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Jean Paul Bondoux & Silvia Paiva: The love story of a kiss and much sweetness

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Ella es una enfermera de Rivera que soñaba con consagrarse en la pastelería. Él, un prestigioso empresario gastronómico francés que se quería dar a conocer en los medios uruguayos. Silvia Paiva (42) y Jean Paul Bondoux (73) se cruzaron como participante y jurado de la versión uruguaya del certamen de repostería Bake Off y dieron inicio a una historia de amor que cautivó al público.Todo comenzó una fría tarde de invierno, durante la primera grabación del programa en el complejo Jacksonville. El jurado conoció las caras de los participantes, y Jean Paul, uno de los expertos que integra el tribunal, quedó hipnotizado por una de ellas. “Lo primero entró por los ojos”, recuerda. Fue tan así que no pudo aguantarse para acercarse a su compañera Sofía Muñoz y confesarle: “Me enamoré, quiero a esa chica para mí”. Esa chica era Silvia. Pasó un día. Silvia combatía la baja temperatura con un sorbo de café en la cantina durante un intervalo de las grabaciones, cuando notó que Jean Paul caminaba hacia ella. Decidido, el empresario rompió el hielo con una contundente invitación: le propuso conocer La Bourgogne, su exclusivo restaurante en Punta del Este. La participante ensayó una respuesta diplomática: “No podemos involucrarnos con los jurados. Tarde o temprano voy a quedar eliminada, y ahí voy a conocerlo”. La invitación quedó hecha y la breve charla alcanzó para que intercambiaran los números de teléfono. Una vez que quedó eliminada de la competencia, Silvia cumplió. Tras ser la tercera participante en abandonar el certamen, tuvo la iniciativa de aceptar la invitación que había quedado pendiente. “Me interesaba conocer el lugar y toda la gastronomía”, explica. Silvia viajó hasta Punta del Este y esa misma noche se quedó a dormir en la casa del jurado, aunque en dormitorios separados. En aquella oportunidad, hubo un primer gesto del chef francés que la hizo transpirar. Jean Paul la pasó a buscar por la terminal de ómnibus de Punta del Este y le anticipó: “esta noche tenemos una cena especial”. El enamorado había organizado una comida con dos parejas de amigos. Al llegar, presentó a Silvia como “mi pareja”. Sorprendida, ella le siguió la corriente, pero esperó hasta el postre para ponerle los puntos sobre las íes. “Jean Paul, tenemos que hablar: yo no soy tu pareja”, le dijo. El chef ya sabía que estaba ante el inicio de una historia de amor, y el público que seguía la competencia por televisión también interpretó lo mismo. Es que Silvia compartió en redes una foto junto a él en Punta del Este y enseguida las versiones de romance cobraron fuerza. Silvia, según relata, recibió al instante la llamada de un productor del programa: “Bajá ya esa foto”. Ella le hizo caso, pero era demasiado tarde. Los usuarios habían capturado la imagen y ya daban por hecho que entre la participante y el jurado había algo más que una relación profesional. “Había que disimular porque todavía faltaba el repechaje y la gente podía malinterpretar. Podían decir ‘esta tiene coronita’”, analiza Silvia sobre aquel momento. Casi sin darse cuenta, Silvia había caído ante los encantos de Jean Paul y estaba nuevamente en su casa ubicada en el balneario esteño. El francés entendió entonces que era hora de un primer beso, pero no fue correspondido. “Ella me rechazó”, sentencia. Tras el intento fallido, tuvo una segunda oportunidad días antes de su cumpleaños del 7 de noviembre. La pareja caminaba con los pies en la arena frente al romántico atardecer de la playa Mansa de Punta del Este, cuando el galán visualizó la oportunidad perfecta. Fue entonces que avanzó hacia su boca y esta vez ella no pudo resistirse. Consultada sobre siguientes pasos en la relación, Silvia confeso: “Por ahora no hubo nada más que ese beso”.

A little French love.

It's Thursday afternoon and Silvia walks between three cross shopping stores. She is doing time while she waits for her game's departure to Punta del Este, where she meets Jean Paul. Once she steps on the ground, her boyfriend passes her to look for her, and share dinner talking about music, gastronomy and nature. She stays at his house, but still sleep in separate bedrooms. Of course: every morning he wakes her up with a bouquet of flowers and a breakfast. This routine is repeated week by week. Silvia works as a nurse at the Military Hospital, and that is why she has a single day off per week that she dedicates to sharing with her boyfriend's boyfriend. While she is in Montevideo, she takes the opportunity to spend time with her two daughters, but she does not stop exchange messages on WhatsApp with him. "I enter to work at six in the morning, and at eight Jean Paul is already sending me a message:‘ Did you forget me? ’," Silvia reveals with a laugh. "I am not possessive, I am romantic," the French defends himself.

Jean Paul Bondoux & Silvia Paiva: la historia de amor de un beso y mucha dulzura

WhatsApp messages also played bad passes."Many women write to him," she reveals.The worst happened days ago, when she reached her cell phone to capture an exchange of messages between her boyfriend and another woman."And what is this?" She rebuked it.But in the facts, the typical chef's response to most messages that come to him was nothing more: an invitation to learn about her restaurant.

Jean Paul's characteristic gentlemen was what ended up falling in love with Silvia. "He is very romantic and all the time he shows respect to the woman," she describes with the smile drawn on her face. She differentiates it from the Uruguayans, who, in her understanding "they are very cold, very fast, and they immediately want to take you to bed." Jean Paul returns Silvia's praise through a telephone interview. He maintains that the "very right and interesting personality of her girlfriend was bewitching. Difficulty. The couple is spoken through the universal language of love. In addition, Silvia argues that when the cameras go out, Bake Off's jury has no difficulty speaking in Spanish. "I don't know if in the exaggeration program or ask for that exaggerate, because nothing is understood! It is the character he does. When I am alone with him he speaks perfect Spanish, ”he says.

The strawberry of the cake.

The relationship advances in a slow but safe way, and in general it is Jean Paul who is more anxious. "If it were for him we had already married and we would be a honeymoon in France," she exaggerates. There was still that honeymoon, but he did want to seal her commitment in a very special way: she gave her an expensive pearl necklace that had belonged to her family. Silvia looks for her cell phone and proudly shows the photo of her neck wearing the jewel. She remembers that she premiered him nothing less than in the evening of the chef's birthday. What she does not know is if she can use it again: "I am afraid that I cut my neck to take it out," she jokes. Silvia is the first woman Jean Paul presents as the stable couple of him after the mother of three children of him. This was evidenced in the encounter between Silvia and one of them, a situation in which there was some resistance. This is said by Silvia: “Jean Paul said‘ Let's go with Silvia ’and the boy was surprised. He had as a cold reaction. ” The pastry maker finds the explanation in which her children keep "a certain grudge against her father for something that happened years ago, but they should have overcome it because they are great." And she finishes joking: "Now he saw me more times so he has no choice." Indeed, courtship is consolidated to the point that the encounters between them could cease to be weekly and become a definitive coexistence. Silvia evaluates to leave her stage behind her nurse to settle with Jean Paul and work with him in the Bourgogne. For now, Bake Off's exparticipant plans a holiday in the Caribbean with her daughters and when she returns from her to spend the days of her license helping her boyfriend in the high season of her restaurant . She will then make the decision. "The pastry is my passion and I have to take the opportunity that Jean Paul gives me," she evaluates. And in contrast, nursing no longer satisfies it as once: “With this pandemic my work is very stressful. It is no longer the same and I lost enthusiasm. ” What worries Jean Paul is the high demand that she has since his role as the head of the establishment. “Hit a few shouts that make you want to run through the other door. If he comes to do with me, I fly away, ”she warns her. This is a surprise that Jean Paul has prepared for December 22, when the Bake Off Uruguay final is played. That day both will return to Jacksonville, the place where they met, to be part of the live definition of the competition. For that night, the jury member plans to make a proposal that could disrupt his couple. He wants to anticipate more than what has been said and she asks for "we are going calm." Is the commitment coming? Will she accept the proposal? She will have to wait at 22.



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