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This is how maternity and paternity leave will be in 2022

11/15/2021Editorial Markets

Since January 2021, when paternity leave was extended from 14 to 16 weeks, both birth permits are equal. Recently, the Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, has proposed an extension of the benefit to up to six months for each party of the couple, although it has finally been left out of the General State Budgets (PGE). Montero stated that this measure would be included in the Family Law, which will see the light of day in early 2022 if all the deadlines are met. The proposal also establishes that maternity or paternity leave would be for a whole year in the case of single-parent families, since both permits are added together, and also a universal child-rearing benefit: a 'baby check' worth €1,200 per year. This will be compatible with other benefits such as the Minimum Vital Income and will not depend on the contribution of the parents. While waiting for the Family Law to be approved, these proposals have generated uncertainty as they have been left out of the PGE. The difficulty in reconciling, the low birth rate in Spain or the fact that Spanish women are the ones who delay the most The age of maternity makes this aid essential. Therefore, the first six weeks of sick leave after the birth of the baby are compulsory, although the mother may anticipate up to four weeks before the expected date of delivery. The other ten can be postponed in function of the family organization, although the time limit established for this is until the baby is twelve months old. All leave is 100% paid and is non-transferable, so if the father decides not to take the You can give it to the mother, while permission is mandatory for her. The entire assignment is the responsibility of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). However, currently the processing of files is stuck and there are delays of up to six months in the payment of maternity and paternity leave.

How to apply for maternity leave

At the moment it is not possible to request maternity leave in the event that the birth is to take place in 2022. However, if the delivery is scheduled for before the end of the year, it can be requested. The documentation for the processing can be Present both in person and online through 'Your Social Security'. If it is done through the website, the digital certificate or the electronic DNI will be essential. Likewise, it is necessary to deliver the completed application, the family book, the applicant's DNI and the company certificate where the date is reflected. start of decline. The large family card must also be provided as complementary information.https://iberoeconomia.es/mercados/como-tributan-las-prestaciones-por-maternidad-o-paternidad/

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