Homemarriage → The designer Javier...

The designer Javier Quintela marries Renato

Brazilian dancer

Renato broke into the ceremony singing spectacularly a theme of Lady Gaga.It was not the only musical surprise of the day, because a Brazilian dancer dressed also appeared as if he were in the river carnival and was in charge of opening the back party.Renato's family, which came from Brazil, enjoyed the moment.«Everything exceeded expectations.At the ceremony a friend, Lera, a friend always, and Renato's cousin spoke.They gave us some white pigeons that we released.Very exciting, ”summarizes Javier.The Decoration and Details for the link was commissioned by the Wonatti Event Design and Event Design.Complicated to describe so many emotions.

The party that was not suspended

El diseñador Javier Quintela se casa con Renato

Some changes had to be made.The jury members no longer go bar in bar, but try them in a municipal place.But the Betanzos tortilla contest is one of the few events that were maintained despite the pandemic.Within a few years it will be told that, although with limitations, the contest did not have to suspend any of its annual calls.

Well, one more October is already going on again the new edition of the week that the city of the Knights dedicates to one of its best known products, the juicy tortilla and without onion.As a prestigious hotel hospitaler told me a few days, "here there are more good things than the tortilla".It is true, but the most popular dish there is no doubt what it is.You will have to try a lot of varieties and choose the best.The jury, chaired by the star chef Michelin Luis Veira, will have it very difficult.As usual.

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