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Strategies to prevent babies from going cold in winter

Do you have a baby and you are worried that it takes cold these days when the low temperatures are the standard?The first advice will not be with the baby unless it is necessary or at the hours when the sun affects more, but in addition to this, we can indicate a series of guidelines that are the most appropriate as a strategy against the cold for babies.

Baby cold strategies

With a few days when the cold has made more than the account, and we have even witnessed as a large part of the country was covered with snow, the pleasant walk with the baby of weeks or months may have become, it has becomeNow in an experience that is better to avoid, but once you leave this wave of cold and return to a certain "normality" within the winter, we must not lower our guard so it will be good to follow a clear strategy against the cold so thatWe can protect our baby and above all that we know how to avoid sudden temperature changes.

When dealing with a creature that cannot express your feelings with words, it is really difficult to understand how to behave;Despite the advice of the pediatrician, which invites us to expose the child outdoors at least during the sunny days, many times with the arrival of the cold (and more like the one suffered this week) we locked ourselves at home for fear ofeffects that a hostile climate could cause in such a small child.But we should not exaggerate, because ultimately the baby needs to breathe air from the outside, so it is only a matter of following these tips and you will see how nothing happens to your child, despite the cold.

How much should the baby be covered?

Estrategias para evitar que los bebés pasen frío en invierno

The reference point is our clothes, but calculating that the child does not move like us but that he remains still in the stroller or cart, so a few more precautions are necessary.Let's never forget the scarf, gloves and hat.

How to dress the baby

It is better to opt for layers in layers, to deal with temperature changes.The essential is a body, a monkey and a mitter padded for exteriors that constitutes a practical and comfortable combination.In the specific case of the Bodys, it is better to choose it in addition to cotton since if we choose it from another thicker fabric (even wool), thinking that the baby will go less cold, it is possible that his skin suffers a reaction.Think that baby's skin is very delicate and its epidermis can react to wool, so that cotton is the most advisable tissue.In the case of wanting wool, it will be better to choose the Merino wool.

On the other hand, you must make sure that the baby is not sweaty.Check your forehead on the hair line.In addition, winter clothes should be easy to put and remove: zip and velcro closures are preferred to the most complex closures.In the case of fastened monkeys with buttons, always make sure they are very subject to not run the risk that the little one swallowed them.

Padded monkey or sleeping bag?

In this case, the opinions are divergent: there are those who prefer the sleeping bag because in this way the baby can move the legs more easily, and there are those who opt for the winter monkey because it is easy to tie the baby to the stroller or lift it ifIt has a tantrum.It will be a matter of choosing depending on whether the baby moves a lot or not, or its age, since it is a newborn, perhaps a bag is better in which it can be comfortable and even go warm if it falls asleep insideof the cart.

Protect the baby's face in winter

The baby's face remains exposed to the air and, therefore, must be protected with a specific cream, also for the lips.Therefore, it must be a harmless product in the event that it is ingested.

When to go out with the baby when it's cold

When walking with the baby, it is better your ride.Let's also take advantage of the rare sunny days to keep it out for several hours and fill it with vitamin D.

How to prevent colds

To avoid colds and flu, it is good to observe the most common rules in this regard, such as washing their hands frequently and avoiding the assistance of sick or convalescent people.If we are cold, it is best to use a mask when we breastfeed or when we are in close contact with the baby.It is good to remember that breast milk is a very effective weapon from the point of view of the immune protection of the newborn.

The bathroom can continue to be a daily habit, but taking some additional precautions;For example, you can maintain a higher temperature in the room where the bathroom is performed, and care must always dry the baby's hair well, even if it is a fluff!

Always lit heating force to have adequate humidification of the rooms, which among other things constitutes an adequate prevention against epistaxis or nasal bleeding, due to the resection of the nose.



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