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What is golden blood, and why only 40 people have it in the world

Existen más de 30 tipos diferentes de sangre, y algunos solo los poseen menos del 2% de la población mundial.But the rarest is known as golden blood or gold of gold, who only have 40 people known in the world.That is why donations are so valuable.

Según el portal Computer Hoy, hasta 1901 morían muchas personas durante una transfusión de sangre, mientras que otras no sufrían ningún problema.But nobody knew why.Something similar happened with newborns, when the mother is rh-, and the baby Rh+.

At the beginning of the 20th century Karl Landsteiner discovered that there were different blood groups, most of them incompatible with each other.A few drops of a different group can cause hemolysis, anemia, renal failure, and even death.These eight blood groups that you see in the image have 90% of the world population:

Blood has a protein called antigens, on the surface of blood cells, which is the one that triggers the formation of antibodies that protect us from external diseases and attacks.There are antigens A and antigens B that give rise to the blood group A or B.The RH classification is also used, with the RH+ and RH- factors.

Qué es la sangre dorada, y por qué solo la tienen 40 personas en el mundo

The most common are A+ and 0+, which have 65% of the world population.The weirdest blood group is AB-, which has less than 2% of the world's population.

However, in the 60s of the last century a very special type of blood was discovered.They called her golden blood or gold blood because she doesn't have rh.Or, technically, Rhnull (null) has.In the last 70 years, only 40 people have been found who possess it.

It is important to identify them because these people do not have RH, and therefore are not compatible with 99.999994% of the blood from donations.If they receive a transfusion they could die.

Also if they need blood to find a donor is very difficult, since there are only 40 people in the world with golden blood.That is why they have been asked to donate blood to store it, and a World Bank has been established to send these donations anywhere in the world, if needed.

At least in medicine, world solidarity does exist...



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