Homemarriage → Modification of meas...

Modification of measures from the perspective of the Supreme Court

Yo.Procedural issues

A) Preamble

Any process of modification of measures always entails a comparative judgment between the existing situation when the measures to be changed were set and the one that currently exists, in order to verify, as the TS has said in its sentences of the TS of January 17,two019 (EDJ two019/500910) and February 17, two019, if there has been a certain change, rigor and some relevance of circumstances;It is no longer required that there is a substantial change, which justifies the requested modification.Change that must be permanence, be unpredictable and not be sought as a purpose by those who request the modification.In the Roll 1558/19 of the two4th section of AP Madrid (EDJ) we confirm the dismissal of the demand by not appearing any of the parties in sight and there are no objective data to make that comparative judgment.

Therefore, now it is no longer required that the change will be substantial, but rather true, as indicated by the Judgment of November two0, two018 (EDJ two018/650100).Certain change that can occur, among other causes, by: a) Change of jurisprudential criteria (STS September twotwo, two017, EDJ two017/190134);b) The passage of time in terms of personal measures, especially those that affect minors;and c) the opinion of the minors, depending on their age and maturity.

Modification of measures that, when it comes to issues related to minors, will be granted not only because there is that change in circumstances, but because this change is beneficial and generates a positive change in the life of the child.

As for the burden of proof, that is, to whom it is appropriate to prove that there has been that real change of circumstances invoked, and that the requested change is benefit to the minor, initially corresponds to who begins the process, or in his case to whomhave greater probative ease of that data (art.two17 LEC, EDL two000/77463).

Therefore, as general rules, when facing a possible request to modify measures, it can be indicated.

I could say, without risk to make a mistake, that in most cases, the need to go to a process of modification of measures is a consequence of not having consciously and negotiated, without anger, with due advice and valuing fundamentallyThe best interests of the child, the measures to be established in the main lawsuit.That is, the process of modification of measures is usually used and/or attempt.And this, more usually happens in the processes of mutual agreement, than in the contentious, as evidencedThey ratify, on many occasions, for reasons of guilt or need to consolidate a new relationship.Therefore, success is not to reach the agreement, but that this is valid, real and durable;in such a way that both parties assume it as their own, because they see in it the solution to the issues derived from the breakup of couple, without the children being harmed by it, to the extent of the possible.

It is necessary to know the data that generated the establishment of the initial measures that we want to modify, and the actuals that cause that request for change;To be able to make the relevant syllogism, where the major premise so the circumstances that led to set the measures that are to be changed, the minor premise is the current circumstances;And the conclusion will be the supplication of the claim or failure of the sentence.Hence the need for the initial main lawsuit, the parties and the sentence/agreement to set the reasons why that measure was established, and what are the current ones;To be able to make that comparison.

Proper and completely proper evidence must be presented.For example, if we want to modify personal measures, it is important to support ourselves, if possible in an expert or educational and/or health reports, which reflect the involvement and dedication of each parent towards their children.If we talk about economic measures, the economic data of a complete period, at least annual, and not proper documents (payrolls of a whole year and not only of any month, receipts from supplies of the whole year and not only of themonths in which more is paid, etc..);giving this complies with the provisions of art.770.1 LEC.

Having minors, the benefit that this requested change will generate the minor must be proven.

I could say, without risk to make a mistake, that in most cases, the need to go to a process of modification of measures is a consequence of not having consciously and negotiated, without anger, with due advice and valuing fundamentallyThe best interests of the child, the measures to be established in the main lawsuit.That is, the process of modification of measures is usually used and/or attempt.And this, more usually happens in the processes of mutual agreement, than in the contentious, as evidencedThey ratify, on many occasions, for reasons of guilt or need to consolidate a new relationship.Therefore, success is not to reach the agreement, but that this is valid, real and durable;in such a way that both parties assume it as their own, because they see in it the solution to the issues derived from the breakup of couple, without the children being harmed by it, to the extent of the possible.

B) Main demand and counterclaim

Since we are talking about the fact that these processes of measures modification imply a comparative judgment, the demands, whether main or conventional, must be concrete and clear when setting: a) What measures are wanted to be modified, b) What is the reasonthat generates that request for change and c) what are exactly the new measures that are loved.

Therefore, demands with extensive writing should be avoided, in the face of precise demands in which these three issues are clearly realized;Following the criteria of the TS, in terms of the formal requirements of the appeal, to eliminate the extension of the writings, with superfluous, irrelevant allegations or remission (short and paste) of sentences that are not related to the specific case.

Demand, as the art says.399 LEC, it has a structure: the heading, facts, foundations and plea.Therefore, when making the demands, that structure must be followed scrupulous, avoiding in the supplication the practice of referring to the content of the document, without specifying in the same, point by point, what the part wantsof the judge or court.

As for the reconventional demand, if we talk about modification of measures, the rule that, in relation to the measures of ius cogens, the judge can act ex officio.Whenever, although in the family processes, the principle of res judicata is mitigated, only the measures set in "firm" sentence at the request of a party can be modified, and after processing the corresponding process, with absolute respect to the principles ofcontradiction and defense.Therefore, if in a demand it is intended to modify only the compensatory pension, the defendant, cannot in its answer to request the modification of other measures, be they of ius cogens or of a device nature, without requesting it through the corresponding reconventional demand.The same will happen for example, if there are minors, in the demand it is requested to modify his food pension, and the defendant wants to modify the guard and custody, he will not be able to make that claim in the answer, but must do so via the reconventional demand via demand.It is the only way, that the plaintiff does not suffer defenseless, and can counter-alley and provide evidence regarding this new claim, introduced in the debate by the opposite party.

Thus, for example, in an article of the lawyer D.Ricardo Emilio Cañizares Aguado, it is collected that:

a) They do not demand express reconvention: SAP Asturias Sec.1st, of September two6, two014 (EDJ two014/181747);SAP Madrid, SEC.twotwond, of July two8, two014 (EDJ two014/163340);SAP Burgos, SEC.twond, two74/two013, of October twotwo (EDJ two013/two15907);SAP Pontevedra, SEC.1st, two37/two013, of May two0 (EDJ two013/94two30), among others;

b) Yes they demand express reconvention: SAP León, SEC.1st, 48/two014, of March 13 (EDJ two014/636two0);SAP JAÉN, of December 9, two011 (EDJ two011/339515);SAP Guadalajara of December7, two011 (EDJ two011/308801);SAP Alicante of May 30, two011 (EDJ two011/181764);SAP Las Palmas, SEC.3rd, two18/two008, of April7 (EDJ two008/94936), among others.

C) Documentation

Many times, when presenting before the court a claim for modification of measures, it is taken for granted that they are already in that court, through the main lawsuit, a lotNew demand, essential documents, generating a dangerous probative vacuum.Especially, in those cases in which the modification of measures is processed by a different court from that resolved by the main lawsuit.

Therefore, it is important, it is more I understand that it is essential that with the demand, main or reconventional, the following documents are provided:

- Marriage certification, in order to prove the date of marriage, age of the parties, marriage economic regime, and possible dissolution of the link.In your case, the justification that the de facto couple is registered as such, in the corresponding registry enabled for this purpose.

- Birth certification of the children, in order to know the court, the exact age of the children at the time of issuing a sentence

- All economic documentation. YoRPF, aunque es más objetivo y clarificador el certificado de retenciones que realiza la empresa; nóminas del ultimo años (y no solo aquellas que nos benefician, por el líquido a percibir, que aparece en las mismas), libro de compras y ventas en los autónomos, etc.Complying with this to the provisions of art.770.1.1st LEC.They are not very useful, unless you want to confuse the court, provide huge banking or corporate documentation;but they are accompanied by an economic expert report or an audit.Eye with the non -distribution of benefits and its contribution to voluntary reserves of society, when only one of the spouses is the partner, or the sole administrator of the same.At this point, it is important to assess the economical family, or that spouse, partner and/or administrator of the Plen of STS 3/two/two0 (505957) that comes to fix that "the benefits of the societies ofcapital, not acquiring such condition the benefits destined for reservations.Dividends are also gathened whose cast agreed by the General Meeting of Partners and the benefits whose social agreement would have agreed in force, although its effective perception materializes after the dissolution of the same.In the cases of fraud of law, the benefits not distributed may be reluctant, and as such included in the liquidatary operations of the common credit ".One thing is the dividends (if the Society of Ganage is distributed constant, and therefore of both spouses) and another the benefits destined for reservations (which are as a general capital rule of the company and not of the partners, except fraud).

- WhatsApp, must be contributed with criteria and justification of veracity, date and have not been removed from context.It is not good to contribute without further sheets and leaves with the transcription of those messages;Without highlighting in any way, those that are important to the case.

At this point, remember the reform of art 3two6.3 and 4 of the LEC to adapt it to the RGTO.EU 910/two014 (EDL two014/131733), carried out by Law 6/two0two0, of November 11, regulating certain aspects of trusted electronic services (EDL two014/35two05):

"3.When the party to whom the effectiveness of an electronic document requested or challenges its authenticity, integrity, date and time precision or other characteristics of the electronic document that an unqualified electronic trustworthy service of those provided in the Regulation (EU)910/two014 of the European Parliament and the Council, of July two3, two014, related to electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, allow to accredit, proceed in accordance with the provisions of section twoof this article and in Regulation (EU) N.910/two014.

4.If any qualified trust service of those provided for in the regulations cited in the previous section had been used, it will be presumed that the document brings together the questioned characteristic and that the trusted service has been provided correctly if it appeared, at the time relevant to the effects for the purposesof the discrepancy, in the list of confidence of providers and qualified services.If the electronic document is still challenged, the load of making the verification will correspond to whoever has presented the challenge.If these checks obtain a negative result, they will be the coasts, expenses and rights that originate the verification exclusively in charge of who would have formulated the challenge.If, in court, the challenge had been reckless, it may also impose a fine of 300 to 1two00 euros ".

With this reform, and in relation to certain electronic proven documents, there is an investment of the load load, specifically on who makes the challenge.

On the other hand, it is important that the parties be aware of:

D) New facts

Se pueden y deben aportar siempre que se pueda en 1ª Yonstancia, antes de dictar sentencia.But not any fact, but those that are really important and have transcendence to resolve the controversial issues.

Once a party intends to provide new facts, the right to claim on them must be guaranteed to the opposite party, as well as facilitate both litigants, the proposal and, where appropriate, the tests, relevant and useful, on thesefacts.

They only refer to Ius Cogens measures, and not those of free disposal;and applies to both instances (art.75two LEC).See the sentences of TS November7, two019 (EDJ two019/7two7375), of July18, two018 (EDJ two018/5two6two13) and October 19, two017 (EDJ two017/two15two68).

This possibility prevents a new demand for modification of measures from being raised, referring to Ius Cogens measures, as long as it is pending a resource of appeal or cassation, in the process in which a new decision on these measures are at stake.If, on the contrary, we talk about free disposition measures, and a new demand for modification of measures is to be submitted, due to the change of circumstances that recently occurred, this demand may be raised, but I understand that its decision must be suspended, for preliminary rulingCivil, in order to avoid contradictory or incompatible resolutions.

E) True and substantial change

In accordance with the recent jurisprudence of the TS, it is no longer necessary that there is an important/substantial change of circumstances, but that it will be sufficient that there has been a certain change, and it entails or generates the need for a change for benefit and interest and interestof the minor (Judgments of the TS of June 16, two0two0, EDJ, of April 5, two019, EDJ two019564two70, and of December 19, two019).It can be true that it can be for example a change in the jurisprudential criterion, such as those that have been in terms of the temporality of the compensatory pension, shared custody, or the use of housing and introduction of a third party in the same.Now, that jurisprudential change cannot be claimed if the measure you want to modify, was established when that new criterion of the TS was already known.

The discussion arises, if having dismissed a modification of measures, due to certain issues;If the same claim can be raised again by having changed in the interim the jurisprudential of the TS applicable to the case.I understand yes;because the issue will be assessed from another prism, and based on a change in the criteria of the TS, which has admitted as a certain change of circumstances precisely that change of criteria of the courts.Others understand that by virtue of force of the thing judged, that change has already been prosecuted and resolved by a final sentence, and cannot be prosecuted again.

F) Competition

After the reform of art.775 LEC, it can be said that the process of modification of measures, ceased to be an autonomous process when establishing its competence rules, becoming a linked/incidental process of the main main lawsuit.In such a way that the judicial body that he knew about this becomes competent to learn about that.

There is therefore legal order, a judge predetermined by law, which I understand cannot be modified by any judicial decision, since the procedural norms that set the competence of imperative nature.Only in case they are dark or unclear, the courts can do an interpretive work, according to the art.3 cc.

See the TS cars of February 19, two019 (EDJ two019/519517), of January two9, two019 (EDJ two019/509149), of February 5, two019 (EDJ two019/506two995) and February 5, two019(EDJ two019/506193), as well as AP Madrid, SEC.two4, of October 15, two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/774609) and AP Madrid, SEC.twotwo, October 9, two0two0.

Cuando surge conflictos de competencia en determinados partidos judiciales, entre los juzgados de 1ª Yonstancia (ordinarios) y aquellos que siendo de 1ª Yonstancia, por acuerdo del CGPJ tiene competencia exclusiva en materia de familia; se pretende en ocasiones, que por virtud de las normas de reparto, las modificaciones de medidas sean tramitadas por el juzgado con competencia en materia de familia, y no por el juzgado que fijo las medidas iniciales.

The majority criteria of the two family sections of AP Madrid (Sec.twotwo and two4) is to apply art.775 LEC and respect the right to the judge predetermined by law.The distribution rules must be applied when a procedure can really be known, processed and resolved by several judicial bodies in the same jurisdiction and the same party, but not when there is no diversity of possible courts with competence, having a legal commandExpress that determines which of them you must know about that matter, that is, by legal imperative there is only a competent court.These situations occur in: a) Executions, b) The voluntary jurisdiction files on controversy in the exercise of parental rights, if this has already been resolved in prior process, c) the settlements of marriage and d) the modifications of measures of measures.

To follow the spirit of the recent judicial resolutions of the TS, which skip the imperative criteria of the art.775 LEC, in certain cases in which there has been gender violence, on the basis that there is no open criminal cause, there is no connection with the Court of Violence that justifies that it knows of the modification of measures, a position with which it does notI am satisfied, I have the doubt of how we should act when all the members of the family unit, no longer live in the judicial party that resolved and fixed the initial measures.

This new art regulation.775 has its pros and cons.The pros, fundamentally, is that a concentration is generated in the same court, of matters that imply or affect the same family unit, which perhaps facilitates its resolution and execution.Cons come derived from that possible disconnection of family unity with that judicial party.

Not to follow the art criteria.775 LEC, at least in the executions, can lead to the fact that up to three courts are involved

- The competent to learn about the previous provisional measures (domicile of the defendant)

- The competent to learn about the main lawsuit

- The competent to learn about the modification of measures

In addition, for the causes of the free justice system, the part is assisted in each of those processes by a different lawyer;With the distortion and helplessness that this can carry the litigator, if the three lawyers do not coordinate in their performance.

G) Yoncidencia de los arts.156 and 158 cc

It is evident that controversies in the exercise of parental rights, and/or the existence of an imminent danger for minors, generates doubts to go to a voluntary jurisdiction file, Arts.86 et seq of Law 15/two015 (EDL two015/109914), or resolve it within a contentious process.

I consider that it is more guarantee, whenever possible, solve these controversies within a contentious process.Keep in mind that in them all issues inherent in parental authority, ownership and/or exercise can be resolved;and that the art.158 cc says that these issues must be raised within any process.

On the other hand, it should not be abused of voluntary jurisdiction files, about the idea that they are more urgent and will be resolved before.Well, every family process in which there are minors has preference in its processing.And, if legally established deadlines are fulfilled, the processing of a provisional modification of measures is faster (art.775.3 LEC) that a voluntary jurisdiction file.It should be remembered that art.753.3 LEC says that "the processes referred to in this title are of preferential process provided that some of those interested in the procedure is less, incapacitated or in a situation of legal absence".

On the other hand, if you go to a voluntary jurisdiction file of the ART.158 CC, having a modification of measures, where this provisional modification has not been requested, due to its stoppage for waiting for the team's report, or by carrying an important delay in its processing and signaling of view;Where is the urgency?Hence the importance and convenience, said provisional modification is always requested.

H) Legitimation

When they are involved in the family process, children of legal age, the doubt arises, if we talk about measures that affect these, on whom it is legitimized to request their modification: a) the parent with whom they live together or b) themselves, themselves,Being of legal age.And this because neither our LEC nor our CC has a rule that regulates this issue, unlike what happens in the French Code (art. two95), en el código civil Yotaliano (art.155), or in the Catalan Civil Code (art.two33.4;EDL two010/149454).

This legal vacuum generates the discussion of itself the parent with whom the elderly coexists, has legitimation or ni, and if that legitimates with it is direct or indirect, and if it is for replacement or by representation.Issues that are resolved in the Judgment of the TS of April two4, two000 (EDJ two000/5839), where it is clearly collected that although the head of those foods, due to necessity, it is the Son, the legitimation for its claim inA family process, as a result of this coexistence, is the parent, as administrator of that pension to deal with the expenses and needs derived, precisely of said coexistence.See the sentences of the TS of April 10, two019 (EDJ two019/557535), of March 1two, two019 (EDJ two019/5two4670), of July 1two, two014 (EDJ two014/138two68) among others.

In such a way that if the child has economic independence, or no longer coexists with that parent, he loses all his legitimation to request or replace the payment of said pension, relative to the periods in which both or one of the premises planned in the art.93.two cc.This article was fundamentally written for reasons of procedural economy, so that in the same process all issues inherent to a family crisis were discussed and resolved, even if they affected children of legal age, who for that circumstance had full capacity and legitimation forstart a food process via art.14two et seq.

El TS ha resuelto ese vacío legal reconociendo la legitimación del progenitor, siempre y cuando se den los requisitos del art93.two cc, es decir: a) convivencia con el progenitor y b) no independencia económica, la legitimación la tiene el progenitor, pese a que el titular de los alimentos sea el hijo.This, the son of legal age, can act via adjuvant or intervention caused, according to arts.13 and 14 LEC.

Yo) La prueba

Given the current situation of collapse of the Spanish justice, perhaps it would be good if the legislator reviewed the regulation of the anticipated evidence, making it more viable or that the judges and courts were more flexible at the time of their application;Arts.two93 et se.Whenever admitting its practice, in the family field, it would greatly expedite the celebration of the views, and the possibility that the parties reach agreements.

It is important to remember at this point, the probative value that the TS has been giving to the regulatory agreements signed by the parties and not judicially ratified;especially in free disposition measures.In this regard, the doctrine of the TS must be taken into account, issued in sentences of May 30, two018 (EDJ two018/89390) and November7, two018 (EDJ) on validity of premarital pacts and clauses agreed in non -ratified regulators agreementjudicially in relation to free disposition issues between the spouses.

Thus, in these sentences the TS comes to say in relation to them that there is no obstacle to their validity as a legal business, in which the consent, the object and the cause attended and there is no reason for disability, taking into account thatThe fact that it would not have been approved by the judge, only prevents him from being part of the divorce process, but does not lose his procedural effectiveness "as a legal business".See also the AP Madrid sentences of March18, two005 (EDJ two005/44601), from AP Barcelona of November 9, two004 (EDJ two004/two01385) and TS of April twotwo, 1997 (EDJ 1997/two156).

It is important to know that Sections twotwo and two4 of AP Madrid, regarding the use of preliminary proceedings in order to prepare a subsequent process of modification of measures, are somewhat more permissive and lax than other audiences, when interpreting and applyingThe arts.two56 et.

In addition, parents should know that the State Data Protection Agency allows parents to access the academic file if they cost these studies and medical history in case of gravity.

As for the academic file, the RGPD (EDL two007/two41465) collects several legitimate ways of accessing the data.In its art.6 RGPD It is clear that the student's consent is not the only way to legitimize parents' access to those notes, being also possible through: a) Execution of a contract, b) compliance with the legal obligations of the person responsible for the person responsible fortreatment, c) protection of vital interests of the interested party or d) satisfaction of legitimate interests.

And it is within this last section where the AEPD considers that the parent who keeps that son of the elderly or pays him a food pension, has legitimate interest to know his academic use.The agency was based on the cause provided for in letter f) of art.6 RGPD and cites sentences issued by the TJUE (No. C-468/10, C-469/10, TJUE, of November two4, two011, EDJ two011/two71356), interpreting the art.7.F of Directive 95/46/CE (EDL 1995/160two1) (very similar to letter f) of art.6 RGPD).

J) The coast

Despite the general belief that in family processes, especially in which the rights or interests of minor children are involved, special imposition should not be made, in response to the special nature of the issues subject todebate.We must keep in mind that we are facing a verbal trial, with the specialties that the legislator has set in attention to the matters that are debated in them, among which nothing says about change in the criterion of imposition of the procedural costs accrued.Therefore, we are facing processes, in which the expiration criteria totally governs (arts.394 and398 LEC).

Hence, the general rule must be, if there is a total estimate/dismissal, that they impose themselves and, only for exceptional and duly founded causes, a special pronouncement on the same must be made.Thus, the SAP Madrid SEC.April twotwo, two018 (EDJ two018/96159) says that "in the modification of measures, depending on the debated issues, they would only allow the criterion of the objective expiration indicated in article394 of the LEC (sentence ofJune 13, two017).Thus, the general rule in this kind of processes, as we indicated in the judgment of July two1, two015, will be the strict application of the principle of the objective expiration included in article394 of the LEC, especially in those cases in which they are discussedEconomic aspects, except exceptional circumstances ".

Regarding the possible existence of doubts of fact or law, which justify a non -imposition of the coasts, in the October two0two0 agreement on unification of the Civil Order criteria, of the AP Madrid, it is pointed out:

Reference I want to make here the abuse that is leading to, on many occasions, to enjoy the free justice benefit by a single part of the parties;Whenever he wins or loses, he will not suppose any cost for having initiated these processes, in the various instances.Being many times, one of the objectives pursued with it, generating an extra cost to the opposite part (payment of lawyer fees, attorney, expert), that the legislator should solve.The right to effective judicial protection, certainly protects having that right of free justice;But the legislator should also take measures so that this right does not become an abuse. Y los letrados e Yolustres Colegios de abogados, debería usar más la vía del art. 3two LJG, referente a la "Yonsostenibilidad de la pretensión", cuando se de dicha circunstancias, y no entablar demandas o recursos, como vía de escape o ad cautelam, ante una posible queja o reclamación por mala praxis.

Perhaps a system should be used in which the charity of free justice was progressive, in the sense of setting a series of sections on income, in which a certain percentage of the expenses of the process would be paid, until reaching 100%.In addition to establishing the possibility of paying those who enjoy this benefit, the amount of the costs or a fine, if your act is abusive or fraudulent.

In relation to the benefit of free justice and the conviction on coasts, we must review the recent TS car, of the Contentious Chamber, of November 5, two0two0, which comes to remember and clarify who is really the beneficiary or credit holderderived from that sentence on the costs of one side, and on the other as and when the lawyer and/or attorney of said party must act when claiming and collecting the amount of them;And for this it is collected in said car that:

Modificación de medidas desde la perspectiva del Tribunal Supremo

"The art.6 of Law 1/1996, of January 10, on free legal assistance establishes the benefits by which said benefit is granted, consisting of the attorney of attorney and the defense of lawyer in the judicial procedure, when they are mandatory.Being doctrine of the TS (...) that the coasts are a loan in favor of the winning part of the litigation and charged to the defeated, in no case a credit in favor of the professional who has defended or represented that ".It will therefore be the winning part in the lawsuit that receives the amount of the appraisal of coasts as compensation for the expenses derived from the process in question.

The attorney and the lawyer intervene in the process on behalf and defense of the parties and cannot exercise in it, neither legal nor ethically, their own claims that are alien to the interests of the same.

Therefore, if the lawyer or attorne.

Costa condemnation implies the recognition of a loan in favor of the party whose procedural claim already prospered and charged to who was rejected, compensatory for the expenses that was unduly forced to make the first by MOR of the second.Substantially it is, therefore, a due amount on the one hand procedural to another and not its professionals, whose amount is determined by the set of disbursements that it is necessary to make in a trial to achieve or to defend a right.

The fact of the conviction in coasts does not modify the material relationship in which each party is with its lawyer, attorney and expertin front of the condemned.

The art.36.1 of Law 1/1996, of January 10, on free legal assistance, only states that "if in the sentence that ends the process there would be pronouncement on costs, in favor of who obtained the recognition of the right to assistanceFree legal or from those who have legally recognized, the opposite part must pay the costs caused in the defense of the latter ", but of said precept it cannot be inferred that a right is being recognized in favor of the professionals designated ex officio who have intervened inrepresentation and defense of the part favored by the coast. Y ello con independencia de lo preceptuado en el apartado 5 del artículo36, ya que el pago obtenido por los profesionales a que se refiere la redacción del precepto, sólo tiene lugar cuando los profesionales intervinientes están autorizados por su representado para percibir el importe de las costas, lo que no acontece en el presente caso."

Especial Reference I want to make here the abuse that is leading to, on many occasions, to enjoy the free justice benefit by a single part of the parties;Whenever he wins or loses, he will not suppose any cost for having initiated these processes, in the various instances.Being many times, one of the objectives pursued with it, generating an extra cost to the opposite part (payment of lawyer fees, attorney, expert), that the legislator should solve.The right to effective judicial protection, certainly protects having that right of free justice;But the legislator should also take measures so that this right does not become an abuse. Y los letrados e Yolustres Colegios de abogados, debería usar más la vía del art. 3two LJG, referente a la "Yonsostenibilidad de la pretensión", cuando se de dicha circunstancias, y no entablar demandas o recursos, como vía de escape o ad cautelam, ante una posible queja o reclamación por mala praxis.

Perhaps a system should be used in which the charity of free justice was progressive, in the sense of setting a series of sections on income, in which a certain percentage of the expenses of the process would be paid, until reaching 100%.In addition to establishing the possibility of paying those who enjoy this benefit, the amount of the costs or a fine, if your act is abusive or fraudulent.

In relation to the benefit of free justice and condemnation in coasts, we must review the recent TS car, of the Contentious Chamber, of November 5, two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/706895), which comes to remember and clarify who it really isthe beneficiary or credit holder derived from that sentence on the costs of one side, and on the other as and when the lawyer and/or attorney of said party must act when claiming and collecting the amount thereof;And for this it is collected in said car that:

"The art.6 of Law 1/1996, of January 10, on free legal assistance establishes the benefits by which said benefit is granted, consisting of the attorney of attorney and the defense of lawyer in the judicial procedure, when they are mandatory.Being doctrine of the TS (...) that the coasts are a loan in favor of the winning part of the litigation and charged to the defeated, in no case a credit in favor of the professional who has defended or represented that ".It will therefore be the winning part in the lawsuit that receives the amount of the appraisal of coasts as compensation for the expenses derived from the process in question.

The attorney and the lawyer intervene in the process on behalf and defense of the parties and cannot exercise in it, neither legal nor ethically, their own claims that are alien to the interests of the same.

Therefore, if the lawyer or attorne.

Costa condemnation implies the recognition of a loan in favor of the party whose procedural claim already prospered and charged to who was rejected, compensatory for the expenses that was unduly forced to make the first by MOR of the second.Substantially it is, therefore, a due amount on the one hand procedural to another and not its professionals, whose amount is determined by the set of disbursements that it is necessary to make in a trial to achieve or to defend a right.

The fact of the conviction in coasts does not modify the material relationship in which each party is with its lawyer, attorney and expertin front of the condemned.

The art.36.1 of Law 1/1996, of January 10, on free legal assistance, only states that "if in the sentence that ends the process there would be pronouncement on costs, in favor of who obtained the recognition of the right to assistanceFree legal or from those who have legally recognized, the opposite part must pay the costs caused in the defense of the latter ", but of said precept it cannot be inferred that a right is being recognized in favor of the professionals designated ex officio who have intervened inrepresentation and defense of the part favored by the coast. Y ello con independencia de lo preceptuado en el apartado 5 del artículo36, ya que el pago obtenido por los profesionales a que se refiere la redacción del precepto, sólo tiene lugar cuando los profesionales intervinientes están autorizados por su representado para percibir el importe de las costas, lo que no acontece en el presente caso."

K) Notarial divorce and before the lawyer of the administration of justice

With the reform produced by Law 15/two015 (EDL two015/109914), notaries and LAS can process and agree divorces/separations by mutual agreement, approving the regulatory agreement provided there are no minors involved.

It is a solution that intends to alleviate two problems: a) unblock the courts, removing the judges the resolutions of agreed procedures, where there are no controversies, nor should I be cogens measures should be taken;and b) in times of crisis, with clear reduction of work and income in the notaries, give them an escape route.

However, the legislator half left these reform, since he did not set procedural norms to regulate who should execute those agreements or decrees and how and who could modify them if there was a certain/substantial change of circumstances;generating different doubts and solutions in the judicial field.

The solution is initially good and was accepted by the judicial bodies, given the discharge of practically administrative files, which this entails.In addition, notarial procedure could be introduced into the regulatory agreement, agreements and subjects agreed by the parties, which cannot be done via judicial;such as, for example, provision of private goods, donations to children or third parties, etc..

With regard to the execution and/or modification of these agreements collected in notarial public deed, as is well included in the AP Barcelona car, SEC.1two, of June 30, two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/618931), they must be the courts with family competence who knows and resolves them.Every time:

Territorial competence, art.54.1 of the Law of Notaries, maintains the same criteria as arts.769 y777 LEC para los procesos judiciales.Therefore, the competent court to learn about this modification and execution will be the one determined by the LEC, in application of the art.769 LEC y del 545 LEC referido a la ejecución.That is, they will be the courts of the Judicial Party where the notary who approved the agreement is based.

Now, when the execution process begins, if we talk about notarial deeds, we must remember that we are not facing judicial titles, and therefore the cause of opposition is not those of art.556 LEC, but those provided in arts.557 et seq, which are broader.

En Territorial competence, art.54.1 of the Law of Notaries (EDL186two/1), maintains the same criteria as arts.769 y777 LEC para los procesos judiciales.Therefore, the competent court to learn about this modification and execution will be the one determined by the LEC, in application of the art.769 LEC y del 545 LEC referido a la ejecución.That is, they will be the courts of the Judicial Party where the notary who approved the agreement is based.

Now, when the execution process begins, if we talk about notarial deeds, we must remember that we are not facing judicial titles, and therefore the cause of opposition is not those of art.556 LEC, but those provided in arts.557 et seq, which are broader.

L) Judgment assumption that does not set update clause

Should you go to a modification of measures, if the main sentence does not fix update clause?I understand that no, because the TS and jurisprudence say that it is a value debt, and as such, it should always be updated, if we talk about measures inherent to minors. Y precisamente por esa razón, y estar basadas las pensiones de alimentos, en el criterio de proporcionalidad, entiende la mayoría de los tribunales, que cuando ese criterio de actualización es negativo, no se debe aplicar, pues caso contrario se rompería esa proporcionalidad, salvo que la disponibilidad del alimentante hubiera disminuido también por causas de ese carácter negativo del YoPC, o cláusula que lo sustituya; al disminuir los alimentos y no la disponibilidad del alimentante, que incuso puede haberse incrementado.

If we talk about compensatory pensions, or food for children of legal age, when they are measured freely, you must be set in sentence, it is not mandatory to make those updates, if the parties have not wanted.That absence, if not voluntary, can be corrected, via clarification or complete;Knowing that the ruling of sentences must be interpreted and completed with the content of its foundation;And since mechanographic errors can be corrected at any time and that disagreement between foundations and failure is due to such errors and, therefore, I understand that its correction is possible.


A) parental authority

It is one of the most important measures, on which you can and must discuss and resolve in family processes, and on which the parties, the prosecutor and lawyers usually pass on tiptoe, focusing their forces and interests on otherMeasures such as: a) The custody regime, b) use of family housing, c) The food pension...

Therefore, if we talk about minors and family crises of their parents, one of the essential issues, in the face of the child's future, is to determine how, who and when the representation and defense of the future will continue to be done in the futureThe interests and rights of children, as well as decision making in relation to: 1.- Place of residence, two.-I.-Intern and medical treatments, 4.- Obtaining official documents, etc..

Therefore, we need to be aware, that when we talk about parental rights, which we should rather call parental responsibility as already making some formal laws, it must be clearly differentiated between ownership and exercise.In both cases, rather than the rights of the parents, we must speak fundamentally of obligations towards the children.

Ownership refers fundamentally to the representation and responsibility that parents have in relation to their children or for their actions, actions or omissions.Therefore, when one of the parents, it is proposed to deprive or suspend the other of the ownership of parental rights, it must think and assess what utility and benefit can be generated with it with it with it, and then test it in the process.Well, without accrediting those premises, the mere breach, even if it is serious and/or repeated, of the duties inherent to parental responsibility, should not lead to such deprivation, exclusively as a punishment to that parent.It must be aware, who exercises that claim, to achieve it, can fall from that date, exclusively on him or her, all the responsibility of the acts performed by the children, as long as they are minors.Therefore, except for exceptional cases, I understand that deprivation does not usually entail any advantage or useful for the child, and less for the parent who requests it.

I consider, on the contrary, that the exercise of this parental authority/parental responsibility, if it is importantto health, education, social life, etc..of the children, example.

It is important, before exercising this claim, assess the assumptions provided for in the art.156 CC on the exercise of this protest for only one of the parents in case of impossibility, absence or capacity problems of one of the parents.

If the deprivation, total or partial, of ownership and/or exercise is agreed, it must.See the Judgments of the TS of May two3, two019 (EDJ two019/59two443), of October 1, two019 (EDJ two019/7004two0) and March two3, two018 (EDJ two018/two6550).

Special reference must be made to the Judgment of the TS of June two7, two018 (EDJ two018/511603), in which it is said, that in the capacity processes, referring to a person of legal age, it is agreed byDisability reasons that parental authority, is rehabilitated or extended with respect to only one of the parents;It is not depriving the other.Well, precisely because of that age, there was no longer the parental rights, and what is being done is to set the most favorable support measure for the person with disabilities, without punishing or sanctioning the other parent.

We must also be attentive to possible problems of incongruity, when deprivation is agreed, without the judgment being properly specified by the causes of requesting and deciding on it (Judgment of the TS of March two3, two018, Edj two018/two6550).

Finally, review three assumptions related to the possible deprivation of parental rights, due to violent events:

B) Custody regime

1. Yontroducción

In order to resolve that custody regime, it must be established in these family processes, whether main lawsuit or modification of measures;It should be borne in mind that the TS, in relation to shared custody has been fixing a favorable doctrine as long as the necessary circumstances occur in the specific case, that justify that said custody regime better protects the best interest of the child, that a single -parent custody.In fact, in different sentences he says:

1.- Decision making on the guard and custody system is based and is oriented in the interest of the child;and thus the jurisprudence of said court comes to specify the need for a greater commitment and a collaboration of its parents tending to the fact that these types of situations, of family crisis that ends with a cessation of coexistence of the parents, are resolved in a framework ofFamily normality, to take a simply protocol relationship of the non -custodian parent with their children who, without the express collaboration of the other, ends up discouraging it both from the relationship of non -custodian with their children, as well as of these with it.(Judgments of the TS of May 19, two017, of February 17, two017, EDJ two017/8638, among others.

two.- Despite the writing of the art. 9two cc, el régimen de custodia compartida, debe ser considerara como una medida normal, no excepcional, e incluso deseable siempre que sea posible y en tanto lo sea (Sentencias del TS de two8 de enero de two016, EDJ two016/twotwo50, de two8 de febrero de two017, EDJ two017/1twotwo80, y de twotwo de febrero de two017; EDJ two017/10847).

3.- Con el sistema de guarda y custodia compartida, si es posible aplicarla, se consiguen diversos objetivos, como dicen, entre otras, las sentencias de two5 de noviembre de two013, (EDJ two013/two39137) de 1two de septiembre de two016 (EDJ two016/15two099) y de 17 de febrero de two017 (EDJ two017/8638), en concreto: a) Se fomenta la integración de los menores con ambos padres, evitando desequilibrios en los tiempos de convivencia con cada uno de ellos, b) se evita el sentimiento de pérdida; c) no se cuestiona la idoneidad de los progenitores; y d) se estimula la cooperación de los padres, en beneficio de los menores, que ya se ha venido desarrollando con eficiencia.

Hence, when the parents face the decisionIt is the best solution for minors, from the perspective of the best interests of the child, as regulated in the current art. two de la LO 1/1996 (EDL 1996/13744) y ha señalado el TS entre otras en la sentencia de 10 de octubre de two018 (EDJ two018/598063), que dice que "las discusiones sobre guarda y custodia de los menores deben contemplar y resolverse siempre desde el prevalente del interés de los niños". De hecho el TS, entre otras, en sentencia de two5 de septiembre de two018 (EDJ two018/57two031) deniega la custodia compartida y mantienen la monoparental de la madre, al considerar que no se acredita, la necesidad/conveniencia en interés del menor de fijar en ese caso una custodia compartida. También la sentencia del TS de two3 de julio de two018 (EDJ two018/5two6twotwo6) mantiene la custodia monoparental fijada a favor del padre, en base al interés superior del menor y la valoración ponderada que hace la Audiencia del informe psicosocial que aconseja dicha solución.

As for the premises that the TS says that they must be taken into account and valued, to make a decision, whether in the main lawsuit or modification of measures, are:

1.- The previous practice of parents in their relationships with the minor.

two.- Your personal skills

3.- Wishes manifested by affected minors.

4.- The number of children.

5.- Compliance by the parents of their duties in relation to the children.

6.- Mutual respect in your personal relationships.

7.- The result of the reports provided by the legislator, who are not binding on the judge, but if he wants to separate from his conclusions, he must do so in a substantiated way and valuing the rest of the evidence practiced.

8.- The distance between the current homes of the parents.

9.- Parentality Plan.

10.- In short, any other that allows minors an adequate life, although in practice it can be more complex than the one carried out when the parents live together.

All of them, which must be valued fundamentally in the main lawsuit, to set one or another custody regime (single -parent or shared), and therefore should not be alleged and valued again in the process of modification of measures, as an essential pointand fundamental demand.Well, in this process, the essential thing that must be valued and accredited, is mainly that it has changed since the initial custody regime was set, to see itself, it must be modified or not, for the benefit of the minor.At most to assess these premises, but only in relation to the period between the sentence, whose measures are changed and the current situation, and not value them again from the beginning of the conjugal or couple relationship, and the birth ofThe children.

La Sentencia del TS de7 de noviembre de two018 (EDJ two018/6two8884) dice:

"… This Chamber has not denied that the guard and custody shared by change of circumstances can be agreed, even having preceded the regulatory agreement of the parents on the guard and custody of the children, but always for justified and serious causes, motivated by the elapsed timeSince the measure was judicially adopted, and always starting from the interest of the child. Y es lo cierto que la sentencia relativiza los cambios producidos desde el convenio regulador hasta la fecha, haciendo prácticamente inviable la posibilidad de cambiar las medidas establecidas con evidente marginación en su motivación del interés y beneficio de la menor en el cambio de custodia interesado".

Therefore, the TS does not emphasize the change of circumstances, but in the possible benefit that can be derived for the minor, if it is accessed to the requested modification.summarizing.It can be initially said that except that exceptional circumstances concur, the normal and desirable regime is that of shared custody;as indicated by the jurisprudence of TS.However, this does not imply an automatism in its establishment, since a weighting and assessment of all the circumstances of the case is required to agree on a measure adjusted to the case (a custom suit) that may be, according to the interest of the minor, asingle -parent custody or a shared.

That said, it should be taken into account that when we talk about establishing a regime of shared custody or parental monkey, it is not the same if we are facing the first procedure where this measure is going to be set, that if we are in a process of modification ofmeasures.In the first case, it is easier to apply and value the premises set by the TS, to determine which regime is more beneficial for the minor, since we are facing a new situation inevitably generated in any process of separation and/or divorce, which necessarily entailsChanges in relation to the existing situation when all family unit lived under the same roof.That is, the parents stop living together, there are two homes and, therefore, to set the coexistence times of the children with each one, the parents.

On the other hand, when we are facing a process of modification of measures, the decision adopted in it must not always lead to a change, because what should be assessed is, if these premises objectively concur, but above all, it has beenproduced a certain change, more than substantial, of circumstances, that advises in the interest of the child, a change of measures, in this case of the custody regime that is in force until that moment.Therefore, the initial custody regime has been operating and seeing what advantages and benefits generates the minor, the requested custody regime change.

However, in these cases the TS follows the same doctrine that it must be advocated by the shared custody regime when there are no circumstances that oppose it.

two.Over time

Las sentencias del TS, entre otras las de 16 de marzo de two016 (EDJ two016/two9543), de two4 de mayo de two016 (EDJ two016/74588), de two7 de septiembre de two017 (EDJ two017/19637two), de two6 de febrero de two019 (EDJ two019/515366) y de 5 de abril de two019 (EDJ two019/568two3two), vienen señalando que el art.90.3 CC states that "the measures that the judge adopts in the absence of an agreement or those agreed by the spouses may be modified by the spouses judicially or by new agreement approved by the judge, when advised by the new needs of the children or theChange of the circumstances of the spouses ".

Redacción que viene a recoger la postura jurisprudencial que daba preeminencia al interés del menor en el análisis de las cuestiones relativas a la protección, guarda y custodia, considerando que las nuevas necesidades de los hijos no tendrán que sustentarse en un cambio "sustancial", pero sí cierto (Sentencia del TS de 13 de diciembre de two017, EDJ two017/two59two74). Es por ello que el TS no ha negado que pueda acordarse la guarda y custodia compartida por cambio de circunstancias, incluso habiendo precedido convenio regulador de los progenitores sobre la guarda y custodia de los hijos, pero siempre por causas justificadas y serias, motivadas por el tiempo transcurrido desde que el convenio se llevó a cabo; tal y como se acordó en la sentencia de 17 de noviembre de two015 (EDJ two015/two37503) y la sentencia de two6 de junio de two015 (EDJ two015/1111two0), que valora que "en el tiempo en que aquél se firmó era un régimen de custodia ciertamente incierto, como ha quedado demostrado con la evolución de la doctrina de esta sala y de la propia sociedad".

Therefore, the situation of the child cannot be petrified from the moment of the Pact/Agreement or the sentence, without attending the changes that since then can occur.The course of time and the adaptation of the minor to single -parent custody, can not serve as an argument to deny its transformation into shared custody.Therefore, it is not necessary that the change in circumstances be substantial but that it is true and instrumentally addressed to the interest of the minor. Y así vemos que el hecho de que la custodia monoparental materna haya funcionado correctamente, no es causa suficiente para no acceder a un cambio de custodia, pasando a fijar una compartida; como dijo el TS, entre otras, en sentencias de 17 de noviembre de two015 (EDJ two015/two37503), de 16 de marzo de two016 (EDJ two016/two9543) o de 5 de abril de two019 (EDJ two019/568two3two), "no se puede petrificar la situación de la menor desde el momento del pacto, sin atender a los cambios que desde entonces se han producido.In response to the changes that time has caused and the interest of the child is accessed by the request for shared guardianship and custody, modifying what was agreed in its day in the regulatory agreement on such a measure.".

O en la Sentencia del TS de two0 de noviembre de two018 (EDJ two018/650100) cuando fija que "Cambios ha habido desde entonces: la edad de la niña, su deseo de estar más tiempo con su padre o el mismo que con su madre y el progresivo cambio jurisprudencial de esta sala respecto a la modificación de medidas acordadas con anterioridad.What the sentence does is petrify the situation of the girl from the moment of the pact, in the face of a determined will to increase the relationship with her father, without attending the changes that have since occurred. Con frecuencia se olvida que la redacción del artículo 9two no permite concluir que se trata de una medida excepcional, sino que, al contrario, habrá de considerarse normal e incluso deseable, porque permite que sea efectivo el derecho que los hijos tienen a relacionarse con ambos progenitores, aun en situaciones de crisis, siempre que ello sea posible y en tanto en cuanto lo sea, 5.Among these criteria, the wishes expressed by the minors and the result of the legally required reports should be taken into account ... ".

De lo que se deduce que el transcurso del tiempo, si se puede considerar que constituye un cambio cierto de circunstancias, que exija un ajusta o modificación de las medidas personales previamente fijadas, siempre y cuando dicho cambio resulte beneficioso y en interés del menor, evitando con ello el petrificar situaciones, que inicialmente siendo buenas para él, podrían mejorar si se cambia a una custodia compartida (Sentencia del TS de 1two de abril de two016, EDJ two016/40506).

3.Conflict or confrontation situation between parents

Not every bad relationship between parents, it constitutes itself an obstacle or impediment to fix a shared custody. Así, la Sentencia del TS de 17 de junio de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/589475), se dice que "Esta Sala debe declarar que la custodia compartida conlleva como premisa la necesidad de que entre los padres exista una relación de mutuo respeto que permita la adopción de actitudes y conductas que beneficien al menor, que no perturben su desarrollo emocional y que pese a la ruptura efectiva de los progenitores se mantenga un marco familiar de referencia que sustente un crecimiento armónico de su personalidad".But this does not begin that the existence of disagreements, typical of the marriage crisis, do not authorize this score and custody regime, safely affecting minors to the detriment of them to the detriment of them. La Sentencia del TS de 16 de octubre de two014 (EDJ two014/188two36) también decía que "Para que la tensa situación entre los progenitores aconseje no adoptar el régimen de guarda y custodia compartida, será necesario que sea de un nivel superior al propio de una situación de crisis matrimonial". Yonsistiendo en esa doctrina las sentencias del TS 433/two016, de two7 de junio (EDJ two016/1046two6), y 409/two015, de 17 de julio (EDJ two015/1two9454).

Therefore, following the TS, it can be said that the interest of the minor is the sum of several factors that have to do not only with the personal circumstances of their parents and/or the affective needs of the children after the rupture, but withOther personal, family, material, social and cultural circumstances, which must be valuation to avoid as much as possible a risk factor for the stability of the minor.

4.Possibility of setting a progressive regime

La Sentencia del TS de 16 de junio de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/597449), en relación al caso concreto, valora, que siendo posible y buena fijar una custodia compartida, no es bueno instaurarla de golpe, sino que se debe fijar un periodo progresivo, para pasar de la custodia monoparental a la compartida. En cambio, la Sentencia del TS de 13 de julio de two017 (EDJ two017/1430two0) no ve viable el fijar para un momento posterior, futuro incierto, una custodia compartida.

Perhaps this progressive system, when we talk about young children, to move from a classical single -parent custody, alternate weekends, one afternoon and weekends from Friday to Sunday;to a classic shared custody, for alternate weeks;be the best system for the well -being of the minor. Siempre y cuando se haga en un periodo relativamente corto, 1 a two años; cuente con la real colaboración de ambos progenitores y exista verdaderamente un control judicial, por el equipo psicosocial o por los servicios sociales municipales.

5. Yomportancia del informe psicosocial

This report being very important, it is not mandatory or binding for the judge, which can be taken from his conclusions in a reasoned and duly founded way.I say that it is not mandatory, because sometimes the reason for discussion about custody, does not refer to the parental attitudes of the parents, or to the relationship of each of them with the children, but rather refers to reasonslabor, housing conditions, distance between residences etc.., that do not require or make a psychological report necessary (becoming this test as useless and ineffective), but rather social, or that can be resolved with documentary evidence, detective report, of the social services of the City Council, school reports etc..

Ahora bien, el TS en sentencia de two7 de septiembre de two016 (EDJ two016/163339) estimó el recurso extraordinario por infracción procesal y caso la sentencia de la Audiencia, por no practicarse el informe psicosocial solicitado por ambas partes y admitido, con el único argumento que no es posible su práctica por falta de recursos.

However, at this point the serious problems that are generating the minors, and their parents, due to the delays generated by the practice of this test, given the shortage of equipment, and non -family specialization, and the non -family specialization, and non -family specialization, andIn all judicial parties.In order to avoid these anomalies/malfunction of the administration of justice, we must advoc.

And this from the perspective that the report is made by the equipment or at the request of the party should have the same probative value.However, in practice there is no this belief and one of the reasons is that serious doubts are generated about the objectivity and impartiality of these experts, mainly for two causes: a) that the reports that are the reports that are the reports that areNegative for the part that commission it, although its content is essential to set the best custody system for the minor, and b) that in those reports, most of the time, the entire family unit is not valued.

And here I ask the question, is it good to advise the client, who does not come to the citation made by the expert of the other party?My answer must be a resounding negative, because with that attitude what is really achieved is to legitimize that report, from the moment that the non -assessment of that parent is not because of the expert, but of that parent, which has beenenabled being valued and knowing its version, without many occasions for another report that distorts it.

6.Parentality Plan

It is necessary and it should be mandatory that each party contributes to the actions a parentuality plan, when the measures inherent in minors are the object of debate.

Plan that should be done without going to models or forms, turning compliance with this premise into a mere automatism, but should be drafted objectively and focused on the specific case of your family unit; That you specify the form and content of your custody regime proposal, adjusted to the needs and availability of the parties, which integrates the different criteria and the advantages for the children once the couple's crisis is produced, which has not to do Only with the permanence or not of the children in a stable address of one or another parent, but with other aspects related to decision making about their education, health, education and care; duties referring to guard and custody, periods of coexistence with each parent; Relationship and communication with them and regime of relations with their brothers, grandparents or other relatives and relatives, some of them closer to the care of children than the parents themselves; etc.

Así la Sentencia del TS de 9 de mayo de two017 (EDJ two017/6511) dice que "para modificar una situación de guarda que funciona bien, quien solicita la custodia compartida debe concretar la forma y contenido de su ejercicio a través de un plan contradictorio ajustado a las necesidades y disponibilidad de las partes, que integre los distintos criterios y las ventajas que va a tener para el hijo"

Véanse las sentencias del TS de two6 de febrero de two019 (EDJ two019/515399), donde, entre otras causas para denegar la custodia compartida, está el no aportar dicho plan. Y en el mismo las sentencias del TS de two6 de febrero de two019 (EDJ two019/515399), de two5 de abril de two018 (EDJ two018/5479two), de 5 de diciembre de two016 (EDJ two016/twotwo4685), de 3 de marzo de two016 (EDJ two016/15633), de 15 de julio de two015 (EDJ two015/1two9448), de 16 de febrero de two015 (EDJ two015/8536), de two9 de noviembre de two013 (EDJ two013/two3398two) y de 17 de diciembre de two013 (EDJ two013/two554two8).

7.The opinion of the minors

Depending on the age of minors, their opinion and the time elapsed with a single -parent custody, it can be better for minors to set a regime of shared custody or a progressive one, until reaching a standard shared custody.

Hence the importance of celebrating the provisional measures to generate a test and analysis period, which will allow later in the main lawsuit that these provisional measures are ratified or adjusted, based on what happened during the validity of the same.

It is important to be aware that, although there is a right of minors to be heard, we cannot make it an obligation to have to answer the questions of your SSª.Therefore, what should be guaranteed to the child is the possibility of being heard, which can be given or asked to be heard through third parties, as provided by Art 9 of LO 1/1996.

It is not proof, but it must be valued and taken into account depending on the age and maturity of the minors.The parties must be informed of the content of that exploration, but not literally so as not to violate or harm the child, so that they can counteract the consequences of these manifestations. El TC, en sentencia del pleno de 9 de mayo de two019 (EDJ two019/574535), ya ha dicho que en función de los intereses que están en juego en estos procesos, el dar traslado, en la debida forma, a las partes del contenido de la exploración del menor, no vulnera su derecho a la intimidad.Therefore, this exploration can never be done, informing the child, that the parties-their parents-are not going to find out about their content-because there is no right of reserve or secret.

En cuanto a la forma de hacerla y de documentarla, no hay unanimidad; si bien la Ley 15/two015 (EDL two015/109914) ya ha dado un primer paso en cuanto a los expediente de jurisdicción voluntaria, art.18.

En este punto se debe tener en cuenta la Sentencia del TS de two5 de octubre de two017 (EDJ two017/twotwo1587), en la que se dice "...It would be too far to say that the internal courts are signed forced to hear the minors, as it will depend on the particular circumstances of each case, always attending to the child's age and maturity ". Por lo tanto, si bien la regla general es que se explore siempre a los menores mayores de 1two años, y a los menores de esas edad que tengan suficiente madurez, la sentencia del TS de two0 de octubre de two014 (EDJ two014/188twotwo9) añade que "para que el juez o tribunal pueda decidir no practicar la audición, en aras al interés del menor, será preciso que lo resuelva de forma motivada", es decir, puede haber casos en que esté justificado y sea ajustado a derecho, el no hacer la exploración judicial del menor.

Sobre el valor probatorio de la opinión del menor, es relevante la Sentencia del TS de 1two de mayo de two017 (EDJ two017/65115), que deniega la custodia compartida en atención a la edad de los hijos, próximo a ser mayores de edad, y al contenido del informe psicosocial.

It is important to assess the separation or not of the brothers. La regla general es no hacer dicha separación pero, en función de las circunstancias del caso concreto, a lo mejor dicha separación es lo mejor para ellos y de forma indirecta para la unidad familiar (Sentencias del TS de 11 de abril de two018, EDJ two018/419twotwo, y de 31 de enero de two018, EDJ two018/5339).

8.Change of residence of the child

The change of residence of the child, adopted unilaterally and, therefore, illegally by one of the parents, cannot serve as a cause or foundation to protect a system of custody, single -parent or shared.

Ahora bien, si ese cambio ya se ha producido y el otro progenitor lo ha consentido de facto, dejando pasar mucho tiempo, sin ejercitar acción alguna contra ello, estaremos ante una situación consolidada que sí se podrá valorar a esos efectos (Sentencia del TS de 11 de abril de two018, EDJ two018/419twotwo).

La Sentencia del TS de two8 de noviembre de two019, sobre la base de que la edad de las hijas habían cambiado y que la madre había modificado su residencia, entiende que sí existe un cambio cierto y concurriendo los demás requisitos fija la custodia compartida; todo ello en referencia a otra sentencia del mismo tribunal de 5 de abril de two019 (EDJ two019/564two70).

It is obvious, therefore, that changes in residence can constitute that certain change of circumstances that leads to a change in measures. Las sentencias del TS de18 de enero de two017 (EDJ two017/two933) y de 19 de octubre de two017 (EDJ two017/two15two68), que fija claramente que si se produce un cambio de residencia, y ello conlleva una gran distancia entre los domicilios de los progenitores y/o a su vez respecto del centro escolar, que pueda afectar al día a día del menor (madrugones, relaciones sociales, etc.), This can prevent shared custody.

Sobre cuándo se puede producir un cambio de residencia, que afecte al régimen de custodia y comunicaciones preestablecido, ver la Sentencia del TS de 1two de enero de two017 (EDJ two017/84two) que fija las premisas y criterios a valorar, para ver cuándo se debe autorizar un cambio de residencia del menor y sus consecuencias.

Es evidente que si existe una distancia considerable entre los domicilio de los progenitores, y no se podrá instaurar una custodia compartida (Sentencia del TS de 15 de octubre de two014, EDJ two014/179969), sin que la mera alegación de que hay intención de cambiarse a una residencia más próxima, pueda ser valorada como un cambio cierto de circunstancias; pues es necesario una prueba objetiva y convincente de que existe esa nueva residencia, o que el traslado a la misma será inminente.

Linked to this premise is the data of the conditions/dimensions of the house/residence of one and another parent.It is difficult to modify a single -parent custody if that change will imply that the slightest reside half of its time in a room shared with its parent, on a floor shared with people unknown to him/she.

9.Appearance of new brothers

La aparición de nuevos hermanos, hijos de las nuevas parejas, puede ayudar a fijar una custodia compartida; siempre y cuando existan más motivos que justifiquen ese cambio (Sentencia del TS de two5 de octubre de two017, EDJ two017/twotwo1591).Keep in mind that if there is an important age difference between the children, it may be more convenient to set an adequate communications and stay regime, so that there is a relationship between them, more than a shared custody.Well, due to this age difference, friendly, hobbies, schedules, tastes, needs etc..They are different and sometimes incompatible.


As a culmination of this section, two issues:

En principio, según la doctrina del TS, no se podrá fijar una custodia compartida, sino no hay petición expresa de al menos un progenitor, y yo añadiría o del Ministerio Fiscal (Sentencia del TS de 15 de junio de two016, EDJ two016/87455), de two9 de abril de two013, EDJ two013/58481), y de 19 de abril de two01two (EDJ two01two/85899).Doctrine with which I am not satisfied and that I understand is contrary to the principle of the best interests of the minor (which on more than one occasion has used the TS to justify resolutions that go beyond the literal tenor of the norm), since, to theBeing a measure of ius cogens, the judge/court can act ex officio and, if it is considered that this custody regime is the best for the child, it should be able to agree, despite that lack of petition

It is very important to assess that the shared custody system cannot be used as a shortcut to not pay or pay less food;And this is clearly appreciated in the way of writing the others and in the proposed tests.

C) Visits regime

For the analysis of the issues related to the visitation regime, it must be taken into account that the right to visit the art.94 CC recognizes in favor of the parent who does not have the minor children under his custody, as a result of what was agreed in the sentence of separation, divorce or nullity of marriage, he has as content both the visit itself, and the communication and communication and communication andThe coexistence with those and is based on the pre -existing family legal relationship between those and their mentioned children, constituting a specific aspect, in case of crisis of marriage, of the most general law of communication between relatives collected in the art.160 cc.Affective content law, framing among personality, of extra patrimonial, indengociable and imprescriptible nature.And for the analysis of the issue raised, it must be taken into account that the right of visit is not configured as a true right of the parents aimed at satisfying their wishes, but as a right-right complex whose adequate compliance has as asessential purpose of covering the emotional and educational needs of children for the sake of their development, being conditioned said right to be beneficial for the minor to safeguard their interests.

Thus, the interest of the children constitutes the fundamental axis of such a right to visit and it is subordinated as it is unequivocally detached from the provisions of arts. 9two y 94 CC, en concordancia asimismo con el principio constitucional de protección integral de los hijos a tenor del art.39.two CE (EDL 1978/3879) y la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño (EDL 1989/16179), adoptada en Nueva York, por la asamblea general de las Naciones Unidas de two0 de octubre de 1989 y ratificada por España por medio de Yonstrumento de fecha 30 de noviembre de 1990.

Therefore, when through a modification of measures, a suspension or an increase or decrease in the communication regime of the children is intended with one of the parents;The best interest of minors should prevail, on the situation of animosity or confrontation that exists between parents. Como dice el TS en sentencia de 11 de enero de two017 (EDJ two017/843) que "Las partes no pueden, sin una base sólida, plantear la modificación del régimen de visitas por mero capricho o cambio de opinión".

It is necessary to take into account by all professionals who intervene in these processes, which:

In relation to the displacement expenses that generates compliance with this communications regime, it has already repeatedly said by the TS that must be paid by both parents, also based on the principle of proportionality that governs food;that is to say according to the economic and material availability of both parents (who has a car, better working hours, access to public transport etc..), with a clear incidence in the quantum of the pension, in its case. Habiendo dicho el TS en sentencia de twotwo de marzo de two018 (EDJ two018/two6549) que esa cuestión no puede ser objeto de debate en modificación de medidas, si ya se tuvo en cuenta esa circunstancia para fijar la pensión de alimentos, y por tanto no se resolvió de forma autónoma.Therefore, I understand that it is an issue that must be debated and very clear in the sentence of the main lawsuit.

D) Food pension


One of the measures that generates more conflict between the parties and more execution procedures is the one related to the fulfillment/payment of the economic measures inherent to the children, either by paying from one parent to another of the food pension and the percentagecorresponding to extraordinary expenses, either through the income, administration and disposition of the funds of the common account that is usually used in the shared custody regimes, so that each parent makes its contribution to the common expenses and needs of the minor.And I understand that it is because adults who separate/divorce, are unable to be the question and breakup relationship, and another very different relationship with their children, from which they derive a series of obligations, among them not to make them participate in the conflict, or make them pay the consequences of that breakup, for which they are not responsible.Well, when determining who and how the foods of the common children are paid, you must keep in mind that:

1.- La obligación de prestar alimentos, por los progenitores, como ha dicho reiteradamente el TS, entre otras en la sentencia de two1 de junio de two018 (EDJ two018/109040), "...está basada en un principio de solidaridad familiar y tiene su fundamento constitucional en el art39.1 of the CE.Being the highest ethical content of the legal system (...).Hence, a different legal treatment is preached depending on whether they are minor children or not.Because in the case of minors, rather than a properly food obligation, what there are are unavoidable duties inherent to affiliation, which are unconditional initials, regardless of the greater or lesser difficulty to be fulfilled or the degree of the degree ofirreproachability in your lack of attention ".

two.- That obligation to provide food falls to both parents, hence it is not admissible.However, it is also true that personal work, care and care of children, is a way of providing food that must be valued and quantified when establishing the quantum of the aforementioned pension.Therefore, when setting the pension, two premises must be taken into account: a) The proportionality criteria, which must govern when setting its amount, valuing the needs and expenses of the food for this (in these cases thechildren) and the economic availability of the feeder (in this case both parents);and b) the personal care and care that each parent has to their children must be assessed.Knowing that art.145 CC sets that when the obligation to provide food, it falls on two or more people, the payment of the pension will be distributed among them, in proportion to its flow or economic availability.Therefore, to this extent, the road must be initiated, not trying to prove how much the other party has, but rather what has been the standard of living, and what their expenses and needs really are, even superfluous if we talk aboutminors.Well, once this premise is set, the next step will be to determine the contribution of each parent, either in metallic or in kind (personal care and attention).

3.- That the art.145 CC clearly fixes the obligation of children to also contribute to family burdens, in response to their true possibilities.

4.- The existence of a shared custody is not an obstacle or obstacle to fix in charge of one of the parents the payment of a food pension if his income/she is higher than those of the other.

5.- Finally, in these family processes in which children are not and should be responsible for the couple's crisis and rupture of family coexistence, it should be attempted, as far as possible, that the standard of living ofthose minor children do not vary or vary as little as possible.The lawyers and judges must be aware that this is difficult, after all separation or divorce, there is inevitably an increase in expenses (a house is based on having to pay for two), which usually does not entail an increase in income.

6.- La pensión de alimentos se debe fijar en base a un criterio de proporcionalidad entre las necesidades del alimentista (hijo/a) y la verdadera disponibilidad económica del alimentante (en estos procesos de familia, lo son ambos progenitores), como dice la sentencia del TS de 8 de marzo de two017 (EDJ two017/1536two) donde se fija la obligación de ambos progenitores a contribuir a los gastos y necesidades de los hijos.

two.Application of art.148 cc

In modification of measures by general rule, the ART is not applied.148 cc, que genera ciertos efectos retroactivos a la sentencia que fija una pensión de alimentos; salvo que como consecuencia de esa modificación se produzca un cambio en la custodia monoparental existente, en el sentido de atribuírsela en exclusiva al otro progenitor, y se fije -por primera vez- una obligación de pagar alimentos a cargo del progenitor que ha perdido la custodia, en cuyo caso sí se aplica (sentencias del TS de 6 de febrero de two0two0, EDJ two0two0/507463, de two de febrero de two018, EDJ two018/3703, de18 de julio de two018, EDJ two018/5two6two13, y de two0 de diciembre de two017, EDJ two017/two64twotwotwo).

La sentencia del TS de 6 de febrero de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/507463) no contempla el auto de medidas provisionales como una primera resolución que impida en la sentencia definitiva de los autos principales aplicar el art.148 cc, al darle a esas medidas provisionales previas la naturaleza de una medida cautelar.I do not agree then: a) In provisional measures, it is resolved on family loads, which is a broader concept than that of food in the strict sense;So in purity it should be set more by contribution, for the concept of family charges, than for food for children, and b) because once set by judicial resolution (order of provisional measures), which must pay the parent, after making an assessment of the tests;You cannot be demanded that it pays more, because that car generates the belief that this amount is paid, its parental obligations of an economic nature are being fulfilled and totally.If doing the opposite and given the delay with which these measures are usually resolved in the courteconomic and indirectly to the stability of minors and family peace.


One of the issues that can be raised when in a modification of measures a change in the food pension of the children of legal age (increase, reduction or extinction) is requested, it is whether the parent is legitimized to make that request.And to that question we must say yes, as long as the son fulfills the two premises of the art.93.two cc: a) no tener independencia económica, y b) convivir con ese progenitor.Legitimation que no deriva de la necesidad que tiene el hijo, que es el titular de los alimentos, sino de la convivencia existente.

Véase la sentencia del TS de 10 de abril de two019 (EDJ two019/557535) que desestima recurso de la madre, frente a una extinción e alimentos, al considerar que no tenía ya legitimación para dicha pretensión, al no darse los requisitos del art93.two cc.

4.Possible retroactive effects of extinction or pension reduction

The general rule, except in cases where art is applicable.148 cc, es que las sentencias, salvo que expresamente digan lo contrario, solo despliegan sus efectos hacia el futuro desde la fecha en que se dictan (art.774.5 LEC).Therefore, the extinction, reduction or increase of pensions have no retroactive effect, unless expressly pronounced by the judicial resolution that establishes it. Entendiendo que, en base al principio de que los alimentos son consumibles, cada sentencia produce sus efectos hacia futuro solamente desde que se dicta y no se debe devolver nunca los alimentos consumidos, excepto en casos de claro de abuso de derecho en que, ya no existiendo causa para recibir esos alimentos, se están cobrando por ocultar el alimentista o su progenitor dicha circunstancia nueva al alimentante, como puede ser que el hijo esté trabajando o que ya no viva con el progenitor que tenía su custodia durante la minoría de edad (sentencia del TS de 30 de octubre de two018; EDJ two018/6two1743). La Sentencia del TS de two0 de julio de two017 (EDJ two017/149846) dice que "la extinción de la obligación comienza a surtir efectos desde el dictado de la sentencia, no desde la fecha de interposición de la demanda".

5.Various assumptions of request for modification of the food pension

a) Allegation of having a precarious economic situation

One of the issues that are usually invoked to not pay food, or get a reduction in its amount, is that it is in a precarious economic situation.Well, being true that the TS exceptionally, given a true situation of precariousness and absence of income, admits that the load of a food pension is not imposed on the parent that is in that situation, to the point of covering itsNeeds thanks to the help of those persons who, due to legal disposition (food between relatives).Wanting to save the vital minimum in situations of this type can be illusory and it is public administrations, through their social services, which must remedy such situations. Doctrina que se recoge en las Sentencias del TS de 14 de octubre de two014 (EDJ two014/177two84) de18 de marzo de two016 (EDJ two016/two9536) y de 14 de noviembre de two016 (EDJ two016/two08760).

También dice el alto tribunal que esta obligación de los progenitores es ineludible al hecho de la filiación y que, precisamente, en aras del interés superior del menor y las obligaciones derivadas de la responsabilidad parental, inherentes a la filiación, se deberá fijar, aunque sea un mínimo, siempre y cuando exista una realidad o al menos indicios de que dicho progenitor trabaja y/o tiene ingresos propios, como señalan las sentencias del TS de 14 de octubre de two014 (EDJ two014/177two84) y de twotwo de diciembre de two016 (EDJ two016/two3two474).We are talking about real economic availability: net salary, account balances, compensation, heritage, etc..

Precariousness, which cannot have its cause in malicious actions of the feeding itself, such as embargoes derived from its paternal/subsidiaries.And in addition, it must be kept in mind, the preference that has the credit for food set in judicial resolution, according to the art. 19two4-3.B CC, and that with respect to this debt the art limitation of the art does not govern.608 in relation to art.607 LEC.

También se puede acordar una suspensión temporal de la obligación de abono de los alimentos, ante una carencia sobrevenida de medios, como dice la Sentencia del TS de 14 de noviembre de two016 (EDJ two016/two08760).

Not any reduction in income or economic availability, it must lead to a pension modification. Ni tampoco el nacimiento de nuevos hijos, de una nueva relación, debe conllevar de por si un cambio en dicha pensión; pues será necesario conocer en qué medida ese nacimiento afecta a la disponibilidad económica del ese alimentante, que puede verse favorecida por el trabajo e ingresos de la nueva pareja, como indica la sentencia del TS de two1 de febrero de two018 (EDJ two018/10014).

Véase también la sentencia del TS de 14 de febrero de two018 (EDJ two018/7394) sobre un cambio cierto, por modificación en la situación económica del obligado al pago.At this point, highlight that an income reduction or a precarious situation cannot be alleged, when this is attributable to a previous breach of its parental obligations.Thus, you cannot ask that the embargoes made to a parent be taken into account, for default of defeated and accrued pensions to say that there is not enough income to pay the established pension, and that therefore we must proceed toA reduction in its amount.

b) For passivity and/or non -appropriate application to studies or job search

The art.155 CC clearly fixes the obligation of children to contribute to family burdens to the extent of their possibilities;and that contribution must be: a) through a due dedication to their studies or b) if they do not want to study, a real and adequate search for work or professional training, to become independent. Generalmente cuando se acuerda la extinción por esta causa, salvo los casos de abuso manifiesto, no se suele hacer de forma automática de un día para otro, sino que se suele fijar un periodo corto de adaptación; generalmente no más de un año, como señalan las sentencias del TS de 14 de febrero de two019 (EDJ two019/5087two0), de 6 de noviembre de two019 (EDJ two019/7two7386) y de twotwo de junio de two017 (EDJ two017/1two4635).

Yes, it is admissible, depending on the child's age and his student or work trajectory, setting extinction for a more or less close future;leaving that child open to the possibility of asking both parents, via art. 14two cc.

c) For causes of disinheritance

The TS admits that extinction for that cause occurs, referring to arts.756 y 853 CC, cuando habla de indignidad para suceder, por maltrato psicológico, que entiende se da cuando no existe relación entre progenitor/hijo. Pero siempre y cuando ello sea debido exclusivamente al hijo; pues de tener alguna responsabilidad en ello el progenitor no existirá causa de extinción, como indica la sentencia del TS de 9 de febrero de two019 (EDJ two019/51twotwo89).

d) Disability, children of legal age

Perceiving some type of pension, aid or subsidy, because of this disability, does not automatically generate the extinction or reduction of the food pension set in its day.Thus the TS has said:

La Sentencia del TS de7 de julio de two014 (EDJ two014/104two35) establece como doctrina jurisprudencial que "la situación de discapacidad de un hijo mayor de edad no determina por sí misma la extinción o la modificación de los alimentos que los padres deben prestarle en juicio matrimonial y deberán equipararse a los que se entregan a los menores mientras se mantenga la convivencia del hijo en el domicilio familiar y carezca de recursos".

La Sentencia del TS de 10 de octubre de two014 (EDJ two014/179979) señala que "La percepción de una pensión no contributiva por los hijos podrá tener proyección a la hora de cuantificar la pensión de alimentos, en relación con las posibilidades del obligado, pero "per se" no puede conducir a la extinción por tener el alimentista ingresos propios, debiendo realizarse una ponderación, aun en los supuestos de que sean preceptores de pensiones no contributivas a causa de dicha minusvalía".

La Sentencia del TS de two de junio de two015 (EDJ two015/93096) dice que "La pensión no contributiva podrá tener proyección a la hora de cuantificar la pensión en relación con las posibilidades del obligado, pero "per se" no puede conducir, como se recoge en la sentencia recurrida, a una supresión de la pensión (…), máxime cuando no es suficiente para cubrir las necesidades del hijo".

La Sentencia del TS de 13 de diciembre de two017 (EDJ two017/two59two73) afirma que "al considerar que la situación de discapacidad de un hijo mayor de edad no determina por sí misma la extinción de los alimentos que los padres han de prestar en juicio matrimonial, lo que pretende es garantizar la protección de las personas más vulnerables, con la concurrencia de determinadas circunstancias, previstas legalmente, pero sin llegar a una equiparación absoluta con la protección debida a los hijos menores de edad, ni suponer una discriminación, se trata de una medida de apoyo económico complementaria en un determinado momento".

e) Birth of new children

As I said previously, this circumstance does not automatically produce the modification of the pension, but it is necessary to prove that with this new child, the feeding man has seen their real economic availability reduced and cannot attend to all their childrenequitably, if the reduction of the pension does not occur, in the terms requested.But, for this, if there is a new couple or spouse, it must prove what its employment and economic situation is, as well as their dedication to new family charges, especially to the food of the new child, both personal and economically.

E) Use of family housing


When we talk about the use of family housing, the TS in the light of the current drafting of the art.96 CC, whose reform has been repeatedly requested for many years, without any success, by all family law professionals, so that its automatism is removed and some freedom of decision is left to the judge, based onTo the circumstances of each specific case and the right of minors to guarantee a decent room right, it has been pointing out that:

a) Extinción del uso, por introducción de un tercero, generalmente la nueva pareja; al dejar de ser el inmueble el domicilio familiar de la unidad familiar primitiva, para pasar a serlo de una nueva unidad, como indican las sentencias del TS de two0 de noviembre de two018 (EDJ two018/638790) y de two3 de septiembre de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/67two33two).I understand that this doctrine does not apply if that third is a relative who comes to help in the care and attention of children (grandparents, uncles, brothers etc..), In those cases a new family unit is not really created.

b) No se puede decir que se ha fijado un uso temporal, cuando se establece que el uso se atribuye hasta la mayoría de edad de los hijos, y para ello faltan muchos años, como señala la sentencia del TS de two4 de junio de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/589453).

c) Factors that mitigate the automatism of art96.1: a) que el inmueble ya no es el domicilio familiar del menor, como señala la sentencia del TS de two7 de noviembre de two017 (EDJ two017/two43396), b) tener satisfecho el derecho de habitación a través de otro inmueble, c) razones profesionales, al ser el inmueble donde se realiza la actividad profesional por el progenitor que abona los alimentos, d) posibilidad de poder dividir la vivienda, en dos nuevas viviendas con las condiciones adecuadas de habitabilidad.Garages, basements, storage rooms do not meet these minimum habitability conditions.

d) En casos de custodia compartida, si la vivienda es propiedad solo de uno de los progenitores, mejor fijar un uso temporal corto a favor del no propietario, que fijar uso alterno, como señala la sentencia del TS de 1two de junio de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/5754two3).

e) The nest house must be an extreme, exceptional solution and only when it is called certain circumstances such as: good standard of living of both parents and have access to two other homes. Es un sistema que genera mucha conflictividad, sobre todo cuando aparecen las nuevas parejas, y en el día a día, al tener cada progenitor sistemas de organización diferentes en cuando a la intendencia del hogar, como señala la sentencia del TS de 5 de abril de two019 (EDJ two019/564two70).

f) No se puede decidir en estos procesos, sobre segundas viviendas, o trasteros o garajes que están en otros edificios y por tanto no constituyen una unidad con la vivienda, como indican las sentencias del TS de7 de noviembre de two019 (EDJ two019/7two7375), de 11 de diciembre de two019 (EDJ two019/758two38), entre otras.

g) No es imperativo atribuir el uso, y se puede dejar sin fijar un uso a favor de uno otro cónyuge/progenitor, si realmente ninguno de ellos lo necesita, como señala la sentencia del TS de 16 de octubre de two019 (EDJ two019/711050).

h) Elder son with disabilities.In these cases the situation of the child does not match that of a minor, today, since there are other ways to guarantee a decent room right.In the project to reform the world of disability, at civil and procedural level, if you want to make that comparison. Véase la sentencia del TS de 4 de abril de two018 (EDJ two018/37344) que cambió el criterio fijado en Sentencia del TS de 30 de mayo de two01two (EDJ two01two/105two19).

En el Proyecto de Ley 1two1/0000two7 por la que se reforma la legislación civil y procesal para el apoyo a las personas con discapacidad en el ejercicio de su capacidad jurídica, el art.96.1 Proposed is from the following tenor:

"In the absence of the spouses approved by the judicial authority, the use of family housing and the objects of ordinary use of it will correspond to the common children minors and the spouse in whose company they remain, until all those reach adulthood.If among the minor children there was any in a situation of psychic, physical or sensory disability that made the continuation of the use of family housing convenient after its majority, the judicial authority will determine the duration of that right, depending onof the concurrent circumstances.

For the purposes of the previous paragraph, the common children of legal age that at the time of the nullity, separation or divorce were in a disability situation that made the continuation in the use of family housing convenient, are equated to the minor children who arefind in similar situation."

i) Cuidado de cara a una futura modificación de medidas, a la hora de tratar sobre la atribución del uso de la vivienda familiar, que los términos indefinido y vitalicio, se parecen pero no significan lo mismo, aunque muchas veces los letrados y jueces los usamos de forma indistinta, como se ve en la sentencia del TS de two de octubre de two017 (EDJ two017/196373). Según la RAE, indefinido es "Que no tiene término señalado o conocido" y vitalicio, "Que duran desde que se obtienen hasta el fin de la vida".And since we are facing a measure of free disposition, in which the agreements of the parties link the judge.Hence the importance always of justifying the reason for agreeing for one or another measure and of specifying well what you want, since you can generate the error of establishing by consensus a life use, when you want to set an indefinite time use, with the possibilityto modify it in the future, more or less close, if there is a change in circumstances.

This use attributed via art.96 CC no es un derecho real, aunque puede acceder al Registro de la Propiedad a fin de que se pueda oponer frente a terceros; y así podemos decir que no es un derecho de usufructo, en principio vitalicio y disponible, sino un derecho de ocupación, que es oponible a terceros.Therefore, it is not the same to say that the usufruct is attributed, or the use and enjoyment, than to say that only use is attributed.The life term comes to lead a kind of expropriation of the rights that the other spouse can have on the property.Therefore, use the terms temporary and indefinite, and never life, unless that is really the intention of the parties or the judge.

It is worth highlighting the ruling of AP Madrid, SEC. two4, de 1two de diciembre de two007 (EDJ two017/311171) que señala que "no puede reconocerse a un consorte un derecho de uso vitalicio, pues ello redundaría en perjuicio de los derechos de propiedad del otro consorte, y ha de encontrar siempre su límite en la desaparición de las razones que motivaron la atribución"

Also the Judgment of AP Madrid, SEC. twotwo, de 10 de enero de two017 (EDJ two017/two4two5) que indica que "el derecho de uso (…) en los procedimientos de separación, divorcio o nulidad, no ostenta, salvo acuerdo de las partes, carácter indefinido o vitalicio."

And finally, the sentence of AP Sevilla, Sec. twoª, de two3 de enero de two01two (EDJ two01two/5031), que afirma que "Si no hay hijos menores el juez no puede asignar el uso vitalicio a uno de los cónyuges, salvo que lo pacten voluntariamente".

j) Si hablamos de vivienda familiar, privativa de uno de los cónyuges, y se acordó o consensuo en el divorcio que ese inmueble dejaba de ser el domicilio familiar, luego no se puede intentar vía modificación de medidas, que ese piso vuelva a ser la vivienda familiar a los efectos del art96 CC, como señala la sentencia del TS de two7 de septiembre de two017 (EDJ two017/196366).


a) Extinción del uso, por introducción de un tercero, generalmente la nueva pareja; al dejar de ser el inmueble el domicilio familiar de la unidad familiar primitiva, para pasar a serlo de una nueva unidad, como indican las sentencias del TS de two0 de noviembre de two018 (EDJ two018/638790) y de two3 de septiembre de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/67two33two).I understand that this doctrine does not apply if that third is a relative who comes to help in the care and attention of children (grandparents, uncles, brothers etc..), In those cases a new family unit is not really created.

b) No se puede decir que se ha fijado un uso temporal, cuando se establece que el uso se atribuye hasta la mayoría de edad de los hijos, y para ello faltan muchos años, como señala la sentencia del TS de two4 de junio de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/589453).

c) Factors that mitigate the automatism of art96.1: a) que el inmueble ya no es el domicilio familiar del menor, como señala la sentencia del TS de two7 de noviembre de two017 (EDJ two017/two43396), b) tener satisfecho el derecho de habitación a través de otro inmueble, c) razones profesionales, al ser el inmueble donde se realiza la actividad profesional por el progenitor que abona los alimentos, d) posibilidad de poder dividir la vivienda, en dos nuevas viviendas con las condiciones adecuadas de habitabilidad.Garages, basements, storage rooms do not meet these minimum habitability conditions.

d) En casos de custodia compartida, si la vivienda es propiedad solo de uno de los progenitores, mejor fijar un uso temporal corto a favor del no propietario, que fijar uso alterno, como señala la sentencia del TS de 1two de junio de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/5754two3).

e) The nest house must be an extreme, exceptional solution and only when it is called certain circumstances such as: good standard of living of both parents and have access to two other homes. Es un sistema que genera mucha conflictividad, sobre todo cuando aparecen las nuevas parejas, y en el día a día, al tener cada progenitor sistemas de organización diferentes en cuando a la intendencia del hogar, como señala la sentencia del TS de 5 de abril de two019 (EDJ two019/564two70).

f) No se puede decidir en estos procesos, sobre segundas viviendas, o trasteros o garajes que están en otros edificios y por tanto no constituyen una unidad con la vivienda, como indican las sentencias del TS de7 de noviembre de two019 (EDJ two019/7two7375), de 11 de diciembre de two019 (EDJ two019/758two38), entre otras.

g) No es imperativo atribuir el uso, y se puede dejar sin fijar un uso a favor de uno otro cónyuge/progenitor, si realmente ninguno de ellos lo necesita, como señala la sentencia del TS de 16 de octubre de two019 (EDJ two019/711050).

h) Elder son with disabilities.In these cases the situation of the child does not match that of a minor, today, since there are other ways to guarantee a decent room right.In the project to reform the world of disability, at civil and procedural level, if you want to make that comparison. Véase la sentencia del TS de 4 de abril de two018 (EDJ two018/37344) que cambió el criterio fijado en Sentencia del TS de 30 de mayo de two01two (EDJ two01two/105two19).

En el Proyecto de Ley 1two1/0000two7 por la que se reforma la legislación civil y procesal para el apoyo a las personas con discapacidad en el ejercicio de su capacidad jurídica, el art.96.1 Proposed is from the following tenor:

"In the absence of the spouses approved by the judicial authority, the use of family housing and the objects of ordinary use of it will correspond to the common children minors and the spouse in whose company they remain, until all those reach adulthood.If among the minor children there was any in a situation of psychic, physical or sensory disability that made the continuation of the use of family housing convenient after its majority, the judicial authority will determine the duration of that right, depending onof the concurrent circumstances.

For the purposes of the previous paragraph, the common children of legal age that at the time of the nullity, separation or divorce were in a disability situation that made the continuation in the use of family housing convenient, are equated to the minor children who arefind in similar situation."

i) Cuidado de cara a una futura modificación de medidas, a la hora de tratar sobre la atribución del uso de la vivienda familiar, que los términos indefinido y vitalicio, se parecen pero no significan lo mismo, aunque muchas veces los letrados y jueces los usamos de forma indistinta, como se ve en la sentencia del TS de two de octubre de two017 (EDJ two017/196373). Según la RAE, indefinido es "Que no tiene término señalado o conocido" y vitalicio, "Que duran desde que se obtienen hasta el fin de la vida".And since we are facing a measure of free disposition, in which the agreements of the parties link the judge.Hence the importance always of justifying the reason for agreeing for one or another measure and of specifying well what you want, since you can generate the error of establishing by consensus a life use, when you want to set an indefinite time use, with the possibilityto modify it in the future, more or less close, if there is a change in circumstances.

This use attributed via art.96 CC no es un derecho real, aunque puede acceder al Registro de la Propiedad a fin de que se pueda oponer frente a terceros; y así podemos decir que no es un derecho de usufructo, en principio vitalicio y disponible, sino un derecho de ocupación, que es oponible a terceros.Therefore, it is not the same to say that the usufruct is attributed, or the use and enjoyment, than to say that only use is attributed.The life term comes to lead a kind of expropriation of the rights that the other spouse can have on the property.Therefore, use the terms temporary and indefinite, and never life, unless that is really the intention of the parties or the judge.

It is worth highlighting the ruling of AP Madrid, SEC. two4, de 1two de diciembre de two007 (EDJ two017/311171) que señala que "no puede reconocerse a un consorte un derecho de uso vitalicio, pues ello redundaría en perjuicio de los derechos de propiedad del otro consorte, y ha de encontrar siempre su límite en la desaparición de las razones que motivaron la atribución"

Also the Judgment of AP Madrid, SEC. twotwo, de 10 de enero de two017 (EDJ two017/two4two5) que indica que "el derecho de uso (…) en los procedimientos de separación, divorcio o nulidad, no ostenta, salvo acuerdo de las partes, carácter indefinido o vitalicio."

And finally, the sentence of AP Sevilla, Sec. twoª, de two3 de enero de two01two (EDJ two01two/84998), que afirma que "Si no hay hijos menores el juez no puede asignar el uso vitalicio a uno de los cónyuges, salvo que lo pacten voluntariamente".

j) Si hablamos de vivienda familiar, privativa de uno de los cónyuges, y se acordó o consensuo en el divorcio que ese inmueble dejaba de ser el domicilio familiar, luego no se puede intentar vía modificación de medidas, que ese piso vuelva a ser la vivienda familiar a los efectos del art96 CC, como señala la sentencia del TS de two7 de septiembre de two017 (EDJ two017/196366).

F) Compensatory pension


In relation to the compensatory pension, based on the consolidated interpretation of the art.97 CC, the TS has been considering that: a) The pension is not a compensatory mechanism, b) the compensatory pension does not constitute a balancing mechanism of patrimonies of the spouses, c) the pension has no food character, which would have it if the benefitIt was determined by the situation of need in which the perceptor spouse was found;That is not so its fixation depends on whether or not an imbalance generated by the cessation of coexistence is accredited or not. Y así en su sentencia de 1two de febrero de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/51036two), con referencia a otras anteriores, la define como "un derecho personalísimo de crédito, normalmente de tracto sucesivo, fijado en forma de pensión indefinida o limitada temporalmente, susceptible, no obstante, de ser abonada mediante una prestación única, incardinarle dentro de la esfera dispositiva de los cónyuges, condicionada, por lo que respecta a su fijación y cuantificación, a los parámetros establecidos en el art. 97 del CC, y fundada en el desequilibrio económico existente entre los consortes en un concreto momento, como es el anterior de la convivencia marital".

By way of conclusion, the jurisprudence determines that the judge must be able to decide on three issues: a) If there has been an compensatory pension generator imbalance;b) What is the amount of the pension once its existence is determined, and c) if the pension must be definitive or temporary.

Siguiendo esta misma línea, sentencias posteriores como la de twotwo de junio de two011 (EDJ two011/two0148two), de 19 de octubre de two011 (EDJ two49303) y de twotwo de enero de two01two, afirman que por desequilibrio ha de entenderse un empeoramiento económico en relación con la situación existente constante matrimonio que debe resultar de la confrontación entre las condiciones económicas de cada uno, antes y después de la ruptura.By constituting the legitimate purpose of the legal norm to place the injured spouse, for the breakdown of the marriage bond, in a situation of potential equal labor and economic opportunities with respect to what would have had not to mediate that marriage bond;It is reasonable to understand that the imbalance that must be compensated must have its origin in the loss of economic rights or legitimate expectations by the spouse most disadvantaged by the breakup, as a result of its greatest dedication to family care, without its purpose being able tobe to perpetuate, at the expense of one of its members, the economic level that the couple had enjoy.

La citada sentencia de 1two de febrero de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/51036two), en relación a lo que se debe entender por desequilibrio a los efectos del art. 97 CC, dice que consiste en "un empeoramiento económico en relación con la situación existente constante matrimonio; que debe resultar de la confrontación entre las condiciones económicas de cada uno, antes y después de la ruptura, por lo que no se trata de una pensión de alimentos y lo que sí ha de probarse es que se ha sufrido un empeoramiento en su situación económica en relación a la que disfrutaba en el matrimonio y respecto a la posición que disfruta el otro cónyuge"; de ahí que la simple desigualdad económicamente cónyuges, no da derecho de forma automática a la pensión compensatoria.

And in relation to the premises that must be assessed, to fix if there is that imbalance, in addition to that confrontation of temporary situations, are:

A) The agreements to which the spouses had reached.

B) The age and health status of both.

C) Professional qualification and probabilities of access to work.

D) The collaboration with the commercial, industrial or professional activities of the other spouse.

E) The duration of conjugal coexistence.

F) Past and future dedication to the family.

G) The flow and economic means and the needs of both spouse and any other element that can help make that comparative judgment between the situation before and after the cessation of coexistence.

When setting a compensatory pension, you must take into account the fiscal benefits that you have for which you pay and the tax burdens it has for the one who receives them;especially if it is a single payment.

For these reasons, it is practically impossible that via modification of measures can an increase in the amount of the pension, or the payment period if it was temporarily set;Unless in the agreement or sentence, it is specified that having the right to a pension with greater amount or for more term, it is not fixed in this way by there are other preferential obligations (food payment, mortgage etc..), so that, when they disappear, that amount or period could be reviewed, and set what really preceded from the beginning.


a) El hecho de haber fijado un carácter indefinido a la pensión, o temporal, de forma consensuada, no impide solicitar su modificación si a posteriori se produce un cambio de circunstancias cierto, imprevisto, pese a lo fijado en convenio regulador, como señala el TS en sentencias de 3 de junio de junio de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/575503), de7 de noviembre de two019 (EDJ two019/7two7375) y de 15 de marzo de two018 (EDJ two018/twotwo085).

b) El juicio prospectivo que se debe hacer para reconocer, denegar o modificar una pensión compensatoria, se debe hacer bajo las siguientes premisas: prudencia, ponderación y certidumbre, como señala la sentencia del TS de 6 de julio de two0two0 (EDJ two0two0/600015).

c) While the CC in its arts. 100 y 101 fija las causas por las que se puede extinguir/modificar una pensión compensatoria, al ser una medida de libre disposición las partes pueden pactar en convenio cualquier otra causa para ello, que vincula al juez, como señala el TS en sentencia de 1two de marzo de two019 (EDJ two019/5two4670). Las cláusulas de los convenios, en relación a las medidas de libre disposición, tienen fuerza de ley entre los firmantes, como afirma la sentencia del TS de 10 de enero de two018 (EDJ two018/7two7).

d) Retroactivity. Si se extingue una pensión compensatoria, se puede fijar los efectos de esa extinción al momento en que existe la causa que lo genera, nuevo matrimonio/relación marital; con obligación por tanto de devolver lo indebidamente cobrado, pues a estos efectos la pensión compensatoria no son alimentos/consumibles, como indica el TS en sentencias de 17 de diciembre de two019 (EDJ two019/755509) y de18 de julio de two018 (EDJ two018/5twotwo6two5).However, being a measure of free disposition, the judge must be, for reasons of congruence, to which it is expressly requested;Therefore, despite the fact that the cause has exists for several years, if in demand it is requested that the extinction be with the effects of submission of demand, it must be to it.All this from the perspective that the general rule is that sentences/cars have no retroactive effect, unless they expressly say it.

e) In the fixation, as in the possible modification of a compensatory pension, the result of the liquidation of the Society of Ganage, or having received an inheritance can be valued.As long as this really generates a change for better in the economic situation of those who ask or receive the compensatory pension. Por lo tanto, el tener una cuota abstracta en el haber ganancial, que no es productivo, o ser titular de una nuda propiedad vía herencia, cuando el usufructo corresponde a un tercero, no tienen eficacia a esos efectos, como señala el TS en sentencia de 14 de febrero de two018 (EDJ two018/7399) y de 17 de octubre de two018 (EDJ two018/606851).

f) Plate.The process modification process is not the appropriate process to request and/or set a compensatory pension, since the right to it depends on the existence or not on an economic imbalance derived from the cessation of coexistence, and not for other subsequent causes, such as layoffs, diseases, losses in business or own companies etc.., como indica el TS en sentencias de 14 de febrero de two018 (EDJ two018/7394) y de 3 de junio de two016 (EDJ two016/7933two).

g) Payment in kind.The compensatory pension can be set by attributing the use of family housing, temporarily or indefinitely.But if nothing is said, and in appeal, the pension goes from indefinite to temporary, that pension linked to use also becomes temporarily temporarily, if no reservation was made about it. Por ello, cuidado con lo que se firma y la forma en que se redactan las cláusulas de los convenios, sobre todo en relación a las medidas de libre disposición por razones de congruencia, como indica el TS en sentencia de 15 de octubre de two018 (EDJ two018/596657).

h) Single payment. Cuando se fija la pensión compensatoria a través de esta modalidad, luego no se puede ir a una modificación de medidas, aunque se pacte su pago en plazos; y ello en base al principio de invariabilidad de la sentencia, como señala la sentencia del TS de 14 de marzo de two018 (EDJ two018/two3111).

i) Causes attributable to the beneficiary of the pension.The extinction of this pension cannot be requested, as a punishment for the beneficiary, for not having found work or improved its economic situation. Pero sí, cuando se acredita que existe una clara pasividad en la búsqueda de trabajo y/o mejora económica, cuando por razón de edad y formación académica y/o profesional, sea posible ello, como señala el TS en sentencia de two4 de septiembre de two018 (EDJ two018/571986).

j) El mero trascurso del tiempo, no es causa suficiente para modificar las condiciones de la pensión compensatoria, como indica la sentencia del TS de two0 de junio de two017 (EDJ two017/1two4631).

k) Economic change. La Sentencia del TS de two6 de abril de two017 (EDJ two017/49595) dice que "la pensión compensatoria fijada en una sentencia de divorcio sólo podrá ser modificada por alteraciones en la fortuna de uno u otro cónyuge que así lo aconsejen...".

l) Duration. La Sentencia del TS de 30 de mayo de two017 (EDJ two017/88689) afirma que "se debe establecer un límite temporal para su percepción siempre que se permita restablecer el equilibrio que la ruptura haya ocasionado.If this were not possible, the compensatory pension would be indefinite ".

G) Yondemnización del art.1438 cc

In relation to this benefit, which is a measure that is set as a unit, although its payment is then agreed or judicially agreed, it cannot be subject to any modification;because it is a measure that is remembered exclusively to data from the past;so no modification of the future can affect the same.

Este artículo ha sido publicado en la "Revista de Derecho de Familia", en abril de two0two1.



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