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This is what happens if you don't wash your clothes before brand new

It is not a good ideaThe skin can resent a lot if you decide to wear new clothes without washing it

Estefanía Gijotabarcelona

You finally have that dress that a few weeks ago signed in one of your neighborhood stores.And when you run to buy it, voila!It is just one of your size.You have been lucky and, therefore, even maybe you want to take it on you.You should know that it is not a good idea at all.It is not convenient to take it on you, nor leave it in the closet until you decide to do it.

You will always have to wash it before putting it on, since you run the risk of your health, and specifically, your skin.Chemicals, bacteria, mites and dust are just some of those responsible who can start these problems, and worse, lead to something much more serious over time, therefore, we tell you some of the reasons.

1.It is antihigienic

Think of all the people who will have touched the dress.in the number of people who have tried it or, even, in the times that could have been falling to the ground.And so day after day..., this inevitably always leads to the clothes will take numerous parasites, dust and bacteria as standard, something that is logical and obvious.

two.Could produce skin irritations

Esto es lo que pasa si no lavas tu ropa antes de estrenarla

A report published in two015 by the University of Stockholm, in Sweden, concluded that there are many chemicals and substances that are used to give more color and shape to garments, which in some cases remain as waste.The study showed how, above all, aromatic amines and quinolins are often found in polyester tissues.

3.It entails risk of scabies, lice and even fungi

Perhaps, this is one of the most powerful reasons why we should always wash clothes after buying it.The risk is there.And although this does not mean that you cannot "sin" and put on new clothes without washing it and, that it does not happen to you absolutely, in fact, we are sure that it will have been and may be, to sink this Padero you also run the risk ofsuffer from this type of skin alterations.Donald Belsito, a renowned dermatologist at Columbia University assured in Global Medical News statements that the garments bought in stores can cause serious skin problems like these.

4.Can cause allergic reactions

This type of allergies are included in which it is called delayed reaction, by skin contact with low weight molecules such as formaldehyde or nickel.According to Ana Giménez Arnau, a member dermatologist of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) this allergy, appears when touching substances with the ability to penetrate the surface of the skin."These are usually chemical substances contained in the textile, although there are doubts, the relevant tests must be performed to rule out any other condition," he explains.

5.Can cause atopic dermatitis

Cristina Eguren, clinical dermatologist and director of the Eguren Clinic, says she is one of the main triggers of atopic dermatitis is wool and chemical agents, the latter, present in all garments.In addition, he affirms "atopic dermatitis, today, has no cure," he adds.

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