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Budgets leave out the 'baby check' and the six months of paternity permit that we asked for

  1. elEconomista.es

Neither the four -to -six paternity permit nor the 'baby check' of 1.200 euros a year will have a hole in the General State Budget (PGE) that yesterday agreed PSOE and Unidas Podemos.

In statements to RNE, the Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, has recognized on Wednesday that the extension of the paternity permit that raised the purple formation has been left out of the budget agreement.Nor will the baby check.

"In a budget negotiation everyone gives a little and this is one of the issues in which it is difficult for us to convince the PSOE," explained Belarra.

Later it will be addressed

The minister has indicated that the extension of the paternity permit is a demand that has been growing over the years and has trusted that later there will be a greater consensus that allows this proposal to be carried out.

Los Presupuestos dejan fuera el 'cheque bebé' y los seis meses de permiso de paternidad que pedía Podemos

Según la ministra, si algo nos ha enseñado la pandemia "es que la conciliación no existe, son los abuelos y las escuelas", por lo que considera fundamental avanzar en mejores mecanismos de conciliación, como la extensión de las escuelas infantiles, los seis meses de permiso de paternidad o una prestación por crianza "que le ponga las cosas más fáciles" a las familias con hijos de entre 0 y 3 años.

"I believe that they are measures that will be opened over time, although this time we have not achieved them," he said.

Nor does the purple rate enter

The VAT reduction of female hygiene products has also been outside the budget agreement with the PSOE, as confirmed by the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero.Su intención era impulsar en las cuentas de 2022 una reducción del IVA de los productos de higiene femenina (compresas, tampones, copas menstruales), pañales y otros productos de higiene de mayores, menores y dependientes.

Its objective was to minimize goods considered essential and linked to the gender gap, since care falls mainly on women's shoulders and this has an economic impact on their lives.




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