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Maternity and paternity leave 2022: the keys

Ministry of Social Rights

Leaves maintain the same conditions as in 2021

Updated on 01/05/2022 at 11:24 What will paternity and maternity leave be like in 2022? It is a question that future fathers and mothers ask themselves in this year that has just begun. This is an issue that has raised doubts, especially after the announcement that the Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, wanted to extend these permits to 6 months. The intention of the Ministry is that they go to those 6 months gradually. Starting in 2023, the increase would be two weeks each year, until reaching six months in 2026. If the initiative goes ahead, it will facilitate, in addition to family reconciliation, one of the recommendations made by the World Health Organization (WHO) : the maintenance of exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. The proposal includes two novelties: 1. In single-parent families, the leave would be one year, the sum of the two leave. The beneficiary of this permit could transfer half (six months) to a cohabitant or family member, provided they are listed on Social Security. Retirees, for example, would be excluded. 2. The current deduction for maternity in personal income tax would be extended, which would become a universal pro-parenting benefit of 100 euros per child. However, the initiative of the Ministry of Social Rights it has been left out of the 2022 Budgets. The public accounts include, of course, a new aid of up to 100 euros per month for each dependent child for families that receive the Minimum Vital Income (IMV) or that have low economic income. Until the idea of ​​Minister Ione Belarra sees the light, paternity and maternity leaves in 2022 maintain the same conditions as in 2021. Duration: From January 1, 2021, maternity and paternity leaves were equated to 16 weeks, individual right and non-transferable. In other words, if one of the parents does not enjoy all that time, they cannot give it to the other. Distribution: Of the 16 weeks, 6 of them are enjoyed uninterruptedly and simultaneously by both parents after childbirth. The rest, the other 10 weeks, can be taken afterwards or postponed and distributed in an interrupted way in weekly periods, depending on the family organization. There is also the possibility of choosing a full or part-time regime, prior agreement with the company. The limit to enjoy them is until the baby is 12 months old.

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Maternity and paternity leave 2022: the keys

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