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Cope stopped for eight robberies and threefts in paternal shops in a week

National Police agents have arrested a 37 -year -old man as an alleged author of up to eight robberies and three thefts in commercial establishments in the town in the Valencian town of Paterna, all committed in just one week and at different times of the day of the day.

The arrest occurred on one in the morning, when agents provided.

According to police sources, at a given time, the suspect extracted a metal bar from his jacket and made a gesture of forcing the lock of an establishment.

Quickly, the agents approached to prevent the criminal act, at which time he noticed the police presence and tried to flee the place, being finally arrested in Reyes Catolicos Street.

COPE Detenido por ocho robos y tres hurtos en comercios de Paterna en una semana

The arrested opposed great resistance, injuring two of the police, one of whom suffered a bleeding wound on a finger, in addition to breaking his pants, and the other a blow to his right hand.

The arrest has occurred within the framework of a security device established jointly by the National Police and the Paterna Local Police after a series of robberies in commercial establishments of Paterna committed in the last week.

As a consequence of the investigations, the alleged author of three crimes of robbery with violence and intimidation, five crimes of robbery and three minor crimes of theft in different shops of the town committed in recent days in recent days in recent days.

The agents have been able to find out that the facts committed were on a radius close to the suspect's house, so he could quickly return to his home in which he has intervened, during the record made, different clothing that could have dressed duringThe commission of the different facts.

Its main objective were pharmacies, hairdresser or bakery shops and took advantage of the moments in which there was little or no influx of customers to subtract the collection of the cash register

On one of the occasions he even used a razor to intimidate the employees of the establishment, according to the same sources.

The arrested, with numerous police records, has passed to court.



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