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Natural |Recycle: The fallacy of the Environment Industry Ecology Contamination Recycling - The Sun of Mexico |News, Sports, Gossip, Columns

Although for years human beings have encouraged recycling as an action that proposes a solution to the negative impact on the planet caused by waste, this premise can distant from reality.

Recycling can be considered as a citizen duty to counteract our footprint on the planet.Although this is not a lie, organizations defending the environment like Greenpeace, they assure that it is, as it is said, cover the sun with a finger.

In its recycling report: the fallacy of the industry in the fight against plastic pollution, the NGO stressed that the solution is not only recycling, because in addition, society as a whole must reduce the production and consumption of one plastics of oneuse.It also accuses the great industries of evading their responsibility and profiting with recycling.

"The corporations have told us that recycling is the best way in which we can contribute to preserve the environment, but in reality they are not telling us all the information they know about it," said the organization.

Natural | Reciclar: la falacia de la industria medio ambiente ecologia contaminacion reciclaje - El Sol de México | Noticias, Deportes, Gossip, Columnas

In 2018, the World Economic Forum and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation affirmed in the report the new economy of the plastics that companies could recover between 80 thousand and 120 billion dollars when recycling, instead of discarding the plastics they produce.

"Under the argument that they contribute to caring for the environment, corporations initiated massive campaigns in favor of recycling and decided to make their responsibility a business," Greenpeace said, so he insisted that the real solution is to stop producing plastics andDevelop technologies to generate less polluting materials.

According to the organization, throughout history, less than 10 percent of the plastic that occurs worldwide has been recycled, which obviously does not attend to the current plastic emergency, since it is estimated that up to 12.7 million tons of plastic enter the ocean every year, "equivalent to a truck full of waste of this material that is poured into the coast every minute".

In addition, the report highlights the low infrastructure for adequate processes that, in particular, Mexico provides.According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, until 2016 there were 30 waste separation plants in 13 states of the Republic, four crushing plants, 13 compaction plants, compost 13 and five biodigestion in Mexico.All this, according to Greenpeace, is "insufficient" for the level of waste generated daily.

Similarly, the document ensures what it is not so obvious: not all plastic is recyclable, because in some cases for reuse, expensive and more polluting chemical processes are required, such is the case of colored or screen -screen containers, tubes, tubesof toothpaste, disposable lighters or fried bags, among others.

La ONG Greenpeace advierte que no todo el plástico es reciclable y acusa a las grandes industrias de evadir su responsabilidad y de lucrar con esta tendencia / Foto: Crisanta Espinosa



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