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Subrogation: What to do when both companies (incoming and outgoing) disregard workers


Good afternoon and thanks in advance.

I write to you on your own name and in that of my three co -workers.

All of us are undefined (in my case for a month) in a company that within a week will suffer a subrogation.The incoming company did not want to work with us and we have learned via WhatsApp.The problem is that neither of the two companies, neither outbound company nor the incoming company, want to pay us the settlements or what corresponds to any of us and as I understand, they will not deliver the papers of unemployment either.We are four workers in this situation, one of them pregnant and is currently loss.All of us have been working 6 days a week, 8 h every day, with a single day of libranza a week and without even receiving a cent for the 8 hours a week..

I have to mention that the incoming company is conducting interviews in front of us so that other people perform our jobs, put on what they refuse to hire us.

Now the question is: What do we have to do?Who are we going to report, to the two companies?We are lost and helpless because none of us have previously passed by what we are going through now.

Without another particular, I say goodbye with pleasant appreciation and consideration.



Hello, first of all, it is convenient to clarify the different subrogation possibilities that can be given regarding a employment contract.

La sucesión de empresas y la consecuente subrogación empresarial viene regulada en elartículo 44 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, que establece que el cambio de titularidad de una empresa, de un centro de trabajo o de una unidad productiva autónoma no extinguirá por sí mismo la relación laboral, quedando el nuevo empresario/empleador subrogado en los derechos y obligaciones laborales y de Seguridad Social del anterior empleador, incluyendo los compromisos en materia de seguridad social, condiciones de empleo y jubilación, a la que estuviese vinculado el empleador saliente.

This implies that the labor relations of the workers assigned to said company, work center or autonomous productive unit, in the terms and conditions of employment, guarantees rights and obligations that the worker kept incorporated into their contractual relationship withThe outgoing employer, meaning the continuity of current labor relations.

Subrogación: qué hacer cuando ambas empresas (entrante y saliente) se desentienden de los trabajadores

The subrogation mechanism can take place in the following assumptions:

1.- When there is a transmission of the company, a work center or an autonomous productive unit (“legal subrogation”).It is the most common assumption of all, and implies a transmission of a outgoing company, in favor of another incoming of materials of material and/or personnel that generate the transmission of the instruments necessary to carry out production in the company, centerwork or productive unit.

two.- The second of the assumptions is also quite common, and is referred to the possibility or fact by which a company loses or ends with a contract, whose main activity is usually that of service benefits based on labor, such as they can beSecurity companies, cleaning seals, services etc.., in such a way that the new company that obtains the contract acquires the status of employer regarding workers who were linked to the outgoing company when assumed a relevant part in quantitative and qualitative terms of the workforce.There is talk in these cases of "template succession".

3.- When it comes to a public hiring and the specifications imposes on the new contractor the obligation to subrogate themselves in workers who had been providing the service previously. Es lo que se conoce con el nombre de “subrogación contractual”, si bien la misma ha desaparecido en la actual Ley 9/two017, de 8 de noviembre, de Contratos del Sector Público (vid.art.130).

4.-The last of the assumptions is one of the most usual and what is called "conventional subrogation" is given, being the same regulated in the sector collective agreement of the activity in question, since this collective agreement of application establishesa subrogation clause of the workers of the outgoing or transferring company.

In the specific case of the consultation, we do not know what the specific situation is, within the previous assumptions, which activates the subrogation mechanism, since nothing is indicated in this regard (not even what is the applicable collective agreement).

Ahora bien, partiendo del supuesto de que efectivamente estemos ante una subrogación (ya sea legal, por aplicación delart.44 ET, or conventional by application of the collective agreement), the refusal of the new employer to incorporate the workers of the previous one, implies that they can and must act, being facing an assumption of dismissal.

Por ello, si el nuevo empleador/empresario no quiere subrogarse en los contratos de trabajo de los trabajadores afectados (ya sea en uno, algunos o todos), éstos podrán reclamar por despido improcedente, basándose enque su relación laboral debería haber persistido y continuado con elempresario entrante y que por tanto su negativa a subrogarse en los trabajadores implica un despido, que lógicamente ha de ser calificado como de improcedente, con derecho a las indemnizaciones legales que correspondan conforme al ET (recordar que tras laReforma Laboral de febrero de two01two, las indemnizaciones por despido improcedente, han sido modificadas pasando de ser 45 días por año con el tope de 4two mensualidades, a la de 33 días por año con el tope de two4 mensualidades, si bien hay que conjugar ambas fórmulas indemnizatorias en trabajadores con antigüedad en la empresa anterior a febrero del año two01two). En el caso de la trabajadora embarazada, el despido deberá ser declarado nulo (no cabe la declaración de improcedencia, según SsTC 9two/two008 y 1two4/two009; SsTS 17/10/two008, 16/01/two009 y 6/05/two009).It is recommended on these occasions for dismissal in front of the two companies (outgoing and incoming), since whether there is subrogation and if it is finally declared that there is no, one of them will have to assume their position as an entrepreneur with respect to the fired workers.

The deadline for filing the demand for dismissal is twenty business days (they do not compute weekends or holidays).

The same goes for the settlement.In the same demand for dismissal, filed by the worker against the two companies (incoming and outgoing) the claim of the amounts pending fertilizer for the settlement can accumulate (art. two6.3 Regulatory Law of Social Jurisdiction).

Different issue is the quantity claim that is for other labor breaches of the outgoing company during the last annuity (the previous ones would be prescribed), since the overtime derived from work 6 days a week (8 h every day),With a single day of libranza a week, they would give rise to a claim for claim of quantity for overtime through an ordinary procedure, without the possibility of accumulation with the dismissal action.

If you want more detailed information on this topic, we recommend that you go to any of our venues, you can locate them here: http: // www.UGT.It is/venues



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