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The Valencia metropolitan mobility plan provides for the inn in Marcha de quatre noves express lines of electric buses

The Generalitat plans to invest 400 million euros in four new metroTRAM lines to strengthen public transport in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Valencia in the northern corridor of the region of l'Horta (the Port of Sagunt - Sagunt - Rafelbunyol - Valencia); the north-west area (Paterna - Burjassot - Parc Tecnològic - Valencia); the southern zone of this mateixa region (Albal - Catarroja - Valencia) and the western zone (Xirivella - Alaquàs - Aldaia - Barri del Crist) which would be the first to come into operation foreseeably between 2025 and 2026.

The metroTRAM, a modality foreseen in the Valencia Metropolitan Mobility Plan, is a mass public transport system based on high-capacity electric buses, which run along mostly reserved platforms, specifically designed with services to reduce flux of passatgers. The BRT, an other way of calling them, has the objective of combining the capacity and speed of the train or metro, together with the flexibility, efficiency and simplicity of a bus system.

The Minister of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility, Arcadi España has valued this proposal as "a great initiative to connect areas of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Valencia that do not currently have a competitive public transport alternative, which It will allow us to donate a better service to large population centers, business and commercial centers”.

As explained by the minister, this million of the Generalitat's public transport is the result of “a detailed study of the current mobility of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Valencia, which will be agreed upon and debated by all the municipalities involved, to adjust as much as it is a struggle for the infrastructures to the needs of the residents of the area”.

“It is intended to offer a high-capacity, competitive and modern transport system, which is already present in some European countries, such as Nantes, in areas with great demand in order to continue advancing in the rain against the canvi climate change and to ensure that the mobility of the metropolitan area of ​​Valencia continues to be more sustainable every time”, Arcadi España confirmed.

The Port of Sagunt - Sagunt - Valencia

The metropolitan mobility plan of Valencia foresees the posada in marcha de quatre noves línies exprés de bus elèctric

The metroTRAM that will connect the Port of Sagunt, Sagunt and Valencia will circulate between the Port of Sagunt and Sagunt, offering a competitive transport service to these two hubs, and will later connect the surroundings of Parc Sagunt, through the CV309 , from where the transits will be channeled cap to Valencia or cap to the Metrovalència network to favor intermodality.

It is planned to execute a tram for the dins of the Sagunt municipality, which would connect the Port of Sagunt with the Rodalia station and the historic center with different parades. In addition, the connection with Valencia is developed, it is valuable, to improve the connectivity, the design of a reserved lane and it raises the possibility of connecting the surrounding municipalities with the Metrovalència network.

Burjassot - Paterna - Parc Tecnològic - València

With the mateixa visió and transport solution, the Generalitat proposes the implantation of a metroTram system at the edge of the CV35, which will connect them municipalities of Burjassot i Paterna, along with the industrial areas of Font del Gerro and the Parc Tecnològic.

With this high-capacity transport system, it would be possible to improve the efficiency of the times and the transport system in this metropolitan corridor, especially for the connection between industrial areas with great potential for attracting and generating mobility in the actuality

In this way, it would achieve a real connectivity between Valencia and its main industrial areas, with an intermodal system of metro, metroTram and tramway.

Albal - Catarroja - València

The southern corridor of the Valencia metropolitan area, integrating the different municipalities located along the V31, is located in the current important industrial and commercial areas, here with an urban complex of an important population entity.

This population currently does not have the correct access to public rail transport, which penalizes it and generates a great dependency on the public transport service on the surface, resolved at present for the different Metrobús lines and of the private vehicle.

To continue advancing in sustainable mobility, the Generalitat proposes in this area the extension of a new metroTram system that connects the area with the southern surroundings of Valencia, through the development of different single and shared platform trams due to the increase in the efficiency of public transport and its location along the backbone corridor of the different municipalities, such as the old Madrid highway.

This metroTram system is developed from the center of Valencia to the Albal i Tindria municipality with a branch leading to the Alfafar shopping area.

Xirivella - Alaquàs - Aldaia - València

This high-capacity transport system would meet the mobility needs of the municipalities of Xirivella, Aldaia, Alaquàs with the city of Valencia. The objective is to achieve a fast infrastructure on a single or shared platform, depending on the tram, from the center of Valencia towards the municipalities of Alaquàs and Aldaia, both extending towards Bonaire and the Barri del Crist.

Among the implementation of this system is to endow the eix de Xirivella - Alaquàs - Aldaia with a new efficient system of public transport, direct and of high benefits and qualities, which will achieve an adequate connection to an urban area of 'high population density and a current provision of deficient public transport.



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