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The most read lawyer says to have overwhelming indications that the child would be from Zavala Lo more read of the day comments

As noted by the woman's lawyer, who filed a claim for affiliation against Senator Fidel Zavala, the baby was born two months ago, on April 24 of this year, and the mother of the child waited for this time for the politician to approach andaccompany her to recognize him together.

But since Zavala did not appear to carry out the procedure in the Civil Registry and she already needed the baby to have identity for the management of medical insurance and other issues, he finally went to recognize the child alone, on June 30.

Lea: Admiten demanda contra el senador Fidel Zavala por filiación

Woman presented evidence

Now that she made the decision to file the law.

Entre estos indicios, la jurista citó capturas de pantalla de conversaciones entre la mujer y Fidel Zavala hablando del niño, facturas a nombre del senador que pagaron el parto en un sanatorio capitalino, facturas de pago a un ginecólogo privado por atenciones realizadas durante la gestación, un contrato de alquiler de un departamento donde viven la madre y el niño, en el que el senador figura como codeudor solidario, entre otros documentos.

The aforementioned invoices, said the lawyer, correspond to a deposit that Fidel Zavala made to the woman's account, which coincides with the amount of the total childbirth payment.

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Finally, several bank accounts made by him are held by the lawyer to the mother.

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Senator would have asked for time

La representante legal detalló que, si bien su clienta aún no le brindó muchos detalles, al parecer, el argumento que le dio el senador para no reconocer al niño en estos momentos es que es casado.

“He only told him to give him a little time for his condition (married), but he did not make another request. Me dijo (la demandante) que hacía cuatro años más o menos que ella mantenía una relación con el senador”, comentó la abogada.

The defender pointed out that a child must have identity "the day after birth".“Some already leave the sanatorium with their birth certificate;This baby left alone with his living -born certificate and was without registration in the registry.Only when the mother began to need documentation for medical insurance is that she had to recognize her.At this time, the child has the two surnames of the mother, ”said the lawyer.

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Zavala can pave or refuse

According to the professional, between Monday and Tuesday, the senator would receive the notification of the demand.From that moment on, Zavala has six business days to answer.In that answer, he can be paved or denied.

Allan would mean saying that it is your child and recognizing it, or asking for the opening of the cause and submitting to the DNA test to determine if it is the dad.

In the event that the senator decides to submit to DNA, the test results would be ready in a month and a half, said the lawyer.

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On the other hand, he clarified that the woman is not an official of the Senate or any of the companies in Zavala, but simply presented a work certificate "so that an account could be opened and deposited there".

Diego Zavala called

Refirió también que se comunicó con ella el abogado Diego Zavala, hermano del senador, quien le dejó en claro que Fidel Zavala se sometería a la prueba de ADN y que, de resultar positiva, asumiría toda la responsabilidad que eso conlleva.



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