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Scarlett Johansson joins the new Wes Anderson movie

Disney who?Scarlett Johansson, as anyone could have imagined, did not take a month to join a new project after her demand against Disney for the premiere of Black Widow-87%.The Óscar -nominated actress has become part of the stellar cast of the new Wes Anderson movie.This will be the next new film in which you can see the dramatic and action star.

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According to The Hollywood Reporter, just out of the success of the French chronicle - 82% in Cannes 2021, director Wes Anderson is already working on his new film.The film had previously revealed that he will have Margot Robbie and Tom Hanks between his cast and now it has also been confirmed that Scarlett Johansson will have a role in the production of the acclaimed filmmaker who will be very busy the second half of the year.

Details about the movie and the character were not revealed.This is not the first time that they both work together, as Johansson lent his voice to one of the protagonists of Island of Dogs - 87%, the most recent animated delivery of the director in which a dog had to find a way to return with hisowner after being abandoned in a floating garbage dump by the parents of the same.

Scarlett Johansson se une a la nueva película de Wes Anderson

Anderson was already working on the project for a few months and the new film is expected to finish its filming in September.This means that Johansson's role is probably not so leading.The cast also has Tilda Swinton, Adrien Brody and Bill Murray.Basically, several of the interpreters consented to by the director who, in turn, is one of the favorites of critics.

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The most recent work of the director is the French chronicle - 82%, which was going to be released in 2020 before the health emergency.The film ended up having its debut just a few months ago during the Cannes Festival, which was also postponed by the virus.As expected, it was very well received by critics and it is expected that it will arrive in the United States in the first week of October for its commercial launch.

The story follows a group of journalists.It has been revealed that the film is a set of vignettes with different characters and subtramas that revolve around the publication where they work.That film also has a cast full of big names such as Frances McDormand, Timothée Chalamet, Elisabeth Moss, Murray himself and many more.On the new production, there are no details of the plot.

Anderson's new film is currently rolling.There is still no premiere date in Mexico for the French chronicle.Meanwhile, Johansson can still be seen in Black Widow - 87%, both in cinemas and Disney Plus for an extra cost.It is expected that you will also lend your voice to an animated character in the sequel to Sing, a film that is scheduled to reach the billboard before the year end.

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