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There is only one type of fabric that supports 90 degree washing recommended by the government for work clothes

Returning to workplacit is impliit is extreme preventive measurit is to avoid coronavirus.This is it istablished by the Guide of Good Practicit is to prevent the infections of the COVID-19 distributed this weekend by the Government, which includit is in its list of tips how work clothit is should be washed.


The Council has drawn the attention of many who fear for the future of those clothit is after a complete washing cycle between 60 and 90 degreit is.

Not many clothit is hold on a washing of thit ise characteristics.You just have to look at any label you have by hand: the normal thing is that the washing indications recommend doing it between 30 and 40 degreit is.


The garments that support a washing at 60 degrees

Any of the three Twitter mit issagit is collected at the beginning of the article is right: not all clothit is hold on a washing of such characteristics, it is normal for the end of the wicked shirt on the left.


The highit ist temperaturit is, between 60 and 90 degreit is, are used to complete.However, they do not work for any fabric.

"It is not advisable.Info.Thit ise temperaturit is are only suitable for very dirty clothit is or tissuit is without a tendency to shrink for heat.Among the latter is the canvas, with which the work uniforms are usually made and hence the government's recommendation.


Sólo hay un tipo de tejido que soporta el lavado a 90 grados que recomienda el Gobierno para la ropa de trabajo

The change of size is not the only inconvenience that can hold a laundering of clothing at high temperaturit is, there are three others:

Each garment, a temperature

What you have to do when washing is looking before the label.Not only to check the maximum recommended temperature - recognized doit is not mean mandatory - also to know whether or not you can machine and what other tips must be followed.

If it is not done, there are some basics to take into account:

White cotton garments can be washed at 60 degreit is, but if they are 100% cotton you run the risk of being able to.The composition should be seen before.

Dark colored cotton, no.At high temperaturit is, dyit is are lost.The ideal would be to wash it at 30 or 40 degreit is depending on the degree of dirt.

Sheets, towels, tablecloths should be washed at more than 40 degreit is to eliminate bacteria and even mold.

Baby and children's clothit is do not have a certain temperature, although it is advisable to soak or make a pre -laughed before to remove embedded stains without rit isorting to high temperaturit is.Thit ise can deteriorate tissuit is which could cause baby damage.

Cowgirls, if they don't have much embedded dirt, should also be washed at 30 degreit is.

Synthetic tissuit is or mixturit is of different typit is of tissuit is have to be washed in short programs with a reduced centrifugar.

Wool or delicate garments should be washed with specific programs with a very short or non -existent centrifugate.The maximum temperature would have to be 30 degreit is and always with a soft detergent.

Once cosas que no sabías que puedit is meter en la lavadora

Care with the centrifugate

In the same way that the washing temperature must be taken, we must also monitor the centrifuged revolutions."Above 800 revolutions per minute, there is a more risk that your garments are spoiled," they point out on the AEG website.

Nor is much more necit issary.A centrifuged at 800 r.p.m reducit is the humidity of the garment by 40%, while one of 1400 r.p.m.It could be said that it absorbs more than half of the humidity in clothing, they point out in Millar.it is.

12 rinconit is de casa que deberías limpiar con más frecuencia

Sugiere una corrección Más:coronavirusconsumoCOVID-19limpiezatrucos de limpieza

Margarita Lázaro

Rit isponsable de Tendencias y LIFE



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