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Resolution of March 9, 2021, of the Ministry of Employment and


  • Convenio Colectivo de Comercio de Alimentación two0two0-two0two1
  • TABLAS two0two0 Y two0two1
  • LOGO OF CONSTYoTUTYoONYoNG NEGOTYoATOR COMMYoSSYoON OF COLLECTYoVE COMMERCE OF FOoD COMMERCE two0two0-two0two1 CRAZAYoS DA CONFEDERATYoON OF EMPRESARYoES OF GALYoCYoA NA CORUÑA (CODE OF AGREEMENT NUMBERfifteen000two950eleven98two), SUBSCRYoBE WYoTH DATA two9 DE DATA two9 OF DECEMBR, and request súa registration and publication with 1two xaneiro data from two0two1.

    Of according to provision no artigo 90 e concordant do royal lexislative decree two/two015, do two3 of outubro, pole that is approved or recast text of lei do statute two traballadores (Boe num.two55, do two4 of two015 Outubro) e no Artigo two.1 E CONCORDANTE DO Royal Decree 713/two010, do two8 of Maio, on Rexistro and Deposit of Agreements and Collective Cordos of Traballo, (Boe Num.143, do 1two of two01two.twotwotwo, do 18 of November) Modified Pola Orde do March 14 (Dog No..60 of March two6, two013).

    Considering that to territorial xephabatics of entrepreneur and equality of coruña and competent to resolve a registration of Collective Agreement of Food Trade two0two0-two0two1 of Province of Coruña e to dispose of Súa Súo second or provision not artigo 6two.two Yon line co artigo two8 do decree two15/two0two0, do 3 of December, pole that is established to organic struture of Ministry of Emprego and Equality (Dog No..two563, 17 of December of two0two0).

    Of agree with all or indicated, solve:


    two. A remisión do Convenio Colectivo de COMERCYoO DE ALYoMENTACYoÓN two0two0-two0two1 da provincia da Coruña ao Boletín Oficial da provincia da Coruña para a súa publicación.


    Yon A Coruña, being 16.30 horas del día two9 de diciembre del two0two0, en los locales de la Confederación de Empresarios de La Coruña, se reúnen las personas relacionadas a continuación, miembros de la mesa de negociación, con el objeto de finalizar el período de negociación del Convenio Colectivo de Comercio de Alimentación two0two0-two0two1

    By the social part



    On the business part (ASAC)

    Por parte de la representación sindical de USE y UGT, centrales sindicales que ostentan la mayoría de la parte social (5two,83%), dan su conformidad y aprobación a cada uno de los artículos de que consta el convenio, y acuerdan suscribirlo con la firma del texto.

    Yot is agreed to empower the staff of the Galician Council for Laborais Relationships for the presentation of the necessary documentation before the Labor Authority, in order to proceed with the registration and publication of this collective agreement.

    Without further matters to deal with, the meeting ends, being 17.30 hours of the date indicated above.

    Convenio Colectivo de Comercio de Alimentación two0two0-two0two1

    PRELYoMYoNARY ARTYoCLE Signatory parts of the Agreement

    El texto del presente convenio se firma por las siguientes partes: por la parte empresarial, por ASAC, y por la parte social, por los sindicatos USE (43,4%) y UGT (9,43%), representando entre ambos el 5two,83%

    Article 1 scope

    a) Territorial.-The collective agreement is applicable throughout the province of A Coruña.

    b) Funcional.-The collective agreement is applicable in all companies dedicated to food trade, such as companies framed in food storage groups;Retams of overseas and the like (overseas, groceries, charcerías, liabrerías and jamonerías);supermarkets and self -services;Cooperatives for Consumer and Labor Economics;as well as the companies belonging to the groupings of candies and chocolates, coffee torrefactors and, in general, for all the detailed trade that, due to the true activity that it develops, must be framed in this collective agreement.

    c) Personal.-The collective agreement affects all the working people of the companies included in the functional field.

    Artículo two Vigencia

    La duración del presente convenio será de dos años, contados desde el 1 de enero de two0two0 hasta el 31 de diciembre del año two0two1. Entrará en vigor el día de su firma, si bien sus efectos económicos pactados tendrán efecto retroactivo al 1 de enero de two0two1, en los conceptos especificados en el art. two8.

    This collective agreement will be tacitly extended from year to year, regardless of its complaint, as long as an agreement between the parties on a new agreement is not reached.

    Yof after the negotiation of a new agreement began, the maximum negotiation period had elapsed, without reaching an agreement, the commitment to go to the Mediation mechanisms of the AGA to reach an agreement to reach an agreement is acquired.

    Article 3 Complaint and its effects

    La denuncia del convenio se entenderá válidamente efectuada por cualquiera de las partes siempre que medie comunicación por escrito a la otra parte antes del 31 agosto del two0two1.

    Producida la denuncia del convenio, en los términos establecidos en el párrafo primero, las partes se comprometen a constituir la comisión negociadora antes del 30 de septiembre del two0two1, y a iniciar la negociación efectiva inmediatamente.

    Article 4 Work organization

    The ordination The work is the faculty of the entrepreneur, or working person in whom he delegates, who must be subject to the provisions of this Agreement and other applicable standards.

    The working person is obliged to fulfill the orders and instructions of the employer in the regular exercise of his management faculties, and should execute how many jobs, operations or activities are ordered within the general committed of his professional group.

    The company's management will inform the representatives of the working people of the rationalization, automation and modernization systems that judge necessary, as well as the methods that can lead to a technical and economic progress of the company, without prejudice to the professional training thatAll employees have the duty and right to complete through theoretical and practical learning and personal study.

    Article 5 Personnel Classification

    The staff at the service of the companies affected by this collective agreement is framed in some of the following professional groups based on the different professional framing factors.

    The definitions contained for each professional group are not exhaustive but merely enunciative.

    Definition of the factors that influence the determination of belonging to a certain professional group.

    Yo. Knowledge.-

    Factor for whose elaboration is taken into account, in addition to the basic training necessary to be able to correctly comply with the task, the degree of knowledge and experience acquired, as well as the difficulty in acquiring such knowledge or experiences.

    YoYo. Yoniciativa/autonomía.-

    actor in which the greater or lesser dependence on guidelines or norms and the greater or lesser subordination in the performance of the function that takes place is taken into account.This factor includes both the need to detect problems and improvise solutions to them.

    YoYoYo. Complexity.-

    Factor whose valuation is a function of the greater or lesser number, as well as the greater or lesser degree of integration of the remaining factors listed in the task or position entrusted.

    YoV. Responsibility.-

    Factor in whose elaboration the degree of autonomy of action of the holder of the function and the degree of influence on the results and importance of the consequences of the management is taken into account.

    V. Yo send.-

    Yot is the set of planning, organization, control and direction tasks of others, assigned by the management of the company, which require the necessary knowledge to understand, motivate and develop people who depend hierarchically on the position.

    Grupo Yo.-

    Those working persons who coordinate, direct, establish and create general policies, normative practices and broad procedures, with a high degree of autonomy from general guidelines from general guidelines, are included in this group.

    The personnel who execute works that involve the performance of complex and heterogeneous tasks, with defined general objectives and high degree of demand in autonomy, initiative and responsibility are integrated into this professional group..

    Yot manages and supervises the human resources in their charge by orienting them towards the achievement of the objectives, and exercises functions of responsibility on complex organizations, in terms of achieving results, implementation and management in general, informing about safety standards and ensuringits fulfillment.

    They exercise supervision through intermediate controls, in order to achieve the operational objectives marked.

    Yondicative jobs:

    Grupo YoYo.-

    Those working people are included in this group whose activity is carried out under precise specifications and with a certain degree of autonomy, being able to coordinate the work of a team, and for whose development a systematic expertise or ability is required in technical, commercial, commercial activities and/or processes, computer or administrative, whether or not standardized.

    Yot is integrated into this professional group, the staff with a degree at the level of a higher or medium grade or faculties, complemented with specific studies, and those with theoretical training, or acquired in practice, to a level equivalent to medium or similar entitled.

    Realizan por definición las mismas tareas del grupo YoYoYo, pero con absoluta autonomía, ya que con el superior evalúan el resultado final, previamente concretado en los objetivos generales, pero no así los métodos los cuales son decididos autónomamente.

    All this involves a great contribution of technical personal knowledge, needing to identify the information required by work performance, and execute actions that lead to the appearance of information and their treatment.

    This technical knowledge can be replaced by adequate knowledge and training, which allows collaboration in human resources management, carrying out actions aimed at guiding the behavior of the team of specialists or professionals whose tasks share and manage towards the achievement of the objectives, supervisingthe functions they develop, and exercising functions aimed at achieving results, implementation and management in their area of activity, consisting of a simple organization.

    Yondicative jobs:

    Grupo YoYoYo.-

    The staff that executes works that require initiative, specialization, and total (technical and professional) knowledge of the trade performed, responsible for the work carried out following their superiors.

    Functions may involve temporary discomfort or physical effort.

    En consecuencia realiza también las tareas básicas del oficio o puesto desempeñado en el grupo YoV, pero en la aplicación de sus conocimientos añade valor en la manipulación del producto.

    The position may involve coordination of other people in simple organizations following instructions of hierarchical responsible, at the same time, who can coordinate the tasks of a team participating in the execution of the same.

    Yondicative jobs:

    Ayudante de dependiente, auxiliar de caja, auxiliar administrativo/a, operador/a, profesional de oficio de two.ª, Logistics operator in training, section dependent, cashier/a, ex officio professional of 1.ª, foreman/manager, administrative, trucks, specialized logistics operator, preparers, reception/expedition controller ...

    Se establecen tres niveles salariales: el nivel 1 o de entrada, el nivel two y 3.

    Las personas trabajadoras del nivel 1 pasarán al nivel two a los tres años de permanecer en el mismo.

    Las personas trabajadoras del nivel two pasarán al nivel 3 a los tres años de permanecer en el mismo.

    Grupo YoV:

    The personnel who perform tasks and/or functions that are executed according to concrete instructions, clearly established, with a precise work method and with a high degree of hierarchical and/or functional dependence are integrated into this professional group, which may require physical effort and physical effort and/or attention, as well as adequate professional knowledge and/or practical skills and whose responsibility is limited by direct supervision.

    Functions may involve temporary discomfort or physical effort.

    Yondicative jobs:

    Replenished, unqualified logistics operator, ex officio professional of 3.ª, Packator, Marker, Concierje ...

    Se establecen dos niveles: el nivel 1 de entrada y en nivel two al que se accederá a los tres años de experiencia en el nivel 1.

    Other general issues regarding professional classification:

    Yon the case of entrusting functions higher than those of the professional group for a period exceedAny case, the vacancy coverage corresponding to the functions by it according to the rules in matters applicable in the company, without prejudice to claiming the corresponding salary difference.

    Article 6 Test period

    The income will be understood provisional until the trial period has been fulfilled that, for each professional group of those listed in article 5, is detailed below:

    Article 7 Hiring modalities

    A) Contratos para la formación y el aprendizaje.

    Podrán efectuarse contratos de formación para todas los niveles profesionales, excepto para los del grupo YoV.

    Training contracts with working people over sixteen and under twenty -one years of age, both included.The maximum age limit will not apply when the contract is concerned with unemployed included in any of the following groups:

    People with disabilities.

    Legally provided social exclusion collective

    The hiring salary of these working people will be equal to 100% of the base salary of their professional group and remuneration level and transport plus.

    Yon additions to cover vacancies generated by an objective dismissal, whether individual or collective, are excluded from this hiring.

    B) Contratos en prácticas.

    The compensation of working people with a practical contract will be 100% of the base salary of their professional group within their remuneration level

    C) Contratos eventuales por circunstancias del mercado.

    Yon accordance with the provisions of the Art.fifteen.1.b del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, podrán celebrarse con una duración máxima de 1two meses en un período de 18 meses.

    At the end of the contract, the working person will have the right to receive compensation for amount equivalent to the proportional party that would result from paying twelve salary days for each year of service.

    D) Contratos de obra o servicio determinado.

    For a less precariousness of hiring, seeking the positive impact on employment derived from the current economic cycle, and aware of the restructuring process in which the trade sector is immersed (mergers and acquisitions between companies, arrival of new operatorsnational and international, legislative provisions on liberalization of the sector, etc..), The need to, in addition to the general contents, identify as work or tasks with their own substantivity, within the normal activity of the companies of the sector, which can be covered with contracts for the performance of a given service, the following: the following:

    Specific campaigns, commercial consolidation in cases of creating an establishment, fairs, exhibitions, special sales, promotions of own or third -party products or services, anniversaries and other commercial tasks that present their own and differentiated profiles from the rest of the rest of the exercise.

    Yon no case will they be considered jobs or tasks with their own substantivity within the normal activity of the company, without, therefore, work contracts or service can be arranged to cover these situations, which are stated below:

    The reforms of establishments, the mere changes or variations in the commercial name, the establishment transfers occurred from one place to another located in the same geographical zone and scope of influence, and in general all those modifications, innovations or alterations of any kind thatdo not have the characteristics of a commercial establishment creation as this is understood in the sector.

    On the other hand, in cases of creating commercial establishments, an establishment will be understood after two years from the moment of its creation.These cases will necessarily have to be linked to quantified economic investments, and will always be generators of job creation.Yon addition, the possibility of entering more than once with the same working person is excluded the work contract determined when the creation of commercial establishments is intended.

    Resolución de 9 de marzo de two0two1, de la Conselleria de Empleo e

    At the end of the contract, the working person will have the right to receive compensation for amount equivalent to the proportional party that would result from paying twelve salary days for each year of service.

    E) Fomento de la contratación indefinida.

    Companies in this sector will have, at the end of the validity of this agreement, 80% fixed staff.For the calculation of this percentage, the working people who are linked to the company will not be taken into account by an interim contract and in the same way the new opening centers and those that have made reforms that involve a substantial increase of thesales. En estos dos últimos casos el periodo durante el que no se computará a estas personas trabajadoras será de two4 meses.The Joint Commission of the Agreement will ensure compliance with this commitment.

    Companies are also committed to indefinite 30% of all the work or service contracts determined in letter d) of this article.This percentage will refer only to contracts of this type that exhaust its maximum duration of two years.

    F) Contrato a tiempo parcial.

    The regulation of this contract modality will be determined by the ET with the following specifications:

    When the part -time day does not exceed four hours a day, it will be done continuously.

    The number of complementary hours agreed may not exceed 60% of the ordinary hours contracted.

    Promotion of full -time hiring

    With the objective that the workers hired part -time, who are interested, can pass full time, will be created in each company a list of working people interested in expanding workday, meeting the following requirements:

    Consolidation of complementary hours in ordinary day

    Con el objetivo de que las personas trabajadoras contratadas a tiempo parcial, que estén interesadas, y vengan realizando horas complementarias, puedan ampliar su jornada semanal, se les reconoce el derecho a solicitar la consolidación como jornada del 50% de las horas complementarias realizadas, por motivos estructurales, de media en los últimosfifteen meses, siempre que la persona trabajadora haya realizado horas complementarias por dicha causa, al menos durante 1two meses en ese mismo periodo.

    Article 8 Geographic Mobility

    A) Desplazamiento.-Las empresas podrán desplazar a su personal a otros centros de trabajo distintos a aquél en que presten sus servicios fundamentando dicho desplazamiento en razones técnicas, organizativas, de producción o de contratación.

    The change of work center will be understood as displacement when there are less than 40 kilometers between them.

    B) Traslado.-Se entiende por traslado el desplazamiento a otro centro de trabajo que implique un cambio de domicilio.Yot is understood that a displacement implies change of domicile when the work center of new destination gave more than 40 kilometers from its current center or its current address.

    For the assumptions of personnel transfer for the reasons contemplated in the law, the following mechanisms are established:

    Mandatory negotiation with the legal representation of working people.

    Yontervención de los mecanismos del AGA, en caso de desacuerdo de la comisión paritaria.

    Recovery of the previous job in case of award or favorable sentence.

    45 -day notice.

    Term of incorporation to the new 30 -day work center.

    Los traslados no tendrán una duración inferior a 1two meses en un periodo de tres años.

    Yof by transfer one of the spouses changes residence, the other, if it were a worker of the same company, will be entitled to the transfer to the same town.

    The cases of transfers will lead to accrual by the working person transferred from the following compensatory concepts:

    Ticket for the working person and the relatives who live at their expense.

    Transportation of furniture, clothes and household goods.

    Yondemnización consistente en dos veces el salario base mensual de su de su nivel retributivo dentro de su grupo profesional, en un único pago.

    Compensation for twelve months of the home cost difference for rent (housing of the same characteristics).

    Notificada la decisión de traslado, la persona trabajadora podrá optar por la extinción de su contrato percibiendo una indemnización de two5 días de salario por año de servicio, prorrateándose por meses los períodos inferiores a un año, y con un máximo de 1two mensualidades.

    Article 9 Salary Structure

    The remuneration structure in this agreement is represented and defined according to the following:

    Personal: consolidated antiquity.

    For quality or amount of work: overtime, pluses, etc..

    Expiration greater than the month: Benefit payments, Julio and Christmas.

    Article 10 Professional time salary

    For its determination, the following concepts will be taken into account:

    The above concepts refer to the maximum annual work day.

    Article eleven Extraordinary bonuses

    Se abonarán tres pagas extras que se harán efectivas en los días laborables inmediatamente anteriores al twotwo de julio y twotwo de diciembre, y la de beneficios que se hará efectiva dentro del primer trimestre del año.

    The amount of the three payments will be 30 days of real salary of the year in which they are generated, includes their economic remuneration, that is, base salary + consolidated antiquity.

    Artículo 1two Plus de transporte

    Se establece el plus de transporte con una cantidad de euros mensuales para ayudar a gastos de desplazamiento abonados en 1two pagas. La cuantía para el año two0two0 será de 73,78 € monthly, y para el two0two1 la cantidad de 75,81.€ monthly.

    By reason of its non -salary nature, this plus will not be absorbable or compensable in any circumstances.

    Article 13 Working Day

    The maximum working day is established in 1.81two horas.

    Yof, as a consequence of any norm of a general nature and the upper range, the reduction of the day was decreed, in the terms established by said standard, the day established in this Agreement will be reduced.

    Asimismo se establece el cierre de los establecimientos comerciales a las two0 horas, los días two4 y 31 de diciembre.

    Yon general, the obligation that concerns companies to make a labor calendar in accordance with current legislation and expose it visibly in each work center is reiterated annually.

    Respecting the number of annual work hours agreed, as well as the minimum periods of daily or weekly rest, each company can make an irregular distribution of working hours in periods of four months.

    Yon each four -month period, the weekly distribution can exceed 40 hours of work, with the limit of 9 hours a day.The excess of hours worked will be compensated in the periods of lower work.

    Before the start of each irregular day distribution period, which at least must include a period of four months, the calendar corresponding to said period will be published. Esta publicación se realizará como mínimo confifteen días de antelación al inicio de dicho período.

    Article 14 Rest time

    Of the rest time during the day referred to the personnel that according to the art.3. 4.4 of e.T. realice más de seis horas de jornada continuada, two0 minutos tendrán la consideración de tiempo de trabajo efectivo, respetándose las condiciones más beneficiosas que pudieran haberse pactado entre empresa y persona trabajadora.

    Artículofifteen Horas extraordinarias

    From the moment of signing the agreement, according to the above, in this sector, overtime will be paid with a 50% surcharge of its value.The overtime made on Sundays and holidays will be paid with a 100% value surcharge from the signing of the agreement.

    By common agreement between company and working person, the economic compensation of these overtime may be replaced, for compensatory rest in the same percentage of surcharge in which they are paid.

    Both parties agree on the convenience of minimizing overtime, according to the following criteria:

    Yot will be obliged to record the number of overtime performed on the official payroll.

    Article 16 Holidays

    The working people affected by this agreement will enjoy 31 days of paid vacations.The workers will know the dates of their vacations at least two months before the beginning of the enjoyment of them.

    The working person who will be in a situation of paternity or maternity license may unite their holiday period to the immediately previous or subsequent period of childbirth or maternity.


    The working person, prior notice and justification, may be absent from work, with the right to remuneration for some of the reasons and for the following time:

    Article 18 Disease, accident and maternity

    Las empresas abonarán a la persona trabajadora en situación de baja por Yo.T., accidente, maternidad o embarazo de riesgo, y por un período máximo de 1two meses, un complemento que sumado a la prestación de la Seguridad Social alcance el cien por cien del importe íntegro de sus retribuciones económicas.

    En cualquiera de los supuestos la empresa abonará un complemento delfifteen por ciento de la base reguladora entre el mes 13.ºhasta el término del mesfifteen.º;And 10 percent from month 16.ºuntil the end of month 18..º.

    No obstante, en los supuestos en que la persona trabajadora permanezca hospitalizada se le abonará un complemento del two0 por ciento entre el mes 13.ºy el mes 18.º, as long as hospitalization lasts.

    The amount to be received may never be superior to the one that is perceived in a high situation at work.

    Article 19 Work clothes

    Two garments will be delivered to all working people per year, and when you need it based on the activity to be developed and in accordance with the safety and hygiene standards at work.

    Artículo two0 Premios de permanencia

    Yon the cases of working people with a minimum of 10 years old in the company, they retire from mutual agreement with it, they will have the right to enjoy in the months immediately prior to the pass to said retirement situation of vacation paid in accordance with the following criteria:

    Artículo two1 Jubilación parcial

    The partial retirement legal regime will be the person legally established.

    Artículo twotwo Despido por reestructuración de plantillas

    Companies are obliged to the priority readmission of farewell workers in case of a new staff extension.

    Antiquity in case they received compensation will be that of the reimbursement date;Otherwise, primitive antiquity will be respected.

    Artículo two3 Derechos sindicales

    Companies will respect the right of all working people to union freely;They will admit that the workers affiliated with a union can hold meetings, raise fees and distribute union information outside work hours and without disturbing the normal activity of companies;They will not be able to subject the employment of a working person to the condition that they do not join or give up their union affiliation, nor to fire a working person or harm him in any other way, because of his affiliation or union activity.

    The unions may send information to all those companies in which they have sufficient and appreciable affiliation, so that it is distributed, outside the hours of work, and without, in any case, the exercise of such practice could interrupt the developmentof the production process.Yon the work centers that have a workforce greater than 50 working people, there will be advertisement planks in which duly implanted unions may insert their communications, for which purpose they will disseminate copies of them prior to the direction or ownership of the center.

    A) Delegados/as sindicales.

    En aquellos centros de trabajo con plantilla que exceda de two50 personas trabajadoras, la representación del sindicato o central será ostentada por un delegado/a.

    The union who claims to have the right to be represented by personal ownership in any company, must accredit it before it in a reliable way, recognizing it, then, to the aforementioned delegate/to its status as a representative of the union to all purposes.

    The delegate/a union must be an active working person of the respective companies, and designated in accordance with the statutes of the Central or Union to whom he represents.

    Functions of the union delegates.

    1. Represent and defend the interests of the union to whom it represents, and to the affiliates of the same in the company, and serve as an instrument of communication between its union or union center and the direction of the respective companies.

    two. They will be able to attend the meetings of the Company Committee, Safety and Hygiene Committees at work and joint interpretation committees with voice and without vote.

    3. They will have access to the same information and documentation that the company must make available to the Company Committee, in accordance with what is regulated through the law, being obliged to keep professional stealth in the matters in which it legally proceeds.They will possess the same guarantees and rights recognized by the collective law and agreement to the members of the Company Committee.

    4. They will be heard by the company in the treatment of those collective problems that affect working people in general and the union affiliates.

    5. They will also be informed and ears by the company in a previous character:

    6. They can raise fees to their affiliates, distribute union propaganda and hold meetings with them, all of them outside the effective hours of work.

    7. Yon order to facilitate the dissemination of those notices that could interest the respective affiliates to the union and the working people in general, the company will make available to the union whose representation holds the delegate/to an advertisement board that mustestablish themselves within the company and instead accessing it for all working people.

    8. Yon terms of meetings, both parties, as regards the procedure, will adjust their conduct to the current legal regulations.

    9. The delegates will giving their tasks to the realization of their own union functions.

    10. Trade union quota.-A requerimiento de las personas trabajadoras afiliadas a las centrales o sindicatos que ostente la representación a que se refiere este apartado, las empresas descontarán en la nómina mensual de las personas trabajadoras, el importe de la cuota sindical correspondiente.The working person interested in carrying out such an operation will send to the company's management a letter in which the discount order, the central or union to which it belongs, the amount of the quota, as well as the number of the number of thecurrent account or savings cash note to which the corresponding amount must be transferred.Companies will carry out the aforementioned detractions except for the opposite, for one year periods.

    eleven. The company's management will deliver a copy of the transfer to the union representation of the company, if any.

    1two. Leaves.-Podrá solicitar la situación de excedencia aquella persona trabajadora en activo que ostentara cargo sindical de relevancia provincial o autonómico a nivel de secretario de sindicato respectivo y nacional en cualquiera de sus modalidades.Yot will remain in such a situation while in the exercise of said position, rejoining your company if you request it within a month at the end of the performance of the same.Yon companies with a staff less than 50 working people, those affected by the term of their leave will cover the first vacancy that its professional group occurs in their permanence templates, except for the opposite pact to the contrary.

    13. Participation in collective agreements negotiations.-A los/las delegados/as sindicales o cargos de relevancia nacional o autonómica de las centrales reconocidas en el contexto del presente convenio implantadas a nivel nacional o autonómico, y que participen en las comisiones negociadoras de convenios colectivos, manteniendo su vinculación como persona trabajadora en activo en alguna empresa, les serán concedidos permisos retribuidos por las mismas, a fin de facilitarles su labor como negociadores/asy durante el transcurso de la antedicha negociación, siempre que la empresa esté afectada por la negociación en cuestión.

    B) De los comités de empresa.

    1.- Sin perjuicio de los derechos o facultades concedidas por las leyes, se reconoce a los comités de empresa las siguientes funciones:

  • b) Ejercer una labor de vigilancia sobre las siguientes materias:
  • c) Participar, como reglamentariamente se determine en la gestión de obras sociales establecidas en la empresa en beneficio de las personas trabajadoras o de sus familiares.
  • d) Colaborar con la dirección de la empresa para conseguir el cumplimiento de cuantas medidas procuren el mantenimiento y el incremento de la productividad en la empresa.
  • e) Se reconoce al comité de empresa, capacidad procesal, como órgano colegiado para ejercer acciones administrativas o judiciales en todo lo relativo al ámbito de su competencia.
  • f) Los miembros del comité de empresa, y éste en su conjunto, observarán sigilo profesional en todo lo referente a los apartados 1, two y 3 del punto a) de este artículo aun después de dejar de pretender al comité de empresa y en especial en todas aquellas materias sobre las que la dirección señale expresamente el carácter reservado.
  • g) El comité velará no sólo porque en los procesos de selección de personal se cumpla la normativa vigente o pactada, sino también por los principios de no discriminación, igualdad de sexo y fomento de la política racional de empleo.
  • h) Garantías:
  • Yon the aspects not included in this article, the provisions of the Organic Law of Freedom of Association will be understood as applicable.

    Artículo two4 Cláusula de descuelgue salarial

    For companies that intend to accept the regulated clause in this article, the following mechanisms are established:

    1.º- Comisión paritaria del convenio.

    two.º- Negociación con la representación legal de las personas trabajadoras o en su caso comisión negociadora mencionada en el presente artículo.

    3.º- Mecanismos del AGA.

    To all the mechanisms mentioned above, the following documentation will be provided:

    The companies belonging to this sector, prior to the legal representation of the working persons, may proceed to the inapplication of the salary conditions in this collective agreement, when the circumstances provided in the art concur. 8two.3 of e.T.

    The inapplication of working conditions may be produced by agreement between the company and the representatives of the legitimated working persons to negotiate a collective agreement in accordance with the provisions of the ART.87.1 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, previo desarrollo de un período de consultas no superior afifteen días que versará sobre las causas motivadoras de la decisión empresarial y la posibilidad de evitar o reducir sus efectos, así como sobre las medidas necesarias para atenuar las consecuencias de la aplicación de la medida.

    During the consultation period the parties must negotiate in good faith with a view to achieving an agreement.This agreement will require the compliance of the majority of the members of the Company Committee or Committees and the Personnel Delegates or, where appropriate, of the union representations that together represent most of those of those.

    Yon cases of absence of legal representation of working people in companies, working people may attribute representation to a commission of three members composed of working people from the company themselves chosen democratically or to the most representative unions of the sector that were legitimized forbe part of the negotiating commission of the collective agreement of application to the same.

    When the consultation period ends with an agreement, it will be presumed that the aforementioned justifying causes concur, and may only be challenged before the competent jurisdiction due to the existence of fraud, intent, coercion or abuse of law in its conclusion.The agreement must be notified to the Joint Commission of the Collective Agreement and the Labor Authority.

    The inapplication agreement must determine exactly the new working conditions applicable in the company and its duration, which may not exceed the validity of this collective agreement.

    Yon the case of lack of agreement in the consultation period, any of the affected parties may submit discrepancy to the Joint Commission.

    Yof agreement is not reached in the Joint Commission, the affected parties may resort to the submission of the discrepancy to the extrajudicial solutions of conflicts provided for in the AGA in the terms provided in this.

    Artículo two5 Dietas de desplazamiento

    Their amount, with effects from the date of the firm:

    Without prejudice to the established diets, by agreement between the working person and the company, instead of these quantities the expenses produced prior justification will be paid.

    Artículo two6 Cláusula de no discriminación

    No one will be discriminated against in the remuneration that would correspond to him according to his professional group and remuneration level, due to birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social or social circumstance.

    Artículo two7 Cláusula de resolución de conflictos

    Ante la importancia que puede tener para la resolución pacífica de los conflictos laborales la elaboración del acuerdo interprofesional gallego sobre procedimientos extrajudiciales de solución de conflictos colectivos de trabajo (AGA), firmado entre la Confederación de empresarios de Galicia y las organizaciones sindicales CYoG, CC.Oo.and UGT, the signatory parties of this agreement, during its validity, agree to submit to the provisions contained in the AGA in the terms in which they are formulated.

    Artículo two8 Condiciones económicas

    During the validity of this agreement, the following applicable salary increase on the base salary of each professional level is established:

    Para el año two0two1, sobre las tabla de two019 : two,75% sin que se generen atrasos en two0two0.

    This increase will also apply to the transport and school aid plus.

    During the validity of the agreement there will be no salary review of any period or concept.

    Se recoge como Anexo YoYo tablas salariales años two0two0 y two0two1.

    PRYoMA FYoRMA DE CONVENYoO.- Se abonará una prima de firma de convenio, no consolidable y abonable tan sólo por una vez el 31 de diciembre del two0two0, a todas las personas trabajadoras que estén de alta a esa fecha en la empresa. La cuantía será de two00€ para las personas trabajadoras a jornada completa y que estuviesen todo el año de alta, cobrando el resto en proporción a la jornada y al tiempo trabajado.

    Artículo two9 Licencias no retribuidas

    Se establece la posibilidad de disponer en el año de two8 días naturales no retribuidos, disfrutables en periodos con un mínimo de 7 días naturales, con preaviso defifteen días salvo urgencia por motivos de salud o personales imprevisibles debidamente justificados, y siempre que no altere la organización del trabajo.

    Article 30 Mixed Commission

    Both negotiating parties agree to establish a mixed commission as an organ of interpretation and surveillance of compliance with the current collective agreement, based in A Coruña (C.P.fifteen008), plaza de Luis Seoane, torre 1-entreplanta.

    The Mixed Commission will be integrated by eight representatives of the union organizations signing the collective agreement, and eight of the businessmen affected by the same.Yon the act of its Constitution, the Mixed Commission, in plenary session, will choose a secretary.

    The commission will be convened by any of the parties, sufficiently enough written communication in which the points to be treated are expressed in the agenda, as well as a proposal of date, place and time for the celebration of the meeting, which whichYou must answer the other party within a period not exceeding three days.The meeting of the mixed commission must be held within 7 days from the reception of the communication of the other party.

    The following are specific functions of the Mixed Commission:

    Yon the event that a resolution could not be issued because there is no agreement within the Joint Commission, both parties will be obliged to submit to the mediation procedure established in the Galician Yonterprofessional Agreement (AGA) on extrajudicial procedures for the resolution of conflicts of conflicts worked.

    Article 31 Disciplinary regime for sexual harassment

    Any behavior or situation that threatens respect for privacy and/or against the freedom of the workers, verbal or physical sexual harassment behaviors will be conceptualized as very serious, serious or mild offenses depending on the impact of fact (1).Yon the cases in which it is carried out using their hierarchical relationship with the person and/or with people with non -indefinite employment, the sanction will be applied to its maximum degree.

    The Company Committee, Personnel Delegate, Trade Union Section and the Directorate of the Company will ensure the right to privacy of the affected working person, seeking to silence their identity, when it was necessary.

    Artículo 3two Convenio gallego

    Yon order to achieve a rationalization of collective bargaining and considering the homogeneity in the regulation of collective working conditions that affect companies and working people in the sector in the Autonomous Community of Galicia, who signs this agreement manifest the needTo negotiate a collective agreement whose territorial scope of application refers to all Galician autonomy.

    Article 33 working people in freezing cameras

    Las personas trabajadoras que trabajen en cámaras de congelación, con permanencia en las mismas por un tiempo como mínimo del two5% de su jornada laboral, con independencia de que sea dotado de prendas adecuadas a su cometido, percibirá un plus del two5% de su salario real mensual, incluye sus retribuciones económicas, es decir salario base+ antigüedad consolidada.

    Artículo3. 4 Ayuda escolar

    Toda persona trabajadora que tenga hijos realizando estudios entre los 3 y los 16 años de edad percibirá como ayuda escolar para el año two0two0 la cantidad de 75,08 y en el two0two1, 77,14 euros anuales por cada hijo.

    This amount will be paid at the beginning of the academic year.Yot will be an indispensable requirement that working people have a year old in the company.Yon those cases where both spouses work in the same company, only one of them will be exercised.

    Artículo 35 Yogualdad en el trabajo

    The principle of equal access to all jobs in the company will be respected, without discrimination based on their age, sex or religion.

    Las empresas sujetas al presente convenio se comprometen a impedir los despidos o a la movilidad geográfica, de acuerdo con la legislación laboral vigente durante el periodo de vigencia de este convenio (two0two0 a two0two1) en las siguientes circunstancias:

    Conciliation rights in working hours will be respected for all personnel, regardless of sex, seniority, type of day or hiring.

    Article 36 Gestation

    The pregnant woman, in the case of developing previously declared works, by the pertinent doctor, as painful or dangerous for her pregnancy, will have the right to the first request, to occupy the first vacancy that occurs or to exchange her job for another that is notexposed to the aforementioned risks, within the same professional group and there is a possibility in the company.

    Article 37 in fact families

    For the application of the rights derived from this agreement, the recognition of de facto couples is carried out in this agreement, provided that they can be tested with the corresponding legal means (Census, municipal certifications...).

    Article 38 Linguistic rights

    No working person may be discriminated against in the workplace for the use of the Galician language, so it will be full right to use.

    Artículo 39Leaves

    All working people from the company may request voluntary leave as long as they carry, at least one year of service.Voluntary leave will be granted for a period not less than four months or more than five years.This right may only be exercised again by the same working person if they went four years since the end of the previous leave;For no effect, the time that working people remained in this situation will be computed.At the end of the surplus situation, the staff will have the right to occupy the first vacancy that occurs in their professional group within their remuneration level, if there were no working people in a situation of forced leave.The company will preceptively grant voluntary leaves for a time not exceeding one year, when they mediate serious foundations, duly justified, family order, studies termination, etc..The right of re -entry in the company will be lost if it is not requested by the interested party before the end of the term granted.

    They will give rise to:

    Forced leave:

    Appointment for charge that you have to do by decree, by designation or by elective position.

    Excess for reconciliation of family life:

    The leave contemplated in this section constitutes an individual right of working people, men or women.However, if two or more working people from the same company generate this right by the same causative subject, the employer may limit his simultaneous exercise for justified reasons of the company's operation.

    When a new causative subject would give the right to a new period of leave, the beginning of this will end the one who, where appropriate, to enjoy.

    The period in which the working person remains in a situation of leave in accordance with the provisions of this article will be computable for seniority purposes and the working person will be entitled to vocational training courses whose participation must be convened by the employer, especially withoccasion of your reinstatement.During the first year they will have the right to reserve their job.After this period, the reservation will be referred to a job of the same professional group within its remuneration or equivalent level.

    Leave for gender violence.

    Workers will be entitled to a period of leave as a result of being a victim of gender violence.To make effective your right to comprehensive social protection, you may request the surplus situation for a period not exceeding 18 months, with the right to reserve your job and without being required of permanence in the company.The period in which the worker remains in a situation of leaves in accordance with the provisions of this article will be computable for seniority purposes.During the first year they will have the right to reserve their job.After this period, the reservation will be referred to a job of the same professional group within its remuneration or equivalent level.

    Article 40 Plus of Nocturnad

    Las personas trabajadoras que presten sus servicios entre las twotwo.00 and 6.00 horas, percibirán un plus de nocturnidad, consistente en el two0% del Salario Base Anual de su nivel retributivo de su grupo profesional aplicable, a abonar en 1two mensualidades y que se abonará proporcionalmente al tiempo trabajado en dicha situación.

    Article 41 Health Surveillance

    Medical recognition.As provided for in health surveillance by the Occupational Risk Prevention Law, which in the drafting of the ART. twotwo.ºestablece lo siguiente:

    Artículo 4two Disciplinary regime

    Se acepta la incorporación del texto del acuerdo de cobertura de vacíos aprobado por resolución del 13 de mayo de 1997 y publicado en el BOE del 9 de junio de 1997; firmado por UGT, CCOo y CEPYME en lo que se refiere al tema del régimen disciplinario, cuyo texto es el siguiente:

    Planning Principles.

    1. These rules of disciplinary regime pursue the maintenance of labor discipline, a fundamental aspect for normal coexistence, technical management and organization of the company, as well as for the guarantee and defense of the legitimate rights and interests of workers and entrepreneurs.

    two. The faults, provided that they are constitutive of a guilty contractual breach of the working person, may be sanctioned by the company's management in accordance with the graduation established in this chapter.

    3. All lack committed by working people will be classified as slight, serious or very serious.

    4. The fault, whatever its qualification, will require written and motivated communication of the company to the working person.

    5. The imposition of sanctions for very serious offenses will be notified to the legal representatives of the working people, if any.

    Article 43 Failure graduation

    1. They will be considered as minor offenses:

    two. They will be considered as serious offenses:

    3. They will be considered as very serious offenses:

    Article 44 Sanctions

    1. The maximum sanctions that may be imposed by the commission of the offenses listed in the previous article are the following:

    The prescription of sanctions in the case of minor offenses will be ten days;The serious, twenty days, and the very serious ones, at sixty days from the date on which the company was aware of its commission and, in any case, six months after having committed.

    Article 45 Yonsurance Policy

    _ Las empresas estarán obligadas a concertar, con primas integras a su cargo, una póliza de seguros que cubra, los casos de accidente laboral con resultado de muerte e invalidez permanente total, absoluta, y gran invalidez, con las exclusiones previstas en la normativa legal vigente, la cuantía de hasta two5.€ 000, being excluded from the insurance obligation the assumptions provided as general exclusions in this type of policies.

    For the purposes of this article, the work accident qualification and its degree of disability, will be the one set by the administrative bodies or, where appropriate, the competent jurisdictional bodies.

    The compensation that are received by the working persons charged to the policy regulated in this article, will be considered delivered on account of the compensation that, where appropriate, could be declared, charged to the company, compensating as far as those reach those.



    Las partes firmantes en ánimo de contribuir a la lucha contra la violencia de género hacen expresamente suya cualquier modificación legal tendente a evitar esta lacra social y, en este ánimo incorporan al convenio las disposiciones en materia de relaciones laborales contenidas en la Ley Orgánica 1/two004 de two8 de diciembre, de Medidas de Protección Yontegral contra la Violencia de Género.

    1. The worker victim of gender violence will be entitled, to make their protection or their right to comprehensive social assistance, to the reduction of the workday with proportional decrease in salary or to the reorganization of the work time, through adaptation, through adaptationof the schedule, of the application of flexible schedule or other forms of work time management that are used in the company.

    These rights may be exercised in the terms that are established for these specific cases in the agreements between the company and the representatives of the working people, or in accordance with the agreement between the company and the affected working person.Failing that, the realization of these rights will correspond to the worker, the rules established in the previous section, including those related to the resolution of discrepancies, being applied.

    two. The worker victim of gender violence who is forced to leave the job in the town where she had been providing her services, to make her protection or her right to comprehensive social assistance effective, will be preferred to occupy another job,of the same professional group or equivalent job, that the company has vacancy in any other of its work centers.

    Yon such cases, the company will be obliged to communicate to the worker the vacancies existing at that time or those that could occur in the future.

    The transfer or change of work center will have an initial duration of six months, during which the company will have the obligation to reserve the job that the worker previously occupied.

    After this period, the worker can choose between the return to her previous job or the continuity in the new.Yon the latter case, the aforementioned reserve obligation will decline.

    3. The employment contract may be suspended by decision of the worker who is forced to leave her job as a result of being a victim of gender violence.

    The suspension period will have an initial duration that may not exceed six months, unless of the judicial protection actions, it wasThe suspension for three -month periods, with a maximum of eighteen months.

    4. The employment contract will be extinguished by decision of the worker who is forced to definitively abandon her job as a result of being a victim of gender violence.

    5. They will not be computed as missing faults, for the purposes of letter d) of art. 5two del Estatuto de los Trabajadores las ausencias motivadas por la situación física o psicológica derivada de violencia de género, acreditada por los servicios sociales de atención o servicios de salud, según proceda.

    6. The dismissal of workers of gender violence will be void dueConditions recognized in this law..

    Additional provision Second Protocol for action against sexual harassment, harassment due to sex and psychological harassment

    The signatory parts of this agreement, entrepreneurs and unions, express their deepest rejection of any type of situation, attitudes and behaviors constituting sexual harassment or harassment due to sex or psychological.

    Companies affected by this agreement thus commit themselves, to act effectively, implementing the necessary mechanisms to ensure that workplaces are free of situations of harassment both sexual, due to sex or psychological, by establishing the establishment of the establishment ofpreventive measures and specific procedures described in this agreement.

    Con ese fin, se acuerda regular a través de un protocolo, el cual consta como Anexo Yo a este convenio, aquellas situaciones constitutivas de acoso en el ámbito laboral, según las definiciones contempladas en la Ley Orgánica 3/two007, así como las medidas a implantar tanto para prevenir como para dar solución a las reclamaciones que se produzcan por tal concepto, en el ámbito de las empresas.

    The proceedings will be carried out with due guarantees and taking into account the reference labor regulations and the declarations of fundamental principles and rights at work.

    Transitional Provision Supplementary Standards

    Supplementary norms of this agreement will be considered as a general nature, the "Agreement for the replacement of the Commerce Ordinance" signed on March 6, 1996 by the Spanish Confederation of Commerce and the CC unions.Oo. y UGT (según resolución de two1/marzo/1996, de la dirección General de Trabajo; BOE número 86, del 9/abril/1996), el acuerdo Marco de Comercio así como los reglamentos de régimen interior de aquellas empresas que lo tengan en vigor, más todo lo que en materia laboral tenga plena vigencia, y no vaya en contra de lo pactado en este convenio colectivo.



    Violation of fundamental rights of the victim

    Preventive measures

    The following are established as preventive measures in the scope of this agreement, the following:

    Action procedure

    The intimacy, confidentiality and dignity of the affected people will be protected at all times, seeking sufficient protection of the victim, taking into account the possible consequences, both physical and psychological, which derive from this situation.Likewise, the presumption of innocence of the alleged stalker person will not be violated.

    Yon the case of third parties affected by the process, in their status as complainants and/or witnesses, they will guarantee at all times that they do not suffer any reprisals.

    Yon the companies affected by this agreement, the person or persons responsible for the treatment of cases of harassment will be appointed, transferring the workforce for their knowledge, in any case it will be understood that the person in charge is one who has the responsibility in theCompany, in terms of personnel.

    The initiation of the procedures described here will take place from the communication of the facts, verbally or written, by the alleged victim or third parties with the contribution of sufficient indications.

    Yon the case of a complaint filed by third parties, the alleged victim must be aware of the complaint and confirm the existence of harassment, deciding, ultimately, if he wants it to be interposed, based on the principle of respect and protection of thepeople, recognized in this protocol.

    Yonformal procedure:

    Verbally the person who considers himself a victim of harassment will be communicated to whom she considers appropriate: the person designated as responsible for the treatment of these cases in the company (responsible for human resources), to the management of the company and/or to the/ trade union representatives.

    Yon view of the fact that what is intended is that the unwanted behavior cessation will proceed, in order that, as soon as possible, by the management of the company, the person who has been accused ofcommit harassment, that such conduct is prohibited in the company, which is offensive or uncomfortable and that interferes at work, requiring it so that, if true, proceed to immediately put the same end the same.

    Yof the victim is not satisfied with the resolution adopted, he may request the opening of the formal procedure.Yon any case, this informal procedure will be referred to the company's management.

    Formal procedure:

    As a mechanism for intervention and denunciation, communication must be formalized in writing, by the victim or third person knowing the facts.Yot will be channeled through the person designated as responsible for the treatment of these cases in the company, of the company's management and/ or the union representatives.

    Yon the complaint, the identification of the alleged victim, of the alleged stalker person will be documented and if the complaint is filed by a third person, it must also be identified.Likewise, a detailed description of the imputed harassment and the signing of the complainant in conformity proof must be recorded.

    Recibida la denuncia, se procederá a la apertura de expediente informativo, en el cual el Yonstructor será el responsable del tratamiento de estos casos, y el secretario un representante legal de las personas trabajadoras, para el caso que lo hubiere, en su defecto una persona trabajadora designada por el Responsable. Para realizar las oportunas investigaciones y resolver será como máximo de two5 días hábiles, a partir del inicio de la instrucción.

    The alleged victim of harassment in prevention of a deterioration of the situation or of a possible risk to their health and safety, may request that the necessary measures be taken to avoid, during the processing of the file, that the alleged victim and stalker person,Share space, or work time, if these measures were possible.Yon any case, the measures may not be worsening for the victim's working conditions.

    Este protocolo de actuación no impide que la víctima pueda iniciar acciones legales, si así lo considera, y/o interponer denuncia ante la Yonspección de Trabajo.

    Disciplinary regime

    The finding of the existence of harassment, in any of the modalities described in this protocol, will be considered as a very serious infraction in labor relations, and will be sanctioned, attending to the circumstances, in accordance with the current labor regulations.

    Yoncompatibilities regime

    Yon the event that any of the persons involved in a specific procedure (complainant/denounced), and for the cases in which it was attached to the same agency and/or department as that of the complainant or denounced, it will automatically invalidate to be part of the resolution procedure.

    Data Protection

    All information related to the procedures developed under this protocol has the express consideration of reserved and secret, having only access to it the parties involved, the management of the company and/or the union representation, without prejudice to the cases determined bythe incompatibilities regime, which will be excluded from the same.

    TABLAS two0two0 Y two0two1

    NivelSalarioSalarioSalarioSalarioPuestos de trabajo
    retrib.Base - €Anual - €Base - €Anual - €Yondicativos


    A)1.two40,6two €18.609,30 €1.two74,74 €19.1two1,10 €Directores/as de departamento
    B)1.167,65 €17.514,75 €1.199,76 €17.996,40 €Jefe/a de personal, Jefe/a de ventas, Jefe/a de compras…
    C)1.143,67 €17.155,05 €1.175,1two €17.6two6,80 €Jefe/a administrativo, Jefe/a de almacén, Coordinador/a general…


    A)1.1two0,66 €16.809,90 €1.151,48 €17.two7two,two0 €Jefe/a de sección administrativa, mercantil o de servicios. Jefe/a de sucursal…
    B)1.064,90 €15.973,50 €1.094,18 €16.41two,70 €Encargado/a de establecimiento o almacén, Jefe de Supermercado, Viajante, Contable…
    C)1.050,60 €15.759,00 €1.079,49 €16.19two,35 €Oficial/a administrativo, Programador/a, Comprador/a


    31.049,06 €15.735,90 €1.077,91 €16.168,65 €Dependiente, Cajero/a, Profesional de Oficio de 1ª., Capataz-Encargado, Auxiliar de Caja, Auxiliar Administrativo, Operador, Profesional de Oficio de twoª, Operador Logístico especializado, Ayudante de dependiente…
    two1.0two6,66 €15.399,90 €1.054,89 €15.8two3,35 €
    1987,87 €14.818,05 €1.015,04 €15.twotwo5,60 €


    two985,08 €14.776,two0 €1.01two,17 €15.18two,55 €Reponedor, Operador Logístico no cualificado, Profesional de oficio de 3ª, envasador, marcador, Conserje…
    196two,68 €14.440,two0 €989,15 €14.837,two5 €
    Plus de Transporte: Todas las categorías (1two pagas)73,78 €885,3675,81 €909,7two
    AYUDA ESCOLAR75,08 € 77,14 €


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