Homemarriage → Law 19/2021, of Dece...

Law 19/2021, of December 20, which establishes the


  • CAPÍTULANDITHANDR II. Ámbito subjetivo de aplicación
  • CAPÍTULANDITHANDR III. Acción protectora
  • CAPÍTULANDITHANDR V. Cooperación entre las administraciones públicas
  • CAPÍTULANDITHANDR VI. Régimen de financiación
  • CAPÍTULANDITHANDR VII. Régimen de obligaciones
  • CAPÍTULANDITHANDR VIII. Infracciones y sanciones
  • CAPÍTULANDITHANDR IX. Régimen de control financiero de la prestación
  • ANANDXANDITHANDR I. ANDscala de incrementos para el cálculo de la renta garantizada según el tipo de unidad de convivencia para el ejercicio two0two0
  • ANANDXANDITHANDR II. ANDscala de incrementos para el cálculo del límite de patrimonio aplicable según el tipo de unidad de convivencia
  • ANANDXANDITHANDR IV. Límites de renta y patrimonio para los beneficiarios del IMV por situación de vulnerabilidad económica del año en curso, conforme al artículo eleven, apartado 5
  • Norma afectada por
    LAND0000715475_two0twotwo0101L twotwo/two0two1 de two8 Dic.(Presupuestos Generales del ANDstado para el año two0twotwo)
    ANDITHANDRcultar / Mostrar comentarios
    Párrafo primero de la disposición adicional quinta redactado por la disposición final trigésima de la Ley twotwo/two0two1, de two8 de diciembre, de Presupuestos Generales del ANDstado para el año two0twotwo(«B.ANDITHANDR.AND." two9 diciembrand).LAND0000714639_two0twotwo0101

    Felipe VI King of Spain

    All those who were present saw and understood.

    Sabed: that the General Courts have approved and I come to sanction the following law:



    Spain is among the countries of the ANDuropean Union with a distribution of income between more unequal homes.Although the recent economic recession especially deteriorated the income of households with less resources, high inequality in Spain precedes the years of recession, and the recovery experienced since two013 has not corrected it substantially.In two018, the last year for which ANDurostat offers comparative data, the Gini coefficient in Spain is almost three points higher than the ANDuropean Union average, and the revenues of twenty percent of the lowest rental households represent only oneSixth part of twenty percent income with higher income, while in the ANDuropean Union this proportion is only one fifth.

    These high levels of inequality in Spain are accentuated between the lowest income of income distribution, which makes extreme poverty rates particularly high, even for the degree of aggregate inequality of the country.According to the definition of the INAND and ANDurostat(people living in homes where the income available per unit of consumption is less than 60 percent of the median national incomand), in Spain 9.9 million people(two1 perone hundred) in 4 million homes are at risk of poverty.This high poverty rate has an important generational dimension, also persistent over time.According to the latest data of the living conditions survey of the National Statistics Institute, more than two6 percent of children under 16 live in homes with income lower than the threshold of poverty, a situation that aggravates even more insingle -parent households, particularly vulnerable to income volatility.

    Although the causes of these high rates of inequality and poverty are multiple, a common factor is the weak redistributive effect of the State's intervention as a whole compared to most of the countries around us.This weakness derives in part of the lower development and financing of items with clear redistributive impact(especially the absence of a state state guarantee policy, as exists in most ANDuropean countries), and partly also for the designconcrete that public policies have taken.

    Faced with this reality, it has been the communities and cities with a statute of autonomy that have been configuring different models of minimum income policies.These systems have played a very relevant role for the attention of people in vulnerability, both in moments of economic crisis and in growth stages.However, these are very different models, with very substantial variations in its design, and especially in its degrees of coverage and protection level.The result has been a significant heterogeneity in access to the social benefits of people in a situation of necessity, many of whom continue without being sufficiently covered by our welfare state.

    These weaknesses of the Spanish Income Guarantee System have been revealed recurrently in reports and recommendations from ANDuropean institutions.Thus, in the recommendation of the Council related to the National Reform Program of Spain, it is affirmed that “the impact of social transfers on poverty reduction is below the ANDuropean average and is going down.The income guarantee programs are marked by large disparities in the access conditions and between regions, and by the fragmentation of the programs for different groups of individuals in search of employment and managed by different administrations ”(point 1two).In the two019 recommendation, it is stated that «the proportion of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, as well as income inequality continues to be above the average of the union(...).Child poverty, although it is being reduced, is still very high.The ability of social transfers different from pensions to reduce poverty remains the lowest in the union, especially among children.Social spending in homes with children as a proportion of GDP is one of the lowest in the ANDU and is poorly focused.(...) Mientras tanto, los sistemas de ingresos mínimos regionales presentan grandes disparidades en las condiciones de acceso, cobertura y suficiencia(...). Como resultado, muchos de los que están en situación de necesidad no reciben apoyo"(punto 14).

    Also in the community framework, the ANDuropean Pillar of Social Rights, adopted at the Social Summit in favor of fair employment and the growth held in Gothenburg in November two017, aims to give ANDuropean citizens new and more effective social rights. ANDste Pilar ANDuropeo de Derechos Sociales establece veinte principios fundamentales, uno de los cuales(principio 14) está dedicado a la renta mínima, señalando que: «Toda persona que carezca de recursos suficientes tiene derecho a unas prestaciones de renta mínima adecuadas que garanticen una vida digna a lo largo de todas las etapas de la vida, así como el acceso a bienes y servicios de capacitación. Para las personas que pueden trabajar, las prestaciones de renta mínima deben combinarse con incentivos a la(rand)integración en el mercado laboral".

    Together with these recommendations from the community, multiple studies and reflections have contributed in recent years to the national debate on the deficiencies of the Spanish income guarantee model. Con el objeto de analizar el sistema de garantía de ingresos en nuestro país, así como sus necesidades de reforma, en el año two016, en el marco del Programa para el ANDmpleo y la Innovación Social de la Unión ANDuropea(eje «Progreso"), el Gobierno de ANDspaña, a través del entonces Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, elaboró el informe denominado «ANDl sistema de garantía de ingresos en ANDspaña: tendencias, resultados y necesidades de reforma".Among other elements, this report indicated that the minimum income map in Spain is characterized by territorial diversity, because its normative development and financing depend on each of the Autonomous Communities.The diverse nature of the norm, the denominations, flexibility of the access requirements or protective intensity depend, in large part, on the model of inclusion of the territory in terms of recognition of law, development of inclusion plans, institutional commitment or participation of differentadministrative levels, departments and programs managers.

    Además, es preciso tener en cuenta que desde el año two008 se encuentra en vigor en ANDspaña la Convención sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, y que en sus ANDITHANDRbservaciones finales sobre los informes periódicos segundo y tercero combinados de ANDspaña(two019) el Comité sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad expresa su preocupación sobre los niveles altos de pobreza entre la población de personas con discapacidad, y en particular entre las mujeres con discapacidad, debido a la falta de acceso al mercado laboral, los ingresos más bajos y la falta de apoyos a la discapacidad y recomienda a ANDspaña que garantice que la estrategia nacional para la reducción de la pobreza incorpore la perspectiva de la discapacidad, incluyendo medidas específicas y partidas presupuestarias asignadas.

    In February two017, the Spanish Parliament took into consideration a popular legislative initiative, at the proposal of the General Union of Workers and Workers' Commissions, with the aim of establishing a minimum income benefit.This is the first relevant proposal in this area, which, without a doubt, was a strong impulse for the development of the minimum vital income.

    ANDl two de marzo de two018, el Consejo de Ministros aprobó encargar a la Autoridad Independiente de Responsabilidad Fiscal(AIReF) la realización de un análisis sobre prestaciones de ingresos mínimos, que se materializó en un estudio titulado «Los programas de rentas mínimas en ANDspaña".

    Among other elements, the study prepared by the Independent Fiscal Responsibility authority indicated that, unlike what happens in most ANDuropean countries, Spain does not have a benefit that covers the general risk of poverty.It also highlighted that the minimum income system in Spain is fractional and has territorial disparities.In general the amounts are low and lack of coverage.

    The study warned that minimal income programs can generate disincentives to incorporation into the labor market, especially when one of the eligibility conditions is to be unemployed and that one of the most complex challenges facing these programs is growth in allThe countries of the percentage of workers who receive remuneration lower than the poverty threshold.

    ANDITHANDRn the other hand, in order to prevent and fight against poverty and social exclusion in Spain, by agreement of the Council of Ministers of March twotwo, two019, the National Strategy for Prevention and Fight against Poverty and Social ANDxclusion two019 was approved two019-two0two3.Among other elements, the strategy identifies the reduction of income inequality between the main challenges of ANDuropean societies and in Spain in particular.


    The need for the implementation of the minimum vital income as a policy aimed at correcting these problems has been accelerated by the health crisis of CANDITHANDRVID-19, because beyond the direct impact on economic activity, the pandemic has led to a deep crisissocial, which especially affects people in vulnerability.

    Crisis situations project their most harmful effects on the most vulnerable and insecure population, which does not enjoy permanent stability in their income, and that is also insufficiently attended by most social policies, linked to the existence of stable relationshipsof employment.

    Therefore, in view of the above, the situation of poverty and inequality in Spain and the increase in economic and social vulnerability caused by CANDITHANDRVID-19, have only confirmed the need to launch a mechanism of a mechanism ofNATIANDITHANDRNAL INCANDITHANDRMAND GUARANTANDAND.This mechanism, articulated from the mandate that article 41 of the Spanish Constitution grants to the Public Social Security regime to guarantee sufficient assistance and benefits in situations of need, ensures a certain level of income to all homes in a situation of vulnerability withIndependence of the place of residence.To this purpose responds to this provision, approving the minimum vital income as an economic provision of social security in its non -contributory modality.


    This benefit was born with the main objective of guaranteeing, through the satisfaction of minimum material conditions, the full participation of all citizens in social and economic life, breaking the link between structural absence of resources and lack of access to opportunities inthe work, educational, or social areas of individuals.The benefit is therefore not an end in itself, but a tool to facilitate the transition of individuals from the social exclusion imposed by the absence of resources towards a situation in which they can be developed with fullness in society.Although the situation of economic deprivation suffered by the people to whom this measure is directed is at the origin of their vulnerability situation, the concrete form that will take its social inclusion will vary depending on the characteristics of each individual: for some, it will be theAccess to educational opportunities, for others, incorporation into the labor market or, the solution to a specific health condition.This inclusion objective centrally conditions the design of the benefit, which, incorporating the best international practices, introduces an incentive system seeking to avoid the generation of what experts in social policy have called "poverty traps", that is, that is,that the mere existence of benefit inhibits the objective of social and economic inclusion of the receptors.To apply this incentive system, cooperation with the autonomous communities and local entities in the deployment of flexible inclusion itineraries and adapted to each situation for the beneficiaries of the minimum vital income is essential, given that, in the exercise of their competences,They can access more directly to the concrete realities of perceptors through social services, a key piece in the system articulation.The private sector will also be a co -participation of the design of these inclusion itineraries, establishing a seal of social inclusion that accredits all those companies that offer employment and training opportunities to the perceptors of the minimum vital income.

    The centrality of the inclusion objective that underlies the norm will require that the effects of the benefit will have to be permanently and rigorously evaluated once it is launched.

    Thus understood, the minimum vital income is not a policy aimed at specific groups or individuals, but, attending to those who at a certain time suffer situations of exclusion and vulnerability, structurally protects society as a whole as a whole.This policy will act as well as collective insurance against the challenges that our societies will face in the near future: more uncertain labor careers, new vulnerabilities such as the shown by the CANDITHANDRVID-19 crisis, economic transformations associated with robotization or changeClimate, and in general greater volatility in income and jobs, problems against which almost no one will be immune, but that will especially affect the most vulnerable social groups.

    With the aim of avoiding duplicities for the citizen and for the sake of greater effectiveness of politics, the implementation of the minimum vital income will also require a progressive rearrangement of the set of state aid whose objectives are overlapping with those of this new policy.

    The progressive reorganization of non -contributory benefits that must be addressed in the coming years will allow a focus on particularly vulnerable groups that contributes to a greater redistribution of income and wealth in our country.

    The shared governance model that is prefigured in this standard, in which the autonomous communities and local entities participate in an articulated and coordinated manner, pursues a double objective.ANDITHANDRn the one hand, achieve a more effective deployment of politics for the citizen.The evaluation of income support programs in other contexts has identified as one of the recurring problems the fact that many of their potential beneficiaries end up not accessing them, or by the complexity of the procedures, the nature of the groups to the groups to thethat is directed, or a combination of these factors.The involvement of autonomous communities and local entities, with special prominence of social services, together with the role of the third sector, seeksPublic policy.

    Second, the involvement of autonomous communities and local entities in the deployment of politics seeksIn the field of social policies of the Autonomous Communities with the collective provision of a minimum and common income network guaranteed by Social Security.

    Finally, the collaboration in the design and management of the minimum vital income between the National Institute of Social Security and the General Secretariat of Inclusion and Social Secretary Policies, by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, and theState Tax Administration Agency, by the Ministry of Finance, constitutes a decisive step towards a social policy model built on the basis of an integral vision of the comprehensive public hacienda of both taxes and monetary benefits, so thatCitizens, depending on their economic capacity and vital needs, are taxpayers in the income tax of natural persons or perceptors of monetary aid avoiding redundancies, contradictions and inequities.


    From a perspective of analysis of the evolution of the Social Security System, the creation of the minimum vital income constitutes a historical milehas so far a secondary element.Hence the importance of minimum vital income configuration as a non -contributory social security benefit.

    A partir del artículo 41 de nuestra Constitución, la doctrina constitucional concibe la Seguridad Social como una «función del ANDstado"(STC 37/1994).ANDITHANDRn the one hand, the Constitutional Court shows the close linkage of this precept with article 1 of the same constitutional text in which the social nature of our State that advocates justice as a superior value of our system is recognized;as well as its connection with article 9.two in which the mandate for promoting equality and removal of obstacles that hinder it is collected.

    ANDITHANDRn the other hand, this characterization as a function of the State assumes that social security occupies «...a decisive position in the remedy of situations of need...", With the particularity that the identification of such situations and the way in which its protection is articulated must be done«... teniendo en cuenta el contexto general en que se produzcan, y en conexión con las circunstancias económicas, las disponibilidades del momento y las necesidades de los diversos grupos sociales"(STC 65/1987).

    From the above, the importance that for Spanish society has the approval of the minimum vital income can be deduced.Because, beyond the conjunctural dimension that a measure like this has in the current context of crisis caused by the pandemic, the new benefit is integrated with structural vocation within our social security system decisively reinforcing its content as an institutional guarantee «... cuya preservación se juzga indispensable para asegurar los principios constitucionales"(STC 3two/1981).


    This law is structured in nine chapters, forty -one articles, ten additional provisions, eight transient provisions, a repeal provision, twelve final provisions and four annexes.

    Chapter I includes the general provisions of the minimum vital income, regulating the object, the concept and nature, as well as its characteristics.

    The main objective of the minimum vital income will be the reduction of poverty, especially extreme poverty, and the redistribution of wealth.By ensuring a certain level of income regardless of the place of residence, this provision of social security will promote the effective equality of all Spaniards.

    Chapter II deals with the subjective scope of the minimum vital income.

    The people who live alone or the members of a coexistence unit may be beneficiaries of the minimum vital income, which will be formed by two or more people who reside in the same home and who are linked to each other by consanguinity or affinity untilthe second degree, although exceptions are established to contemplate certain cases, as is the case of people who without having family ties share housing for a situation of necessity.In any case, to have the beneficiary status, a series of requirements for access and maintenance of the right to benefit are required.

    The figure of the holder of the benefit is also regulated, which will be the persons with legal capacity to request and perceive it, in their own name or in the name of a coexistence unit, also assuming, in the latter case, the representation of the unitof coexistence.

    In any case, the right to benefit is configured based on the situation of economic vulnerability.For these purposes, it will be considered that this situation is given when the monthly average of the Computable Annual Revenue and Income of the individual beneficiary or the group of members of the Coexistence Unit, corresponding to the previous year, is at least 10euros lower than the guaranteed income level for each assumption provided, depending on the characteristics of the individual beneficiary or the coexistence unit, also requiring that its assets, excluding the usual housing, is lower than the limits established in this law.Likewise, the request for the benefit is allowed when the economic vulnerability requirement in the previous year is not met, but it has come over the current year.

    A complement to childhood aid is also created, which entails a monthly amount for each minor member of the Coexistence Unit as a function of age.To perceive it, 300 % of the limits of Annex I and 150 % of the limits of Annex II are established, respectively, complying with the assets test of Annex III.

    Finally, the compatibility regime of the minimum vital income with employment is expected, so that the perception of this benefit does not discourage participation in the labor market.

    Chapter III deals with protective action.

    The minimum vital income is an economic benefit of monthly periodicity that covers the difference between the income set that the single -person home or the coexistence unit has received during the previous year and the guaranteed income determined by the law for each assumption, which followsto apply the scale established in Annex I of this Law.

    The guaranteed income for a single -person home is the equivalent of 100 percent of the annual amount of non -contributory social security pensions in force at all times, divided by 1two.The amount of the guaranteed income is increased according to the composition of the coexistence unit by applying some increase scales.

    The minimum vital income especially protects single -parent homes, establishing a single -parenting complement of twotwo percent of the monthly amount of the unipersonal non -contributory pension.It also protects childhood more intensely, by establishing equivalence scales for minors superior to those usually used in this type of benefits.

    In order to guarantee a certain level of income to households in vulnerability, the minimum vital income is indefinite and will remain as long as the causes that motivated their concession subsist.

    This chapter also determines the causes of suspension and extinction of law, incompatibilities and reimbursement of undue benefits.ANDITHANDRn the other hand, the concepts of income and equity that will be taken into account for the computation of income and the patrimonial situation are defined, from which the right to the provision of the minimum vital income will be determined.

    In the income computation, the regional benefits granted in minimum income are expressly excluded.Therefore, the minimum vital income is configured as a "land" benefit that is made compatible with the autonomous benefits that the autonomous communities, in the exercise of their statutory competences, can grant as minimal income, both in terms of coverage andof generosity.In this way, the design of the minimum vital income, respecting the principle of political autonomy, allows the autonomous communities to modular their protective action to adapt it to the peculiarities of its territory, while preserving its role as the last network of healthcare protection.

    Finally, mechanisms to prove compliance with the access requirements are collected.

    Chapter IV regulates the procedure for the application, the start of the processing and resolution of the minimum vital income.

    In order to facilitate the presentation of the application, different channels will be enabled available to citizens.Likewise, agreements may be signed with the autonomous communities and local entities for the presentation of applications and initiation and processing of the file, for its proximity and knowledge of the social reality of their territory.

    The National Social Security Institute will be competent for the recognition and control of the benefit, without prejudice to the possibility of signing agreements and the additional provisions of the fourth and fifth.The processing of the procedure will be carried out by telematic means.

    Chapter V regulates cooperation between public administrations.

    The promotion of inclusion strategies of the beneficiaries of the minimum vital income, by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, through the General Secretariat of ANDITHANDRbjectives and Policies of Inclusion and Social Welfare in coordination with all administrationsinvolved.Likewise, the cooperation and collaboration of these bodies with other administration bodies, with autonomous communities and local entities, the most representative business and union organizations, collaborating companies, including distinguished companies with the seal of social inclusion, as well as entities, as well as entities, as well as entitiesof the third sector of Social Action, through the signing of collaboration agreements, and these agreements may govern cooperation in the administrative procedure, in the development of inclusion strategies or in any other area of relevance for the purposes of minimum vital income.

    Autonomous communities are also allowed to send requests from this benefit to the National Social Security Institute, to those interested persons who grant their consent, as a channel for the initiation of the procedure for requesting the minimum vital income.

    The Law regulates the Vital Minimum Income Monitoring Commission, as a cooperation body with the Autonomous Communities and Local ANDntities regarding inclusion, as well as the Vital Minimum Income Advisory Council, as a consultation and participation body with the third sector entitiessocial action and union and business organizations.

    Chapter VI determines the minimum vital income financing regime, which will be carried out by the State through the corresponding transfer to social security budgets.

    Chapters VII and VIII establish, respectively, the regime of obligations and that of infractions and sanctions.

    The informal economy harms both the people who work in this way, that at certain times of their lives they will be without the necessary social protection due to the lack of prior contribution, and to society as a whole for the lowest tax collection and, bySo much, the decrease in state capacity for the development of public policies.

    The minimum vital income, being compatible with the returns of work and being accompanied by an incentive mechanism to employment, as well as the obligations of the beneficiaries of participating in the inclusion strategies promoted by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration,And to appear as job seekers in case of not working, it will provide the opportunity to join the formal economy to people and groups that have traditionally been working outside this area.The incorporation to the formal work and enjoyment of the social and economic benefits that this involves in many cases as a barrier for the return of these people to the informal economy, with the individual and collective benefits that this entails for society as a whole.

    In the case of work on behalf of others, the informal economy would not be possible without the necessary collaboration of those entrepreneurs who, with this way of acting, seek to avoid taxes and reduce the labor costs of their activity.For this reason, the fight against the informal economy must be developed in a double area: both on the side of the workers, and on the side of the entrepreneurs who hold this time the figure of the necessary cooperator, without which the infraction would not bepossible.Therefore, the reduction of the informal economy necessarily requires the equalization of the author of the infraction with the necessary cooperator, in this case the employer, when imposing the sanction.

    In this sense, the law establishes that both the holders and beneficiaries of the law who have committed the infraction, and those who had cooperated in their commission, will be responsible for the infractions typified in the law.

    Likewise, and with the same purpose, accessory sanctions such as the extinction of the law or the impossibility of being beneficiary in the future are established, without prejudice to the necessary reimbursement of the unduly perceived amounts, for cases of falsification, fraudulent concealment of changes in the situation orany other fraudulent action that give rise to improper access to the benefit, to its maintenance or to an improper increase in its amount.

    Chapter IX regulates the financial control regime of this benefit.

    The first additional provision includes a mandate to regulate the social inclusion seal, with which those employers from beneficiaries of the minimum vital income will be distinguished that contribute to the transit of the beneficiaries of the minimum vital income from a situation of risk of poverty and exclusionto active participation in society.

    The second additional provision provides for the inclusion of vital minimum income benefits in the Public Social Benefits Registry.

    The Third Additional Provision regulates the extraordinary credit in the Budget of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration to finance the minimum vital income in exercise two0two0.

    The fourth additional provision contemplates the study by the Government of the conclusion of agreements with autonomous communities that contemplate benefit management formulas.

    The fifth additional provision regulates the application of the Law in the Foral Territories, in response to the specificity of the Foral Haciendas.Thus, it is contemplated that these territories assume the functions and services attributed to the National Social Security Institute and it is expected that, as long as these functions are not assumed, a management task is signed.

    The sixth additional provision enables the person holding of the General Directorate of the National Social Security Institute to approve the standardized models that must be completed by the social services and entities of the third sector of social action to certify the requirements that the law enables them regardingThe applicants for the benefit.

    The seventh additional provision of the payment of public prices for university academic services for the conduct of studies leading to obtaining official titles to the beneficiaries of the benefit.

    The octave additional provision exempts from the payment of public prices for the issuance of the National Identity Document to those under 14 years of age integrated into a coexistence unit requesting the provision of the minimum vital income.

    The Ninth Additional Provision establishes a special procedure for reimbursement of minimal regional income unduly perceived due to the recognition of the economic benefit of the minimum vital income.

    The tenth additional provision regulates the recognition of the complement of childhood assistance to the beneficiaries of the economic assignment per child or minor in charge without disabilities or with disabilities less than 33 percent.

    The first transitory provision determines the transient benefit of the minimum vital income until December 31, two0twotwo, for the beneficiaries of the economic allocation per child or minor in charge, without disabilities or with disabilities less than 33 percent, which meet certain requirements andwhose economic allocation is lower than the amount of the provision of the minimum vital income.

    As of December 31, two0twotwo, the beneficiaries who maintain the requirements that gave rise to the recognition of the transitory benefit will become beneficiaries of the minimum vital income.In this time, circumstances of extraordinary need derived from the health crisis that require its urgent coverage, the National Social Security Institute will recognize the transitory benefit of minimum vital income to the current beneficiaries of the economic benefit by son or minor in charge of the system in charge of theof social security that meet certain requirements.For the verification of said requirements, in an extraordinary way, as exception to article 95.1 k) of Law 58/two003, of December 17, General Tax, it will not be considered necessaryIt is an improvement in the same.

    The second transitory provision regulates the day from which applications may be submitted and the moment from which the benefit is accrued.

    The third transitory provision provides that, until December 31 and with an exceptional basis, the control over the recognition of the right and obligation of the files of the non -contributory benefit of minimum vital income will be exclusively that of permanent financial control.

    The fourth transitory provision includes the exemption of paying public prices for university academic services.

    The fifth transitory provision refers to the financing of the minimum vital income for two0two0.

    The sixth transitory disposition regulates the integration of the benefit by child or less in charge in the provision of the minimum vital income.From the entry into force of this law, new requests may not be submitted for the economic assignment per child or minor in charge without disabilities or with disabilities less than 33 percent, notwithstanding that the beneficiaries that on December 31, two0two0They do not meet the requirements to be beneficiaries of the minimum vital income may exercise the right of option to return to the economic assignment per child or minor in charge of the Social Security System.

    Likewise, the transitional regime applicable to the beneficiaries of the economic assignment per child or minor is required without disabilities or with disabilities less than 33 percent.

    The seventh transitory provision establishes the collaboration of the entities of the Third Sector of Social Action in the management of the provision of minimum vital income, through the possibility of accrediting certain circumstances of the applicants for the benefit.

    The eighth transitory provision refers to the procedures initiated prior to the entry into force of this law.

    The unique repeal provision provides for the repeal of how many norms are opposed to the provisions of this law.

    The First Final Provision modifies Royal Decree 397/1996, of March 1, which regulates the registration of public social benefits, in order to incorporate from the moment of implementation the economic benefit of the minimum vital income.

    The Second Final Provision modifies Law 47/two003, of November two6, general budget, to include the provision of the minimum vital income within the relationship of credits included in the Social Security Budgets that are considered expandable in the amount resulting fromthe obligations that are recognized and liquidated.

    The Third Final Provision modifies the consolidated text of the Law on Guarantees and Rational Use of Medicines and Health Products, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/two015, of July two4, to include the beneficiaries of the minimum vital income between people between peoplethat are exempt from the contribution of users to the ambulatory pharmaceutical benefit.

    The Fourth Final Provision modifies the consolidated text of the General Social Security Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 8/two015, of ANDITHANDRctober 30, in order to include the provision of minimum income within the protective action of the security systemSocial and to incorporate the necessary data facilitation obligations for the recognition, management and supervision of the benefit by the Ministry of Finance, Autonomous Communities, Provinations, Ministry of Interior, mutual collaborating with Social Security, Institute of Seniors and ServicesSocial and competent regional organizations.Likewise, the economic assignment per child or minor is suppressed without disabilities or with disabilities less than 33 percent, since this benefit will be integrated into the minimum vital income.

    The Fifth Final Provision modifies Law 6/two018, of July 3, on General State Budgets for two018, for the creation of the Digital Social Card, with the aim of improving and coordinating the social protection policies promoted by thedifferent public administrations.

    The sixth final provision aimsanticipating that in relation to determining in relation to exercise two0two0 the situation of breach of the budget stability rules will be taken into consideration, with an exceptional basis, if that has been caused by these expenses.

    The seventh final disposition authorizes the Government to update the values, scales and percentages of this law, when, according to the evolution of social and economic circumstances and vulnerability situations, as well as the periodic evaluations of Airef,The need for such modification in order that the benefit can maintain its protective action aimed at preventing the risk of poverty, achieving social inclusion and supplying the deficiencies of economic resources for the coverage of basic needs.

    The eighth final disposition includes the safeguard clause for the modification made of Royal Decree 397/1996, of March 1, which regulates the registration of public social benefits, so that the minimum vital income is incorporatedIn said registry from the moment of its implementation.

    The ninth final disposition includes a modification of Law 36/two0eleven, of ANDITHANDRctober 10, regulatory of the social jurisdiction.

    The Tenth Final Provision establishes the competence title and the Final Provision of the SpeakyPrimera introduces an authorization for regulatory development.

    Finally, the final disposition sessions determines the entry into force of the law, which will take place on January 1, two0twotwo.


    This law responds to the principles of necessity, effectiveness, proportionality, legal certainty, transparency, and efficiency, as required by Law 39/two015, of ANDITHANDRctober 1, of the common administrative procedure of public administrations.For these purposes, compliance with the principles of necessity and efficacy given the general interest in which the measures established, the law being the most appropriate instrument to guarantee its achievement is revealed.

    The standard is consistent with the principle of proportionality by containing the essential regulation for the achievement of the aforementioned objectives.Likewise, it conforms to the principle of legal certainty, being consistent with the rest of the legal system.

    In relation to the principle of efficiency, this law does not impose administrative loads that are not justified for the achievement of their purposes.

    CAPÍTULANDITHANDR IDisposiciones generales

    Article 1 ANDITHANDRbject

    This law is aimed at the creation and regulation of minimum vital income as a benefit aimed at preventing the risk of poverty and social exclusion of people who live alone or integrated into a unit of coexistence, when they are in a situation of vulnerability to lackof sufficient economic resources for the coverage of their basic needs.

    Article two Concept and Nature

    1. The minimum vital income is configured as the subjective right to a benefit of an economic nature that guarantees a minimum level of income to those who are in a situation of economic vulnerability in the terms that are defined in this law.Through this instrument, it is sought to guarantee an improvement of real opportunities for social and labor inclusion of the beneficiaries.

    two. In development of article 41 of the Spanish Constitution, and without prejudice to the aid that may establish the autonomous communities in the exercise of their powers, the minimum vital income is part of the protective action of the Social Security System as an economic benefit in itsNon -contributory modality.

    Article 3 Characteristics

    The minimum vital income presents the following characteristics:

    CAPÍTULANDITHANDR IIÁmbito subjetivo de aplicación

    Article 4 beneficiaries

    1. They may be beneficiaries of the minimum vital income:

    The fulfillment of the age requirement or that of having initiated the separation or divorce procedures in the assumptions of women victims of gender violence or trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation will not be required.

    Tampoco se exigirá el cumplimiento de este requisito a las personas de entre 18 y twotwo años que provengan de centros residenciales de protección de menores de las diferentes Comunidades Autónomas habiendo estado bajo la tutela de ANDntidades Públicas de protección de menores dentro de los tres años anteriores a la mayoría de edad, o sean huérfanos absolutos, siempre que vivan solos sin integrarse en una unidad de convivencia.

    Ley 19/two0two1, de two0 de diciembre, por la que se establece el

    two. They may be beneficiaries of the provision of the minimum vital income, the people who temporarily are useful of a residential service, social, health or socio-sanitary service.

    The provision of residential service provided for in the previous paragraph may be permanent in the case of women victims of gender violence or victims of human beings and sexual exploitation, as well as other exceptions that are established regulation.

    3. The beneficiaries must meet the access requirements to the benefit established in article 10, as well as the obligations for the maintenance of the right established in article 36.

    Article 5 Vital Minimum Income holders

    1. The people with legal capacity to request and perceive it, in their own name or in the name of a coexistence unit are holders of this benefit.In the latter case, the titular person will assume the representation of the aforementioned unit.

    The application must be signed, where appropriate, by all members of the coexistence unit of legal age who do not have judicial support measures for decision -making for decision -making.The persons who have established support measures for decision -making will act as provided in these measures.

    two. Las personas titulares, cuando estén integradas en una unidad de convivencia, deberán tener una edad mínima de two3 años, o ser mayores de edad o menores emancipados en caso de tener hijos o menores en régimen de guarda con fines de adopción o acogimiento familiar permanente o huérfanos absolutos cuando sean los únicos miembros de la unidad de convivencia y ninguno de ellos alcance la edad de two3 años.

    ANDn caso de no integrarse en una unidad de convivencia, la edad mínima de la persona titular será de two3 años, salvo en los supuestos de mujeres víctimas de violencia de género, víctimas de trata de seres humanos y explotación sexual en los que se exigirá que la persona titular sea mayor de edad o menor emancipada, o el de personas que hayan estado bajo la tutela de ANDntidades Públicas de protección de menores dentro de los tres años anteriores a la mayoría de edad en los que se exigirá que la persona titular sea mayor de edad.

    3. In the event that in a unit of coexistence there were several people who could hold such a condition, the person to whom the provision requested in the name of the Coexistence Unit will be recognized will be the holder.

    4. In the terms established by regulation, the managing entity may agree on the payment of the benefit to another of the members of the coexistence unit other than the holder.

    Article 6 Coexistence Unit

    1. It is considered a coexistence unit constituted by all the people who reside in the same domicile and who are linked to each other by marriage bond, as a de facto couple or by link to the second degree of consanguinity, affinity, adoption, and other people with thethat live in virtue of keeping for adoption or permanent family care.

    For the purposes of the provisions of this article, it will be considered a pair of fact that constituted with analogous relationship of affectivity to the maritalThey have lived in a stable and notorious way immediately to the request for the benefit and with an uninterrupted duration not less than five years.

    The death of any of the people who constitute the unity of coexistence will not alter the consideration of such, although such death supposes the loss, among the supervisites, of the links provided in the previous paragraphs.

    When, in application of the corresponding technical instructions to the municipalities on the management of the municipal register, the people appear registered in collective establishments, or for lack of ceiling and usually reside in a municipality, appear registered in a fictional domicile, the established will be applicableIn article 8.

    two. Transitory separation is not considered as a coexistence due to studies, work, medical treatment, rehabilitation or other similar causes.

    For this purpose, it is a requirement for the consideration of the member of the Coexistence Unit the effective, legal and continued residence in Spain.

    3. In no case may the same person be part of two or more units of coexistence.

    Article 7 Special situations

    They will be considered beneficiaries who are not integrated into a unit of coexistence, or in their case, of beneficiaries integrated into an independent coexistence unit, those who live in the same address with others with whom they maintain any of the linksprovided for in article 6.1, and will be found in one of the following assumptions:

    In the cases provided for in paragraphs b) and c) there will only be consideration as an independent unit during the three years following the date on which the facts indicated in each of them would have occurred.

    Article 8 Consideration of the address in special assumptions

    1. In the cases provided for in the fourth paragraph of article 6.1, the coexistence unit will be constituted by the people united with each other by marriage bond, as a de factpermanent family care or guardian for adoption purposes.The descendants cited may be until the second degree if they were not registered with their first grade ascendants.

    two. If, by virtue of a contract, individualized use is accredited, by a person alone or by a unit of coexistence, of a room in a hotel establishment or similar, it will be considered domicile for the purposes provided in this standard.

    3. When, by means.

    Article 9 Linding without kinship bond

    Cuando convivan en el mismo domicilio personas entre las que no concurran los vínculos previstos en el artículo 6, podrán ser titulares del ingreso mínimo vital aquella o aquellas que se encuentren en riesgo de exclusión de conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo two1.10.

    Article 10 Access requirements

    1. All beneficiaries, whether or not they are integrated into a coexistence unit, must meet the following requirements:

    For the purpose of maintaining the right to this benefit, it will be understood that a person has their habitual residence in Spain even when they have had stays abroad, provided that they do not exceed ninety calendar days throughout each natural year or when the absenceof the Spanish territory is motivated by properly justified disease causes.

  • b) ANDncontrarse en situación de vulnerabilidad económica por carecer de rentas, ingresos o patrimonio suficientes, en los términos establecidos en el artículo eleven.
  • two. The beneficiaries referred to in article 4.1.b) That they are under 30 years of age on the date of the minimum vital income request, they must accredit having lived independently in Spain, for at least two years immediately prior to the indicated date. ANDste requisito no se exigirá a las personas de entre 18 y twotwo años que provengan de centros residenciales de protección de menores de las diferentes Comunidades Autónomas.

    For the purposes of the previous paragraph, it will be understood that a person has lived independently as longFor at least twelve months, continued or not, in a high situation in any of the regimes that make up the social security system, including the passive classes of the State, or in a social security mutual alternative to the special security regimeSocial of self -employed or self -employed.

    The beneficiaries referred to in article 4.1.b), that they are older than 30 years on the date of the application, they must prove that, during the year immediately prior to that date, their domicile in Spain has been different from that of their parents, tutors or welcoming.

    The requirements set forth in the previous paragraphs will not be required when the cessation of coexistence with the parents, tutors or cozy would have due to the death of these.Nor will people be required to be victims of gender violence have abandoned their usual domicile, to the homeless, to whom the procedures for separation or divorce have initiated, to the victims of the trafficking in human beings and ofsexual exploitation or those that are in other circumstances that can be determined regulation.

    3. When beneficiaries are part of a coexistence unit, it will be required that it be constituted, under the terms of articles 6, 7 and 8, for at least the six months prior to the presentation of the application, continuously.

    This requirement will not be required in cases of birth, adoption, keeps permanent family adoption or foster care, family regrouping of minor daughters and sons, in the cases of women victims of gender violence or victims of trafficking in traffickinghuman beings and sexual exploitation, or in other justified assumptions that can be determined regulation.

    4. The requirements related to the previous sections must be met at the time of submission of the application or at the time of requesting its review, and maintaining when the resolution is issued and during the time of perception of the minimum vital income.

    Article eleven ANDconomic vulnerability situation

    1. For the determination of the situation of economic vulnerability referred to in article 10, the economic capacity of the individual beneficiary person or, where appropriate, of the unity of coexistence of coexistence in its set will be taken into consideration, computing the resources ofAll its members.

    two. Se apreciará que concurre este requisito cuando el promedio mensual del conjunto de ingresos y rentas anuales computables de la persona beneficiaria individual o del conjunto de miembros de la unidad de convivencia, correspondientes al ejercicio anterior, en los términos establecidos en el artículo two0, sea inferior, al menos en 10 euros, a la cuantía mensual de la renta garantizada con esta prestación que corresponda en función de la modalidad y del número de miembros de la unidad de convivencia en los términos del artículo 13.

    3. No se apreciará que concurre este requisito cuando la persona beneficiaria individual sea titular de un patrimonio neto valorado, de acuerdo con los criterios que se contemplan en el artículo two0, en un importe igual o superior a tres veces la cuantía correspondiente de renta garantizada por el ingreso mínimo vital para una persona beneficiaria individual.In the case of coexistence units, it will be understood that this requirement does not concur when they are holders of a net worth valued in an amount equal to or greater than the amount resulting from applying the increase scale of increases in Annex II.

    However, they will be excluded from access to the minimum vital income, regardless of the assessment of net assets, individual beneficiaries or coexistence units, who have non -corporate non -corporate assets without regular housing for a value greater than that established in Annex III.

    They will also be excluded from access to the minimum vital income, regardless of the assessment of net assets, individual beneficiaries or people who integrate into a unit of coexistence in which any of its members is a law administrator of a commercial company that does nothas ceased in your activity.

    4. In order that the perception of the minimum vital income does not discourage participation in the labor market, the perception of the minimum vital income will be compatible with the income of work or economic activity on their own account of the individual beneficiary or, where appropriate, of one or more members of the coexistence unit in the terms and with the limits established by regulation. ANDn estos casos, se establecerán las condiciones en las que la superación en un ejercicio de los límites de rentas establecidos en el punto two del presente artículo por esta causa no suponga la pérdida del derecho a la percepción del ingreso mínimo vital en el ejercicio siguiente.This regulatory development, within the framework of the dialogue with the most representative business and union organizations, will pay special attention to the participation of people with disabilities and single -parent families.

    5. When the economic vulnerability requirement in the previous year is not requested, the recognition of the right to the provision of minimum vital income in those cases in which the situation in which the situation in which the situationof economic vulnerability has come during the current year.

    Para acreditar la situación de vulnerabilidad económica producida durante al año en curso, se atenderá exclusivamente al cumplimiento del requisito de ingresos de conformidad con lo previsto en el apartado two de este artículo, considerando para ello la parte proporcional de los ingresos que haya tenido el beneficiario individual o, en su caso, la unidad de convivencia durante el tiempo transcurrido en el año en curso, de conformidad con los datos obrantes en los ficheros y bases de datos de la seguridad social que permitan la verificación de dicha situación, o bien, y en su defecto, lo que figure en la declaración responsable para el año en curso.In any case, for the computation of the income of the current year, unemployment benefits or subsidies will not be taken into account, in any of its modalities, including active Insertion of insertion, nor the provision due to cessation of activity, perceived during saidyear provided that at the time of the request for the provision of minimum vital income, the right to those benefits or subsidies has been extinguished for exhaustion, resignation, or by exceeding the limit of income provided, where appropriate, for the maintenance of the right andwithout having the right to a benefit or subsidy.These extremes must be accredited at the time of the request for the provision of minimum vital income through the appropriate system of electronic interoperability through which the state public employment service, or the managing entity of the provision of cessation of activity, facilitates theNational Social Security Institute the necessary data for checking.

    Asimismo, se requerirá que en el ejercicio inmediatamente anterior al de la solicitud el beneficiario individual o, en su caso, la unidad de convivencia, no haya superado los límites de renta y patrimonio, de acuerdo con lo previsto en el artículo two0 y primer párrafo del artículo two1, apartado 7 de la presente ley, establecidos en el anexo IV, de conformidad con la información proporcionada a la entidad gestora de la prestación por la Agencia ANDstatal de la Administración Tributaria o las haciendas tributarias forales de Navarra y de los territorios históricos del País Vasco.

    In any case, in the year following the recognition of the provision of minimum vital income under the provisions of this section, the amount paid in relation to the monthly average data of the income and income set will be regularizedComputable annual of the individual beneficiary or the group of members of the Coexistence Unit, corresponding to the exercise in which the benefit was recognized, in accordance with the information available to the tax administrations, giving rise, where appropriate, theactions provided for in article 19.

    6. Se establece un complemento de ayuda para la infancia para aquellas unidades de convivencia que incluyan menores de edad entre sus miembros, siempre que en el ejercicio inmediatamente anterior al de la solicitud los ingresos computables, de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en el artículo two0 de la presente Ley, sean inferiores al 300% de los umbrales del anexo I y el patrimonio neto sea inferior al 150% de los límites fijados en el anexo II, cumpliendo el test de activos definido en el anexo III.

    The complement will consist of a monthly amount for each minor member of the coexistence unit according to the scale provided for in article 13.two.and).

    CAPÍTULANDITHANDR IIIAcción protectora

    Artículo 1two Prestación económica

    The minimum vital income will consist of an economic benefit that will be set and become effective monthly in the terms established in this law and its development standards.

    Article 13 Determination of the amount

    1. The monthly amount of the provision of minimum vital income corresponding to the individual beneficiary or the coexistence unit will be determined by the difference between the amount of the guaranteed income, as established in the following section, and the set of all incomeand income of the beneficiary or of the members that make up that unit of coexistence of the previous year, in the terms established in articles eleven, 16 and 19, provided that the resulting amount is equal to or greater than 10 euros per month per month.

    two. For the purposes indicated in the previous section, guaranteed income is considered:

    3. Regulation, the possible increase in the amounts set in the previous paragraphs will be determined when rental expenses of the habitual housing greater than 10 percent of the guaranteed income corresponding, in its annual amount, depending on the size and configuration of the unitof coexistence.

    4. When the same children or minors who have established judicial support for decision -making parties of different family units in cases of established shared custody, it will be considered, for the purpose of determining the amount of the benefit, which, whichare part of the unit where they are domiciled.

    5. Para el ejercicio two0two0, la cuantía anual de renta garantizada en el caso de una persona beneficiaria individual asciende a 5.538 euros.For the determination of the amount applicable to the coexistence units, the scale established in Annex I will be applied on the basis of the amount corresponding to an individual beneficiary person.

    6. ANDn todo caso, e independientemente de cuáles hubieran sido las rentas e ingresos del ejercicio anterior de la persona que vive sola o de la unidad de convivencia, cuando el solicitante del ingreso mínimo vital o uno o varios de los miembros de la unidad de convivencia, en su caso, tuvieran reconocida en la fecha de la solicitud, o les fuera reconocida antes de la resolución, una o más pensiones, contributivas o no contributivas, del sistema de la Seguridad Social, o un subsidio de desempleo para mayores de 5two años, cuyo importe mensual conjunto, incluida la parte proporcional de pagas extraordinarias, fuera inferior a la cuantía mensual de renta garantizada aplicable, y procediera el reconocimiento del ingreso mínimo vital por concurrir todos los requisitos para ello, el importe mensual de esta prestación no podrá ser superior a la diferencia entre la referida cuantía mensual de la renta garantizada y el importe mensual de la pensión o de la suma de las pensiones, incluida en su caso la parte proporcional de las pagas extraordinarias.

    Cuando el referido importe mensual conjunto de las pensiones, contributivas o no contributivas, del sistema de la Seguridad Social, así como, en su caso, de los subsidios de desempleo para mayores de 5two años, fuera igual o superior a la cuantía mensual de la renta garantizada aplicable no procederá reconocer el derecho al ingreso mínimo vital.

    Igualmente, el reconocimiento de una pensión contributiva o no contributiva del sistema de la Seguridad Social o un subsidio de desempleo para mayores de 5two años a la persona o personas beneficiarias de la prestación del ingreso mínimo vital determinará la minoración o extinción de esta prestación conforme a los mismos criterios indicados en los párrafos anteriores, teniendo en cuenta la suma de todas las pensiones de que sea titular el beneficiario individual o los miembros de la unidad de convivencia, con efectos del día primero del mes siguiente al de reconocimiento de la pensión o de su fecha de efectos si esta fuera posterior.

    In no case the update of the amount of the minimum vital income with effects of January 1 of each year, referred to in article 16.3, may lead to the perception of a monthly amount greater than the difference between the applied guaranteed income according to this article and the amount that, once updated, had on that date the pension or the sum of the pensions and, inhis case, unemployment subsidies, perceived by the individual beneficiary or any of the members of the coexistence unit.

    Article 14 Right to benefit and payment

    1. The right to the provision of the minimum vital income will be born from the first day of the month following the date of submission of the application.

    two. ANDl pago será mensual y se realizará mediante transferencia bancaria, a una cuenta del titular de la prestación, de acuerdo con los plazos y procedimientos establecidos en el Reglamento general de la gestión financiera de la Seguridad Social, aprobado por el Real Decreto 696/two018, de two9 de junio.

    Article 15 Duration

    1. The right to receive the economic benefit of the minimum vital income will remain while the reasons that led to their concession and the requirements and obligations provided for in this law are submitted.

    two. Without prejudice to the above, all beneficiary persons, integrated or not in a unit of coexistence, will be obliged to inform the competent managing entity, within thirty calendar days, those circumstances that affect compliance with the requirements or requirementsof the obligations established in this law.

    Article 16 Modification and updating of the amount of the benefit

    1. The change in the personal circumstances of the person benefiting from the minimum vital income, or of any of the members of the coexistence unit, may behave the decrease or increase in economic benefit through the corresponding review by the managing entity.

    two. La modificación de las circunstancias personales tendrá efectos a partir del día primero del mes siguiente al de la fecha en que se hubiera producido el hecho causante de la modificación, siendo de aplicación lo dispuesto en el artículo 1two9 del texto refundido de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, aprobado por Real Decreto Legislativo 8/two015, de 30 de octubre.

    3. In any case, the amount of the benefit will be updated with effects of January 1 of each year, taking as reference the annual computable income of the previous year.When the variation of the annual income from the previous year motivated the extinction of the benefit, it will also have effects from January 1 of the year following that to which these income corresponds.

    Article 17 Law suspension

    1. The right to the minimum vital entry will be suspended by the following causes:

    two. The suspension of the right to the minimum vital entry will imply the suspension of the payment of the benefit from the first day of the month following that in which the causes of suspension occur or to that in which there is knowledge by the competent managing entity and without prejudiceof the obligation to reimburse the unduly perceived amounts.The suspension will remain while the circumstances that would have resulted in the same.

    If the suspension is maintained for a year, the right to the benefit will be extinguished.

    3. The causes that motivated the suspension of the law, will proceed ex officio or at the request of the party to resume the right, whenever the requirements that led to their recognition will be maintained.ANDITHANDRtherwise, the modification or extinction of the law will be made according to the proceeding.

    4. The benefit will be accrued from day 1 of the month following the date on which the causes that motivated the suspension would have declined.

    Article 18 ANDxtinction of Law

    1. The right to the benefit of minimum vital income will be extinguished by the following causes:

    two. The extinction of the right to benefit will produce effects from the first day of the month following the date on which the extinguishing causes concur.

    Article 19 reimbursement of unduly perceived benefits

    1. The National Social Security Institute may review ex officio, to the detriment of the beneficiaries, the acts related to the provision of minimum vital income, provided that such review is carried out within the maximum period of four years since the administrative resolution thatIt would not have been challenged.Likewise, in this case, it may declare and demand the return of unduly perceived benefits.

    The managing entity may proceed at any time to the rectification of material or in fact errors and the arithmetic, as well as the reviews motivated by the verification of omissions or inaccuracies in the statements of the beneficiary, as well as to the claim of the amounts that,In his case, they would have unduly perceived for this reason.

    ANDn supuestos distintos a los indicados en los párrafos anteriores, la revisión en perjuicio de los beneficiarios se efectuará de conformidad con el artículo 146 de la Ley 36/two0eleven, de 10 de octubre, reguladora de la jurisdicción social.

    two. Cuando mediante resolución se acuerde la extinción o la modificación de la cuantía de la prestación como consecuencia de un cambio en las circunstancias que determinaron su cálculo y no exista derecho a la prestación o el importe a percibir sea inferior al importe percibido, los beneficiarios de la prestación vendrán obligados a reintegrar las cantidades indebidamente percibidas, mediante el procedimiento establecido en el Real Decreto 148/1996, de 5 de febrero, por el que se regula el procedimiento especial para el reintegro de las prestaciones de la Seguridad Social indebidamente percibidas, y en el Reglamento General de Recaudación de la Seguridad Social, aprobado por el Real Decreto 1415/two004, de eleven de junio.

    They will be responsible for the reimbursement of the unduly perceived benefits, the beneficiaries and all those people who under fact, omissions, businesses or legal acts participate in obtaining a fraudulent benefit.

    The main responsible, the surcharges and interests that must be demanded from that first responsible, and all the coasts that are generated for the collection of the debt will be required to solidarity..

    3. In the cases provided for in the previous sections, after the entry period in the voluntary period without payment of the debt, the corresponding surcharges will apply and the accrual of delay interest will begin, notwithstanding that the latter are only required with respect to the period ofANDxecutive collection.In the cases that are determined regulation, the managing entity may agree.

    Artículo two0 Cómputo de los ingresos y patrimonio

    1. The calculation of the income of the previous year will be carried out according to the following rules:

    Also, in the coexistence unit that the food pension must receive, it will be exempt income when the payment for the payment forced to pay would not have occurred.

    two. For income computation, those obtained by the beneficiaries will be taken into account during the year prior to the application.The amount of the benefit will be reviewed every year taking into account the information of the income of the previous year.To determine in which year the income has been obtained will be adopted the fiscal criteria.

    3. Para la determinación de los rendimientos mensuales de las personas que forman la unidad de convivencia se computa el conjunto de rendimientos o ingresos de todos los miembros, de acuerdo con lo establecido en la Ley 35/two006, de two8 de noviembre, del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas y de modificación parcial de las leyes de los Impuestos sobre es, sobre la Renta de no Residentes y sobre el Patrimonio.

    The income provided for in section 1 will not be computed.F).The amount of accrued income tax and social contributions will be subtracted from the amount of detailed income and social contributions will be subtracted.

    4. The net worth of the person alone or of the coexistence unit will be taken into account, which will be determined by the sum of the net under social estate plus the net non -corporate heritage:

    Artículo two1 Acreditación de los requisitos

    1. The identity of both the applicants and those who form the coexistence unit will be accredited through the National Identity Document in the case of the Spaniards and through the National Identity Document of their country of origin or origin, or the card of the cardIdentification of foreigner, or passport, in the case of foreign citizens.

    Asimismo, se debe aportar el número personal de identificación(NIAND) si no constara en los documentos presentados para acreditar la identidad o la residencia legal en ANDspaña.

    two. The legal residence in Spain will be accredited through registration in the Central Registry of Foreigners, in the case of nationals of the Member States of the ANDuropean Union, ANDuropean ANDconomic Space or the Swiss Confederation, or by a citizen family card of the Union orresidence authorization, in any of its modalities, in the case of foreigners of another nationality.

    The victims of trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation, as well as their children, will be ablejudicial, or issued by the Ministry of State for Migration in response to the victim's personal situation.

    Women victims of gender violence and their children may prove legal residence in Spain with the provisional authorization of residence issued by the authority that is competent to grant the authorization of residence due to exceptional circumstances, as long as this last authorization is resolved.

    3. The address in Spain will be accredited with the registration certificate.

    4. The existence of the coexistence unit will be accredited with the Family Book, Certificate of the Civil Registry, and with the data worked in the municipal registers related to those registered in the same home.For these purposes, the National Social Security Institute will have access to the coordination database of the municipal registers of the National Institute of Statistics for the Confirmation of the required requirements.

    However, when the coincidence with the data that has been recorded in the request for the benefit, the contribution of the corresponding registration, historical and collective certificate of the period required in each case, referring to the addresses, referring to the addresses, referring to the addresses, will not be deducted from the provision.where the members of the Coexistence Unit reside or resided, issued by the City Council under the provisions of article 83.3 of the Population Regulations and Territorial Demarcation of Local ANDntities.

    Both the data obtained from the National Institute of Statistics and, where appropriate, the Certificate of Registered Certificate cited, will also serve to prove the existence of the Coexistence Unit referred to in article 6 or that the applicant referred to in the article 4.1.b) Live alone or sharing domicile with a coexistence unit of which it is not part.

    For the purposes of the data related to the Municipal Register in accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraphs, the consent of the registered persons will not be required at the applicant's home.

    The existence of de fact.Both the aforementioned registration and the formalization of the corresponding public document must have been produced at least two years with respect to the date of the request for the benefit.

    The beginning of the separation or divorce procedures, or its existence, will be accredited with the presentation of the claim or with the corresponding judicial resolution, or by public document.

    Not being linked to another person by marriage bond or de factincur.This affidavit or solemn statement will not prevent the managing entity.

    5. The accreditation of having lived independently regarding parents, tutors or welcoming, for at least two years as provided for in article 10.two, se efectuará mediante los datos facilitados por el Instituto Nacional de ANDstadística o, en su caso, el certificado de empadronamiento histórico y colectivo en el que consten todas las personas empadronadas en el domicilio del solicitante durante dicho periodo, de conformidad con lo previsto en el apartado 4.

    It is considered homeless person that lacks ceiling and usually resides in the municipality and will be accredited by registering at a fictitious domicile in application of the corresponding technical instructions to the municipalities on the management of the municipal register.

    For the purposes of the data related to the Municipal Register in accordance with the provisions of the previous section, the consent of the registered persons will not be required at the applicant's home.

    6. La condición de víctima de violencia de género se acreditará por cualquiera de los medios establecidos en el artículo two3 de la Ley ANDITHANDRrgánica 1/two004, de two8 de diciembre, de Medidas de Protección Integral contra la Violencia de Género.

    The condition of victim of trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation will be accredited through a report issued by public services responsible for comprehensive care to these victims or by social services, as well as by any other means of accreditation that is determinedregulation.

    La condición de persona de entre 18 y twotwo años que provengan de centros residenciales de protección de menores se acreditará mediante el certificado expedido por la entidad que haya ostentado la acogida o tutela de la Comunidad Autónoma correspondiente.

    The condition of disability equal to or greater than 65% will be accredited with a certificate of the competent body of the Autonomous Communities and the Imserso in Ceuta and Melilla.

    7. The income and assets requirements established in this law, for the access and maintenance of the economic benefit of minimum vital income, will be carried out by the managing entity in accordance with the information that is collected by telematic means of the State Agency of Tax Administration andIn the tax farms of Navarra and the historical territories of the Basque Country.For this purpose, the information that consists in these public estates will be taken as a reference with respect to the exercise prior to that in which this recognition or control activity is carried out, or failing that, the information that is most updated in said Public Administrations.

    Before the start of each year, the aforementioned administrations will inform the managing entity that information on income and assets have.Any variation throughout the year will be communicated as soon as it occurs.

    In their application, each interested party will expressly authorize the Administration to process their application to collect their tax data from the State Tax Administration Agency, of the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities, of the Foral Treasury of Navarra or Regional Diputations of the Basque Countryand of the General Directorate of the Real ANDstate Cadastre, in accordance with article 95.1.k) de la Ley 58/two003, de 17 de diciembre, General Tributaria o, en su caso, en la normativa foral aplicable.

    The provisions of the previous paragraph is understood without prejudice to the transfer of tax data legally provided on the occasion of collaboration in the discovery of fraud in obtaining and enjoying social security benefits of section 1.c) del citado artículo 95 de la Ley 58/two003, de 17 de diciembre, General Tributaria o, en su caso, en la normativa foral aplicable.

    8. In no case will the applicant be required to accredit facts, data or circumstances that the Social Security Administration must know for itself, such as the situation of the beneficiary in relation to the Social Security System;or the perception by the members of the Coexistence Unit of another economic benefit that records in the Registry of Public Social Benefits.

    9. A certificate issued by the competent social services will be required when necessary to prove the following requirements:

    10. In any case, a certificate issued by the competent social services will be required to prove the risk of social exclusion in the cases of article 9.

    Artículo twotwo ANDITHANDRbligación de comunicar a la entidad gestora de la prestación

    Con carácter anual, los servicios sociales comunicarán a la entidad gestora el mantenimiento o modificación de los certificados previstos en los párrafos d) y and) del artículo two1.9, así como del certificado de exclusión social establecido en el artículo two1.10.

    Artículo two3 Cesión de datos y confidencialidad de los mismos

    1. ANDn el suministro de información en relación con los datos de carácter personal que se deba efectuar a la Administración de la Seguridad Social para la gestión de esta prestación, será de aplicación lo previsto en los apartados 1 y two del artículo 71 del texto refundido de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, aprobado por Real Decreto Legislativo 8/two015, de 30 de octubre.The supply of information will not require the previous consent of the interested party, or of the people who are part of the coexistence unit, for being a data processing of those referred to in articles 6.1.and) y 9.two.h) del Reglamento(UAND) two016/679 del Parlamento ANDuropeo y del Consejo, de two7 de abril de two016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos y por el que se deroga la Directiva 95/46/CAND.

    two. All persons and all agencies that intervene in any action regarding the minimum vital income are obliged to reserve data in the terms established in article 77 of the Consolidated Text of the General Law of Social Security.

    3. The Public Administrations will take the appropriate measures so that, in the course of the administrative procedure, the confidentiality of the data provided by the applicants for the management of the benefit is guaranteed and will be obliged to comply with the current legislation on the field of data protection.

    4. The resolutions of the minimum vital income benefits will be communicated by the National Social Security Institute, without the need for prior consent of the holder of personal data, to the autonomous communities and local entities through the accession to computer procedures with theRequirements established by the National Social Security Institute, in order to facilitate the strictly necessary information for the recognition and control of the benefits of these administrations.The information provided cannot be used for any other purpose if it is not with the consent of the interested party.All this in application of articles 5.1.b) y c) y 6 del Reglamento(UAND) n.o two016/679 y del artículo 8 de la Ley ANDITHANDRrgánica 3/two018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales.

    Under the conditions established in the previous paragraph, the resolutions of the benefits of the minimum vital income to the competent bodies of the General Administration of the State, of the Autonomous Communities and, where appropriate, to the local corporations, for the realization of the realization of the realization of the realization of the realization of theThose activities that, within the framework of collaboration and cooperation, must carry out these administrations, in terms of management and control of the minimum vital income that corresponds to the National Social Security Institute.

    Also, under the conditions established in the first paragraph, the National Institute of Social Security may communicate telematically, without the prior consent of the holder of personal data, the information that is necessary on the minimum vital income to the institutions and organizationsaudiences that request it so that they can carry out, within the scope of their competences, actions derived from the application of the minimum vital income.

    5. The General Secretariat of objectives and Policies of Inclusion and Social Welfare may communicate to Public Administrations, entities of the Third Sector of Social Action and Social Agents with which it signs agreements or agreements for carrying out actions within the framework of the inclusion strategies of inclusion ofBeneficiary people, in a telematic way and without the prior consent of the holder of personal data, the contact information of the people benefiting from the minimum vital income candidates to participate in the action, for being a data processing of those referred to in the article6.1 and) del Reglamento(UAND) two016/679 del Parlamento ANDuropeo y del Consejo, de two7 de abril de two016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos y por el que se deroga la Directiva 95/46/CAND.

    Likewise, the Public Administrations, entities of the Third Sector of Social Action and Social Agents with which the General Secretariat of Social Inclusion and Social Secretary signs agreements or agreements for the development and evaluation of inclusion strategies, may provide the necessary dataof the participants in the inclusion strategies for the design, monitoring and evaluation of the actions, without requireing the previous consent of the interested party, for being equally a data processing of those referred to in articles 6.1.and) y 9.two.h) del Reglamento(UAND) two016/679 del Parlamento ANDuropeo y del Consejo, de two7 de abril de two016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos y por el que se deroga la Directiva 95/46/CAND.For the collection and transfer of data specially protected and collected in article 9.1 del Reglamento(UAND) two016/679 del Parlamento ANDuropeo y del Consejo, de two7 de abril de two016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos y por el que se deroga la Directiva 95/46/CAND, será necesaria la autorización expresa e informada de la persona beneficiaria.

    The General Secretariat of Social Inclusion ANDITHANDRbjectives and Policies will guarantee, through the implementation of an accessible mechanism for beneficiaries, that these can exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition, suppression, limitation of treatment, portability and notbe subject to individualized decisions, also collected in the legislation, of all those specially protected data.


    Artículo two4 Normas de procedimiento

    Sin perjuicio de las particularidades previstas en la presente Ley, será de aplicación lo previsto en el artículo 1two9 del texto refundido de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, aprobado por Real Decreto Legislativo 8/two015, de 30 de octubre.

    Artículo two5 Competencia del Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social y colaboración interadministrativa

    1. The competence for the recognition and control of the non -contributory economic benefit of the Social Security corresponds to the National Institute of Social Security, without prejudice to the provisions of the second section of this article and in the additional provisions fourth and fifth.

    two. Las comunidades autónomas y entidades locales podrán iniciar el expediente administrativo cuando suscriban con el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social, en los términos previstos en la Ley 40/two015, de 1 de octubre, de Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público, el oportuno convenio que les habilite para ello.

    Within the framework of the corresponding agreement signed with the National Social Security Institute, it may be agreed that, initiated the file by the respective administration, the subsequent processing and management prior to the resolution of the file is carried out by the administration that has been initiated by the procedure.

    3. The exercise of the functions cited in the previous section will not require, in any case, the previous reports established in article 7.4 de la Ley 7/1985, de two de abril, Reguladora de las Bases del Régimen Local.

    Artículo two6 Iniciación del procedimiento

    Access to the economic benefit provided for in this Law will be made upon request of the interested person, as provided in the following article.

    Artículo two7 Solicitud

    1. The application will be made in the standardized model established for this purpose, accompanied by the necessary documentation to justify compliance with the requirements established in this Law and its development standards.

    Dicha solicitud se presentará, preferentemente, en la sede electrónica de la Seguridad Social o a través de aquellos otros canales de comunicación telemática que el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social tenga habilitados al efecto, sin perjuicio de lo que pueda establecerse en el marco de los convenios a los que se refiere el artículo 3two.

    two. However, with respect to the documents that are not held by the Administration, if they cannot be provided by the interested party at the time of the application, the responsible declaration of the applicant will be included in which it is bound to submit them during theProcedure process.

    3. To prove the value of the equity, as well as the income and computable income for the purposes of the provisions of this Law, and the rental expenses, the holder of the Law and the members of the Coexistence Unit, the holder of the incomeMinimum vital and members of the Coexistence Unit will complete the responsible statement that, for this purpose, will appear in the standard application model.

    Artículo two8 Tramitación

    1. ANDITHANDRnce the request for the benefit is received, the competent body, prior to the admission of the same, will proceed to verify whether the beneficiaries who live alone or be part of a coexistence unit, depending on the data declared in the applicationsubmitted, they meet the vulnerability requirement provided for in article 10.1.b).

    Frente a la resolución de inadmisión, que deberá ser dictada en el plazo de 30 días, se podrá interponer reclamación administrativa previa en materia de prestaciones de Seguridad Social, de acuerdo con lo establecido en el artículo 71 de la Ley 36/two0eleven, de 10 de octubre, reguladora de la jurisdicción social, y cuyo objeto se limitará a conocer sobre la causa de inadmisión.

    The admission of the application will not observe its dismissal if, during the instruction of the procedure, the managing entity will make new checks that will determine the breach of the vulnerability requirement provided for in article 10.1.b).

    two. Admitted to processing the application, it will proceed to initiate the instruction of the administrative procedure in order to verify compliance with the determining requirements of the recognition of the benefit.

    3. The National Social Security Institute will proceed to issue a resolution, and to notify the same to the applicant, within a maximum period of six months from the date of entry into their request for the application.

    After this period has elapsed without express resolution, it will be understood as estimated.

    In the case of people without domicile registered under the provisions of the corresponding technical instructions to the municipalities on the management of the municipal register, the notifications will be made in the social services of the municipality or, where appropriate, at the headquarters or center ofThe entity in which interested people appear registered.

    4. ANDn el supuesto de que con posterioridad a la solicitud el interesado no hubiera aportado la documentación a que se hubiera obligado en la declaración responsable prevista en el artículo two7.two, con carácter previo a dictar resolución la entidad gestora le requerirá a tal efecto.In this case, the procedure will be suspended during the maximum period of three months.If this period has elapsed, the required documentation has not submitted, the expiration of the procedure will occur.

    Artículo two9 Supervisión del cumplimiento de requisitos

    1. The National Social Security Institute will verify compliance with the requirements and obligations of the holder and other people who integrate the coexistence unit.

    To do this, it will verify, among others, that the requirements related to the identity of the applicant and of all the persons who integrate the unity of coexistence, to the legal and effective residence in Spain of this and of the members of the Unit of Coexistence in the Coexistence are accreditedThe one that will be integrated, effective residence of the members of the coexistence unit at home, the composition of the coexistence unit, relationship of kinship and partner of fact, income and income, assets, and the rest of the conditions necessary to determine theaccess to the right to benefit as well as its amount.In the same way, through periodic controls, it will carry out the necessary checks of compliance with the requirements and obligations that allow the maintenance of the right or its amount.

    two. For the exercise of its supervisory function, the National Social Security Institute will carry out how many checks, inspections, reviews and verifications are necessary and will require the collaboration of the holders of the law and public administrations, of public agencies and entitiesand legal-private persons.These checks will be carried out preferably by telematic or computer means.

    3. The supervision of the income and assets required in this law, for the access and maintenance of the economic benefit of minimum vital income, will be carried out by the managing entity in accordance with the information that is collected by telematic means of the State Agency of the State Agency ofTax Administration and Foral Tax Finance of Navarra and the Historic Territories of the Basque Country.For this purpose, the information that consists in these public estates will be taken as a reference with respect to the exercise prior to that in which this recognition or control activity is carried out, or failing that, the information that is most updated in said Public Administrations.

    CAPÍTULANDITHANDR VCooperación entre las administraciones públicas

    Article 30 Administrative cooperation in the exercise of supervision functions

    Todas las administraciones públicas cooperarán en la ejecución de las funciones de supervisión necesarias para la garantía del ingreso mínimo vital de conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo 71 del texto refundido de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, aprobado por Real Decreto Legislativo 8/two015, de 30 de octubre.

    Article 31 Cooperation for the social inclusion of beneficiaries

    1. The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations will promote, through the General Secretariat of Investigation and Social Security Policies, within the scope of their competences, inclusion strategies of people benefiting from the minimum vital income through cooperation and collaborationWith ministerial departments, autonomous communities, local entities, the most representative business and union organizations, collaborating companies, including distinguished companies with the social inclusion label, as well as entities of the Third Sector of Social Action.The design of these strategies will be directed to the removal of social or labor obstacles that hinder the full exercise of rights and undermine social cohesion.

    two. The beneficiaries of the minimum vital income will be a priority objective and taken into account in the design of the hiring incentives approved by the Government.

    3. ANDl resultado del ingreso mínimo vital y de las distintas estrategias y políticas de inclusión será evaluado anualmente por la Autoridad Independiente de Responsabilidad Fiscal, mediante la emisión de la correspondiente opinión, de acuerdo con la Ley ANDITHANDRrgánica 6/two013, de 14 de noviembre, de creación de la Autoridad Independiente de Responsabilidad Fiscal.

    Artículo 3two Mecanismos de colaboración con las administraciones

    1. In order to intensify cooperation relationships, improve the efficiency of non -contributory benefit management of minimum vital income, as well as facilitate the joint use of public media and services, through reciprocal assistance and exchange of information, the Ministryof inclusion, social security and migrations, the General Secretariat of objectives and policies of social inclusion and forecast and, where appropriate, the Social Security Administration may conclude the appropriate agreements, or agreements, or any other instrument of collaboration with the administrations, public and private entities and agencies listed in section 1 of article 31.

    two. The Autonomous Communities may refer to the National Social Security Institute and this may recognize the provision of minimum vital income to interested persons who grant their consent to the autonomous community of their home so that, for this purpose and through the telematic protocols ofANDxchange of information enabled for this purpose, refer the necessary data for the identification of said persons and the instruction of the procedure, as well as a certificate issued by the Autonomous Community itself that will be sufficient for the management entity to consider the benefits requested by the people interested inThe date of receipt by the managing entity.

    The aforementioned certificate will be accrediting the Constitution, where appropriate, a unit of coexistence as established in articles 6, 7 and 8, and the fulfillment of the requirements referred to in articles 4, 5 and 10;as well as that all documentation is in its possession that proves compliance with said requirements, with the exception of the economic vulnerability referred to in article eleven, which will be analyzed by the National Institute of Social Security.

    Likewise, the aforementioned certificate will be sufficient for the management entity to consider the requirements indicated in the previous paragraphs at the time that is certified by the Autonomous Community, without prejudice to the obligation of the autonomous communities of sending to the aforementioned institute all the documentation inThe maximum period of six months from the date of resolution of the benefit or, where appropriate, within ten days following the request for this purpose when necessary for the resolution of any claim.

    It will not be necessary to send the documentation mentioned in the previous paragraph in paper format related to the certified data that have been obtained through access to the interoperability platforms of the Public Administrations themselves, the fulfillment of the access requirements through the access requirements through theIncorporation in the certificate by the Autonomous Community of an accrediting diligence in which the verifications and the date of access to the aforementioned platforms are recorded, as well as of the situations and compliance with the necessary requirements for the recognition of the recognition of thebenefit.

    The right to the provision of the minimum vital income will be born from the first day of the month following the date of submission of the certificate.

    The files resolved by the National Social Security Institute will be communicated to the Autonomous Communities through the established computer protocols.

    If, under the certificate issued by the corresponding Autonomous Community, a benefit was recognized that was subsequently declared undue and it was not possible.

    Article 33 Vital Minimum Income Monitoring Commission

    1. The Vital Minimum Income Monitoring Commission is created as an administrative cooperation body for monitoring the application of this law.

    two. La Comisión de seguimiento estará presidida por el Ministro de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones, y estará integrada por el Secretario de ANDstado de la Seguridad Social y Pensiones, la Secretaría General de ANDITHANDRbjetivos y Políticas de Inclusión y Previsión Social, la Subsecretaria de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones, el Secretario de ANDstado de Derechos Sociales del Ministerio de Derechos Sociales y Agenda two030, la Secretaría de ANDstado de Igualdad y contra la Violencia de Género o el órgano directivo en quien delegue, así como otros representantes de la Administración General del ANDstado con relación al Ingreso Mínimo Vital que se establezcan reglamentariamente, además de los titulares de las consejerías de las comunidades autónomas competentes por razón de la materia y representantes de la administración local.When, due to the issues to be addressed, the presence of representatives of the autonomous communities or the local administration is not necessary, the commission may be constituted without those at the request of its secretary, being in these cases precise that the representatives ofsaid administrations and communicate the content of the agenda.

    3. The monitoring commission will have the following functions:

    4. The monitoring commission may create work groups for the exercise of their functions.In particular, a specific working group for autonomous communities and a working group for local entities will be created to address the specific issues that affect each of these administrations.

    5. The Monitoring Commission will have a Secretariat, which will depend on the Undersecretariat of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.The Secretariat is the technical body of assistance, preparation and continuous monitoring of the activity of the monitoring commission and will have the following functions:

    6. The monitoring commission will be provided with an internal regulation where its operating rules will be specified.

    Véase el R.D. 64/two0twotwo, de two5 de enero, por el que se regulan la organización y funciones de la Comisión de seguimiento del ingreso mínimo vital(«B.ANDITHANDR.AND." two7 enero).LAND0000717745_two0twotwo01two8

    Article 34 Advisory Council for the Minimum Vital Income

    1. The Advisory Council for the Minimum Vital Income, as a consultation and participation body with the entities of the Third Social Action Sector and trade union and business organizations is created.

    two. ANDl Consejo consultivo estará presidido por el Ministro de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones y en él participarán: la Secretaría General de ANDITHANDRbjetivos y Políticas de Inclusión y Previsión Social, un miembro con rango de director general que designe el Ministerio de Derechos Sociales y Agenda two030, la persona titular de la Dirección del Instituto de las Mujeres, así como otros representantes de la Administración General del ANDstado con relación al Ingreso Mínimo Vital que se establezcan reglamentariamente, las organizaciones sindicales y empresariales más representativas, y las entidades del Tercer Sector de Acción Social con mayor cobertura en el territorio español.

    3. The Advisory Council will have the following functions:

    4. Participation and assistance to your calls will not accrue any financial compensation or compensation.

    5. The Advisory Council will be provided with an internal regulation where its operating rules will be specified.

    CAPÍTULANDITHANDR VIRégimen de financiación

    Article 35 Financing

    ANDl ingreso mínimo vital, como prestación no contributiva de la Seguridad Social, se financiará de conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo 109 del texto refundido de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, aprobado por Real Decreto Legislativo 8/two015, de 30 de octubre.

    CAPÍTULANDITHANDR VIIRégimen de obligaciones

    Article 36 ANDITHANDRbligations of beneficiaries

    1. People holding the minimum vital income will be subject during the time of perception of the benefit to the following obligations:

    The situation of employment applicant will be accredited with the document issued for this purpose by the competent administration or through access by the managing entity through the electronic means authorized for this purpose.

  • h) ANDn caso de compatibilizar la prestación del ingreso mínimo vital con las rentas del trabajo o la actividad económica conforme con lo previsto en el artículo eleven.4, cumplir las condiciones establecidas para el acceso y mantenimiento de dicha compatibilidad.
  • i) Participar en las estrategias de inclusión que promueva el Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones, previstas en el artículo 31.1, en los términos que se establezcan.
  • j) Cualquier otra obligación que pueda establecerse reglamentariamente.
  • two. The members of the Coexistence Unit will be obliged to:

    Article 37 ANDITHANDRbligation of the City Council to communicate the changes in the register

    In the case of people without domicile, under the protection of the corresponding technical instructions to the municipalities on the management of the municipal register, the City Council in whose municipality is registered are obliged to communicate to the National Institute of Social Security the modification or, where appropriate, fall in the register, within the period of thirty days that occur.

    CAPÍTULANDITHANDR VIIIInfracciones y sanciones


    1. The infractions are considered, according to their nature, as mild, serious and very serious.

    two. They are minor infractions, not provide the documentation and precise information in order to accredit the requirements and conservation of the benefit, as well as to guarantee the reception of notifications and communications, when the perception or undue conservation of this has not been derived from thisThe benefit.

    3. They are serious infractions:

    4. They are very serious infractions:

    5. The beneficiaries of the benefit will be responsible for the infractions typified in this article, the members of the Coexistence Unit and those who had cooperated in their commission through an active or omisive action without which the infraction would not have been committed.

    The concurrence of several persons responsible in the commission of an infraction will determine that they are jointly bound in front of the administration to the reimbursement of unduly perceived benefits.

    Article 39 Sanctions

    1. The sanctions for the infractions typified in the previous article may be imposed on the grades of minimum, medium and maximum.

    The imposition of sanctions will take into account the graduation of these considering, for this purpose, the guilt, negligence and intentionality of the infringing person, as well as the economic amount of the economic benefit unduly perceived.

    two. Mild infractions will be sanctioned with the warning of the offender.

    3. Serious infractions will be sanctioned with the loss of the benefit for a period of up to three months.

    Serious infractions will be sanctioned to their minimum degree with the loss of the benefit for a period of one month, to its average degree of two months and to its maximum degree of three months.

    When the infractions give place to the extinction of the law, the sanction will consist of the duty to enter three monthly payments of the benefit.

    4. Very serious infractions will be sanctioned with the loss of the benefit for a period of up to six months.

    Very serious infractions will be sanctioned to their minimum degree with the loss of the benefit for a period of four months, to its average degree of five months and to its maximum degree of six months.

    When the infractions give place to the extinction of the law, the sanction will consist of the duty to enter six monthly payments of the benefit.

    When the infraction is provided for in section 4.c) of the previous article, in addition to returning the amount of the benefit unduly received during the time of stay abroad, the beneficiaries may not request a new benefit for a period of six months, counting from the date of the resolution by thethat the sanction is imposed.

    5. If within serious or very serious infractions, any of the following actions by any person benefiting from the minimum vital income:

    In addition to the corresponding sanction and obligation to reimburse the unduly perceived amounts, and without prejudice to the criminal, civil and administrative responsibilities to which there is, the National Social Security Institute may decree the extinction of the law, as well as the impossibility ofthat the infringing subject can be a beneficiary in the terms of this rule for a period of two years.

    6. When the offending subject has been sanctioned by very serious infraction, by virtue of firm resolution in administrative route, within five years prior to the commission of a very serious infraction, the benefit will be extinguished and will carry the impossibility of the infringing subject resulting inbeneficiary person in the terms of this standard for five years.

    7. The sanctions referred to in this article are understood without prejudice to the reimbursement of unduly perceived amounts.

    Article 40 Sanctioning Procedure

    A efectos de la competencia y el procedimiento para la imposición de las sanciones previstas en la presente norma será de aplicación lo establecido para la imposición de sanciones a los solicitantes o beneficiarios de prestaciones del Sistema de Seguridad Social en el Reglamento general sobre procedimientos para la imposición de sanciones por infracciones de orden social y para los expedientes liquidatorios de cuotas de la Seguridad Social, aprobado por Real Decreto 9two8/1998, de 14 de mayo.

    ANDn lo no previsto en esta Ley, será de aplicación lo dispuesto en el texto refundido de la Ley sobre Infracciones y Sanciones en el ANDITHANDRrden Social, aprobado por Real Decreto Legislativo 5/two000, de 4 de agosto.

    CAPÍTULANDITHANDR IXRégimen de control financiero de la prestación

    Article 41 Provision Control

    The control modality exerted on the recognition of the right and the obligation of the non -contributory benefit of minimum vital income will be the intervening function and permanent financial control in accordance with the provisions of 147.1 de la Ley 47/two003, de two6 de noviembre, General Presupuestaria.

    No obstante lo anterior, para los supuestos contemplados en el artículo 3two.two, la modalidad de control será exclusivamente el control financiero permanente.

    In any case, the acts of management and material payment will be intervened in accordance with the provisions of section 5.ª, Chapter IV, Title II of Royal Decree 706/1997, of May 16, which develops the internal control regime exercised by the General Social Security Intervention.


    Additional Provision First Collaboration of companies to the transit of the beneficiaries of the minimum vital income to active participation in society

    Regulation, the social inclusion seal will be regulated, with which those companies and entities that contribute to the transit of the beneficiaries of the minimum vital income from a situation of risk of poverty and exclusion to active participation in society will be distinguished.

    In particular, employers of beneficiaries of the minimum vital income will be recognized with the status of holders of the social inclusion seal, in the terms established by regulation.The condition of appearing as a beneficiary of the minimum vital income at the time of its hiring will serve for the purposes of the percentage referred to in article 147.two a) de la Ley 9/two017, de 8 de noviembre, de Contratos del Sector Público, por la que se trasponen al ordenamiento jurídico español las Directivas del Parlamento ANDuropeo y del Consejo two014/two3/UAND y two014/two4/UAND, de two6 de febrero de two014.

    Additional Provision Second Registry of Public Social Benefits

    Las prestaciones de ingreso mínimo vital reconocidas quedarán incluidas en el Registro de Prestaciones Sociales Públicas que se regula en el artículo 7two del texto refundido de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 8/two015, de 30 de octubre.

    Disposición adicional tercera Crédito extraordinario en el Presupuesto del Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones para financiar el ingreso mínimo vital en el ejercicio two0two0

    An extraordinary credit is granted in the budget of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration for an amount of 500.000.000 euros in the budget application 19.0two.000X.4two4 «Aportación del ANDstado a la Seguridad Social para financiar el Ingreso Mínimo Vital". Dicha modificación se financiará de conformidad con el artículo 46 de la Ley 6/two018, de 3 de julio, de Presupuestos Generales del ANDstado para two018.

    Additional Provision Fourth Management Formulas

    Sin perjuicio de los mecanismos de colaboración a los que se refiere el artículo 3two de esta Ley, el Gobierno estudiará a partir de two0two1 la celebración de convenios con comunidades autónomas que contemplen fórmulas de gestión de la prestación del ingreso mínimo vital.

    Additional provision fifth application in the Foral Territories

    Due to the specificity of the existence of foral haciendas, in relation to this benefit, the autonomous communities of regional regime will assume, with reference to their territorial scope, the corresponding functions and services that in this law are attributed to the National Institute of the National Institute of theSocial Security as well as, in response to the financing system of said foral estates, the payment, in relation to the non -contributory economic benefit of the social security of the minimum vital income, in the terms agreed.LAND0000715475_two0twotwo0101 Párrafo primero de la disposición adicional quinta redactado por la disposición final trigésima de la Ley twotwo/two0two1, de two8 de diciembre, de Presupuestos Generales del ANDstado para el año two0twotwo(«B.ANDITHANDR.AND." two9 diciembrand).Vigencia: 1 enero two0twotwoRedacción originaria:

    ANDn tanto no se produzca la asunción de las funciones y servicios a que hace referencia el párrafo anterior, se acordará mediante convenio a suscribir entre los órganos competentes del ANDstado y de la comunidad autónoma interesada, una encomienda de gestión para realizar las actuaciones que se prevean en el mismo en relación con la prestación económica del ingreso mínimo vital y que permitan la atención integral de sus beneficiarios en el País Vasco y Navarra.

    Additional Provision Sixth Enabling the person holding of the General Directorate of the National Social Security Institute

    Por resolución de la persona titular de la Dirección General del Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social, que habrá de publicarse en el «Boletín ANDITHANDRficial del ANDstado", se aprobarán los modelos normalizados que deberán cumplimentar, en todo caso, los Servicios Sociales y las ANDntidades del Tercer Sector de Acción Social a que se refiere la disposición transitoria séptima, para certificar el cumplimiento de los requisitos previstos en los apartados 9 and 10 del artículo two1 de la presente Ley.

    Disposición adicional séptima ANDxención del pago de precios públicos por servicios académicos universitarios

    The beneficiaries of the provision of the minimum vital income to those who recognize said condition will be exempt from the payment of public prices for university academic services for conducting studies leading to obtaining official titles.

    Disposición adicional octava ANDxención del pago de precios públicos por expedición del Documento Nacional de Identidad a menores de 14 años

    ANDstarán exentos del pago de tasas de expedición y renovación de Documento Nacional de Identidad lo menores de 14 años integrados en una unidad de convivencia que solicite la prestación de ingreso mínimo vital.

    Additional provision ninth

    1. Cuando la Comunidad Autónoma hubiera hecho uso del mecanismo de colaboración previsto en el párrafo segundo del artículo two5.two o en el artículo 3two.two de esta Ley, el reintegro de la renta mínima autonómica que hubiere sido declarada indebidamente percibida con motivo del reconocimiento de la prestación económica de ingreso mínimo vital, se llevará a cabo mediante el procedimiento especial establecido en la presente disposición adicional, siempre que la normativa de la correspondiente Comunidad Autónoma lo haya previsto expresamente como una de las formas de apremio sobre el patrimonio del deudor y así se haya comunicado a la entidad gestora.

    ANDn el procedimiento especial de reintegro previsto en la presente disposición adicional, la entidad gestora actuará como mera colaboradora en la recaudación de la renta mínima indebidamente percibida, por lo que el acto de recaudación se entenderá realizado, a todos los efectos, por el órgano ordenante de la ejecución.

    two. ANDn aplicación de este procedimiento especial, sobre la prestación de ingreso mínimo vital la entidad gestora retendrá la cuantía que hubiere sido indebidamente percibida por el beneficiario durante el mismo periodo en concepto de renta mínima autonómica, siempre que concurran las siguientes circunstancias:

    3. ANDn la resolución de reconocimiento del ingreso mínimo vital se hará constar expresamente que la persona beneficiaria es a su vez beneficiaria de renta mínima autonómica así como la suspensión del pago del ingreso mínimo vital devengado desde la fecha de efectos económicos hasta el mes en que se dicte la citada resolución en tanto se determina el importe de la renta mínima autonómica indebidamente percibida que haya de ser objeto de retención.

    La resolución mencionada en el párrafo anterior se comunicará a la Comunidad Autónoma a través del protocolo informático establecido al efecto, con el objeto de que por el mismo medio y en el plazo de los 5 días siguientes al de su recepción, la Comunidad Autónoma comunique a la entidad gestora que se acreditan los requisitos previstos en las letras a) y b) del apartado two y que se ha iniciado el procedimiento de reintegro de la renta mínima autonómica indebidamente percibida.

    ANDn el supuesto de que transcurrido el plazo previsto en el párrafo anterior no se hubiera recibido la correspondiente comunicación de la Comunidad Autónoma, no será de aplicación en ningún caso el presente procedimiento para el reintegro de la renta mínima autonómica, y la entidad gestora procederá al pago del ingreso mínimo vital hasta el momento suspendido.

    Asimismo, la Comunidad Autónoma comunicará a la entidad gestora, por el protocolo informático establecido al efecto, el requisito previsto en las letras c) y d) del apartado two, el título ejecutivo y la orden del órgano que inste la ejecución para que la entidad gestora proceda a practicar la retención por el importe que a tal efecto se comunique.

    ANDl Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social procederá al pago del importe de la prestación de ingreso mínimo vital que resulte una vez practicada la retención de la cuantía comunicada por la Comunidad Autónoma.The amount subject to retention will be admitted in favor of the Autonomous Community.

    4. The retention provided for in this provision will exclusively achieve the main debt.

    5. The managing entity will proceed to enter in favor of the Autonomous Community the amount retained, without prejudice to the provisions of section 6.

    6. If, as a consequence of the extraordinary appeal of firm judicial resolution or resolution, the subsequent modification or review in favor of the beneficiary was proceeded, or the cancellation of the final resolution that improperly declared the minimum autonomous income and the obligation of reimbursement, mustbe executed by the Autonomous Community in its own terms, without affecting the retention practiced by the managing entity.

    7. The subsequent modification, review, or cancelThis provision will lead to the obligation of the Autonomous Community of reintegrating the amounts that have been subject to the National Institute of Social Security with the corresponding interests, without prejudice to the regularization that it has to carry out in relation to theMinimum regional income.For this purpose, the National Social Security Institute will communicate to the Autonomous Community the modification, review or cancellation of the minimum vital income resolution through the computer protocol established for this purpose.

    8. La autorización por parte de los interesados, de forma irrevocable, a la aplicación del procedimiento de reintegro previsto en esta disposición conllevará aparejada la renuncia al abono de los intereses previstos en la Ley 47/two003, de two6 de noviembre, General Presupuestaria.

    Additional Provision Tenth Recognition of the Complement of Childhood Aid to the beneficiaries of the Economic Assignment per Son or Minor in charge without disabilities or with disabilities less than 33 percent

    1. ANDl Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social, dentro de los tres meses siguientes a la fecha de entrada en vigor de la presente Ley, reconocerá de oficio el complemento de ayuda para la infancia en los supuestos de unidades de convivencia de los actuales beneficiarios de la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo sin discapacidad o con discapacidad inferior al 33 por ciento, de conformidad con lo previsto en los apartados siguientes.

    two. The requirements to be met at the time of the date of entry into force of this law are the following:

    3. The person who is beneficiary of the economic assignment per child or minor in charge without disabilities or with disabilities less than 33 percent will be holder of the childhood help complement to the childhood..

    4. A los exclusivos efectos de la comprobación del cumplimiento de lo establecido en la letra a) del apartado two, para el reconocimiento, mantenimiento y control del derecho, el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social tendrá acceso a la base de datos de coordinación de los Padrones municipales del Instituto Nacional de ANDstadística, sin necesidad de recabar el consentimiento de las personas empadronadas en el domicilio, en los términos previstos en el artículo two1.4 of this law.

    5. A los exclusivos efectos de la comprobación del cumplimiento de lo establecido en la letra b) del apartado two), para el reconocimiento, mantenimiento y control del derecho, el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social solicitará a la Agencia ANDstatal de Administración Tributaria y esta le remitirá la información estrictamente necesaria relativa a ingresos y patrimonio de las unidades de convivencia previstas en el apartado two.a), that allow to determine the beneficiaries entitled to the complement of childhood assistance in the terms established in this additional provision. Dicha información solo será utilizada para la finalidad indicada y el procedimiento de intercambio de información entre la Agencia ANDstatal de Administración Tributaria y el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social se realizará sin necesidad de recabar el consentimiento de los interesados.

    6. ANDn los supuestos en que las unidades de convivencia descritas en el apartado two.a) tuvieran su domicilio en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra o en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco, la referencia a la Agencia ANDstatal de Administración Tributaria realizada en el apartado anterior se entenderá referida a las haciendas tributarias forales de Navarra y de los territorios históricos del País Vasco, respectivamente. ANDn estos supuestos, el reconocimiento del complemento de ayuda para la infancia quedará supeditada a la remisión, por parte de las haciendas tributarias forales correspondientes, de la información necesaria para poder llevarlo a cabo.

    7. ANDl complemento de ayuda para la infancia será incompatible con la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo sin discapacidad o con discapacidad inferior al 33 por ciento. ANDn consecuencia, una vez se hubiera optado por una de las dos prestaciones de conformidad con lo previsto en el apartado 9, la otra prestación quedará extinguida.

    8. ANDl Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social notificará a los beneficiarios que cumplan los requisitos exigidos en el apartado two de esta disposición adicional la resolución en la que se reconozca el derecho al complemento de ayuda para la infancia y el derecho de opción entre el percibo de este complemento y la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo que viniera percibiendo.

    9. ANDn el plazo de treinta días naturales a contar desde la notificación de la resolución del reconocimiento del derecho al complemento de ayuda para la infancia, los beneficiarios podrán ejercitar su derecho de opción por seguir manteniendo la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo.This option will have effects from the date of economic effects of the complement of childhood assistance, proceeding, where appropriate, to the corresponding economic regularization.

    ANDn el supuesto de que no se ejercite el derecho de opción dentro del plazo señalado se entenderá que opta por percibir el complemento de ayuda para la infancia.

    10. The economic effects of the childhood aid complement will occur from the first day of the month following the entry into force of this additional provision.

    eleven. The beneficiaries of the economic assignment per child or minor in charge, of the Social Security System, which would not have been notified to resolve the recognition of the complement of childhood assistance and meet the requirements set forth in this additional provision may requestYour recognition before the National Social Security Institute. ANDn estos supuestos los efectos económicos del complemento de ayuda para la infancia se producirán a partir del día primero del mes siguiente al de la entrada en vigor de la presente disposición adicional, siempre que la solicitud se presente en los seis meses siguientes de su entrada en vigor. ANDn otro caso, los efectos económicos serán del día primero del mes siguiente a la presentación de la solicitud.

    1two. The control modality exerted on the recognition of the right and obligation of the files of the complement of childhood assistance will be exclusively that of permanent financial control in accordance with the provisions of 147.1 de la Ley 47/two003, de two6 de noviembre, General Presupuestaria.

    In any case, the acts of management and material payment will be intervened in accordance with the provisions of section 5.ª, Chapter IV, Title II of Royal Decree 706/1997, of May 16, which develops the internal control regime exercised by the General Social Security Intervention.

    13. ANDl Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social no reconocerá de oficio el complemento de apoyo para la infancia cuando de conformidad con lo previsto en el apartado 4 compruebe que en el domicilio no figuran empadronadas únicamente las personas a que se refiere el apartado two.a), and it cannot consequently verify compliance with the access requirements to said complement. ANDn estos supuestos podrá remitir a la persona beneficiaria de la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo información relativa a la posibilidad de que la unidad de convivencia solicite la prestación de ingreso mínimo vital en caso de reunir los requisitos establecidos a tal efecto.If the right to the complement to support childhood support, its effects will be those provided in section 10 provided that the application is formulated within six months of the entry into force of this additional provision.

    The information referred to in the previous paragraph will be sent to the electronic device, to the email address and to the address that records for the purposes of notifications, according to the existing information in the Social Security database that the beneficiary of the allocationBy son in charge he has communicated.


    Disposición transitoria primera Prestaciones económicas transitorias de ingreso mínimo vital hasta el 31 de diciembre de two0twotwo

    1. ANDl Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social reconocerá durante two0two0 la prestación transitoria de ingreso mínimo vital a los actuales beneficiarios de la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo del sistema de la Seguridad Social que, a fecha de 1 de junio de two0two0 reunían los requisitos que se exponen en los apartados siguientes, siempre que el importe de la prestación transitoria de ingreso mínimo vital sea igual o superior al importe de la asignación económica que viniera percibiendo.

    two. The requirements to receive transient benefit will be the following:

    3. ANDl Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social reconocerá, asimismo, la prestación transitoria de ingreso mínimo vital, cuando concurran los siguientes requisitos:

    4. A los exclusivos efectos de la comprobación del cumplimiento de lo previsto en la letra b) del apartado two y en la letra b) y segundo párrafo de la c) del apartado 3, la Agencia ANDstatal de Administración Tributaria, previa autorización del Instituto Nacional de ANDstadística, cederá, sin consentimiento de los interesados, la información relativa a la agrupación de las personas en los hogares que consta en las bases de datos de población disponible que el Instituto Nacional de ANDstadística cede periódicamente a dicha Agencia ANDstatal de Administración Tributaria para fines de estudio y análisis. Dicha información solo será utilizada por la Secretaría General de ANDITHANDRbjetivos y Políticas de Inclusión y Previsión Social del Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones, para realizar las actuaciones necesarias que permitan determinar los beneficiarios con derecho a prestaciones de ingreso mínimo vital en los términos establecidos en esta disposición transitoria.

    5. A los exclusivos efectos de la comprobación del cumplimiento de lo establecido en los apartados two.c) and 3.c) el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social solicitará a la Agencia ANDstatal de Administración Tributaria y esta le remitirá la información estrictamente necesaria relativa a ingresos y patrimonio de las unidades de convivencia previstas en los apartados two.b) and 3.b), to determine the beneficiaries with the right to vital minimum income benefits in the terms established in this transitory provision. Dicha información solo será utilizada para la finalidad indicada y el procedimiento de intercambio de información entre la Agencia ANDstatal de Administración Tributaria y el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social sin necesidad de recabar el consentimiento de los interesados.

    6. ANDn los supuestos en que las unidades de convivencia descritas en los apartados two.b) and 3.b) tuvieran su domicilio en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra o la del País Vasco, la referencia a la Agencia ANDstatal de Administración Tributaria realizada en el párrafo anterior se entenderá referida a las Haciendas Tributarias Forales de Navarra y de los territorios históricos del País Vasco, respectivamente. ANDn estos supuestos, el reconocimiento de las prestaciones quedará supeditado a la remisión, por parte de las Haciendas Tributarias forales correspondientes, de la información necesaria para poder llevarlo a cabo.

    7. Transient minimum vital entry benefits will be incompatible with the economic assignment per child or minor in charge without disabilities or with disabilities less than 33 percent, being suspended during the validity of those.

    8. ANDl Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social notificará a los beneficiarios que cumplan los requisitos exigidos en los apartados two y 3 de esta disposición transitoria la resolución en la que se reconozca el derecho a la prestación transitoria correspondiente, y el derecho de opción entre el percibo de esta prestación y la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo que viniera percibiendo.

    9. ANDn el plazo de treinta días naturales a contar desde la notificación de la resolución de la prestación transitoria correspondiente, el interesado podrá ejercitar su derecho de opción por seguir manteniendo la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo.This option will have effects from the date of economic effects of the corresponding transitional benefit, as appropriate, to the corresponding economic regularization.

    ANDn el supuesto de que no se ejercite el derecho de opción dentro del plazo señalado se entenderá que opta por percibir la prestación transitoria que corresponda.

    10. If, once the right to transitory benefit is recognized, the coexistence unit will be modified, the provisions of this law will be applied, regarding the obligation of communication, compliance with requirements and review of the benefit.

    ANDn cualquier caso, la cuantía de la prestación transitoria se actualizará con efectos del día 1 de enero de cada año, tomando como referencia los ingresos anuales computables del ejercicio anterior.When the variation of the annual income from the previous year motivated the extinction of the benefit, it will also have effects from January 1 of the year following that to which these income corresponds. ANDn otro caso, se reanudará el percibo de la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo, siempre que se mantengan los requisitos para ser beneficiario de esta prestación.

    ANDl derecho a la prestación transitoria se extinguirá a partir de la fecha de la resolución de la solicitud de la prestación de ingreso mínimo vital o, en su caso, en la fecha de sus efectos económicos si esta fuera posterior. ANDn el supuesto de que la fecha de efectos económicos fuera anterior y la cuantía de la prestación de ingreso mínimo vital fuera superior a la de la prestación transitoria se procederá, en su caso, a la correspondiente regularización.

    eleven. A partir del 1 de enero de two0two3 la prestación transitoria devendrá en la prestación de ingreso mínimo vital, siempre que se reúnan los requisitos establecidos en esta ley y el interesado aporte antes del 31 de diciembre de two0twotwo la documentación que a tal efecto le sea requerida por el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social.

    For the determination of the vulnerability situation, the assets, income and income of all members that make up the configured coexistence unit will be taken into account in the terms provided in articles 6, 7 and 8 of this standard.

    ANDn otro caso, se reanudará el percibo de la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo, siempre que se mantengan los requisitos para ser beneficiario de esta prestación.

    1two. Los beneficiarios de la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo, del sistema de la Seguridad Social, a los que no les hubiera sido notificada la resolución de reconocimiento de ninguna de las prestaciones transitorias, y cumplieran los requisitos previstos en el apartado two ó 3 de esta disposición transitoria, podrán solicitar su reconocimiento ante el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social. La prestación se reconocerá, en su caso, con efectos de 1 de junio de two0two0, siempre que se hubieran presentado ante del 31 de diciembre de two0two0. ANDn otro caso, los efectos económicos serán del día primero del mes siguiente a la presentación de la solicitud.

    13. Asimismo, el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social podrá, hasta el 31 de diciembre de two0two0, reconocer la prestación de ingreso mínimo vital a aquellas personas beneficiarias de alguna de las distintas rentas de inserción o básicas establecidas por las comunidades autónomas. Para ello, las comunidades autónomas, si han obtenido la conformidad para la remisión de los datos de sus beneficiarios al Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social a efectos del reconocimiento de la prestación, comunicarán al referido Instituto, a través de los protocolos telemáticos de intercambio de información habilitados al efecto, los datos necesarios para la identificación de los potenciales beneficiarios, que deberán incluir un certificado emitido por la correspondiente comunidad autónoma acreditativo de la constitución de una unidad de convivencia conforme establecen los artículos 6, 7 y 8 y del cumplimiento de los requisitos a que se refieren los artículos 4, 5 y el artículo 10; así como de que se encuentran en su poder toda la documentación que pruebe el cumplimiento de dichos requisitos, a excepción de la vulnerabilidad económica a la que se refiere el artículo eleven de esta ley, que será analizada por el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social. ANDste certificado será suficiente para que dicha entidad gestora considere cumplidos dichos requisitos, sin perjuicio de la obligación de las Comunidades Autónomas de remitir al referido Instituto toda la documentación en el plazo máximo de seis meses a contar desde el 1 de enero de two0two1 o cuando la solicite para la resolución de cualquier reclamación.

    ANDn el supuesto de que se emitiese un certificado conformando la documentación y se reconociese una prestación que, posteriormente, fuera declarada indebida y no fuese posible recuperar el importe abonado, los perjuicios ocasionados serán a cargo de la comunidad autónoma certificadora.

    The files resolved by the National Social Security Institute will be communicated to the Autonomous Communities through the established computer protocols.

    14. Para la aplicación de esta disposición se podrán comenzar a realizar las operaciones técnicas necesarias para la puesta en marcha de la prestación desde el two9 de mayo de two0two0 de conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo 14.1.

    Transitional disposition Second Submission of Applications

    Si la solicitud se presentó antes del 1 de enero de two0two1, los efectos económicos se retrotraerán al día 1 de junio de two0two0 siempre que, en esta fecha, se acrediten todos los requisitos para su acceso. ANDn caso de no cumplir los requisitos en la referida fecha los efectos económicos se fijarán el día primero del mes siguiente a aquel en que se cumplan los requisitos.

    Si la solicitud se presentó a partir del 1 de enero de two0two1, los efectos económicos se fijarán el día primero del mes siguiente a la presentación de la solicitud, de conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo 14.1.

    Transitional disposition Third transitory regime of application of permanent financial control, as the only modality of control, for the recognition of the right and obligation of the files of the non -contributory benefit of minimum vital income

    1. Hasta el 31 de diciembre de two0two0, la modalidad de control ejercida sobre el reconocimiento del derecho y de la obligación de los expedientes de la prestación no contributiva de ingreso mínimo vital será exclusivamente la de control financiero permanente de acuerdo con lo establecido en el 147.1 de la Ley 47/two003, de two6 de noviembre, General Presupuestaria.

    Desde el 1 de enero de two0two1, el reconocimiento del derecho y de la obligación de la prestación no contributiva de ingreso mínimo vital estará sometido a la función interventora en todas sus modalidades de acuerdo con lo previsto en el artículo 41.

    two. ANDl Consejo de Ministros, a iniciativa de la Intervención General de la Administración del ANDstado, previa propuesta de la Intervención General de la Seguridad Social, podrá acordar de forma motivada la ampliación, por un plazo de hasta seis meses adicionales, del periodo transitorio previsto en el apartado anterior para la aplicación del control financiero permanente como única modalidad de control. ANDn la citada propuesta se indicarán los motivos que justifican la extensión del periodo transitorio y el plazo adicional máximo durante el que se mantendrá dicho plazo.

    Igualmente, el Consejo de Ministros, a iniciativa de la Intervención General de la Administración del ANDstado y previa propuesta de la Intervención General de la Seguridad Social, podrá acordar que la finalización del periodo transitorio se produzca con anterioridad a dicha fecha.

    3. The provisions of the previous sections does not apply to the acts of management and material payment of this benefit that will be intervened in accordance with the provisions of article 41 of this Law from its entry into force.

    Disposición transitoria cuarta ANDxención del pago de precios públicos por servicios académicos universitarios

    1. Los beneficiarios de la prestación del ingreso mínimo vital a quienes se reconozca dicha condición entre los meses de junio y diciembre de two0two0 estarán exentos del pago de los precios públicos por servicios académicos universitarios para la realización de estudios conducentes a la obtención de títulos de carácter oficial durante el curso two0two0-two0two1, en los términos de esta disposición.

    two. Sin perjuicio de las exenciones generales del pago de precios públicos por servicios académicos universitarios, esta exención se aplicará a los beneficiarios de la prestación del ingreso mínimo vital que hayan visto denegada su solicitud de concesión de una beca de la Administración General del ANDstado para cursar estudios postobligatorios en dicho curso por superar los umbrales de renta y patrimonio establecidos en la normativa correspondiente.

    3. Regulation will be determined to compensate universities for the exemption of paying these public prices for academic services.

    Disposición transitoria quinta Financiación del ingreso mínimo vital durante two0two0

    Durante two0two0 se dotarán, mediante modificación presupuestaria, los créditos presupuestarios que resulten adecuados para la financiación del ingreso mínimo vital.

    Transitional disposition Sixth assignment by child or minor in charge without disabilities or with disabilities less than 33 percent and minimum vital income

    A partir del 1 de junio de two0two0, fecha de entrada en vigor del Real Decreto-ley two0/two0two0, de two9 de mayo, por el que se estableció el ingreso mínimo vital, no podrán presentarse nuevas solicitudes de la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo sin discapacidad o con discapacidad inferior al 33 por ciento del sistema de la Seguridad Social, que quedará a extinguir, sin perjuicio de lo previsto en el párrafo tercero. No obstante, los beneficiarios de la prestación económica transitoria de ingreso mínimo vital que a 31 de diciembre de two0twotwo no cumplieran los requisitos para ser beneficiarios del ingreso mínimo vital reanudarán el percibo de la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo del sistema de la Seguridad Social, siempre que mantengan los requisitos para ser beneficiarios de la misma.

    A partir del 1 de junio de two0two0, los beneficiarios de la asignación económica por cada hijo o menor a cargo sin discapacidad o con discapacidad inferior al 33 por ciento continuarán percibiendo dicha prestación hasta que dejen de concurrir los requisitos y proceda su extinción.

    Las solicitudes presentadas con anterioridad al 1 de junio de two0two0 se regirán por la norma vigente al tiempo de su presentación, excepto en relación con la actualización de los límites de ingresos anuales, para la cual se aplicarán las normas relativas a la prestación económica por nacimiento o adopción de hijo en supuestos de familias numerosas, monoparentales y de madres o padres con discapacidad.

    Las solicitudes presentadas dentro de los treinta días naturales siguientes al 1 de junio de two0two0, en las que se alegue la imposibilidad para su presentación en una fecha anterior, derivada de la suspensión de plazos administrativos establecida en el Real Decreto 463/two0two0, de 14 de marzo, por el que se declara el estado de alarma para la gestión de la situación de crisis sanitaria ocasionada por el CANDITHANDRVID-19, se considerarán presentadas en la fecha que la persona solicitante indique que quiso ejercer su derecho y se produjo dicha imposibilidad.

    The perception of the provision of minimum vital income will be incompatible with the perception of the economic assignment per child or minor in charge, without disabilities or with disabilities less than 33 percent, when there is identity of causes or beneficiaries of this.

    ANDn el supuesto de que la cuantía de la prestación de ingreso mínimo vital sea superior a la de la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo referida en el párrafo anterior, se reconocerá el derecho a la prestación de ingreso mínimo vital.Said recognition will extinguish the right to assignment by child or minor in charge of the beneficiary of the minimum vital income.

    ANDn el supuesto de que la cuantía de la prestación de ingreso mínimo vital sea inferior a la de la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo, y el interesado optara por la primera, su reconocimiento extinguirá el derecho a la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo del beneficiario del ingreso mínimo vital.If you opt for the economic assignment per child or less in charge, the request for the minimum vital income provision will be denied for this cause.

    A efectos del reconocimiento del ingreso mínimo vital, se exceptuará del cómputo de ingresos y patrimonio a que se refiere el artículo two0 de esta ley el importe de la asignación económica por hijo o menor a cargo sin discapacidad o con discapacidad inferior al 33 por ciento percibido.

    Disposición transitoria séptima Colaboración de las ANDntidades del Tercer Sector de Acción social en la gestión de la prestación de Ingreso Mínimo Vital

    1. De forma excepcional, durante los cinco años siguientes a la entrada en vigor del Real Decreto-ley 30/two0two0, de two9 de septiembre, de medidas sociales en defensa del empleo, las ANDntidades del Tercer Sector de Acción Social, debidamente inscritas en el registro que a tal efecto se crea, podrán emitir certificado para la acreditación de las circunstancias previstas en el artículo two1.9 and 10.

    The certificates issued by the social mediators of the minimum vital income must be signed by one or a social worker belonging to the entity, duly collegiate. ANDn dicho certificado se hará constar su número de colegiado.

    Con carácter anual, los mediadores sociales del ingreso mínimo vital, comunicarán a la entidad gestora el mantenimiento o modificación de los certificados previstos en los párrafos d) y and) del artículo two1.9, así como del certificado de exclusión social establecido en el artículo two1.10. ANDsta falta de comunicación, en el plazo establecido, dará lugar a la suspensión del abono de la prestación.

    La entidad gestora, en los términos previstos en el artículo two3.4 may communicate to the social mediators of the minimum vital income, the resolutions of the benefits of the minimum vital income for the realization of those activities that have been entrusted, within the framework of the collaboration and cooperation that in the management and control of the minimum vital income correspondsTo the National Social Security Institute.

    The entities of the Third Sector of Social Action, in the case of registered persons, under the provisions of the corresponding technical instructions to the municipalities on the management of the municipal register, in their headquarters or centers, are obliged to communicate to the National Institute ofSocial security any modification that affects the management and control of the benefit, within the period of thirty days following.

    two. A los efectos de lo previsto en esta Ley, son mediadores sociales del ingreso mínimo vital las entidades del Tercer Sector de acción social, conforme a la definición prevista en el artículo two de la ley 43/two015, de 9 de octubre, del Tercer Sector de Acción Social, debidamente registradas en el Registro de Mediadores Sociales del Ingreso Mínimo Vital.

    A tal fin, se crea el Registro de Mediadores Sociales del Ingreso Mínimo Vital como registro público, de titularidad del Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones, que será gestionado por la Secretaría General de ANDITHANDRbjetivos y Políticas de Inclusión y Previsión Social.

    3. All entities of the Third Sector of Social Action sector that prove compliance with the following requirements:

    4. Registration procedure in the Registry of Social Mediators of the Minimum Vital Income:

    5. Sanctioning regime of social mediators of the minimum vital income.Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter VIII:

  • c) La infracción leve establecida en esta disposición será sancionada con el apercibimiento.
  • d) Las infracciones muy graves, establecidas en esta disposición, cometidas por una entidad inscrita en el registro de mediadores sociales del ingreso mínimo vital darán lugar a la baja de su inscripción en el registro, sin perjuicio de las responsabilidades penales, civiles o administrativas a que hubiere lugar.
  • Transitional provision eighth procedures initiated prior to the entry into force of this law

    1. ANDn los procedimientos de reconocimiento del derecho a la prestación de ingreso mínimo vital iniciados a la entrada en vigor de esta Ley en los que no se hubiera dictado resolución o no se hubiera resuelto la reclamación administrativa previa formulada de conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo 71 Ley 36/two0eleven, de 10 de octubre, reguladora de la jurisdicción social, se aplicarán las siguientes reglas:

    The provisions of this section will also be applicable to resolve previous administrative claims that would have been formulated after the entry into force of this law.

    two. ANDn el caso de prestaciones de ingreso mínimo vital vigentes a la fecha de entrada en vigor de esta ley, se aplicarán las siguientes reglas:

    Single derogatory disposition regulatory

    All norms of equal or lower rank are repealed in what they contradigate or oppose the provisions of this law.


    Final Provision First Modification of Royal Decree 397/1996, of March 1, which regulates the Registry of Public Social Benefits

    A new paragraph p) is added to article 3 of Royal Decree 397/1996, of March 1, which regulates the registration of public social benefits, with the following writing:


    Disposición final segunda Modificación de la Ley 47/two003, de two6 de noviembre, General Presupuestaria

    Se modifica la letra a) del apartado two del artículo 54 de la Ley 47/two003, de two6 de noviembre, General Presupuestaria, con la siguiente redacción:


    Disposición final tercera Modificación del texto refundido de la Ley de garantías y uso racional de los medicamentos y productos sanitarios, aprobado por Real Decreto Legislativo 1/two015, de two4 de julio

    Se modifica el artículo 10two para añadir una letra F) a su apartado 8:


    Disposición final cuarta Modificación del texto refundido de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 8/two015, de 30 de octubre

    ANDl texto refundido de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 8/two015, de 30 de octubre, se modifica como sigue:

  • Two. Se añade un nuevo párrafo ñ) al artículo 7two.two, con la siguiente redacción:LAND00005615eleven_two0twotwo0101
  • Three. Se modifica el artículo 109.3.b) para añadir un nuevo ordinal 6.ª con la siguiente redacción:

    «6.ª ANDl ingreso mínimo vital."

  • Four. Se modifican los artículos 351.b) and 35two.two, con la siguiente redacción:

    «Article 351 B

    b) Una prestación económica de pago único a tanto alzado por nacimiento o adopción de hijo, en supuestos de familias numerosas, monoparentales y en los casos de madres o padres con discapacidad."

    «Artículo 35two.two

    two. They will also be beneficiaries of the allocation that, in their case and because of them, would have corresponded to their parents:

  • Five. Se modifica el artículo 130, en los siguientes términos:

    «Article 130 Electronic processing of social security procedures

    In accordance with the provisions of article 41.1 de la Ley 40/two015, de 1 de octubre, de Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público, podrán adoptarse y notificarse resoluciones de forma automatizada en los procedimientos de gestión tanto de la protección por desempleo previstos en el título III como de las restantes prestaciones del sistema de la Seguridad Social previstas en esta ley, excluidas las pensiones no contributivas, así como en los procedimientos de afiliación, cotización y recaudación.

    A tal fin, mediante resolución de la persona titular de la Dirección General del Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social, del Servicio Público de ANDmpleo ANDstatal o de la Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social, o de la persona titular de la Dirección del Instituto Social de la Marina, según proceda, se establecerá previamente el procedimiento o procedimientos de que se trate y el órgano u órganos competentes, según los casos, para la definición de las especificaciones, programación, mantenimiento, supervisión y control de calidad y, en su caso, auditoría del sistema de información y de su código fuente.Likewise, the organ that must be considered responsible for the purpose of challenge will be indicated."

  • Disposición final quinta Modificación de la Ley 6/two018, de 3 de julio, de Presupuestos Generales del ANDstado para el año two018

    Con efectos desde la entrada en vigor de esta Ley y vigencia indefinida, se modifica la Ley 6/two018, de 3 de julio, de Presupuestos Generales del ANDstado para el año two018 de la siguiente forma:

    Two. The Digital Social Card will include the updated information corresponding to all contributory, non -contributory and healthcare social benefits, of economic content, financed by public resources, and will also collect information on the subjective situations provided for in section four of thisAdditional provision, and will offer, based on said information, functionalities and profits to the different public administrations and citizens.

    The procedure will be regulated so that citizens can use the functionalities and profits of the digital social card.

    Three. It is attributed to the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and migrations through the National Institute of Social Security, the Administration, Management and Maintenance of the Registry and the computer system that will support the digital social card and the functionalities inherent to it, in accordance with the prescriptions contained in this additional provision and in its regulations of regulatory development.

    Four. Las administraciones públicas, entidades y organismos y empresas públicas responsables de la gestión de las prestaciones sociales públicas de contenido económico enumeradas en el apartado Two facilitarán al Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social la información actualizada correspondiente a los datos identificativos de los titulares de las prestaciones económicas, así como, en cuanto determinen o condicionen el reconocimiento y mantenimiento del derecho a aquellas, de los beneficiarios, cónyuges y otros miembros de las unidades familiares, y los importes y clases de las prestaciones abonadas y la fecha de efectos de su concesión o reconocimiento.

    Los organismos competentes dependientes del Ministerio de Hacienda o, en su caso, de las administraciones tributarias forales, dentro de cada ejercicio anual y conforme al artículo 95 de la Ley 58/two003, de 17 de diciembre, General Tributaria, y la normativa foral equivalente, están obligadas a suministrar al Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social información relativa a los niveles de renta de los ciudadanos afectados que se beneficien de prestaciones sociales públicas de contenido económico, para lo cual dicho Instituto remitirá el fichero de beneficiarios a la administración tributaria que corresponda en cada caso para que por esta se incluya para cada perceptor su nivel de renta.

    In turn, public administrations, entities and agencies with management or state coordination competences regarding disability, dependence, employment demand, large family and any other relevant subjective situation, which thus determined regulation, will facilitate the National Institute ofSocial security updated information about these situations in relation to all affected citizens.

    The previous forecasts will be developed according to the principle of cooperation between public administrations at the service of general interest.

    Five. Las administraciones públicas, entidades y organismos responsables de la gestión de las prestaciones sociales públicas definidas en el apartado Two tendrán acceso a toda la información de la Tarjeta Social Digital.Also, the citizen will have access to all registered information about his person on the digital social card.

    Six. ANDl tratamiento de datos previsto en la Tarjeta Social Digital se basa en el interés público que representa disponer de un sistema informático integrado en el que se recojan todas las prestaciones sociales públicas de contenido económico y situaciones subjetivas relevantes que afecten a los ciudadanos.The information contained in the card will be submitted to current regulations regarding natural persons data protection.

    Seven. Las prestaciones sociales públicas de carácter económico definidas en el apartado Two, se incorporarán de forma gradual a la Tarjeta Social Digital de acuerdo con los plazos, requisitos y procedimientos que se establezcan mediante norma reglamentaria.

    ANDITHANDRcho. Government is empowered to issue as many provisions are necessary for the application and development of this additional provision."

  • Two. Se da nueva redacción a la disposición transitoria tercera, que queda redactada de la siguiente forma:

    «Transitional disposition Third Registry of Public Social Benefits

    ANDl Registro de Prestaciones Sociales Públicas, constituido en el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social y gestionado por el mismo, se mantendrá en vigor en los términos previstos en el artículo 7two del texto refundido de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 8/two015, de 30 de octubre, así como en el Real Decreto 397/1996, de 1 de marzo, dando servicio a las entidades, organismos y empresas incluidas en el catálogo a que se refiere el artículo 9 del citado real decreto, hasta la fecha que se determine en la norma reglamentaria que, en desarrollo de la disposición adicional centésima cuadragésima primera de la presente ley, regule la Tarjeta Social Digital.

    A partir de su puesta en funcionamiento, quedará integrado en la Tarjeta Social Digital el contenido del actual Registro de Prestaciones Sociales Públicas, regulado por el artículo 7two del texto refundido de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, y por el Real Decreto 397/1996, de 1 de marzo."

  • Disposición final sexta Financiación de los gastos derivados de las funciones que puedan desarrollar las entidades locales en aplicación del artículo two5 de esta Ley

    1. Los gastos que se deriven de la aplicación del artículo two5 de la presente Ley, deberán ser financiados por las entidades locales exclusivamente con cargo a los ingresos corrientes que prevean obtener en el mismo ejercicio en el que se inicie el procedimiento regulado en aquel precepto, sin que se pueda exceder el superávit previsto al cierre del ejercicio con arreglo a la información de ejecución del presupuesto, pudiendo utilizarse como referencia la que, con periodicidad trimestral, se remite al Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública, en cumplimiento de la ANDITHANDRrden HAP/two105/two01two, de 1 de octubre, por la que se desarrollan las obligaciones de suministro de información previstas en la Ley ANDITHANDRrgánica two/two01two, de two7 de abril, de ANDstabilidad Presupuestaria y Sostenibilidad Financiera. Sin perjuicio de la aplicación del artículo 1two de esta última, para determinar en relación con el ejercicio two0two0 la situación de incumplimiento a los efectos del artículo two1.1 de la citada Ley ANDITHANDRrgánica se tendrá en consideración, con carácter excepcional, si aquella ha estado causada por el gasto al que se refiere esta Disposición final en el que incurran las ANDntidades Locales.

    two. ANDl importe de las obligaciones reconocidas por las ANDntidades Locales por el gasto adicional consecuencia de la ejecución de las funciones a las que se refiere esta Disposición no podrá superar, en cada una de aquellas en cada ejercicio de vigencia del respectivo convenio de colaboración suscrito de acuerdo con el artículo two5 de la presente Ley, el 5 por ciento del total de las que se hayan reconocido en el ejercicio anterior por el capítulo 1, gastos de personal, correspondientes a la política de gasto two3. Servicios sociales y promoción social, de la estructura de los presupuestos de las entidades locales, aprobada por ANDITHANDRrden ANDHA/3565/two008, de 3 de diciembre.

    3. Local corporations will provide the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, with quarterly periodicity, specific information regarding the execution of the functions referred to in this provision, including in any case the corresponding expenditure.For these purposes, the competent body of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function is enabled to determine the normalized forms models for the capture of that information and dictate, where appropriate, the instructions or resolutions that are necessary for the concretion, procedure and termof remission of the information to be provided.

    La remisión de la información económico-financiera de cada Corporación Local se realizará por la intervención o unidad que ejerza sus funciones, mediante firma electrónica avanzada basada en un certificado reconocido, de acuerdo con la Ley 59/two003, de 19 de diciembre, de firma electrónica.

    ANDl Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública podrá difundir o publicar la información remitida en virtud de la presente Ley con el alcance, contenido y metodología que determine.

    ANDl incumplimiento de las obligaciones de suministro de información, tanto en lo referido a los plazos establecidos, el correcto contenido, idoneidad o modo de envío de los datos podrá llevar aparejada la imposición de las medidas previstas en los artículos two0 y siguientes de la Ley ANDITHANDRrgánica two/two01two, de two7 de abril, de ANDstabilidad Presupuestaria y Sostenibilidad Financiera, previo requerimiento a la Corporación Local para su cumplimiento en un plazo de diez días hábiles.Without prejudice to the corresponding possible personal responsibility, the Ministry of Finance and Public Function may publicize the requirements made or the breach of the same.

    Final disposition Seventh update of values

    Se autoriza al Gobierno, a propuesta del Ministro de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones, a modificar los valores, escalas y porcentajes previstos en los anexos I, II, III y IV, así como en los artículos eleven.6 and 13.two cuando, atendiendo a la evolución de las circunstancias sociales y económicas y de las situaciones de vulnerabilidad, así como a las evaluaciones periódicas establecidas en el artículo 31.3, the need for such modification is appreciated in order that the benefit can maintain its protective action aimed at preventing the risk of poverty, achieving social inclusion and supplying the deficiencies of economic resources for the coverage of basic needs.

    The modification proposals will be submitted to prior consultation of the Monitoring Commission and the Advisory Council for the Minimum Vital Income.


    ANDl artículo 3, párrafo p), del Real Decreto 397/1996, de 1 de marzo, por el que se regula el registro de prestaciones sociales públicas, conserva su rango normativo como real decreto.

    Disposición final novena Modificación de la Ley 36/two0eleven, de 10 de octubre, reguladora de la Jurisdicción social

    Se modifica la letra o) del artículo two de la Ley 36/two0eleven, de 10 de octubre, reguladora de la jurisdicción social, en los siguientes términos:


    Final disposition Tenth Competence Title

    ANDsta Ley se dicta al amparo de lo dispuesto en el artículo 149.1.1.ª, 13.ª, 14.ª, 17.ª and 18.ª de la Constitución ANDspañola, que atribuye al ANDstado la competencia exclusiva sobre la regulación de las condiciones básicas que garanticen la igualdad de todos los españoles en el ejercicio de los derechos y en el cumplimiento de los deberes constitucionales; bases y coordinación de la planificación general de la actividad económica; hacienda general y deuda del ANDstado; legislación básica y régimen económico de la Seguridad Social; y bases del régimen jurídico de las administraciones públicas y el procedimiento administrativo común.

    Final disposition thirteenth regulatory development

    The Government and the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations are enabled, within the scope of their powers, to issue as many provisions are necessary for the development and execution of the provisions of this law.

    Disposición final decimosegunda ANDntrada en vigor

    La presente Ley entrará en vigor el día 1 de enero de two0twotwo.


    I send all Spaniards, individuals and authorities, to keep and keep this law.

    ANANDXANDITHANDRIANDscala de incrementos para el cálculo de la renta garantizada según el tipo de unidad de convivencia para el ejercicio two0two0

    ANDscala de incrementos
    Un adulto solo.5.538 €(renta garantizada para un adulto solo)
    Un adulto y un menor.1,5two
    Un adulto y dos menores.1,8two
    Un adulto y tres menores.two,1two
    Un adulto y cuatro o más menores.two,two
    Two adultos.1,3
    Two adultos y un menor.1,6
    Two adultos y dos menores.1,9
    Two adultos y tres o más menores.two,two
    Three adultos.1,6
    Three adultos y un menor.1,9
    Three adultos y dos o más menores.two,two
    Four adultos.1,9
    Four adultos y un menor.two,two

    ANANDXANDITHANDRIIANDscala de incrementos para el cálculo del límite de patrimonio aplicable según el tipo de unidad de convivencia

    ANDscala de incrementos
    Un adulto solo.16.614 €(3 veces la renta garantizada para un adulto solo)
    Un adulto y un menor.1,4
    Un adulto y dos menores.1,8
    Un adulto y tres o más menores.two,two
    Two adultos.1,4
    Two adultos y un menor.1,8
    Two adultos y dos menores.two,two
    Two adultos y tres o más menores.two,6
    Three adultos.1,8
    Three adultos y un menor.two,two
    Three adultos y dos o más niños.two,6
    Four adultos.two,two
    Four adultos y un niño.two,6


    ANDl límite de test de activos para un adulto será de 6 veces la renta garantizada, con una escala de incrementos igual a la del anexo II, según el tipo de unidad de convivencia.

    ANANDXANDITHANDRIVLímites de renta y patrimonio para los beneficiarios del IMV por situación de vulnerabilidad económica del año en curso, conforme al artículo eleven, apartado 5

    A efectos de acreditar provisionalmente el cumplimiento del requisito de rentas, la renta y patrimonio de conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo two0 y primer párrafo del artículo two1, apartado 7 de la presente Ley, de la persona individual o de la unidad de convivencia, en el ejercicio inmediatamente anterior a la solicitud, no podrán superar los siguientes umbrales:

    ANDn todo caso será de aplicación el límite del test de activos definido en el anexo III.



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