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A 150 -kilometer chase allows Moncada Local Police to stop an alleged thief in Alcoi

The Moncada Local Police has achieved after a long and dangerous persecution of 150 kilometers the arrest of a male involved in several robberies produced in the last dates in the Moncada industrial estate.

The Local Police, during a surveillance patrol for the Industrial Polygon II, located a van with the hot and open engine in the vicinity of an industrial ship.When the police presence is detected 4 men run away.One of them gets into a car and escapes being chased by the agents of the Local Police of Moncada.

After driving dangerously through the streets of the polygon, the escape is incorporated the A-7.The escape and police officers then begin a chase that begins in Moncada and ends in Alcoi after traveling 150 kilometers.

Una persecución de 150 kilómetros permite a la Policía Local de Moncada detener a un presunto ladrón en Alcoi

In his escape, the now detained jumped several controls of the Civil Guard organized to proceed to his arrest.In the persecution they have collaborated agents of the local police of Alboraya, Valencia, Torrent and Cocentaina and agents of the Civil Guard of Traffic in several sections of the persecution.

In the end, at the entrance of Alcoi the escape lost control of the vehicle and ends up being arrested by members of the Local Police of Moncada, of the Local Police of Alcoi and Civil Guard agents.



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