the working person in writing and in a motivated way.

    Así mismo, se entenderá como contrato a tiempo parcial el subscrito por el trabajador o trabajadora que concierte con su empresa, en las condiciones establecidas en el apartado 6 del artículo 1two del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores, una reducción de su jornada de trabajo.

    Relay Contract: Relay contract may be entitled, with unemployment personnel or who had a certain duration contract with the company, to partially replace the personnel who partially retire.

    Measures against age discrimination: the signatory parties undertake to support people over 45 years in the occupation.

    Article 17 Observatory on occupation and analysis of the sector

    With the objective of advancing and deepening the knowledge of the sector, the situation of the same, the quantity and quality of occupation that is generated.An analysis observatory formed by representatives of the signatory organizations of the collective agreement that will meet with semiannual character and will prepare reports of the evolution of the sector.

    Without prejudice to the necessary information that this observatory can ask in order to fill out the planned reports, he can be addressed to the joint commission of the agreement to know the degree of compliance with the agreements on occupation, both in its volume and in the modelsof hiring held.

    Signatory organizations undertake to request the necessary data to correctly evaluate the commitments acquired.

    Article 18 templates

    Contracts will be made necessary to guarantee compliance with personnel ratios established in the regulations.In any case, guaranteeing the quality of user assistance.

    Sin perjuicio de la información a que tienen derecho para desarrollar las funciones que establece el artículo 64 de Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores y el 10.3 de la Ley Orgánica eleven/1985, de two de agosto, de libertad sindical, la representación unitaria o sindical del personal tendrá acceso anual a los datos agregados de la plantilla de personal de cada empresa, con la especificación del número total de personas que comprende cada una de las categorías profesionales, diferenciados por centros de trabajo y género.

    En relación con la información a que hace referencia el párrafo anterior, la representación unitaria o sindical del personal observará las normas que sobre secreto profesional se han establecido para las personas que componen los comités de empresa en el artículo 65 del Real decreto legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores.

    El two% de personal de la plantilla de las empresas con más de 50 trabajadores y trabajadoras, será cubierto por personal con alguna discapacidad según la legislación vigente.Only this obligation can be replaced by the alternative measures established by current regulations, in the event that, to cover this percentage of the workforce, no candidate with disabilities appropriate to the workplace has been submitted, after a report by the prevention delegate.

    Para las empresas que concurren a ofertas públicas concediendo la gestión del servicio, materializadas por contrato administrativo o figura similar, el porcentaje del two% a que hace referencia el párrafo anterior, será de aplicación al personal de la plantilla natural y estructural propia de la empresa, sin considerar el gestionado transitoriamente por la concesión, ni para el two%, ni para las medidas alternativas legalmente establecidas.

    Article 19 Test period

    In application of the provisions of article 84.4 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores y artículo 6 del Convenio marco estatal, el periodo de prueba será en cada momento el que establezca el mencionado Convenio marco estatal que, a efectos de constancia, actualmente es el siguiente:

    Se establece un periodo de prueba, que en ningún caso podrá ser superior a un tercio de la duración del contrato, de acuerdo con el que regula el Real decreto legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores, de:

    The trial period will have to be agreed in writing and, during the validity of this, the contracting parties may resolve, unilaterally and freely, the employment relationship without the need for notice and without the right to any compensation.

    Artículo two0 Ingreso y provisión de vacantes

    The vacancies or newly created positions, provided that they are indefinite, will be covered according to the following procedure:

    Artículo two1 Ceses a la empresa

    The personnel with an indefinite contract that voluntarily wishes to cause decline in the company will have to notify it in writing in advance on the date of its final decline:

    The personnel hired non -indefinitely and with a contract of less than six months, regardless of the group to which it belongs, will have to prevail 10 days in advance.If the contract is a duration equal to or greater than six months, the period of notice, regardless of the group to which it belongs, will be 14 days.

    The lack of established notice will empower the company to deduce, from the proportional parties to pay at the time of liquidation, the daily equivalent of its real remuneration for each day that lacks the regulatory prior to the previously set.

    The company is obliged to justify the reception of the communication made by the worker.

    Artículo twotwo Trabajos de superior e inferior categoría y movilidad funcional

    In application of what is established in article 6 of the State Framework Agreement, the functional mobility regulation has a minimum right to regulation regarding the regulation that on these same matters may contain in this agreement, and is reproduced below for the purposes of proof:

    It is forbidden to allocate the staff to occupy a job corresponding to a lower group, except for technical or organizational reasons and exceptional circumstances that justify it and for the essential time for their attention, according to the professional classification established in article 14.The employer has to communicate his decision and the reasons for this to the workers' representatives, in accordance with article 39.two del Real decreto legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores, y el trabajador/a recibirá durante ese tiempo el salario correspondiente a su categoría profesional de origen.

    When the personnel corresponding to a higher category are allocated to tasks, it will receive the remuneration of this category during the time and the days that perform them.In the event that the degree is an indispensable requirement, these higher category works cannot be assigned, unless said degree is had.When it is carried out for more than 30% of the usual day of daily work for a period of more than six months in one year or eight for two years, the ascent will be consolidated if there is vacancy and whenever it is in possession of the corresponding degree that thePost require.

    Artículo two3 Cambio de turno

    It will have preference for the change in turn, within its category, the personnel who accredit the greatest score, based on the scale written in Annex II, as well as the workers who, due to personal circumstances, have to reconcile their employment situation with the family member, inThe legally established terms.This scale may be completed by the unitary or union representation of the personnel in the different companies affected by this collective agreement, always with respect to the principles of the necessary law.

    Artículo two4 Movilidad geográfica

    In application of that established in article 84.4 del Real decreto legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores y artículo 6 del Convenio marco estatal, la movilidad geográfica será en cada momento la que establezca el mencionado Convenio marco Estatal que, a efectos de constancia, actualmente es la siguiente, adaptada al ámbito funcional de presente Convenio colectivo: El personal, excepto los que han sido contratados especialmente para prestar servicios en empresas con centros de trabajo móviles o itinerantes, no podrá ser trasladado a un centro de trabajo diferente, de la misma empresa, que exija cambios de residencia fuera de la provincia o comunidad autónoma uniprovincial, salvo que la distancia fuera inferior a 50 km o salvo que haya razones económicas, técnicas, organizativas o productivas que lo justifiquen.

    Chapter IV Formación profesional

    In application of the provisions of article 6 of the State Framework Agreement, the Training Regulation has a minimum right to regulation that on these same matters may contain in this Agreement, and is reproduced below for the purposes of proof:

    Artículo two5 Principios generales

    En conformidad con el que prevé el artículo two3 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores y para facilitar su formación y promoción profesional, el personal afectado por el mismo Convenio colectivo tendrá derecho a ver facilitada la realización de estudios para la obtención de títulos académicos o profesionales reconocidos oficialmente, así como a la realización de cursos de perfeccionamiento profesional organizados por la propia empresa, las organizaciones firmantes de este Convenio u otros organismos.

    Artículo two6 Objetivos de la formación

    Professional training in the company will be oriented towards the following objectives:

    Adapt to the headline and to the modifications of the same.

    Update and update the professional knowledge required to the category and job that is occupied.

    Specialize, in its various degrees, some sector or subject of work itself.

    Facilitate and promote acquisition by the personnel of academic and professional titles and professional certificates.

    Professional reconversion and adaptation to the new qualification system.

    Know national and foreign languages.

    Adapt the mentality of staff and addresses towards a participatory address by objectives.

    Expand the knowledge of the personnel that allows to prosper and aspire to professional promotions and acquisition of the knowledge corresponding to other jobs.

    Form theoretical and practically, sufficiently and adequately, in preventive matters when changes in the functions that are occupied or new technologies or changes in the work teams and the conditions established in article 19 of Law 31/1995, of November 8, of occupational risk prevention.

    Approval the accrediting certifications of continuous training in the entire field of attention to agency and propose to the National Institute of Qualifications the approval of certifications to obtain, if applicable, from future professional certificates.

    Enhance training in equal opportunities.

    Artículo two7 Desarrollo de la formación

    1. Se constituirá una comisión sectorial de formación continua en el ámbito del presente Convenio, de carácter paritario, y formada por las organizaciones firmantes del Convenio, que fijará las prioridades que tendrán que llevarse a cabo a través del desarrollo del artículo two5 del mismo Convenio, atendiendo a los objetivos señalados en el artículo anterior y del cumplimiento y resultado se informará con la periodicidad y manera que se determine.Priority character will be given to the realization of training actions aimed at obtaining the professional certificate.

    two. The training of personnel will be carried out through the plans approved by the Sectorial Training Commission, the plans financed by the companies themselves or through a concert with official or recognized centers.Companies have to facilitate the use of their facilities to develop previous activities.

    3. The training will be taught, depending on the cases, in or outside the workday, or in a mixed way.In this case, using half the time of the working day and another half outside the same.Staff assistance will be mandatory when training is taught within the working day.Mandatory training, if outside the workday, will be compensated with the time invested.

    4. The company's staff and especially the one who exercises organic command jobs, is obliged to provide full support to the training plan, when required in activities of the same and in the area of its competence.

    5. The company's staff may present to the unitary or union representation of the personnel, or directly to the management, suggestions related to improving concrete aspects and activities of the training plan.

    6. The information of the company's training offer will be clear and accessible to the entire staff.

    7. The personnel who have participated in less occasions will have preference for courses and those who are occupying a job related to the subject subject of the course.The discrepancies will be resolved by mutual agreement between the management of the company and the unitary or union representation of the personnel.

    Artículo two8 Coste de la formación

    Vocational training plans will be financed through the following channels:

    Chapter V Occupational Risk Prevention and Occupational Health

    Artículo two9 Salud laboral

    In application of that established in article 84.4 del Real decreto legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores y artículo 6 del Convenio marco estatal, las normas mínimas en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales serán en cada momento las que establezca el mencionado Convenio marco estatal que, a efectos de constancia, actualmente son las siguiente, adaptadas al ámbito funcional del presente Convenio colectivo:

    Perform studies, analysis and diagnoses of working conditions, health damage and implementation of activity and preventive efforts in the scope of this Agreement.

    Prepare proposals for action in order to carry out actions that act on the deficits and problems detected.

    Prepare action plans for high -accident companies in the sector.

    Prepare specific training plans for staff.

    Prepare and disseminate criteria for risk assessment, prevention planning, prevention organization, health surveillance, information and training systems and health training systems.

    Mediate in companies in labor health and safety at the request of the parties.

    Prepare proposals, develop and manage the request for financial aid to the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia to carry out action plans.

    Within the framework of this Agreement, the parties may be provided with advisors in order to carry out the functions indicated above.

    Prepare a workload study of each of the professional groups of this agreement.

    The members of this commission will prepare an internal operating regulation.

    Article 30 Drogodependencies

    The consumption of legal and illegal drugs implies health problems with individual and collective repercussions.The beginning or increase in drug use in the workplace is in many cases determined by conditions of unemployment, precariousness or poor working conditions.Hence, it is deemed appropriate to include in this agreement, with the exception to what the consumption of tobacco refers to which the specific legal regulations will be provided, the following comprehensive plan for proposals, in the preventive aspect, welfare, reinsertive, participatory, non -sanctioning, voluntary and planned:

    Preventive: educational, informative and training measures that motivate the reduction and inappropriate use of drugs and promote healthy habits will be prioritized.Likewise, the modification of risk factors and the improvement of working conditions will be enhanced.

    Assistance: Access to treatment programs will be facilitated to those personnel who request it.

    Reinsertive: The fundamental objective of any action is to return health to the person and facilitate the reinstatement of personnel to their job.

    Participatory: Any business initiative related to drug dependence will be consulted, prior, to unitary or union representation, or else to personnel itself.

    Non -Sanctioning: The personnel who are paid to a treatment program may not be able to sanction or dismissal and will be assured of their immediate reincorporation to your job.

    The Joint Commission must specify the measures presented here in an action program that will be applied with effects of the entry into force of this agreement.

    Article 31 Health Surveillance

    1. The company will guarantee the staff at their service the periodic surveillance of its health status based on the risks inherent to work.

    This surveillance can only be carried out when the personnel provide their consent.From this voluntary nature, only the personnel or union representation, the assumptions where the realization of the recognitions is essential to evaluate the effects of working conditions on the health of the personnel or to verify whether the state ofstaff health can constitute a danger to it, for the rest of the personnel or for other people related to the company or when it is established in a legal provision in relation to the protection of specific risks and activities of special danger.

    In any case, we must opt for the realization of those recognition or evidence caused by the minor discomforts to the personnel and that are proportional to the risk.

    The reviews will be carried out preferably during working hours when they coincide with their usual turn and, in the case of mandatory reviews, the time dedicated to them will be computed as effectively worked.

    two. The surveillance and health control measures of the personnel will be carried out always respecting the right to privacy and dignity of the person and the confidentiality of all information related to their state of health.

    3. The personnel will be informed in a conveniently and confidentially of the results of the health exams to which it has been submitted.

    4. The personnel that in the development of their activity are subject to a specific risk will be entitled to an annual review, on this risk, in charge of the company.

    5. All workers will be informed before starting the work, as well as every time there is a new user or user who, due to their special conditions and the environment (known by the company), they entail an exceptional (specific) risk, of the measuresof applicable protection and prevention, derived from the initial and/or specific evaluation of risk, as provided in Law 31/1995, of November 8, on Occupational Risk Prevention.

    Artículo 3two Medidas de emergencia

    Según el artículo two0 de la Ley 31/1995, de 8 de noviembre, de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, la parte empresarial, teniendo en cuenta la dimensión y la actividad de la empresa, así como la presencia de las personas atendidas, en el caso de las residencias, deberá analizar las posibles situaciones de emergencia y adoptar las medidas necesarias en materia de primeros auxilios, lucha contra incendios y evacuación de personas usuarias y personas trabajadoras, designando para ello al personal encargado de poner en práctica estas medidas y comprobando periódicamente, si es necesario, su correcto funcionamiento.The aforementioned staff must have the necessary training, be sufficient in number and dispose of the appropriate material, depending on the aforementioned circumstances.

    For the application of the measures adopted, the company must organize the relationships that are necessary with external services, in particular in the field of first aid, medical assistance of emergency, rescue and fire fighting, so that its speed and efficiency is guaranteed.

    In any case, the company must guarantee the current regulations that, on emergency measures, establishes the corresponding autonomic administration for the care centers for the elderly.

    Article 33 Environmental Management and Protection

    The defense of health in jobs cannot be effective if at the same time it does not assume own responsibility in relation to the management of the environmental impact of work activities and does not include the defense of the environment.Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate and prevent the conditions under which the work is developed and also the repercussions of it on this.

    This responsibility requires that companies establish and put into practice policies, objectives and programs in the field of environment and effective environmental management systems, so we must adopt a policy in this regard that contemplate compliance with all the corresponding regulatory requirements,as well as the responsibilities arising from business action in environmental matters.

    Article 34 Work clothes

    Companies are obliged to facilitate at least two uniforms, including a piece of coat (as long as they are obliged to go uniformed abroad), as well as the appropriate personal protection means for the exercise of their functions, among thewhich will be found and the approved gloves that are necessary.The staff will be obliged to use, during their work, clothing and personal protection means provided by the company, as well as their care.

    The uniforms and footwear will be replaced in any case when necessary for its deterioration.

    Article 35 Maternity protection

    If, after carrying out the risk assessment by the company and the Occupational Health and Safety Committee, there were jobs that can negatively influence the health of the worker, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or the fetus, the fetus, thecompany must take the necessary measures to avoid the exposure of the worker at this risk.When the adaptation was not possible, or despite the adaptation, the conditions of the workplace can negatively influence the health of the pregnant working woman or the fetus, it has to occupy a different job or function and compatible function with its state.

    In the event that the change of position is not technically or objectively possible, or cannot reasonably be required for justified reasons, the passage through the mutual of ATMP or the INSS, as appropriate, of the worker affected to the suspension worker may be declaredof the risk contract during pregnancy, in accordance with what is provided for article 45.1.e del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores, durante el período necesario para la protección de su seguridad o de su salud y mientras persista la imposibilidad de reincorporarse a su puesto anterior o a otro puesto compatible con su estado.

    Article 36 Protection of victims of gender violence

    Según lo que dispone la Ley Orgánica 1/two004, de two8 de diciembre, de Medidas de Protección Integral Contra la Violencia de Género:

    Chapter VI Day

    Article 37 Working Day and Schedule

    In application of the provisions of article 84.4 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores y artículo 6 del Convenio marco estatal, la jornada máxima anual de trabajo será en cada momento la que establezca el mencionado Convenio marco estatal que, a efectos de constancia, actualmente es la que consta en este artículo, adaptada al ámbito funcional del presente Convenio colectivo.

    Likewise, in application of the provisions of article 6 of the State Framework Agreement, the regulation of the day and working time has a necessary minimum right regarding the regulation that on these same matters may be contained in this agreement, and is reproduced belowFor constancy purposes.

    1. Common norms

    An annual maximum day of 1 is established.79two horas de trabajo efectivo, ya sea en turno partido o continuo, salvo en el servicio de ayuda a domicilio, la jornada máxima será de 1.755 hours.The day can be distributed by the company irregularly in a percentage of 10%.

    The two maximum annual days will be considered in semiannual computing.

    It is understood by departure day in which there is an uninterrupted rest of at least one hour.In no case can it be fractioned in more than two periods.

    No more than nine hours of effective work in full -time or their proportion can be done on the basis of the day specified in the part -time contract, unless there is a minimum of twelve hours between the end of a day and the beginning of theNext, and always by mutual agreement between the company and the unitary or union representation of the personnel (if the latter do not exist, the agreement will be made directly with the staff), always respecting the maximum annual day established by this agreement establishes.

    Companies may establish an assistance control system without the time reflected in the Assistance Registry meaning, by themselves, effective hours of work.

    In the first month of each year, a labor calendar with shifts and schedules will be prepared by the company that can be chestable quarterly.All this, prior negotiation with the unitary or union representation of the personnel, pounding a copy, one week in advance, to the unitary or union representation of the personnel for exposure on the advertisements.

    The company must facilitate, as far as possible, changes in turn to workers for accompaniment to medical consultation of minor or dependent relatives to the first degree of consanguinity.For these purposes, agreements between workers communicated to the company will be taken into account.

    Provided that the duration of the continuous daily day exceeds six hours, a rest period will be established during the same fifteen minutes, which will be considered effective working time for all purposes.

    The days in which the personnel are in a situation of temporary disability, as well as the time that the law grants for the breastfeeding of a minor will not be subjected to return, or recovery, they will be considered as days worked for the purpose of the annual computation, without these days, in any case, they can cause a deficit of day or, for themselves, excesses of day.

    For each day made on a holiday, a compensatory rest of a working day will be enjoyed, which will not be considered as a working time, respecting the total number of effective hours indicated in this agreement.

    The part -time day will be continued, except for those held on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and special days that may be games. Cuando las jornadas sean partidas tendrán una duración mínima de two4 horas semanales.

    Regardless of this suspension, any formula that has been agreed or agreed between the company and the unitary or union representation, the personnel, always respecting legal and conventionally established criteria will be respected.

    two. Special standards for home help service

    For those who provide their services to home help, the working day will have the following specific characteristics:

    Working time in the starting days cannot be divided every day in more than two fractions of time.

    Las jornadas completas y partidas se realizarán en horario diurno, es decir entre las 7 y las twotwo horas.

  • F.two: Jornadas a tiempo parcial: La jornada a tiempo parcial incluida en turno de mañana tendrá como horario de entrada el comprendido entre las 7 y las 10 horas y como límite máximo de salida las 16 horas.

    La jornada a tiempo parcial incluida en turno de tarde tendrá como horario de entrada el comprendido entre las fifteen y las 18 horas y como límite máximo de salida las twotwo horas.

    La jornada a tiempo parcial destinada a la prestación de servicios los sábados, domingos y festivos, se realizará en horario diurno, es decir entre las 7 y las twotwo horas, salvo aquella establecida con el fin de atender servicios nocturnos y sin perjuicio de lo que regula el artículo 13 del presente Convenio sobre contrataciones.

  • F.3: Jornadas especiales: Podrán realizar jornadas especiales para la atención de servicios nocturnos, privados, rurales o cualquiera que por sus características requieran una atención especial o no reúnan las condiciones para aplicar las jornadas establecidas.

    The special days will mean the existence of a certain duration contract for the realization of a specific work or service, in which the service or services to provide.

    When the special services described in the first paragraph of this article are stable, the contract may be indefinite.

    The Special Day and Schedule regime will be given in each case by the needs of the services to be met and will be specified in each contract.

  • G.
  • To get the recovery of hours that staff owe, the company will offer at least three times the possibility of recovering them.In case of rejection, the company may proceed to the discount of the corresponding amount per ordinary time.Monthly the company will facilitate the unitary or union representation of the personnel in regards to the time regime of the workforce.In any case, the provisions of articles 35 and 36 of this Agreement will be respected.

    The implications derived from this regularization will not involve in any case the application of the article referring to the availability plus, to the extent that they enter within the daily dynamics of the service.

    Article 38 Weekly Rest

    In application of the provisions of article 6 of the State Framework Agreement, the regulation of the weekly rest has a minimum right to the regulation that on these same matters may contain in this agreement, and is reproduced below for the purposes of proof:

    The personnel will be entitled to a weekly rest of the day and a half (thirty -six hours) without interruption.This break must coincide on Sunday, at least once every four weeks, except for those staff with specific weekend contracts.In no case may be overlapped for the compensatory rest day for having worked during a holiday.

    Regardless of what is established above, any formula that has been agreed or agreed between the company and the unitary or union representation of the personnel or, if not, the staff.

    Article 39 Holidays

    In application of the provisions of article 6 of the State Framework Agreement, vacation regulation has a necessary minimum right to regulation that on these same matters may contain in this agreement, and is reproduced below for proof purposes:

    The annual vacation period will be paid and its duration will be thirty -four calendar days.In those cases in which the year of effective work has not been completed, workers and workers will be entitled to the proportional part.The holidays will be enjoyed preferably during the months of June, July, August and September.

    The enjoyment period will be set in a period of thirty days or two periods of fifteen days, not being able to make more fractions, except agreement between the company and the staff and with the approval of the unitary or union representation, always respecting the following the followingcriteria:

    Cuando el periodo de vacaciones fijado en el calendario de la empresa coincida en el tiempo con una incapacidad temporal derivada del embarazo, el parto o la lactancia natural o con el periodo de suspensión del contrato de trabajo previsto en los apartados 4, 5 y 7 del artículo 48 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores, se tendrá derecho a disfrutar las vacaciones en fecha distinta de la de la incapacidad temporal o a la del disfrute del permiso que por aplicación de este precepto le corresponda, al acabar el periodo de suspensión, aunque haya terminado el año natural al que correspondan.

    In the event that the holiday period coincides with a temporary disability due to contingencies other than those indicated in the previous paragraph that makes the worker impossible to enjoy them, totally or partially, during the natural year to which they correspond, the staff may do so onceThe disability and whenever no more than eighteen months have ended from the end of the year in which they have originated.

    A partir de 1 de enero de two017 la retribución correspondiente al período de disfrute de vacaciones vendrá determinada por la suma de salario base, y en su caso plus antigüedad, complemento de garantía ad personam y plus nocturno del personal de turno fijo de noche, y el promedio mensual de lo devengado por los complementos variables (plus nocturnidad del personal que no está en turno fijo de noche, plus de domingos y festivos, plus de festivos especiales y plus de disponibilidad) recogidos en la tabla de retribuciones correspondiente a los doce meses inmediatamente anteriores a aquél en que se inicie el período de vacaciones, promedio que, dividido entre los 30 días de vacaciones, será abonado por cada día disfrutado de vacaciones.

    It may be agreed, with the unitary or union representation of the personnel, pay in the period of enjoyment of vacation the corresponding remuneration to the variable accessories that the personnel would have perceived in such a period in the case of not enjoying vacations in the same, provided that thesame is not lower than the one referred to afore.

    It can also be agreed with the unitary or union representation of the fertilizer personnel of the part of the vacation remuneration corresponding to the average of the variable accessories in a single pay within the calendar year, preferably to the end of the enjoyment of the holiday period.


    Article 40 Remote Structure

    In application of the provisions of article 6 of the State Framework Agreement, the regulation of the remuneration structure and salaries (bases, accessories, overtime and work to shifts) has a minimum right to the regulation that on these same mattersIt can be contained in this agreement, and then reproduces for constancy purposes:

    The remuneration structure remains as follows:

    At the request of the company, within the working day, the completion of the service begins the need to use means of transportation.

    The nature of the service and organization of work implies the need to use means of transport for its provision.This especially in the displacements between rural or semi -type services and during their completion by any worker.

    The fertilizer will be made in one of the following ways:

    Taking charge of the amount of transport in public media (bus, taxi, etc..).

    Facilitating the company's vehicle transportation.

    Paying € 0.18 per km.If the staff moves with their own vehicle.In any case, derived amounts will not be quoted to the extent that they do not exceed the amount per legally established kilometer.

    Article 41 Remuneration Table

    Se anexa al presente Convenio las tablas salariales correspondientes al ejercicio two0two1.

    Artículo 4two Horas extraordinarias

    Due to the characteristics of the sector and its continued service mission, twenty -four hours a day, the hours that must be carried out based on the coverage of possible absences dueof the annual day established in accordance with the first paragraph of article 37.

    The realization of these overtime will be for exceptional situations and will be argued to the unitary or union representation of the personnel.They will be compensated preferably in working time or will be paid according to the price established in Annex I, which already incorporates the remuneration increase agreed in this Agreement.

    In any case, they may not exceed the maximum annual limit legally established.

    Article 43 Holidays of special significance

    Por su especial significado, el personal que preste sus servicios durante los días de Navidad y Año Nuevo, desde el inicio del turno de noche del two4 al two5 de diciembre hasta la finalización del turno de tarde del día two5, y desde el inicio del turno de la noche del 31 de diciembre al 1 de enero y hasta la finalización del turno de tarde del día 1 de enero.The remuneration corresponding to these special holidays that have been compensated with rest on a different day is that reflected in the salary tables.

    In no case will the festive plus of special significance and the normal holiday plus for a single work shift be perceived.

    If those days fall on Sunday, taking into account that each autonomous community sets a substitute holiday, it is perceived as a festive of special significance and the substitute according to salary table.

    Article 44 Plus of availability

    Companies voluntarily can establish availability shifts that will always have voluntariness by staff.That worker who voluntarily welcomes this modality will have the obligation to be located during the day in order to go to any requirement that may occur as a result of a specific situation of specific emergency.In no case may the hours established in the turn to cover be overcome.

    The staff is obliged to attend the mobile phone or apparatus looking for people and to appeal in their workplace or at the home of the user that is indicated, in the shortest possible time, time that will be agreed in each area with the unitary representationor staff trade union will be computed as a working time from the moment it was required up to 30 minutes after the end of the service.In no case may exceed 30 minutes the time it runs since the requirement occurs to the presence in the required service.If the worker foresees that it will take more than 30 minutes to appear, he must immediately communicate it to the company.

    In case of mobile phone or apparatus search, the working person is obliged to immediately inform the company and facilitate a telephone number in which they can be located.

    The date and duration of availability will be specified in the work quadrant prepared by the company. En ningún caso el número de horas de disponibilidad podrá ser superior al two5% de la jornada establecida en el Convenio.

    Availability time will not be computed for ordinary day.The period that runs from the requirement to thirty minutes after the end of the service will be computed as overtime. En ningún caso las horas extraordinarias realizadas en disponibilidad podrán superar el tope fijado en el artículo 4two del presente Convenio.

    The unitary or union representation of the staff will receive information from the company regarding the realization of availability shifts.

    Article 45 Compensation for temporary disability in accident at work and/or occupational disease

    In case of temporary disability due to work accident and/or occupational disease, the company will complement the economic benefit that the worker receives of social security up to 100% of the salary, during the twenty -first days of decline.

    Article 46 Advances

    Companies will be forced, at the request of the staff, to grant a monthly advance of 100% of the salary accrued at the time of the petition.

    Article 47 Salary receipts

    It is inescapable that the support of justifying wages of the same be extended and delivered.Said receipt, which will be adjusted to an official model approved by the competent public administration, must contain, perfectly broken down and specified, all salary concepts, as well as withholdings, contributions, tributes and their calculation bases.

    These fertilizers will be made within the first five days of each month.To do this, any of the legally authorized systems, in the opinion and discretion of the company (checks, transfers, metallic, etc. will be used..).

    Article 48 Inapplication clause of working conditions

    The inapplication of working conditions as well as the modification of the conditions established in this Agreement will be carried out in the circumstances and with the conditions established in the legislation in force at all times and with respect to the provisions of articles eleven and 63of this agreement.

    In case according to the company level, it must be notified to the Joint Commission of this Agreement, referring next to the notification the following documentation:

    In your case, justifying documentation of the democratic election of the Ad Hoc Commission.

    Negotiation Process Minutes.

    Justifying economic documentation.

    Inapplication Agreement.

    Chapter VIII Permits, licenses and leaves, suspension of the employment contract and other rights derived from the conciliation of working and family life

    In application of the provisions of article 6 of the State Framework Agreement, the regulation of licenses and leaves has a necessary minimum right regarding the regulation that on these same matters may contain in this agreement, and be reproduced below for the purposes of proof:

    Article 49 Contract suspension by birth of a child, adoption, keep in order to adopt or care

    1. Birth permission

    Each parent will enjoy the same period of suspension of the 16 -week employment contract, being the first 6 weeks of obligatory compliance with uninterrupted compliance immediately after delivery, and which will have to enjoy full -time for the fulfillment of the duties derived from the care of the minor.

    The duration of the suspension will vary in the cases of multiple delivery and those of child with disabilities, in accordance with the legally expected.

    In case of death of the biological mother, regardless of whether it worked or not, the other parent will be entitled to the totality of 16 weeks of suspension planned for the biological mother.

    In the case of birth, the other parent may continue using the suspension period initially assigned by the biological mother although, at the time provided for the reinstatement of the mother to work, it is in a situation of temporary disability.

    In cases of premature births and in those in which, for any other cause, the neonate must be hospitalized after child hospital discharge.The six weeks after childbirth are excluded from this computation, of compulsory suspension of the biological mother's contract.

    In cases of premature delivery with lack of weight and in those others in which the newborn requires, due to some clinical condition, hospitalization after childborn is in the hospitalized center, with a maximum of thirteen additional weeks.

    two. Permit for adoption, legal guardian for adoption and foster care.

    Each parent will have a 16 -week suspension period, of which the first 6 will be enjoyed uninterrupted and full -time, immediately after the judicial resolution by which it constitutes the adoption or administrative decision of guard for adoption purposesor foster care.

    Las 10 semanas restantes se podrán disfrutar en periodos semanales, de forma acumulada o interrumpida, dentro de los 1two meses siguientes a la resolución judicial por la que se constituya la adopción o bien a la decisión administrativa de guarda con fines de adopción o de acogida.The suspension of 10 weeks can be exercised in full -time or part -time regime, prior agreement between the company and the affected working person, in the terms determined.

    In no case will the same minor give right to several periods of suspension in the same working person.

    In the cases of international adoption, when the previous displacement of the parents to the country of origin of the adopted, the suspension period provided for each case in this section is necessary, can be initiated up to 4 weeks before the resolution of the constitution of theadoption.

    This right is the individual of the working person without the exercise of the exercise to another adopter, guardian for adoption or cozy purposes.

    The working person must communicate to the company, at least fifteen days, the exercise of this right.When the two adopters, guardians or welcoming who exercise this right work in the same company, it may limit their simultaneous enjoyment of the ten weeks of voluntary for founded and objective reasons, duly motivated in writing.

    In the event that both parents work, the suspension period will be distributed at the option of the interested parties, being able to enjoy in weekly periods simultaneously or successively, within the shared enjoyment limits established for each year of the transitory period.These can be enjoyed in full -time or part -time regime, prior agreement between the company and the affected working person.


    The personnel, prior notice and justification, may be absent from work with the right to remuneration, for any of the reasons and for the following time:

    The calculation of permits by marriage, death of a relative, accident, serious illness or hospitalization will begin the first working day following the causative event when this happened on a holiday or weekly rest for the working person.

    Article 51 Unpaid Licenses

    Licencia por asuntos propios: 3 meses al año, computándose de una sola vez o fracción (que en ningún caso podrá ser inferior a 1 mes), no coincidente con los meses de junio, julio, agosto y septiembre, solicitada con una antelación de two0 días, salvo casos de urgente necesidad.The extension of this period may be agreed between company and personnel without exceeding 6 months.If the assistance circumstances allow it, this type of permit could be used in the summer period mentioned above.

    Previous notice, justification and agreement with the company, the personnel will be entitled annually up to 7 non -paid days, for personal matters not collected in the remote licenses section.

    Artículo 5two Excedencia especial por nacimiento o adopción de hijo/a y cuidado de familiares

    a) Excedencia especial por nacimiento o adopción de hijo/a

    The personnel will be entitled to a period of leave of duration not exceeding three years to attend to the care of each child, both when it is by nature, and by adoption, or in the cases of foster care, both permanent and pre -appointed, tocount from the date of birth or, where appropriate, of the judicial or administrative resolution or as of the end of mandatory maternity rest.

    The birth or adoption of new children will generate the right to future and successive leaves that, in any case, will end the previous.

    The period that the staff remains in a situation of leave, especially on the occasion of its reincorporation.During the first eighteen (18) months, you will be entitled to reserve your job.The simultaneous exercise of this right, by the same causative subject, by the two parents, adoptive or welcoming parents who work in the same company, can only be limited by this for justified reasons of operation.Once the 18 -month period is finished, the reservation will be referred to a job of the same professional group or equivalent category.

    b) Excedencia por cuidado de familiares

    It will also be entitled to a period of leave, of duration not exceeding three years to attend to the care of a family member to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, which for reasons of age, accident, disease or disability cannot use themselvessame, and do not perform paid activity.

    This period of leave will be computable for seniority purposes and the staff will be entitled to attending professional training courses, to the participation of which it will have to be summoned by the employer, especially on the occasion of their reincorporation.

    The worker will have the right of reservation of his workplace the first year and after this period the reservation will be referred to a job of the same working group or equivalent category.

    Article 53 Breastfeeding and reduction of the day for family reasons

    1. Se tendrá derecho a una hora de ausencia del puesto de trabajo, que se podrá dividir en dos fracciones de media hora, sin pérdida de retribución, aquellos que tengan cuidado de un hijo menor hasta que este cumpla los 1two meses de edad.In the same way, this right may be replaced by a reduction in its day in an hour with the same purpose, or accumulate in entire days to enjoy in the terms provided in the agreement that is reached with the company.This permit may be enjoyed interchangeably by the father and mother in the case that both work.However, if two working people from the same company exercise this right by the same causative subject, the business management can limit the simultaneous exercise for justified reasons of operation of the company, who must communicate it in writing.The breastfeeding permit will increase proportionally in case of childbirth or adoption or multiple foster care.In the event of risk during pregnancy or risk during breastfeedWhen the impossibility of the worker disappears to join her previous position or another compatible with her status.The hourly concretion and determination of the period of enjoyment of the breastfeeding permit and the reduction of the day provided for in this article will correspond to the personnel within their ordinary day.The worker will have to notice the company fifteen days before the date on which he will return to his ordinary day.

    two. Quien por razones de guarda legal tenga a su cuidado directo algún menor de 1two años o una persona con discapacidad que no desempeñe una actividad retribuida, tendrá derecho a una reducción de la jornada de trabajo, con la disminución proporcional del salario entre, al menos 1/8 i un máximo de la mitad de la duración de aquella.It will have the same right who needs to take care of the direct care of a relative, to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, that for reasons of age, accident or illness cannot be valid for himself, and that does not perform paid activity.

    The parent, adopter, guardian with permanent adoption or cozy purposes will be entitled to a reduction in the workday, with the proportional decrease in the salary of at least half of the duration of that, for care, during hospitalizationand continuous treatment, of the child in charge affected by cancer (malignant tumors, melanomas and carcinomas), or by any other serious illness, which implies a long -term hospital admission and requires the need for direct, continuous and permanent, accredited care, accreditedfor the report of the Public Health Service or Sanitary Administrative Body of the corresponding Autonomous Community and, at most, until the least turns eighteen years old.

    3. The hourly concretion and determination of the period of enjoyment of the breastfeeding permit and the reduction of the day provided for in this article will correspond to the working person, within their ordinary day.This will have to notice the company fifteen days before the date on which it will be reincorporated to its ordinary day.

    Article 54 voluntary leave

    The personnel who accredit at least 1 year old in the company, may request a voluntary leave for a period not less than 4 months or greater than 5 years.

    The leave will be understood granted without the right to any remuneration and said period will not compute for seniority purposes.

    Said leave will always be requested in writing in advance of at least 30 days to the date of its start, unless it is for demonstrable cases of urgent need, and must also receive a response, also written, by the company, within fivedays.

    Before finishing it and in advance of at least 30 days before its completion, you must request your income in writing.

    Excess personnel will have only a preferential right to admission to their category or similar if, after their request for re -entry, there was a vacancy in the same.Otherwise, it will be in a situation of expectant law.

    If at the end of the same or during its validity, you want to join the work and there are no vacancies in its category, but in a lower one, the working person may join it, with the conditions of this lower category, in order to access their owncategory at the time the first possibility occurs.

    In no case, except for concrete concession in this regard, may request leave to incorporate its services in entities similar to those included in this agreement.

    El personal acogido a una excedencia voluntaria no podrá optar a una nueva hasta transcurridos two años de trabajo efectivo, después de agotada la anterior.

    Article 55 Forced leave

    Forced leave will entitle the conservation of the job and the computation of antiquity in the following assumptions:

    Chapter IX Derechos sindicales

    In application of the provisions of article 6 of the State Framework Agreement, the regulation of union rights has a minimum right to regulation regarding these same matters that may be contained in this agreement, and is reproduced below for the purposes of proof:

    Article 56 Trade Union Rights

    People who are part of the unitary representation of the personnel will have, among others, the following rights and functions, in addition to those reviewed in article 64.d del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores:

    Garantías de la representación del personal: Además de las garantías que prevén los apartados a), b), c) y d) del artículo 68 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores, los y las representantes del personal dispondrán de un crédito de horas mensuales retribuidas para el ejercicio de sus funciones de representación de acuerdo con la siguiente escala:

    De 1 a two5 trabajadores: two0 horas.

    De two6 a 50 trabajadores: two5 horas.

    51 to 100 workers: 30 hours.

    De 101 a two50 trabajadores: 35 horas.

    De two51 en adelante: 40 horas.

    The use of the credit will have preferential dedication, with the only limitation of the obligation to communicate, previously, with a minimum in advance of 48 hours, to anticipate its substitution, at its beginning, and duration, except in exceptional situations.

    The credit of monthly hours paid for the representatives may accumulate in a representatives or several representatives.This accumulation must be communicated to the company in advance.

    Likewise, advertising planks will be facilitated so that, under the responsibility of the union representatives, those notices and communications that must be made and created relevant are placed.Those planks will be distributed in visible points and places to allow information to easily reach staff.

    Trade union sections: companies will respect the rights of personnel to union freely.They will allow personnel affiliated with a union to hold meetings, collect fees and distribute union information outside work hours, without disturbing normal activity.

    You cannot condition the occupation of a position that a person is affiliated or does not give up their union affiliation and may not be uncomfortable or harmed in any other way, because of their affiliation or union activity.

    In companies there will be advertisements in which the implanted unions can insert their communications.

    The unions or confederations may establish union sections in provincial companies or groups (understanding that those that appear as such in electoral processes) have this consideration).

    In companies with 50 or more workers and in which there is no unitary representation of the workers, the signatory trade union organizations will have a union delegate or delegate to the celebration of union elections, provided that they are active personnel ofThe respective company.

    Los delegados y delegadas sindicales nombrados con anterioridad a la entrada en vigor del V Convenio marco estatal de servicios de atención a las personas dependientes y desarrollo de la promoción de la autonomía personal (residencias privadas de personas mayores y del servicio de ayuda a domicilio) en empresas comprendidas en el tramo de two5 a 60 trabajadores continuarán con los mismos derechos y deberes que corresponden al delegado sindical hasta que se celebre un nuevo proceso electoral en su centro de trabajo.

    The function of the delegate and union delegate will be to defend the interests of the union or confederation it represents and its affiliation in the company, and serve as an instrument of communication between its union or confederation and the company, according to the reflected functionsIn the LOLS.At the requirement of the union delegate, the company will discount the amount of the corresponding union quota and with the prior authorization of the personnel in the monthly payroll.

    The company and the most representative trade union organizations may agree on systems that allow the performance of trade union tasks in favor of a certain number of personnel belonging to any of the organizations mentioned.

    Los delegados y delegadas sindicales gozarán de los mismos derechos y garantías que los representantes del personal en los comités de empresa o delegados de personal, de acuerdo a lo establecido en la Ley Orgánica eleven/1985, de two d'agost, de llibertat sindical y en el presente Convenio.

    Asambleas: Los delegados y delegadas de personal, comités de empresa, secciones sindicales o el two0 por 100 del total de la plantilla, en aquellas empresas de más de 50 personas, y el 30 por 100 en las de menos de 50 personas, podrán convocar reuniones con un mínimo de two4 horas, previa comunicación a la empresa, dentro de horas de trabajo, con un máximo anual para su realización de 50 horas y un tope de 10 horas mensuales que no se puede acumular de mes en mes.Communication will express the agenda of the topics to be addressed.In no case will such hours be paid, except in accordance with the company.

    Negotiating tables: to the personnel who participate in the joint or negotiating commissions of the agreement will be granted paid permission, in order to facilitate their negotiating work and during the course of the said negotiations.

    Chapter X Disciplinary Regime

    In application of the provisions of article 84.4 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el cual se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores y el 6 del Convenio marco estatal, el régimen disciplinario será en cada momento el que establezca dicho Convenio Marco Estatal que, a efectos de constancia, actualmente es la siguiente, adaptada al ámbito funcional del presente Convenio colectivo:

    Article 57 Disciplinary Regime

    The staff may be sanctioned by the company, by virtue of labor breaches, in accordance with the graduation of following faults and sanctions:

    A) Faltas leves

    1. The delay and negligence in the fulfillment of its functions, as well as the improper use of the premises, means, materials or documents of the company, unless due to its manifest severity, it can be considered as serious lack.

    two. Non -communication in advance of the lack of work assistance due to just cause, unless the impossibility of doing so is proven.

    3. From 3 to 5 repeated offenses of punctuality in a month, at the beginning of the day, or the abandonment of the job or service for a short time, not exceeding fifteen minutes, without just cause.

    4. The lack of toilet and personal cleaning.

    5. Do not communicate to the company the changes of address, residence, telephone or family situation that may affect tax or social security obligations.

    6. Alter without authorization the schedules of home help services contemplated in work parts.

    7. The use of personal mobile phone for private matters in your workday, except cases of urgency.

    8. Do not carry the identification card visible, or not carry the complete regulatory uniform, during your workday.

    B) Faltas graves

    1. The delay and negligence in the fulfillment of their functions, as well as the improper use of the premises, means, materials or documents of the company, of manifest severity.

    two. The lack of assistance to the workplace of 1 to 3 days without just cause, in a period of 30 days, not communicate the absence to it and not deliver the official leave within 48 hours following its issuance, unlessThe impossibility of having done so is proven.

    3. Repeated missing faults, not exceeding fifteen minutes, at the beginning of the day, without just cause for more than 5 days and less than 10 in a period of 30 days.

    4. The abandonment of the job without just cause.

    5. Failure or abandonment of established norms and measures of safety and health at work, except when health and physical integrity risks can be derived in which case will be typified as a very serious lack.

    6. The use of time, uniforms, materials or means of the company in matters of others or for their own benefit.

    7. Accept, without writing authorization from the company, the custody of the home key of the person's user service user.

    8. Smoking or consuming alcohol during service provision.

    9. The lack of respect due to the users, classmates and partners of any category, as well as the family and companions and those of abuse of authority, or any other person who relates to the company.

    10. Do not attend, without just cause, the mobile phone or apparatus looking for people facilitated by the company during the work day, except in the case of localized guards that will be considered a very serious offense.

    eleven. The recidivism in the commission of a slight offense, even if it is of a different nature, within a period of 90 days, provided that there is a sanction for that reason.

    C) Faltas muy graves

    1. Publicize the pathological process and intimacy of the resident or user and any personal data protected by current legislation.

    two. Fraud, disloyalty the transgression of good contractual faith and the abuse of trust in the entrusted efforts.

    3. Lack of unjustified work assistance for more than 3 days in a period of 30 days.

    4. Repeated missing of punctuality at the beginning of the day, not justified, for more than 10 days in a period of 30 days or for more than 30 days for a period of 90 days.

    5. The ill -treatment, work, psychic or moral, infringed to residents, users and users, classmates and companions of any category, as well as family and companions, or any other person who relates to the company.

    6. Demand, ask, accept or obtain economic or in kind of users of the center or service.

    7. Appropriate objects, documents, material, etc., of the users, of the center, of the service or of the staff.

    8. Sexual harassment, due to sex, orientation and sexual and labor identity.

    9. Put another person to perform services without authorization from the company.

    10. The negligence in the preparation and/or administration of medication, or any other negligence that has an impact on the health or integrity of the users of the center or service.

    eleven. Unfair competition, in the sense of promoting, inducing or suggest/or telephone numbers of residents or relatives to people outside the residence or service.

    1two. Perform work on your own or foreign being in a situation of temporary disability, as well as making manipulations or falsehoods to prolong this disability.

    13. The acts and behaviors, verbal or physical, of an offensive sexual nature addressed to any person of the company, being of maximum gravity those that are exercised from positions of command or hierarchy, those made towards people with an undefined contract, or those of reprisals againstthe people who have denounced.

    14. The lack of discipline at work.

    fifteen. Do not attend, without just cause, the mobile phone or apparatus searches for the company during the localized guards.

    16. Failure or abandonment of established norms and measures of safety and health at work, when health and physical integrity risks can be derived from it.

    17. The abuse of authority in the performance of functions.

    18. The recidivism in serious offense, in the period of 180 days, even if it is of a different nature, provided that there would be a sanction.

    19. Any other conduct typified in article 54.two del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores.


    The sanctions that may be imposed, depending on the rating of the faults, will be the following:

    For minor offenses

    Written warning.

    Employment and salary suspension up to 3 days.

    For serious offenses

    Suspensión de empleo y sueldo de 4 a two9 días.

    For very serious offenses

    Employment and salary suspension of 30 to 90 days.


    Article 58 Processing and Prescription

    The sanctions will be communicated motivatedly and in writing to the interested person for their knowledge and effects, notification to the unitary representation of the personnel in the serious and very serious.

    For the imposition of sanctions for serious and very serious offenses, the affected personnel will have the right to formulate written allegations within 5 calendar days.

    It is absolutely indispensable to process contradictory file for the imposition of sanctions, whatever their gravity, in the case of people belonging to the Company Committee, personnel delegates, whether they are active of their union positions as if stillThey are in regulatory period of guarantees.

    Las faltas leves prescribirán a los 10 días, las graves a los two0 y las muy graves a los 60, a partir de la fecha en la cual se tenga conocimiento, y, en todo caso, a los 6 meses de haberse cometido.

    Article 59 Infractions of the company

    The company's work infractions are the actions or omissions contrary to the legal provisions on work, to the collective agreement and other application standards.The hinder will be sanctioned to the exercise of public freedoms and fundamental rights.As well as the breach or abandonment of the norms or measures established in the field of occupational health and safety.

    They will be processed in accordance with current regulations.

    Chapter Xiplanas de Equality

    Article 60 real and effective equality of women and men in companies

    1. All companies included in the scope of this agreement are obliged to respect equal treatment and opportunities in the field of labor relations and, with this purpose, must take the necessary measures to avoid any type of labor discrimination between men andwomen.

    two. De conformidad a lo anterior, se deberá respetar en todo momento la normativa dictada a estos efectos, concretamente, el Real Decreto Ley 6/two019, de fecha 1 de marzo, de medidas urgentes para garantizar la igualdad de trato y de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres en el trabajo y el empleo; el Real Decreto 901/two0two0, de 13 de octubre, por el que se regulan los planes de igualdad, el Real Decreto 90two/two0two0, de 13 de octubre, de igualdad retributiva entre mujeres y hombres; así como la Ley 17/two0fifteen, de two1 de julio, de igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres; o aquellas vigentes en cada momento.

    3. All companies included under the scope of this Agreement are obliged to take the necessary actions to avoid any behavior that can be qualified as sexual harassment or by gender reason, sexual orientation or gender identity, which is whyThey will prepare an action protocol that addresses the planned procedures to address this types of situations.

    Article 61 Equality Plans

    De conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Ley Orgánica 3/two007, las empresas están obligadas a respetar la igualdad de trato y de oportunidades en el ámbito laboral y, con esta finalidad, deberán adoptar medidas dirigidas a evitar cualquier tipo de discriminación laboral entre mujeres y hombres, medidas que deberán negociar, y en su caso acordar, con la representación legal del personal en la forma que se determine en la legislación laboral.

    Those companies that at each moment exceed the legally established staff, must carry out the elaboration and application of an equal plan.

    Companies will also prepare and apply an equal plan, prior negotiation or consultation, where appropriate, with the legal representation of the personnel, when the labor authority had agreed in a sanctioning procedure to replace the accessory sanctions for the elaboration and application of saidPlan, in the terms that are established in the agreement

    The elaboration and implementation of equality plans will be voluntary for the other companies, following the legally established procedures.

    A efectos de lo regulado en el presente Convenio respecto a los planes de igualdad y a los diagnósticos de situación deberá tenerse en cuanta lo señalado en el artículo 5 de la Ley Orgánica 3/two007, según el cual, no constituirá discriminación en el acceso al empleo, incluida la formación necesaria, una diferencia de trato basada en una característica relacionada con el sexo cuando, debido a la naturaleza de las actividades profesionales concretas o al contexto en el que se lleven a cabo, dicha característica constituya ya un requisito profesional esencial y determinante, siempre y cuando el objetivo sea legítimo y el requisito proporcionado.

    Igualmente, la Ley Orgánica 3/two007 deberá ser interpretada siempre en términos razonables teniendo en cuenta que las plantillas de las empresas son producto de una decantación natural en el tiempo que obedecen a unos antecedentes conectados con los del propio mercado de trabajo y el empleo y una menor participación histórica de las mujeres en las tareas de producción.From all this they do not necessarily derive assumptions of labor discrimination since the possible existing differences with respect to the quantification of genders in the template may be in some way motivated by the reasons before said.This does not prevent in the future from business decisions to accommodate the terms provided in the law, so that business decisions not only do not favor any discrimination but instead procure and facilitate the full incorporation of women and mento all existing tasks or jobs in the structures of the sector of attention to the dependence and development of the promotion of personal autonomy.

    Artículo 6two La Comisión sectorial por la igualdad de oportunidades

    The Joint Commission of the Agreement in order to address the commitments of this chapter assumes:

    Understand in terms of consultation about the doubts of interpretation and/or application that may arise in companies in relation to the provisions on equality plans established in the previous articles.

    Monitoring of the evolution of equality plans agreed in companies in the sector.

    Possibility of developing technical opinions on aspects related to equal treatment and opportunities between women and men at work at the request of the parties.

    If this is agreed within the Commission, it may prepare a specific study in relation to equal opportunities in the sector and, in particular, an evaluation of the employment and employment situation of women, to be carried out through aSectorial Survey of Application of the Agreement and for which it will be necessary for the data to be presented in the latter, disaggregated by gender.

    Based on the conclusions obtained, a possible specific collaboration agreement will be examined again with the General Directorate of Equality, as well as the possibility of preparing a code of good practices regarding equal treatment and opportunities in companies in the sector.

    The result of the sharing of these reports and their conclusions will constitute the annual report on equal opportunities in the sector.

    Chapter XII Autonomous Solution of Conflicts

    Article 63 Discrepancies solution in procedures of non -application of working conditions and other collective conflicts

    1. A los efectos de solucionar de manera efectiva las discrepancias que puedan surgir entre empresa y trabajadores/as por la no aplicación de las condiciones de trabajo a que se refiere el artículo 8two.3 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los trabajadores, ambas partes acuerdan que se estará a los procedimientos que se establezcan en el Acuerdo Interprofesional de Cataluña vigente en cada momento.

    two. Las partes firmantes del presente Convenio, en representación de los trabajadores / as y empresas comprendidas en su ámbito, pactan expresamente la sumisión a los procedimientos de conciliación y mediación del Tribunal Laboral de Cataluña, para la resolución de los conflictos laborales de índole colectiva o plural que pudieran suscitarse, así como los de carácter individual no excluidos expresamente de las competencias de dicho tribunal, como trámite procesal previo obligatorio a la vía judicial, a los efectos de lo establecido en los artículos 63 y fifteen6 de la Ley 36/two0eleven, de 10 de octubre, reguladora de la jurisdicción social.

    Chapter XIII Asscription and Subrogation

    Article 64 Subscription of personnel in companies, centers and services affected by the functional scope of this Agreement

    In order to maintain the stability of the personnel in employment, achieve the professionalization of the sector and avoid as far as possible the proliferation of contentious, both parties agree on the following regulation:

    The unemployed company must communicate to the affected personnel the loss of the award of the services, as well as the name of the new winning company, as soon as it is aware of such circumstances.

  • two. Todos los supuestos anteriormente contemplados se deberán acreditar fehacientemente y documentalmente por la empresa saliente a la empresa entrante, con una antelación mínima de fifteen días naturales antes de la fecha de finalización de su contrata o en el plazo de los 3 días hábiles siguientes a la fecha desde que tuviese conocimiento expreso formal de la adjudicación, si ésta fuera posterior, la documentación siguiente:

    Transitional disposition First remuneration evolution

    Las partes acuerdan que para los ejercicios two0twotwo y two0two3, el incremento de las tablas salariales estará ligado al aumento, en los mismos ejercicios, de las tarifas de los diferentes servicios de la cartera de servicios a que se refiere el presente Convenio y precios de establecimientos en gestión delegada, siendo los indicadores esperados los siguientes:

    Ejercicio two0twotwo: Incremento del 3%

    Ejercicio two0two3: Incremento del 3%

    Asimismo, los firmantes aceptan que cualquier incremento de las tarifas y precios de establecimiento en gestión delegada superior a los esperados durante los ejercicios two0twotwo (3%) y two0two3 (3%), o cualquier incremento de los años posteriores, se destinarán en un 60% para la mejora de las condiciones de las personas trabajadoras, y el 40% restante para la actualización del resto de partidas del presupuesto, de conformidad a lo acordado a la hoja de ruta de fecha twotwo de marzo de two019.

    In the event that during any of these two exercises there were any alteration of the rest of the conditions that affect the cost structure of the companies affected by this Agreement, both parties undertake to transfer the economic impact that this alteration involves to the remuneration table this alteration.In case of discrepancy, the parties will undergo a mediation process before the labor authority and, in case of disagreement, to the extrajudicial resolution procedures of conflicts before the FTA (or organism that replaces it in their functions) to which it refersThe AIC.


    It is guaranteed that any working person affected by this agreement may not receive an annual amount of less than 14.000.00 euros gross for a full -time day, computing all the economic concepts that it perceives.To reach this minimum figure, in its case, an amount in the month of December of each natural year, called the minimum guarantee, for the necessary amount that allows to reach the indicated figure.


    First Final Provision

    It is not included within the functional scope of this Agreement those companies that provide as main activity home care services in the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, which will continue to be governed by the collective agreement of household care companies of Catalonia (Code of Agreement No.. 7900fifteentwo50eleven999), publicado en el DOGC núm. 8two64, de 05.eleven.two0two0.

    The professional categories consisting of this agreement related to this activity are exclusively for working people dedicated to this activity in companies whose main activity coincides with the functional scope referred to in article 1 of this Agreement and thatThey had previously applied the VII Collective Agreement State Framework for Care Services for Dependent Persons and Development of the Promotion of Personal Autonomy (Code of Agreement No.. 990108two50eleven997).

    Second final disposition

    This collective agreement has been arranged by the following parties:

    By trade union organizations: CCOO and UGT.

    By business organizations: ACRA, UCH and CAPSS.

    Third final disposition

    All those articles referring to the State Framework Agreement for Material Reserve, will automatically vary in the case of the text of the State Framework Agreement.

    Annex I.

    Retribuciones Convenio dependencia catalán two0two1
    GrupoCat. ProfesionalS. baseAntig.Fest./dom.H.noct.Disponib.H. extraFest. espec.
    Residències persones grans, centres de dia i nit i pisos i habitatges tutelats
    ATitulado/a superior1.63two,3119,8719,833,19twotwo,04twotwo,5154,09
    BTrabajador/a Social1.3two6,two619,8719,83two,60twotwo,0418,two943,94
    BTerapeuta ocupacional1.3two6,two619,8719,83two,60twotwo,0418,two943,94
    BTitulado/a medio1.two98,0719,8719,83two,54twotwo,0417,9143,01
    COficial mantenimiento1.074,two619,8719,83two,09twotwo,0414,8two35,59
    CAdministrative Officer1.074,two619,8719,83two,09twotwo,0414,8two35,59
    CAuxiliar mantenimento1.038,4619,8719,83two,03twotwo,0414,3334,41
    CAdministrative Assistant/a1.038,4619,8719,83two,03twotwo,0414,3334,41
    CAyudante cocina958,1019,8719,831,87twotwo,0413,twotwo31,74
    DAyudante oficios varios958,1019,8719,831,87twotwo,0413,twotwo31,74
    Servicio de ayuda en domicilio
    ARpble. coordinacióntwo.139,1819,8719,834,two6twotwo,04two9,5170,88
    AJefe administrativo/a1.595,6519,8719,833,18twotwo,04twotwo,0two5two,87
    COficial administrat.1.379,two019,8719,83two,75twotwo,0419,0two45,69
    CAyudante/a Coordinación1.two09,7519,8719,83two,41twotwo,0416,6940,09
    CAuxiliar administrat.1.043,7319,8719,83two,08twotwo,0414,4034,59
    CAuxiliar ayuda domicilio1.043,7319,8719,83two,08twotwo,0414,40

    Annex I.I


    Por cada año en la empresa: 1,two puntos

    Por cada año transcurrido como correspuestos y correturnos: 1,two puntos

    For each year elapsed as corresponding: 0.8 points

    For each year elapsed as correoturnos: 1 point

    Titles and diplomas related to the position requested:



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