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Editorial: True fraud

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La larga entrevista concedida días atrás por el presidente Pedro Castillo al periodista Fernando del Rincón de CNN estuvo atravesada de declaraciones falsas, imprecisas y temerarias que ya hemos comentado aquí y en otras páginas de este Diario. Hubo, sin embargo, un contenido que asomó a lo largo de toda la conversación y cuyo análisis hemos reservado para esta ocasión por lo particularmente pasmoso que resulta.

We refer to the pretext of the inexperience wielded by the president at different times of the dialogue to try to overcome the interviewer's observations about his unheard or inappropriate designations and meetings, as the case may be.

“In management there is a learning process.I never went through a ‘honeymoon’ as it has occurred in the other governments, ”said the head of the State initially.And then add allusions to the "way of learning from him in the same process" and to the fact that he never trained as a politician and nobody trained him to be president.“I did not even have, like other rulers, at least hours or days of induction [to charge];But it is part of the fight, I still learn, ”he finally said, before announcing that Peru will continue to be his school ...

Es decir, sin siquiera ruborizarse, el profesor Castillo les comunicó a quienes habían votado por él que, en realidad, al postular a la presidencia no tenía, ni por aproximación, una idea de las responsabilidades y tareas que suponía tomar las riendas del gobierno. Y que, por lo tanto, lo que correspondía era ser comprensivos y tolerantes con los desaguisados en los que ha incurrido porque son, en buena cuenta, el precio a pagar para que se foguease en un puesto tan difícil.

Editorial: El verdadero fraude

Worst, in addition, is that both he and his allies and relatives have tried to present this precariousness confession to assume the presidency as a virtue.This is, as a sample of honesty and a guarantee that whoever drives the destinations of the country will not practice the tricks that the experienced and formed predecessors of it practiced.

As it is obvious, however, such claim is crazy where you look at it: the ex -president who today are investigated or accused of corruption cases did not act as they acted for having some preparation to exercise the presidency, but despite it.That kind of thesis to Rousseau according to which candidates for such high dignity would be born pure but then the instruction to hold it the corrupting is simply unacceptable.By asking citizens with the vote, who is postulated to a position of political representation is implying that he has the knowledge and qualities to exercise it.And the more raised the position, the greater the preparation that the candidate is suggesting that he has.

Come to say, after six months of occupying the Head of the State, that the trade is being learned and that learning will continue for an indeterminate time is, then, to confess that the voters lied, in what would constitute - this yes - an authentic electoral fraud.

Por si esto fuera poco, existe adicionalmente la circunstancia agravante de que el profesor Castillo supo que llegaría a Palacio algún tiempo antes de 28 de julio y, en lugar de aprovechar ese intervalo para instruirse acerca de lo que tendría que haber dominado desde antes de aspirar a ceñirse la banda presidencial, continuó con la dinámica de campaña, generando una incertidumbre que afectó la economía del país y resultó la antesala del desgobierno y la improvisación que padecemos hoy.

To know that it is not necessary to appoint in key positions in the structure of the State to people investigated for terrorism or corruption or hold furtive meetings in places other than the presidential office, finally, there is no need for an induction process to the highest responsibility of the Executive.It is enough to have a little common sense and pay attention to the warnings of the press and the opposition on the subject.But about the reasons why the president decided to ignore all those alarms when they sounded we will find out in the next interview.If he grants it.



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