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Tears, spasms and calfreds at the opening of the pit 21 Combined-Shape

After the eleven of the matí, the son of the pneumatic hammer begins to return to the cement of Paterna. Spasms and calfreds per totes les espinades. Abans, the radial has helped to unhook the fish that hold the marble slab. The cement pole is a barreja with a mud mica that surrounded the pit 21. Fang and pinassa. Fa few horas que ha deixat de ploure després de una nit de trons i limps y un pluja espessa i cabuda. Al voltante de la fossa i dels tècnics d'Arqueoantro, desires of neguitoses people. Some have waited for two years to see this moment. They are the fills of some of the afusellats. N'hi has setze de vius, but not everyone can participate in this act. Biology runs more than you don't take them and the administrative processes.

Vuitanta-two years is a life. Lots of vines. The vines of the seventy-six people executed between July 15 and 21, 1939. They were Republicans and they will be arrested months after the war ended. Punishment, retaliation, ridicule. After having passed by prisoners or calabossos, they will arrive at the wall assa d'afusellament en quatre saques de divuit o vint presos. The places of origin were diverse. Ontinyent, Quart de Poblet, Bocairent, Catarroja, Alfara del Patriarca…

Tancar ferides

Before the pneumatic hammer and the radio station, the sun began to rain with all the force of a horse-riding day in August. Retrobades and connections. The pit is just at the entrance to the cement. The president of the family association, Pilar Taberner, goes to rebent the families one by one. Groups of two or three generations. They arrive from different populations. As some of the members of the association are not connected with each other, they take advantage of posing face to face, of sharing sensations. Greetings and hugs and all the emotions summoned. Continguous emotion, feigned remove the mask or remove a shadow to you. Molts d'ells s'han posed the samarreta that identifies them as descendants: "Remember-them is to donate-them a place to history", if they could arrive at the scene.

In his speeches, Taberner has spoken of attacking ferides, of breaking taboos and silence, and has regretted that the Spanish courts did not annul the war councils fets in military judjats and sensed the possibility of defense, the result of which are the thousands of deaths to the common graves.

Calmness and a gentle rest from the descendants

Luz Josefina Ferre has arrived with a part of the family. She appears to be calm, face that she said that she is not here. She is very attentive to everyone who passes the voltant of the pit. Escort the speeches and observe. Fa photographs and videos with the mobile. At the coll, a penjoll with the paraula “llibertat” that the fills and that represent her will give away.

He had five soldiers when the Spanish Civil Guard was going to search for his house. He has just turned from the front amb tota la il·lusió per veure la seua Finita de él. Arran d'quest fet i de la que la familia va tener els anis següents a l'execució, la mare de Luz va emmalaltir. "I thought that I didn't see it, but here I am," I said.

Tears, spasms and calfreds a l' overture of the pit 21 Combined-Shape

Luz Josefina Ferre: “After the arrest was afusellat, the Civil Guard came home to see if we had escaped”

Àngel Bernat is the nét d’Àngel Bernat Beneito, from Bocairent, too. He has married Paterna with Antonia López, who is going to marry a fill d' Àngel. He had quaranta-vuit anys when he was going to be killed. “He was a music teacher and he was going to join the two bands of the town. He is also going to write a hymn of Bocairent that will be prohibited by the end of 1979. He was a former and very good person. In his house he will keep people from a bandol and from an other, but she was a republic. Li van fer un judici sumaríssim.” The net explains that Àngel was so convinced that he was innocent that she thought that he was not the killer. Today he will leave writing on all the papers that he could fold. I also told the people that they were going to be buried with the lady Dona Guadalupe. "Let's see if he let us rest with him when he flew," I said.

All the names

Abans d'aixecar la llosa, the descendants have arrived, l'un darrere l'altre, to put them down in history, the name of all the reprisals.

Les llistes de Vicent Gabarda

Al cementiri, there is also a home citat in official speeches. Ulleres forests, mask and leather bandolier. It is fill of Paterna. De fet, de menut anava to play cementiri. When he's older, he's going to start wondering if he's going to visit the archives in which none of them had been remembered. A les mans, hi du un dossier amb tot de quadres i llistes. It is Vicent Gabarda and most of the descendants will greet him. It is thanks to his exhaustive investigations, thanks to the endless lists of names, places of origin, offices and affiliations, that many of the people who arrive there, observing the work of the archaeologists, are wounded; It is thanks to him that he is able to know with great precision that there are hundreds of reprisals. Trenchcoat els escort. All of them can say who was the person they hoped to recover, what do they know. Now work for the Generalitat interviewing relatives to be able to gather all the possible information about the deaths. A lot of fosses, also at 21, there are lots of people that no one claims. Or say in another way, the association of relatives faces no n'ha pogut locate descendant cap.

False accusations

The fills of José Llopis, from vuitanta-vuit anys, observe with s'acosta the pit to attach the photograph of his son, José Llopis Calatayud. Ens diuen that yes, that they are part of him is bé and that, if they speak to him, ens will tell all of them that he remembers. He had sis anys when he was going to be killed. It is a home sec, not gaire alt i molt xerraire. You are a German from Bessona, who faces viu, but is not in good health. “At that time, assenyalaven a person i deien: ‘Eixa sobra, fora.’ I have always remembered my parent. We live in the Cantereria d'Ontinyent neighborhood. The tancaren in a local and for a finestreta the vèiem. Ma mare m'hi portava.” One day, they won't know anymore. José's father was a xapista and hunter. Al gos, li deien Gallo. “Ara, I have left the things in the hands of my xicons. Jo havia vingut ací unes altres vegades per veure el lloc on els mataven. Avui was not going to come, but my fills, that they fly endur-se l'avi to Ontinyent, they have told me that vinguera."

Manuel Lloris is the fill of Salvador Lloris Épila, d’Alfara del Patriarca. He killed in the mateix day that they are at the grave, but the cos of Salvador is not there. The family will find out about the execution and will arrange the cost to bury him individually, but they do not know about it. Not the troven. According to Gabarda, això was a relatively common thing. Between the assassination and the underground, a couple of days were allowed to pass in case the family was able to redeploy the cost and endur-se'l or pay for an individual child. “Most families did not know when their loved one was en capella, they did not know when they were killed. Some others were from molt rains and when they arrived they had fallen under the sun. Many, the majority, could not pay.”

Pilar Lloris, Salvador's net, explains that the case of her avi is going to be a reprisal of llibre. The gang of a civil guard he is going to kill with the murderer of her son. Pilar explains that the sentence is insane, full of contradictions. And he also explains that the guard's vision is going to appear, anys later, to apologize to the dead lady. That he did not think that the thing would end there, he will say. "Tot això has fet that my parents face it for, face not vulga remenar res, and the fet pitjor of all is that the doubt of whether their parents were guilty or not remains," he said.

Tears for others

A mica apart from the grave, a home salutes Taberner. El nus a la gola esdevé un devessall de llàgrimes. "Have you come?" she said. I ell, amb les ulleres entelades, diu que sí, que habia de venir, ir res más. Paraules kind and of mutual consolation. Ins explain that she buried a family member in a communal grave, but not located her. I don't know that. For a while they will think about whether she could be in the 21st. Finally, she has not been there, but she has to be in this simple act, with the protocol just because there is a councilor, because, symbolically, with the withdrawal of the gray hill and aseptic, also s'ha esbucat a mica the mur del seu neguit.

Núria explains that she is going to have the family. She held her face. “The meua iaia will not exist until the end of 1978, when I am going to come to spend a summer in Catarroja and the German mountain range will tell me what had happened”. When he is going to return to Catalonia, now he is going to say to his mother and the mother is going to admit why he had. She had dotze anys when they are going to kill her. “My mother had dotze anys when they are going to agafar her baby, which looks like she was pregnant and is going to abort from a pallissa. The mother woke up the prisoner every day and lived for a few days so that, one day, the guards will say to her: 'Don't worry, you come back because they killed her this afternoon.'”

The first grave exhumed with money from the ministry

This grave is the first to be exhumed with money contributed by the Ministry of Participation, Transparency and Democratic Quality. Her owner's password, Rosa Pérez Garijo, has been there that she says every time she talks about the common graves: apologize to the relatives and reiterate her obsession to ensure that the Valencian territory continues to be a country free of graves . "Obrint the fosses, return the dignity to our country, to us, not to the victims, because they are not going to lose their dignity." The councilor, who is going to promote the opening of mosses to the Diputació de València, has reiterated the pain caused by the relatives of the victims waiting so many years: the quarantine of the dictatorship and the quarantine of democracy.

I while the techniques fan the preliminary fines to arrive at the burial level, and measure the elevation, and the families little by little begin to retire, a few meters away, two archaeologists are many behind the Fossa 114 open… It has two very large fans to alleujar-los the heat and the humidity. The land continues to return to the cossos.

The cornered vines of the pit 114 of Paterna

The 126 continuous face intact, with the llosetes with the names of the due-centes-thirty-vuit people who were going to bury the year 1940. The largest in the cement. According to the Conselleria de Qualitat Democràtica, they are waiting for some permits to be able to undertake the exhumation. The work could start from here in a few weeks. According to Vicent Gabarda, many few relatives of this pit have been located, face.



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