Homemarriage → Deluxe cancels by su...

Deluxe cancels by surprise in full Christmas holidays

The program, entitled 'His house is his', is a tribute to the presenter of 'My house is yours', who will be interviewed by Andalusia from his home.In the style of program interviews, the artist will review his career after 40 years.In addition, the program will have the participation of friends and family of the presenter, who will drop out of home.

The issuance of this program assumes that the 'deluxe' stays, a priori, out of programming at least during this week.Taking into account that on the 24th Friday the chain will broad.

Two months after her dream wedding in Jerez de la Frontera with José Entrecanales JR, Claudia Osborne shared just a few days ago through her social networks the best of the news: she is first pregnant and will be at the beginning of the summer of2022 When you make Bertín Osborne a grandfather for the seventh time.

Cancelan el Deluxe por sorpresa en plenas fiestas navideñas

A baby as wanted as desired that as the artist revealed, as spontaneous as ever, his youngest daughter conceived during her honeymoon in Africa and whose sex they don't know for the moment.And it is that Claudia is still in the first quarter of her pregnancy but, far from other celebrities waiting until 12 weeks of gestation to announce the great news, her happiness was such that she decided to share it publicly as soon as she learned.

Since then, the coach has been something 'missing' and now we know why.Pregnancy is not being easy and, as Claudia herself has confessed - after many of her followers ask her how she is "regular".

"The reality is that I carry it fatal" he has confessed through several stories shared on his Instagram account, normalizing the least beautiful side of pregnancy by revealing that the first quarter is being "complicated".

"Although I can't feel lucky and happy the discomfort is real," he said.However, and with the best of his smiles - although physically it is not well, it is undeniable that he is more beautiful than ever - Claudia stays with the positive;And, in her own words, "although it is being Durillo, there is less or so I hope".



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