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Due to lack of contact with his father, they agreed to change the order of his last names

A Bell Ville judge accepted a woman's request, on behalf of her 10-year-old daughter, to reverse the order of the little girl's last names due to lack of contact with her father, and ordered that be registered in the Registry of Civil Status and Capacity of Persons with the maternal last name in the first place and the paternal last name in second place.

The Judiciary reported on Tuesday the resolution of the 3rd Civil, Commercial, Conciliation and Family Nomination Judge, Eduardo Bruera, so that M.S.P.G. be registered as S.M.G.P., identifying with the maternal last name in the first place.

According to Bruera, it was shown that the use of her father's last name caused her discomfort and anguish, and that she was recognized socially with her second name and her mother's last name.

Due to lack of contact with his father, they accepted to change the order of their last names

For the judge, the "principle of immutability" of the name is not absolute, and can be ignored when there are reasons that cause the impairment of the person who wears it. For the resolution, he especially valued a psychological report in which the girl's interest in being called with the last name with which she identifies: her mother's is evidenced.

According to the study, the abandonment of the paternal relationship generates a grievance and a feeling of refusal to carry his father's last name.

Judge Bruera stressed that "paternity requires that it be put into action every day, since it is the children who make us parents." And he added: "The immutability of the name, which makes the individuality of people and the security of the rights of third parties, must be combined with personal identity."



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