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Last Superluna 2021: When, how and where can you see the June Superluna?

Spectacular image of the Milky Way Center is published by NASA

June lunar calendar: Check when the next full moon will be

The month of June is marked in the calendar by astronomy lovers, since among other space events, you can see the last superluna of the year 2021, the full moon of strawberry.

When will it be the last Superluna of the year?

The Strawberry Superluna will appear at the sunset on Thursday, June 24.His name is attributed to the Algonquin tribes of Native Americans, since this moon pointed out the harvest day of wild strawberries.

The full moon of June is also called different ways in other parts of the world, for example Luna de Honey or Luna de Aguamiel in Europe and Luna de Oak or Cold Moon in the Southern Hemisphere.

What parts of the world can this full moon be seen?

Última Superluna 2021: ¿Cuándo, cómo y dónde se podrá ver la Superluna de Junio?

According to NASA, the Strawberry Superluna is observable from anywhere in the world.To contemplate the phenomenon in a better way, it is advisable to go to an open place, away from the city and light pollution.It will not be necessary to have any observation instrument to contemplate this celestial event.

What phases of the moon can be seen in June?

These are the phases of the moon that will be appreciable this June

June 2: Fourth Menaging

June 10: New Moon

June 17: growing room

June 24: Full Moon



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