Homemarriage → Resolution of Januar...

Resolution of January 18, 2022, of the Ministry of Economy


  • VISTEITHER el texto del CEITHERNVENIEITHER CEITHERLECTIVEITHER PREITHERVINCIAL DE TRANSPEITHERRTES DE MERCANCÍAS PEITHERR CARRETERA DE CUENCA»( código de convenio no 1600076501two006), con vigencia desde el día 1 de enero de two0two0 hasta31 de diciembre de two0two3 que fue suscrito el 1two de enero de two0twotwo, de una parte por la representación empresarial ASEITHERCIACIÓN PREITHERVINCIAL DE EMPRESARIEITHERS DE TRANSPEITHERRTES DE MERCANCIAS PEITHERR CARRETERA, ACUTRANS», y de otra, por la representación sindical la FEDERACIEITHERN PREITHERVICIAL DE TRANSPEITHERRTES DE UGT Y SECTEITHERR CARRETERA Y LEITHERGÍSTICA FSC CCEITHEREITHER-CUENCA de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen de two3 de EITHERctubre por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, el Art.twond of Royal Decree 713/two010 of May two8, on registration and deposit of agreements and collective work agreements, Royal Decree384/1995 of March 10 on the transfer of functions and services of the State Administration to the Autonomous Community ofCastilla-La Mancha in work matters, and Decree 56/two019, of 07/07/two019, which establishes the organic structure and the competences of the organs integrated into the Ministry of Economy, Companies and Employment are set (companies and employment (D.EITHER.C-m.of July 8, two019), in relation to Decree 99/two013 of 11/two8/two013, of the Ministry of Employment and Economics, which attributes the competences in cooperatives, is labor, work, prevention of prevention ofEITHERccupational risks and employment.

    This provincial delegation of the Ministry of Economy, Companies and Employment


    1st. EITHERrdenar su inscripción en el correspondiente Registro de Convenios Colectivos y Acuerdos Colectivos de Trabajo con funcionamiento a través de medios electrónicos, así como su archivo y depósito en esta Dirección Provincial de la Consejería de Economía, Empresas y Empleo.

    twond. Disponer su publicación en el Boletín EITHERficial de la Provincia.


    Article 1 Signatory Parties



    Este Convenio es de aplicación a las empresas que, al amparo de los correspondientes títulos habilitantes de transportista o de operador de transporte regulados por la Ley 16/1987, de EITHERrdenación de los Transportes Terrestres, realicen actividades de transporte público de mercancías por carretera en vehículos automóviles que circulen sin camino de rodadura fijo y sin medios fijos de captación de energía y/o las denominadas auxiliares y complementarias de transporte de mercancías, incluidas las actividades de mensajería y de logística, entendiendo por esta última la que cubre la planificación, la organización, la gestión, la supervisión y la realización de actividades de transporte de mercancías en la cadena de suministro; es decir, todas las actividades empresariales que requieran los citados títulos habilitantes, independientemente de si las mismas se realizan o no a temperatura controlada.

    By virtue of the principle of company unit, this agreement will apply to all the services of each company whose main activity is included in its functional scope;If these are services that constitute independent business units, with also independent exploitation accounts and that develop activities not included in the scope of this agreement, this will not be applied if they are expressly agreed by the company's representativesand of the affected workers.

    Adhesion to this agreement of those who are not included in their functional scope in principle, shall be formalized in accordance with article 9two of the Workers' Statute.


    This collective agreement will apply to all companies and to all workers of the work centers located in the province of Cuenca.


    These working conditions will affect all personnel employed in the companies included in the previous areas, except those who hold the position of counselors in companies that magazine the legal form of society, or of senior management.


    This collective agreement, whatever the date of its publication in the B.EITHER.P will be valid from January 1, two0two0, until December31, two0two3.

    This collective agreement will be tacitly extended for periods of one year if it was not denounced by any of the parties three months in advance of its expiration or that of any of its extensions, by written communication addressed to the other party.Once its initial validity is finished, or that of any of its possible extenders, it will continue to be fully governing until it is replaced by another collective agreement.

    The part that makes the complaint must express in the communication the points and content that includes the requested review.


    The conditions agreed in this collective agreement constitute an organic and indivisible whole and for the purposes of its practical application will be considered globally.

    Consequently, if the social jurisdiction declared void in its current writing some of its pacts, it will be void and without value or effect in its entirety this collective agreement, both parties committing to renegotiate it again.


    Companies will respect the most beneficial salary conditions that would have been agreed individually or collectively and unilaterally granted, all without prejudice to the possibility of absorption and compensation regulated in article two6.5 of the Workers' Statute.

    The fertilizers made on account of the agreement and made in order to avoid payment of arrears once published this text will not be considered as a more beneficial condition..


    8.1. A Joint Commission of this Collective Agreement is constituted, composed of 4 representatives of the social part and 4 representatives of the business party, with the function of knowing, resolving, monitoring, etc.., all issues related to the application and interpretation of this Agreement, including those referring to how many provisions affect the sector.Will also understand the proposals for inapplication of the salary regime of the agreement that interested parties can submit.

    In the absence of agreement between both parties, the provisions of the current legal regulations will be followed.

    8.two. The discrepancies arising within the Joint Commission as well as the discrepancies that may arise for the non -application of the working conditions referred to. 8two.3 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, podrán ser instadas por las partes y transcurrido el período de deliberaciones ante el JURADEITHER ARBITRAL LABEITHERRAL DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA.

    8.3. Two vowels of the same will be president and secretary of this Joint Commission, which will be appointed for each session, taking into account that the position will once fall among the working people and the next among the entrepreneurs.The Commission will meet within a maximum period of one month since any of the parties requested it.For the purposes of any written notification that any company or worker wishes to send to the Joint Commission, it is fixed in the arbitration jury of Castilla-La Mancha located in the Provincial Delegation of Economics, Companies and Employment of Basin (TFNO. 969 17 98 17), Parque de San Julian no 13, twoª planta, C.P.16001.

    8.4. The commission agreements will require the compliance of at least 5 vowels for their validity.

    8.5. The Joint Commission will have the following functions:



    The organization of work is the power and responsibility of the management of the company, to which it corresponds, where appropriate, to determine the person or persons in whom the exercise of said empowered, which must be adjusted to the provisions of the law, in the law, inThis agreement and in the standards and pacts that are applicable.

    In the exercise of their work organization faculties, it corresponds to the management of the company (with respect to the competences that in this area have attributed the bodies of representation of the workers of the company), implement, determine, modify orSuppressing the jobs, awarding the tasks, adopting new methods of execution of them, creating or amortizing jobs and ordering them based on the needs of the company at all times, determining the way of provision of work in all its aspects.

    Without decay of the faculty of management that corresponds to the company or its legal representatives, the company committees or personnel delegates must be previously informed of the substantial changes that occur in the work organization.


    The worker is obliged to fulfill the orders and instructions of the employer in the exercise of his management faculties, and to execute with interest and diligence how many works are ordered within the general committed of his group and professional competition.Among such works are the complementary tasks that are indispensable for the correct performance of its main mission.


    The relations of the company and its workers have this always chaired by the reciprocal of loyalty and good faith.All discrimination is prohibited due to their sex, marital status, age within the limits marked by current legislation, racial or ethnic origin, social status, religion or political convictions, sexual orientation, affiliation or not to a union, as well as byLanguage reason, within the Spanish State.



    Personnel hiring is the faculty of the company's management.The entry to work will be carried out in accordance with the applicable provisions in this area, the contract in writing having been formalized when required by any standard or requested by any of the parties.If there is no written contract in which the essential elements of the latter are reflected and the main conditions of execution of the benefit, all this will be informed of the worker when it is a new task in the work center and, in any case, when he requested it.

    In order to facilitate the maintenance of the current level of jobs in the sector and, if possible, the increase in it, the entry of workers in companies may be carried out under the contracting modality that is applicableAnd better meet the needs and interests of companies.The contracting modality must be corresponded effectively with the legal or conventionally established purpose.

    A copy of the contract will be delivered to the worker to the signing of the same, informing him of all applicable conditions.

    Without decay of the power that in this area corresponds to the management of the company and its legal representatives, the company committees or personnel delegates will have the following rights:


    The maximum duration of the trial period, which will be arranged in writing, will be six months for titled technicians;three months for the rest of group I and two months staff for other workers.

    During the test period, the worker will have the rights and obligations corresponding to his professional and job category he performs, as if it were template, except those derived from the resolution of the employment relationship, which may occur at the request of anyof the parties during their course, without the need to notice and without any of the parties being entitled to any compensation, the confidence in writing must be communicated.

    After the trial period without the withdrawal, the contract will produce full effects, computing the time of the services provided for ancient times.

    A new trial period cannot be held when the worker has performed the same functions previously in the company, under any contracting modality.


    Given the nature of the activity that the companies affected by this collective agreement carry out, the workers who voluntarily stop providing services in the company must communicate it in writing and with a minimum in advance of fifteen days to the date of the cessation for contracts that exceedThe year of duration and, for contracts of less than the year, it will be3 days, for mobile workers with seniority less than the year, it will be 7, unless it is a certain duration contracts in which the cessation in the work coincidesWith the end date provided for in the contract.Respected the aforementioned notice, the company will pay the corresponding settlement on the same day of cessation.The non -observance of this period of notice will entitle the company to detract from the corresponding liquidation of the working person a compensation equivalent to the salary of the days ceased to notice.

    The employer, on the occasion of the termination of the contract, by communicating to the workers the complaint or, where appropriate, the notice of the extinction of the same must accompany a proposal of the liquidation document of the amounts owed and, subsequently, will pay the corresponding settlement on the same day of cessation.


    fifteen.1 La duración máxima de los contratos eventuales por circunstancias de la producción recogidos en la letra b) del artículo fifteen.1 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, es de 1two meses en un período de referencia de 18 meses.

    fifteen.two El contrato de trabajo se entenderá celebrado a tiempo parcial cuando se haya acordado la prestación de servicios durante un número de horas al día, a la semana, al mes o al año, inferior a la jornada de trabajo de un trabajador o trabajadora a tiempo completo comparable.

    En cuanto al número de horas complementarias se estará a lo dispuesto en el artículo 1two.5.c) of the Workers' Statute.

    Las condiciones en la conversión del contrato a tiempo parcial a jornada completa, o viceversa, así como la preferencia en la conversión, se ajustará a lo dispuesto en el artículo 1two del Estatuto de los Trabajadores.

    fifteen.3 Las contrataciones realizadas bajo la modalidad del contrato de relevo se ajustará a lo dispuesto en el artículo 1two del Estatuto de los Trabajadores y las correspondientes normas de Seguridad Social.For the purposes set forth in the application regulations, it will be understood as a similar job that corresponds to a category included in the same professional group, or equivalent category.


    16.1 Los trabajadores/as contratados por duración determinada y los contratos a tiempo parcial tendrán los mismos derechos e igualdad de trato en las relaciones laborales que los demás trabajadores/as de la plantilla, salvo las diferencias que se derivan de la naturaleza de su contrato.

    16.two Adquirirán la condición de fijos, cualquiera que haya sido la modalidad de su contratación, los que no hubieran sido dados de alta en la Seguridad Social, una vez transcurrido un plazo igual al que hubiera podido fijarse para el período de prueba, salvo que de la propia naturaleza de las actividades o de los servicios contratados se deduzca claramente la duración temporal de los mismos.


    17.1 La promoción, dentro de cada Grupo Profesional, se realizará por la Dirección de la empresa, consultada previamente la representación legal de las personas trabajadoras en la misma, tomando como referencias fundamentales el conocimiento de los cometidos básicos del puesto de trabajo a cubrir, la experiencia en funciones asignadas a dicho puesto o similares, los años de prestación de servicios a la empresa, la idoneidad para el puesto y las facultades organizativas de la empresa.The Company Committee or Personnel Delegates may designate one of its members to participate in the selective process, without their opinion being binding on the company.

    The fact that there is a decrease will not entail the automatic existence of vacancy, which will only be created when the company's management is determined by its faculties of organization and work and depending on the real needs of the same.

    17.two Al cumplir el/la trabajador/a en la empresa tres años en la categoría de Mozo o de Auxiliar Administrativo, pasará a ostentar la categoría profesional de Ayudante o Mozo Especializado, o la de EITHERficial de Segunda Administrativo, respectivamente.

    Los/as trabajadores/as ascendidos automáticamente a las categorías de Ayudante o Mozo especializado y de EITHERficial de Segunda Administrativo, según lo previsto en el párrafo precedente, tendrán como cometidos propios los correspondientes a la categoría origen como a la de ascenso.

    Article 18 Company Succession

    The change of ownership of a company, of a work center or an autonomous productive unit will not extinguish labor relations, leaving the new employer under the rights and labor and social security obligations of the previous businessmanincluding pension commitments, and in general in how many obligations in complementary social protection the company has acquired.


    Article 19 General Classification

    The personnel who provide their services in the companies included in the scope of this agreement will be classified into any of the following professional groups:


    It is understood by such that with their own initiative and within the norms issued by the management or by its hierarchical superiors, it exercises functions of a technical and/or command and organization.Those who, due to the characteristics of their contract and/or the performance of their mission, correspond to the "Senior Management Personnel" are not included.

    This group I is made up of the professional categories that are related below, whose functions and committed ones are those that, with an indicative nature, are also recorded.

    two0.1 Director/a de Área o Departamento: Es el/la empleado/a que en los servicios centrales de la empresa está al frente de una de las Áreas o Departamentos específicos, si existen en la estructura de la misma, dependiendo directamente de la Dirección General o Gerencia de la empresa.

    two0.two Director/a o Delegado de Sucursal: Es el/la que con propia iniciativa y dentro de las normas dictadas por la Dirección de la empresa, dependiendo directamente de la misma o de las personas en que ésta delegue, ejerce funciones directivas, de mando y organización al frente de una sucursal, o centro de trabajo de importancia en la empresa.

    Si es personal ya empleado en la empresa el que se promueve a puestos de trabajo de las categorías two0.1 y two0.two, que exigen la máxima confianza, no consolidarán sus nombramientos hasta que hayan superado un período de prueba como tales cuya duración será de seis meses.

    Those who have consolidated any of these professional categories may be removed from it at any time, passing to that of entitled, if they will previously hold such a category, or to that of the Head of Service, maintaining the salary assigned to the category of which whichThey have been removed, although the accessories for quantity and quality of work and job will be, where appropriate, those corresponding to the actually performed.

    two0.3 Jefe/a de Servicio: Es el/la que con propia iniciativa coordina todos o algunos de los servicios de una empresa o centro de trabajo de importancia.

    two0.4 Titulado/a de Grado Superior: Es el/la que desempeña cometidos para cuyo ejercicio se exige o requiere título de Doctor, Licenciado o Ingeniero, en cualesquiera dependencias o servicios de la Empresa.

    two0.5 Titulado de Grado Medio: Es el/la que desempeña cometidos para cuyo ejercicio se exige o requiere su título académico de grado medio, en cualquier dependencias o servicios de la empresa.

    two0.6 Jefe/a de Sección: Es el/la que desempeña con iniciativa y responsabilidad el mando de uno de los grupos de actividad en que los servicios centrales de una empresa se estructuren, así como el que está al frente de la administración de una sucursal o centro de trabajo de importancia, bajo la dependencia del Director/a o Delegado/a de la misma, si lo hubiere.

    two0.7 Jefe/a de Negociado: Es el/la que, al frente de un grupo de empleados/as y dependiendo o no de un Jefe de Sección, dirige la labor de su negociado, sin perjuicio de su participación personal en el trabajo, respondiendo de la correcta ejecución de los trabajos del personal a sus órdenes.Computer systems analysts are classified in this professional category.

    two0.8 Jefe/a de Tráfico de Primera: Es el/la que tiene a su cargo dirigir la prestación de los servicios de un grupo de más de cincuenta vehículos de la empresa o contratados por ella, distribuyendo el personal y el material y las entradas y salidas del mismo, así como elaborar las estadísticas de tráficos, recorridos y consumo. Tanto el personal de esta categoría como el Encargado/a General de EITHERperadores de Transporte pueden asumir, a elección de la empresa, la jefatura de los centros de trabajo en que no exista Director/a o Delegado/a de Sucursal.

    two0.9 Jefe/a de Tráfico de Segunda: Es el/la que, con las mismas atribuciones y responsabilidades que el anterior, dirige la prestación de servicios de un grupo de hasta 50 vehículos de la Empresa o contratados por ella, si no hay Jefe/a de Tráfico de superior categoría; en caso contrario actuará como subordinado al Jefe/a de Tráfico de Primera, independientemente del número de vehículos, coincidiendo con él o al frente de algún turno de trabajo.

    two0.10 Encargado/a General de Agencias de transporte y de almacenista/distribuidores: Es el/la que, con mando directo sobre el personal y a las órdenes del Director o Delegado de Sucursal, si los hubiere, tiene la responsabilidad del trabajo, la disciplina y seguridad del personal; le corresponde la organización o dirección del servicio, indicando a sus subordinados/as la forma de efectuar aquellos trabajos que se le ordenen; debe, por tanto, poseer conocimientos suficientes para ejecutar correctamente los cometidos que le encomiende la empresa inherentes a su función, y para la redacción de los presupuestos de los trabajos que se le encarguen, cuidando el material con objeto de que esté dispuesto para el trabajo en todo momento.

    Both the staff of this professional category and the category of Chief of First Traffic can assume, at the election of the company, the headquarters of the work centers in which there is no director or delegate of branch.

    Resolución de 18 de enero de two0twotwo, de la Consejería de Economía

    two0.11 Inspector/a-Visitador/a de Empresas de Mudanzas: Es el/la que, previo estudio de una mudanza o servicio fija normas para su ejecución, tasando, valorando y pudiendo contratar el servicio e inspeccionar en su día la ejecución del mismo, dando cuenta a sus jefes de cuantas incidencias observe, tomando las medidas de urgencia que se estimen oportunas en los casos de alteración del tráfico o accidentes e incidencias de cualquier tipo.

    two0.1two Jefe/a de Taller: Esta categoría profesional incluye a los que, con la capacidad técnica precisa, tienen a su cargo la dirección de un taller cuya plantilla sea, como mínimo, de cincuenta operarios/as, ordenando y vigilando los trabajos que realicen tanto en las dependencias de la empresa como fuera de ellas en caso de avería o accidente.

    two0.13 Contramaestre o Encargado/a: Comprende esta categoría a aquellos/as que, con conocimientos teóricos/prácticos, ejercen el mando directo sobre un grupo o sección de veinticinco operarios/as en talleres que tengan entre veinticinco y cincuenta trabajadores/as, pueden desempeñar la jefatura en taller de no más de quince operarios/as.


    All workers belong to this professional group that in the different dependencies or services of the company perform functions of an administrative, bureaucratic and/or accounting nature, including the work with computer or office means and those of billing;The maintenance, control and general care functions not included in another professional group are also included.

    It is classified in the categories below, whose functions or committed are those that, with an enunciative character, are also expressed:


    All/all employees who are dedicated to the movement, classification and drag of goods at the company's facilities belong to this group, including the maintenance of vehicles, qualifying in the following professional categories,whose functions are expressed, with an enunciative character, after them:

    twotwo.1 Conductor/a Mecánico/a: Es el/la empleado/a que, estando en posesión del permiso de conducción de la clase «C + E», se contrata con la obligación de conducir cualquier vehículo de la empresa, con remolque, semirremolque o sin ellos, a tenor de las necesidades de ésta, ayudando si se le indica a las reparaciones del mismo, siendo el responsable del vehículo y de la carga durante el servicio, estando obligado/a a cumplimentar, cuando proceda, la documentación del vehículo y la del transporte realizado y a dirigir, si se le exigiere, la carga de la mercancía.It is responsible for carrying out the necessary work for the proper functioning, conservation and conditioning of the vehicle, as well as those that are precise for the protection and manipulation of the merchandise.You will have to immediately communicate the person in charge of the workshop, or person who indicates, any anomaly that detects in the vehicle.You must cover the tours of the itineraries that are set or, if not fixed, for which they are more favorable for the correct completion of the service.

    They will be automatically classified in this professional category, although they lack driving license of the class "C + E", drivers that drive for the same company for more than 6 months, continuous or alternate, some of the vehicles to which it referssection 4.

    twotwo.two Conductor/a: Es el/la empleado/a que, aun estando en posesión del carné de conducir de la clase «C + E», se contrata únicamente para conducir vehículos que requieran carné de clase inferior, sin necesidad de conocimientos mecánicos y con la obligación de dirigir, si así se le ordena, el acondicionamiento de la carga, participando activamente en ésta y en la descarga, sin exceder con ello de la jornada ordinaria; es el/la responsable del vehículo y de la mercancía durante el viaje, debiendo cumplimentar cuando proceda, la documentación del vehículo y la del transporte realizado; le corresponde realizar las labores complementarias necesarias para el correcto funcionamiento, conservación y acondicionamiento del vehículo, así como las que resulten precisas para la protección y manipulación de la mercancía.You will have to immediately communicate the person in charge of the workshop, or person who indicates, any anomaly that detects in the vehicle.You must cover the tours of the itineraries that are fixed or, of not being fixed, for which they are more favorable for the correct completion of the service.

    twotwo.3 Conductor/a-Repartidor/a de vehículos ligeros: Es el empleado/a que, aun estando en posesión de carné de conducir de clase superior, se contrata para conducir vehículos ligeros.It must act with the diligence required for the safety of the vehicle and the merchandise, corresponding to the complementary work necessary for the correct operation, maintenance, conservation and conditioning of the vehicle and protection of the latter and the load, having an obligation to loadand download your vehicle and collect and distribute or deliver the merchandise, in the place of origin and destination, or address of the consignee.You will have to immediately communicate the person in charge of the workshop, or person who indicates, any anomaly that detects in the vehicle.You must make your tours of the itineraries that are fixed or, of not being fixed, for which they are more favorable for the correct completion of the service.

    twotwo.4 EITHERbligaciones específicas de los conductores/as, comunes a las categorías profesionales C.1 and c.two:

    In addition to the driver generals, previously stated, which constitute the current work, they are responsible for those that result from the uses and customs and nature of the service they perform, and must have the required training in the case of dangerous goods.For a merely indicative basis, the following are related below:

  • twotwo.4. B. Cuando conduzca vehículos frigoríficos deberá:
  • twotwo.4. C. Cuando conduzca camiones portavehículos deberá cargar y sujetar los vehículos en el camión, así como descargarlos.
  • twotwo.4.D. Cuando conduzca vehículos para transporte de áridos o provistos de grúa tiene la obligación de realizar las operaciones necesarias para la carga y descarga de los áridos y el manejo de la grúa.
  • twotwo.4.E. Cuando conduzca vehículos de empresas de mudanzas y guardamuebles colaborará activamente en los trabajos propios de la mudanza o servicio que realice el vehículo que conduzca.
  • twotwo.4.F. Cuando conduzca furgones de negro humo, aparte de inspeccionar el estado, limpieza y conservación de los mismos y sus bocas de carga y descarga, deberá empalmar y desempalmar las mangueras de carga y descarga del propio vehículo así lo exija el servicio.
  • twotwo.5 Jefe/a de equipo (Antiguo capataz): Es el/la empleado/a que a las órdenes del Encargado/a General, del Encargado/a de Almacén o del Jefe/a de Tráfico y reuniendo condiciones prácticas para dirigir un grupo de obreros/a y de especialistas, se ocupa de la carga o descarga de vehículos, de la ordenación de recogidas y repartos y del despacho de las facturaciones en cualquier modalidad del transporte, atendiendo las reclamaciones que se produzcan, y dando cuenta diaria de la marcha del servicio a su Jefe/a inmediato; también realizará labores de control y vigilancia análogas a las que se indican para el Encargado/a General y Encargad/a de Almacén.

    The Chief of Mudanzlower furniture, pictures, clothes, pianos, flow boxes, machinery and, all kinds of analogue object;Load and download caps, containers, etc ... both in homes and in warehouse, port or station, properly installing the accessories to make such loads and downloads.He is in charge of completing documents and any other related to the move that the address entrusts.

    twotwo.6 Capitonista: Es el/la empleado/a capaz de realizar una mudanza, embalar y preparar, armar y desarmar, subir y bajar muebles, cuadros, ropas, pianos, cajas de caudales, maquinaria y toda clase de objetos análogos; cargar capitonés, contenedores, etc., at home, station, port, warehouse;properly install the necessary devices for these loads and downloads, and can also replace the equipment boss when the case requires it.

    twotwo.7 Ayudante o Mozo Especializado: Es el/la que tiene adquirida una larga práctica en la carga y descarga de vehículos y movimiento y clasificación de mercancías, realizándose con rapidez y aprovechamiento de espacio y seguridad.When it is part of the endowment of a vehicle, it will help the driver in all incidents that can originate during the service and take the documentation of the goods, taking care of the load and download of these and their collection or delivery to theclients, having to deliver to your boss immediately, at the end of the service the duly completed documentation.

    It corresponds to the management of the elevator devices, cranes and other machinery for loading and discharge of vehicles in warehouse or agency and merchandise movements in these.Before starting work with that machinery you must receive the necessary preparation for the correct performance of such committed.

    You can entrust you to assume the responsibility and control of loads and/or downloads of vehicles.You must carry out the necessary work, helping the driver for the correct conditioning of the vehicle and merchandise protection.

    In the moving companies will be under the orders of the Capitonists, performing auxiliary functions of these.

    twotwo.8 Auxiliar de Almacén-Basculero: Se clasifica en esta categoría el/la que, a las órdenes del Encargado/a de almacén, recibe la mercancía; efectúa el pesaje de la misma, la etiqueta y precinta o introduce en contenedores o la ordena como se le indique.It will remove the goods placing them properly once classified, also taking care of keeping the premises clean and the surveillance of the goods that are stored or stored in it.It will handle the radio frequency terminals or any other technical medium that, with the same purpose, are used in companies for the classification and manipulation of merchandise and other operations.

    twotwo.9 Mozo/a: Es el/la operario/a cuya tarea, a realizar tanto en vehículos como en instalaciones fijas, requiere fundamentalmente la aportación de esfuerzo físico y atención, sin que exija destacada práctica o conocimiento previo, habiendo de efectuar, si se le encomienda, la recogida o entrega de mercancías, cuya documentación acreditativa entregará al término del servicio a quien corresponda.It will handle the radio frequency terminals or any other technical medium that, with the same purpose, are used in companies for the classification and manipulation of merchandise and other operations.


    All workers who are dedicated to auxiliary activities of the company's principal belong to this group, both in the facilities of the latter and outside them, qualifying in the professional categories that are expressed below:



    two4.1 La jornada ordinaria máxima será de cuarenta horas semanales de trabajo efectivo, de promedio en cómputo anual.The maximum annual day will be 1.800 hours of effective work.

    In general, the ordinary day cannot exceed ten hours of effective work;by agreement between the company and the representatives of the working people may be set based on the characteristics of the company limit or lower than the ordinary daily work day provided that they are respected - except in the cases of force majeure or to preventor repair accidents or other extraordinary and urgent damages - the daily and weekly breaks provided for in this Agreement and II General Agreement, or in legal or regulatory norms of obligatory observance.

    The lower effective working hours will be respected that at the entry into force of this agreement exist under collective agreements, agreements, individual contracts or by mere granting of companies.

    The excess annual maximum day, will be compensated by common agreement between company and worker.

    two4.two En los servicios de movimiento y demás actividades directamente vinculadas a la salida y llegada de vehículos, que por su propia naturaleza se extienden de forma discontinua a lo largo de un período de tiempo superior a doce horas al día, el descanso entre jornadas podrá ser de nueve horas siempre que el trabajador/a pueda disfrutar durante la jornada de un descanso mínimo ininterrumpido de cinco horas. Cuando se haga uso de esta previsión del Real Decreto fifteen61/1995, el/ la trabajador/a tendrá derecho a percibir el complemento de puesto de trabajo que al efecto se pacte, por acuerdo entre la representación de la empresa y la de las personas trabajadoras.

    two4.3 Dada la peculiaridad de las actividades de logística, vinculadas directamente a las determinaciones del cliente, que exige una permanente actividad de las empresas, los criterios rectores que se fijen entre las empresas y los/las representantes de sus trabajadores/as, deberán posibilitar el establecimiento de jornadas, turnos y horarios del personal que permitan la correcta prestación del servicio, sin perjuicio de las correspondientes compensaciones y/o derechos a retribución que procedan o se pacten, en su caso.

    two4.4 Para el personal de Agencias de transporte de paquetería, la jornada de trabajo será distribuido de lunes a viernes, salvo en aquellas empresas que son delegación o franquicia de una central nacional, y que en base a esa subordinación organizativa tuvieran que desarrollar su actividad también durante los sábados, pudiéndose ampliar en estos casos la jornada semanal hasta el mediodía del sábado.

    The rest of the parcel companies may also, in any case, expand their weekly workday until noon on Saturday, as long as he according to the worker, expressed in the corresponding employment contract individually, orthus remembers with the legal representatives of workers in the company.

    The overtime of these special services will have the character of extraordinary structural ones and will always be carried out, according to the personnel who perform them.


    two5.1 La jornada de trabajo de los trabajadores/as móviles del sector se ajustará a lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (CE) 561/two006, de fifteen de marzo, y en el Real Decreto fifteen61/1995, de two1 de septiembre, sobre jornadas especiales de trabajo, modificado por Real Decreto 1635/two011, de 14 de noviembre. Para el supuesto de que la redacción del citado Real Decreto fifteen61/1995 experimente alguna modificación en el futuro, las partes se comprometen a renegociar de nuevo si fuera necesario el presente artículo; a tales efectos se faculta expresamente a la Comisión Paritaria de este Convenio de conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo 8 del mismo, para proceder, en su caso, a la renegociación de este artículo y de todos aquellos que resulten directamente afectados por la modificación del Real Decreto fifteen61/1995, constituyendo lo que en el seno de la misma se acuerde una novación del presente Convenio, que deberá remitirse a la autoridad laboral para su registro, depósito y publicación en el «Boletín EITHERficial de la Provincia de Cuenca».The Joint Commission will be constituted, provided that it proceeds, in accordance with the requirements provided for in the Workers' Statute.

    two5.two En el supuesto de que en los convenios colectivos de empresa, se adopten acuerdos específicos sobre la jornada de trabajo de los trabajadores/as móviles, prevalecerá lo dispuesto en éstos sobre lo previsto en el presente artículo.The agreements and agreements cited may establish specific salary counterparts, set according to objective criteria, such as remuneration of possible extensions of the ordinary day and/or the realization of hours of presence.

    two5.3 De acuerdo con lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 a1two del Real Decreto fifteen61/1995, para el cómputo de la jornada de actividad de los trabajadores/as móviles se distinguirá entre tiempo de trabajo efectivo y tiempo de presencia, cuyo régimen será el previsto en los citados artículos, con las siguientes particularidades:

    The worker will not be able to provide any work for other entrepreneurs without previously communicating in writing such a purpose to his company, to avoid that it can be involved, without having knowledge of it, in possible excess hours of work or presence.In any case, by accepting the worker, work for another employer, will have to take into account his unavoidable obligation to carry out the work agreed with his company.


    It is that period of the day in which the worker performs driving functions, as well as all those auxiliary works specified below:


    It is the period of the day that being outside the effective time of work, the worker, is available to the company, without doing the work included within the effective time.The hours of presence will not compute for the maximum duration of the ordinary work day, nor for the maximum limit of overtime, without prejudice to their global salary remuneration being at least equal amount as the ordinary work time. El tiempo de presencia tendrá un límite máximo de two0 horas semanales de promedio en computo bimestral.

    Among the presence times, they are indicated:

    two5.6. Given the difficulties that the control of the activity of the drivers can entail for the entrepreneur (including the category of drivers-mechanics), and in order to compensate for the possible times of presence and the time dedicated to auxiliary works collected in this article,Companies can negotiate with the legal representation of workers a complement of presence time and auxiliary jobs for working people with category and driver functions.This complement will compensate, through an agreed estimate between the parties, the presence time and auxiliary works of difficult practical quantification, thus avoiding possible conflicts of interpretation and/or application of this article.

    In companies where there is no legal representation of workers, the negotiation referred to in the previous paragraph, will be developed with the most representative unions of the sector.

    two5.7. La aplicación tanto de la modificación del Real Decreto fifteen61/1995 operada por el Real Decreto 90two/two007, como del presente artículo no podrá dar lugar a que un trabajador/a perciba, por igual trabajo, menores percepciones que las que actualmente estuviera recibiendo por todos los conceptos, en su conjunto y cómputo anual; correlativamente, las percepciones resultantes de la aplicación de estas normas serán objeto de compensación con las condiciones de todo orden que estén disfrutando actualmente los/as trabajadores/as, hasta donde éstas últimas alcancen.

    two5.8. Adjusting to productive reality and in promotion of security, the following is established:

    two5.9. The total daily driving time cannot exceed 9 hours a day, or 90 hours in each period of two consecutive weeks.Exceptionally you can drive 10 hours, maximum of two days a week.


    Salvo disposiciones específicas aplicables, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el RD fifteen61/1995, se respetará en todo caso un período mínimo entre jornada y jornada de 10 horas, pudiéndose compensar la diferencia hasta las 1two horas establecidas con carácter general, salvo la previsión prevista en el artículo two4.two.


    Workers will enjoy a weekly minimum period of a day and a half uninterrupted, being able to be accumulated in up to four weeks.Weekly rest cannot be financially compensated.


    The hours of work that exceed the ordinary, daily or weekly day, set in this collective agreement or company agreements, computed in the terms that are established in each case, are considered overtime overtime.For the purpose of the maximum overtime limit, those that are compensated for equivalent rest times within the four months of its realization will not be computed;These compensatory breaks will be scheduled by common agreement by company and interested worker, preferably for the moments of lower activity of the company and ensuring that weekly rest are enjoyed consecutively.

    The offer of overtime is the responsibility of the company and its acceptance, in general or for each specific case, it will be voluntary for the workers.

    Given the nature of the activity that the companies affected by this agreement make, the workers are obliged, despite what is expressed in the previous paragraph, to carry out the overtime necessary to finish the work of driving, delivery or distribution and collection,Moving, preparation of vehicles and the documentation of them that are initiated before the end of the ordinary work day, with the maximum legally established limit.

    The overtime will be communicated before the completion of the Company Committee or Personal Delegates.

    In those cases in which exceptionally overtime they cannot be compensated for rest time will be paid with a 60 % surcharge on the value of the ordinary time more seniority that in each case corresponds.

    Artículo two9 VACACIEITHERNES

    two9.1 Las vacaciones anuales tendrán una duración no inferior a31 días naturales, o parte proporcional si el tiempo de servicio es inferior al año, pudiendo ser efectivamente disfrutadas en dos periodos como máximo, salvo pacto en contrario, a lo largo del año natural.The right to vacation is not susceptible to financial compensation.However, the staff that ceases during the course of the year will be entitled to the subscription of the salary corresponding to the accrued and not enjoyed vacation part, as an integral concept of the liquidation for their decline in the company.

    In the fixation of the period or periods of your enjoyment, the times of greater business activity will be taken into account, which may be excluded for such purposes.

    The period or periods of your enjoyment will be established by mutual agreement between the employer and the worker, in accordance with the provisions, in your case, in this collective agreement or company agreements on annual holiday planning.In case of disagreement between the parties, the competent jurisdiction will set the date that corresponds to the enjoyment.

    The holiday's calendar will be set for each company.The worker will know the dates that correspond to him two months before, at least, of the beginning of his enjoyment.

    Improvements will be maintained in terms of vacations are already established or can be established in lower scope collective agreements.

    two9.two Cuando el período de vacaciones fijado en el calendario de la empresa coincida en el tiempo con una incapacidad temporal derivada del embarazo, el parto o la lactancia natural o con el período de suspensión del contrato previsto en el artículo 48.4 del Real Decreto Legislativo two/two0fifteen, de two3 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, se tendrá derecho a disfrutar las vacaciones en fecha distinta a la de la incapacidad temporal o a la del disfrute del permiso que por aplicación de dicho precepto le correspondiera, al finalizar el período de suspensión, aunque haya terminado el año natural a que correspondan.

    In the event that the holiday period coincides with a temporary disability due to contingencies other than those indicated in the previous paragraph that makes the worker impossible to enjoy them, totally or partially, during the natural year to which they correspond, the worker may do soOnce its disability is finished and provided that more than eighteen months have passed since the end of the year in which they have originated.


    In the work calendars that each company prepares, in accordance with the provisions of article34.6 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores y disposición adicional tercera del Real Decreto fifteen61/1995, habrán de figurar los criterios rectores de la irregular distribución de la jornada que hayan sido fijados en convenio colectivo o, en su defecto, por acuerdo de la empresa con los representantes de los trabajadores/as.

    The calendar must be exposed in the work center throughout the year, and the following criteria will be attended:


    1. Paid permits.

    E/the worker will have the right, with notice or upon request, to licenses with salary in the following cases and amounts, as many times as the facts occur:

    For the purposes of the provisions of this article, displacement will be considered when the 80 km away are exceeded.

    two. Non -paid permits and licenses without salary.

    two.1 Los trabajadores/ras podrán disponer de dos días para asuntos propios recuperables previo acuerdo con la empresa, solicitándolo con al menos setenta y dos horas de antelación.

    two.two El/la trabajador/a podrá solicitar licencia sin sueldo, que será concedida si las circunstancias y organización del trabajo lo permiten, por el tiempo mínimo de quince días y que no exceda de cuatro meses, prorrogables hasta seis, para atender asuntos propios previa justificación a la empresa quien valorará su aceptación.These licenses may not be requested without having elapsed at least one year since the granting of the last one and may not be used to provide services in another company or on their own in the transport sector.

    Workers may request a new license without salary by birth of children even when a year of the previous license had not passed.

    Any worker who has a child (natural or by adoption) under eight years, may request a three -month license to care and care for it, which will be granted if the circumstances and organization of work allow it.This has an individual, not transferable character, that is, usable by the father and by the mother, if they share custody, and regardless of whether they work or do one of them.

    The license time can be distributed part -time, in a fragmented or in the form of a time of time, at the convenience of the person benefiting from the permit, by means of prior notification of fifteen days before the date you want to start the permit.For reasons of a business nature, they must be effectively accredited before the union representation and the mediation and conflict resolution organisms, if necessary.

    The company may deny permit or propose a date change for its realization.3.Leave.

    The workers will be entitled to a period of leave not exceeding three years, to meet the care of each child both when it is by nature and by adoption, from the date of birth of the latter/a.The successive children will entitle a new period of leave that, where appropriate, will end the one who came enjoying.

    During the first year of the duration of this leave, the worker will have the right to reserve his job and that the aforementioned period is computable for seniority purposes.

    The surplus worker must request his re -entry to work at least twenty days in advance at the end of the leave causing the company not to do so within said period.

    The leave requested by the workers for the performance of their public, policy or union functions will last the time in which they perform the position or function for which it was appointed or elected having the right to occupy the place that I leave when being designated for that.Its incorporation into the work must be carried out within the month following the cessation in office.



    All of the economic perceptions of workers, in money or in kindof salary.


    The amounts that are paid to workers will not be considered salary for the following concepts:


    Para el año two0two0 será el que se devengue por jornada ordinaria de trabajo por cada grupo profesional, con aplicación de laAnnex I salary table.

    Para el año two0two1, y con efectos desde el 1 de julio de ese año, se incrementará el salario en un two % con respecto a las tablas contenidas en el anexo I correspondientes al año two0two0.Annex I salary table Para el año two0twotwo, se incrementará el salario en un two % con respecto a las tablas contenidas en el anexo I correspondientes al año two0two1.Annex I salary table.

    Para el año two0two3, se incrementará el salario en un 1,5 % con respecto a las tablas contenidas en el anexo I correspondientes al año two0twotwo.Annex I salary table.


    A) Antigüedad.

    The personnel affected by this agreement will receive from their respective companies, periodic increases consisting of two 5 % biennia each and five five -year term of the base salary of this agreement of this agreement.


    A) Nocturnidad.

    Para aquellos/as trabajadores/as que desarrollen su jornada total o parcialmente en las horas comprendidas entre las twotwo horas y las 06 horas, percibirán un plus por importe de un two5 % de la hora ordinaria por cada hora o fracción trabajada en ese intervalo.

    B) Tóxicos, penosos y peligrosos.

    The personnel who continuously perform transport or manipulation work of flammable, toxic, explosive products and all kinds of acids, will receive a monthly plus per amount of:

    C) Festivos.

    In addition to their libranza, the workers who carry out their work on holidays, will receive the amount of: the amount of:

    During each month the workers will enjoy at least two Sundays, whenever possible.

    D) Dietas.

    Para el año two0two0 el importe total de las dietas se distribuirá de la siguiente manera:

    ESPAÑA:31,01 €

    Desayuno: two,80 €.

    Food: € 10.57.

    Dinner: € 9.87.

    Overnight: € 7.74.

    PEITHERRTUGAL: 53,53 €

    EUREITHERPA: 53,53 €.

    Para el año two0two1 el importe total de las dietas se distribuirá de la siguiente manera:

    ESPAÑA:31,63 €.

    Desayuno: two,86 €.

    Food: € 10.78.

    Dinner: € 10.06.

    Overnight: € 7.89.

    PEITHERRTUGAL: 54,60 €.

    EUREITHERPA: 54,60 €.

    Para el año two0twotwo el importe total de las dietas se distribuirá de la siguiente manera:

    ESPAÑA:3two,two6 €.

    Desayuno: two,9two €.

    Food: € 11.00.

    Cena: 10,two6 €.

    Overnight: € 8.05.

    PEITHERRTUGAL: 55,69 €.

    EUREITHERPA: 55,69 €.

    Para el año two0two3 el importe total de las dietas se distribuirá de la siguiente manera:

    ESPAÑA:3two,74 €.

    Desayuno: two,96 €.

    Food: € 11.17.

    Dinner: € 10.41.

    Overnight: € 8.17.

    PEITHERRTUGAL: 56,53 €.

    EUREITHERPA: 56,53 €.

    These amounts are established as minimal and must be justified in all cases.When due to circumstances the expense is greater, after authorization of the company, it will be borne by it, and the worker must also justify it.


    A) Gratificaciones extraordinarias:

    Todo el personal afectado por este Convenio tendrá derecho a percibir tres gratificaciones extraordinarias, beneficios, verano y navidad, que se abonarán antes del30 de marzo, en la primera quincena de julio y el twotwo de diciembre, respectivamente, a razón de una mensualidad cada una de ellas del salario base más la antigüedad.


    In case of temporary disability due to illReal salaries (base salary) from the first day of the decrease in work accident and since the tenth day of the decrease due to common illness.


    A) Seguro de accidentes:

    Companies will establish individual and bodily insurance that covers the possible risks of their workers in the development of their activity within the company or in Itínere, provided that as a consequence of these accidents death or permanent disability is derived,both absolute and total.

    La suma asegurada ascenderá a la cuantía de30.€ 050.61.

    Article 40 Salary Review

    Recogida expresamente en los artículos34 del presente convenio.


    The arrears derived from the signing of this Agreement will be effective by the companies within the month following the publication of this Agreement.


    When economic, technical, organizational or production causes concur, by agreement between the company and the representatives of the legitimated workers to negotiate a collective agreement in accordance with the provisions of article 87.1 of the Statute of Workers, may proceed, after development of a period of consultations under the terms of article 41.4 del citado estatuto, a inaplicar en la empresa las condiciones de trabajo previstas en el presente convenio colectivo, en los términos previstos en el Artículo 8two.3 of the repeated standard.


    Si, a tenor de lo dispuesto en el artículo two7 del Estatuto de los trabajadores, la retribución de algún trabajador/a, calculada individualmente en su cómputo y en conjunto anual, quedara por debajo del SMI fijado y en vigor en cada momento mediante el correspondiente Real Decreto o norma que lo pudiera afectar, la empresa deberá incluir en el recibo de salarios un complemento denominado «Complemento SMI», cuyo importe se corresponderá con la cuantía que reste hasta alcanzar dicho SMI mensual.



    43.1 Traslados.In order to contribute to improving their situation, through a more adequate organization of its resources, the company may agree.These needs will be met, first of all, with whom, gathering the conditions of suitability, voluntarily accept their transfer;In the absence of these, they will have preference to be affected by mobility in the last place, in this order, the representatives of the workers within the company, the pregnant workers or with children under one year and those who have family charges.

    In the cases contemplated in the previous paragraph, the company will have to pay the travel expenses of the interested party and the people who live with it and transport its furniture and belongings or, at the election of that, pay the expenses that such transport originated, andalso pay at least, as compensation for any other possible expense, the amount of four monthly payments or base salary that corresponds.

    If the transfer is at the request of the worker, he will not have any right to any compensation, and if he is in common agreement between both parties, the compensation, where appropriate, will be the one that they agree.

    43.two Desplazamientos.If the worker's residence change, due to the needs of the service, is temporary, is called displacement.

    Both the displacements and any other exit from the town of its residence and the usual benefit of the service will entitle the worker to pay the amount of the trip, if it does not do so in vehicles of the company, and also, inCompensation of the expenses that such displacement causes, the collection of the diet, in the amount that corresponds in each case according to this Collective Application Agreement.

    In the event that a temporary displacement exceeds three months, with the maximum of one year, if in collective agreement there is no other thing the amount of diets will be 85 percent of the ordinary.In these long -term displacements the worker and the worker will have the right to return to their home once every three months, to spend four working days that will be computed as worked.Both the cost of trips and the time invested in them - in what matches their workday - will be borne by the company.



    The actions or omissions of the workers committed on the occasion of their work, in connection with it or derived from it, that involve violation of the obligations of all kinds that the person are imposed by the legal system,the current collective agreement, and other norms and pacts, individual or collective, qualifying in mild, serious and very serious.





    1) Antes de imponer sanciones por faltas graves o muy graves las empresas comunicarán por escrito los hechos a los trabajadores interesados, con el fin de que, si lo desean, puedan éstos exponer también por escrito, en el plazo de tres días laborales, lo que al respecto estimen oportuno.Also, this communication will be carried out to the personnel and/or company committee delegates.

    two) Siempre que se trate de presuntas faltas muy graves la empresa podrá, simultáneamente a la entrega de la comunicación a que se refiere el apartado anterior o con posterioridad a la misma, acordar la suspensión de empleo del trabajador, sin perjuicio de su remuneración, como medida previa cautelar, por el tiempo estrictamente necesario para el esclarecimiento de los hechos, con el límite de un mes, sin perjuicio de la sanción que finalmente proceda imponer.This suspension will be communicated to workers' representatives.

    Article 49 Deprivation of liberty

    The absence of work by deprivation of liberty of the worker will not be considered unjustified, if he were subsequently acquitted of the positions that would have given rise to his arrest.

    Artículo 50 SANCIEITHERNES

    1. The sanctions that may be imposed by the Commission of Disciplinary Faults will be the following:

    two. The fines imposed by violations of the provisions on traffic and road safety must be satisfied by the one responsible for them.

    Article 51 Prescription of fouls

    Las faltas de los/as trabajadores/as prescriben: a los 10 días, las leves; a los two0 días, las graves; y a los 60 días, las muy graves; contados a partir de la fecha en que la Empresa tuvo conocimiento de la comisión de la falta y, en todo caso, a los seis meses de haberse cometido.


    Los/as trabajadores/as que deseen que su afiliación a un Sindicato conste a su empresario/a, a efectos de lo dispuesto en el último párrafo del apartado 1 del artículo 55 of the Workers' Statute, deberán notificárselo por escrito, teniendo aquél obligación de acusar recibo de la comunicación.



    It is the desire of the signatory organizations that, respecting the organizational needs of the companies, working conditions that allow the workers/as well as their labor and family obligations can be established.To do this, companies will provide workers to request it, and in the terms established in current legislation, the exercise of all their rights in this area.

    El permiso por lactancia previsto en el artículo37.4 of the Statute of the Workers may be replaced, by the request of the applicant, by a paid license of at least twelve working days, which will have to be enjoyed, without continuity solution, following the enjoyment of the permit by birth, adoption, keep withadoption or care purposes.The duration of the permit will be increased proportionally in cases of birth, adoption, keeps multiple adoption or foster care purposes.The duration of the paid license will be increased proportionally in cases of multiple delivery.

    Both options may be enjoyed interchangeably by the father or mother in the event that both work.

    Whoever exercises this right, by its will, may replace it with a reduction of its day in half an hour with the same purpose or accumulate it in complete days in the terms provided in this agreement or in the agreement to be reached with the company respecting, in itscase, the established in that.

    The reduction of the day contemplated in this section constitutes an individual right of working people without their exercise being transferred to the other parent, adopter, guardian or cozy.However, if two working people from the same company exercise this right by the same causative subject, the business management may limit their simultaneous exercise for justified reasons of the company's operation, which must communicate in writing.

    When both parents, adopters, guardians or welcoming exercise this right with the same duration and regime, the period of enjoyment may extend until the infant turns twelve months, with proportional reduction of the salary from the fulfillment of the nine months.

    En el supuesto de que el trabajador o la trabajadora opten por la licencia retribuida descrita en el párrafo segundo de este artículo, deberán comunicarlo a la empresa con al menos fifteen días de antelación a la conclusión del período del descanso por maternidad.


    The signatory parties of this Agreement, aware of the need to continue advancing in the equality of women and men in the workplace, and influence equal treatment and non -discrimination of gender, as well as in the elimination of stereotypes, promoting equalValue of men and women in all areas, undertake to adopt the necessary measures and agree to carry out different actions based on the following principles:

    Companies will be obliged to respect equal treatment and opportunities in the workplace and, for this purpose, will take the necessary measures to avoid any type of labor discrimination between women and men.

    The signatory parties of this Agreement establish the following application measures regarding equal opportunities and non -discrimination:

    Measures referring to access to employment:

    Measures related to hiring:

    Measures referring to remuneration:

    Equality measures:

    Access to employment, professional classification, promotion, training, remuneration, work time management, conciliation of working, personal and family life, prevention of sexual harassment and harassment by reason of sex as well as any other subject that serves to achieve andfoster effective equality between men and women.


    Respetando la confidencialidad debida, las empresas facilitarán al máximo a las trabajadoras víctimas de violencia de género el disfrute de todos los derechos y garantías previstos en la Ley EITHERrgánica 1/two004, de two8 de diciembre, de Medidas de Protección Integral contra la Violencia de Género.


    The signatory parties of this agreement express their resounding rejection of any unwanted behavior of character or sexual connotation, committing to collaborate effectively and in good faith to prevent, detect, correct and punish this type of behavior.

    For these purposes, sexual or physical behavior is understood as sexual harassment, of an unwanted sex.

    Sexual harassment and harassment due to sex will be considered in any case discriminatory.

    The conditioning of a right or an expectation of the right to accept a situation constituting sexual harassment or harassment due to sex, will also be considered an act of discrimination due to sex.

    The following measures can be established in the company:

    Action procedure in harassment situations:

    The management of the company will ensure the achievement of an adequate environment at work, free of unwanted behaviors of character or sexual connotation, and will adopt the appropriate measures for that purpose, among others, the opening of contradictory file.

    Regardless of the legal actions that may be brought to it in this regard, before any administrative or judicial instances, the internal procedure will begin with the complaint of sexual harassment before a person of the company's management.

    La denuncia dará lugar a la inmediata apertura de expediente informativo por parte de la dirección de la empresa, para la que se creará una comisión de no más de two personas, con la debida formación en estas materias, especialmente encaminado a averiguar los hechos e impedir la continuidad del acoso denunciado, para lo que se articularán las medidas oportunas al efecto.

    The situation proposed will be put into immediate knowledge of the legal representation of the workers, if so requests the affected person, which may require that said representation be present throughout the procedure.

    In the inquiries to be carried out, the audience process will be given to all the interveners, practicing as many proceedings can be considered conducting the clarification of the facts that occurred.

    This process will be substantiated within a maximum period of 10 days.During it, absolute confidentiality and reserve will be kept, for directly affecting the intimacy and honorability of people.

    The finding of the existence of sexual harassment in the reported case will lead, among other measures, provided that the active subject is within the scope of management and organization of the company, to the imposition of a sanction according to the qualification established in the Disciplinary regime.

    For these purposes, sexual harassment will always be considered as a very serious lack.

    People who carry out the proceedings may not have a relationship of direct or kinship dependence with any of the parties, nor have the character of a person denounced or complainant.

    At the end of the information file of the investigation, a copy will be given to the complainant and denounced.

    During the processing of the informative file, the precautionary measures that are considered necessary may be adopted, to separate the complainant and denounced, without impairment of their working conditions.



    57.1 En las empresas de veinticinco o más trabajadores/as, los encuadrados en alguna de las categorías profesionales de conductor a quienes, como consecuencia de conducir un vehículo de la empresa por orden y cuenta de la misma, incluso al ir y venir al trabajo, queden inhabilitados para conducir por tiempo que no exceda de seis meses, serán acoplados durante ese tiempo a otro trabajo en alguno de los servicios de la empresa, percibiendo el salario base de su categoría profesional y sus complementos personales, y los complementos de cantidad y calidad de trabajo y de puesto de trabajo que correspondan al que efectivamente estén desempeñando.The cases in which driving disqualification are a consequence of drug use or the ingestion of alcoholic beverages or serious imprudence are excluded.This benefit can only be enjoyed whether the driver in question has an age in the company of at least two years, and if, where appropriate, at least five years have passed since he had enjoyed the same benefit.

    In the case contemplated in the previous paragraph and under the conditions established in it, the obligation of relocation may be replaced, at the discretion of the company, for the hiring of insurance in favor of these workers for which they are guaranteedthe payment during the period of disqualification of equivalent, proportionally, to seventy -five percent of the salary perceived the immediate previous year;The premium of said insurance will be fully satisfied by companies.In this case, the driver's employment contract will be suspended, with a job reservation, during the aforementioned period of disqualification, without the right to remuneration and without computing for any effect, and must be reincorporated once the period of disqualification for disqualification is finishedride.

    In companies that have less than twenty -five workers, the benefit established in the first paragraph of this article will not apply, but will be replaced - always that the circumstances provided therein will be given - for a suspension of the contract of the contract of the contract ofWork with position reserve, not paid or computable for any effect, during the driving disqualification period.If the drivers of these work centers hire, individually or collectively, an insurance by which the payment is guaranteed during the period of disqualification of equivalent, proportionally, to seventy -five percent of the salary perceived the immediately previous calendar year,Companies will pay them the amount of the premium of said insurance corresponding to a six -month guarantee.

    57.two Los conductores están obligados a informar a sus empresas, en el momento de su contratación, de los puntos que en ese momento poseen en su permiso de conducción.Likewise, they must inform companies immediately when they are removed points from their driving permit.

    The companies assume the obligation to pay the driver 75 percent of the insurance premium that he has hired to deal with the cost of the necessary courses for the recovery of the points of the driving permit, being preferred to carry out the courses outsideof the workday, as long as in the withdrawal of the points, the worker has not been incurred in very serious infractions, corresponding in this case to the worker.

    57.3 Lo previsto en este artículo será de aplicación en caso de que no se haya establecido alguna regulación sobre esta materia en los convenios colectivos de ámbito inferior o en acuerdos de empresa.


    Companies will guarantee, through the coverage of social security or, failing that, the concerts or contracts that are necessary, that the expenses that for any concept may originate due to the health care required by the workers in theforeign, in no case have to be satisfied by the working people themselves.

    Companies will take care of the displacement expenses of workers, in the event that they have to move from abroad to their habitual residence, due to death of a relative of up to the first degree of consanguinity or affinity.

    If any worker dies outside the town of its habitual residence because it is displaced by order of the company, it will pay the expenses of transferring the remains to the place of habitual residence;Likewise, in case of death of the working person, the company will cover the expenses of displacement of a relative.



    Los/as trabajadores/as incluidos en el ámbito de este Convenio general tienen derecho a que la prestación de sus servicios en los diversos centros de trabajo y establecimientos de las empresas del sector se adapte a las medidas y normas que, con carácter obligatorio, establece la Ley31/1995, de 8 de noviembre, de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales y los diversos Reglamentos que la desarrollan.

    As a general consideration of health and occupational risk prevention, it is stipulated that:


    The prevention delegates are the representatives of the workers, with specific functions in the field of occupational risk prevention.Their competences are as follows:

    Your faculties are as follows:


    The company will establish individual body accident insurance, which covers the possible risks of its workers in the development of its activity within the company or itinere, provided that as a consequence of these accidents there is death or permanent disability,both absolute and total.

    La suma asegurada será la que se establece en el artículo39 del presente convenio para toda su vigencia.



    Se entenderá por representantes de los trabajadores /as a los comités de empresa o delegados de personal y a los delegados sindicales de la sección sindical de la empresa, que tendrán las facultades, derechos y obligaciones señalados para los mismos en la Ley EITHERrgánica de Libertada Sindical, Estatuto de los Trabajadores y el presente Convenio.


    The signatory parts for these stipulations once again ratify their status as valid interlocutors, and are also recognized as such, in order to implement through their organizations rational labor relations, based on mutual respect and tending to facilitate the resolutionOf how many conflicts and problems our social dynamics raise.

    Article 64 of the union action

    A) Los trabajadores/as afiliados a un sindicato podrán, en el ámbito de la empresa o centro de trabajo:

    B) Las secciones sindicales de los sindicatos más representativos y de los que tengan representación en el Comité de Empresa, cuenten con Delegados/as de personal, tendrán los siguientes derechos:


    A) Quienes ostenten cargos electivos a nivel provincial o comarcal donde no hubiere el nivel anterior, autonómico o estatal en las organizaciones más representativas, tendrán derecho:

    B) Los representantes sindicales que participen en las comisiones negociadoras y comisiones mixtas o paritarias del convenio colectivo, manteniendo su vinculación como trabajador/a en activo en alguna empresa, tendrán derecho a la concesión de los permisos retribuidos que sean necesarios para el ejercicio de su labor negociadora, siempre que la empresa esté afectada por la negociación.



    En las empresas o en su caso, en los centros de trabajo que ocupen a más de two50 trabajadores/as, cualquiera que sea la clase de su contrato, las Secciones Sindicales estarán representadas a todos los efectos por un Delegado/a Sindical, elegido entre los afiliados al sindicato en la empresa o centro de trabajo.

    In accordance with the above, the legally constituted union will communicate in writing to the management of the company, the person or persons who will exercise the functions of the union delegate.


    The functions of the union delegates will be: to represent and defend them interests of the union to whom it represents and of the affiliates to the company, and serve as an instrument of communication between the union and the company.


    Attend the Company Committee meetings, the Health and Safety Committee, with voice but without vote.


    You will have access to the same information and documentation that the company must make available to the Company Committee or Personnel Delegates in accordance with the provisions of the Law, being obliged to keep professional stealth in the matters that proceed.They will have the same guarantees and rights as the company committees or personnel delegates.


    They will be heard by the company in the treatment of collective problems that affect workers in general and union affiliates in particular.

    6 °.-

    They will also be informed and ears by the company prior: a) About dismissals and sanctions that affect the members of the union.b) In template restructuring matters, employment regulation, transfer of workers and on business projects or actions that affect workers.c) The implementation or review of work organization systems and their possible consequences.

    7 °.-

    The union delegate, for the purposes of accumulation of union hours, will be considered as a member of the Company Committee.In this sense, you will only have the right to accumulate the hours with those members of the committee that belong to the same union

    8 °.-

    Companies will announce the union delegates, the Committee and Slim of Personnel, the Liquidation Receipts (RLC) and the Nominal Relations of Workers (RNT) excluding the data that affect the privacy of the working people suchas its ID or domicile, in compliance with the applicable regulations regarding personal data protection.


    Without prejudice to the rights and powers granted by the laws, the following functions are recognized to the company and personnel committees:


    At the requirement of the unions, companies will discount from the monthly payroll of working people, the amount of the union quota prior written authorization of these, entering the amount in the account designated by the union.

    The company's address will deliver a copy of the transfer to the union representation if any.



    The significant parties of this agreement consider the continuous training of workers as a strategic element that allows the greater competitiveness of companies to compatible with the individual training and professional development of the worker, within the framework of a process of a process ofpermanent learning typical of professional training for employment, and therefore manifest their willingness to take advantage and develop the current legal regulations.


    Las empresas podrán organizar cursos de formación y perfeccionamiento del personal con carácter gratuito en los términos y según el procedimiento previsto en la Ley30/two0fifteen, por la que se regula el Sistema de Formación profesional para el empleo, o norma que lo pueda sustituir o desarrollar, con el fin de promoción profesional y capacitación.

    The principle of equal treatment and opportunities in the incorporation of workers with greater difficulty of accessing the same will be guaranteed.By virtue of this, training actions may include positive actions regarding access to the training of workers belonging to certain groups (among others, young, immigrants, disabled, workers and workers with a temporary contract, victims of violence of violence ofgender).


    The training courses aimed at the renewal of the Professional Aptitude Certificate (CAP) and the Dangerous Goods (ADR) card will be taught by companies through their own means or arranging them with foreign services.

    The cost of training will be in charge of companies. El tiempo empleado a tal fin por los trabajadores y trabajadoras se imputará al permiso retribuido establecido en el artículo two3.3 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, en la redacción dada al mismo por Real Decreto-ley3/two01two, de 10 de febrero.

    The workers who do not exceed the authorization renewal exams that enable vehicles that transport dangerous goods, will be suspended their employment contract for a maximum period of six months, within which they must obtain the aforementioned authorization.



    Las retribuciones por todos los conceptos superiores, consideradas en su conjunto y cómputo anual, que vengan disfrutando los trabajadores/as a la entrada en vigor del convenio colectivo incluidos en el ámbito de aplicación de este Convenio, serán respetadas en la cuantía que en tal momento tuvieran a título estrictamente personal, a excepción de los conceptos percibidos por éstos y que se establecieran como anticipos a los atrasos generados hasta la publicación y entrada en vigor del Convenio y con el fin de evitar posibles atrasos por la actualización de las tablas salariales contenidas en el ANEXEITHER I.


    The circulation fines incurred by workers driving a company vehicle, must be paid by it provided they are not attributable to the driver's responsibility.


    For the purposes of compliance with the provisions of article 87.1 of the Workers' Statute, then the members of the negotiating commission and their representation are related:

    By Acutrans:

    Por el Sector Carretera y Logística FSC CCEITHEREITHER-CUENCA:

    By UGT:

    Who are recognized express and mutually legitimacy and capacity, to negotiate and sign this agreement in accordance with the provisions of article 87 of the Workers' Statute

    Cuenca, a 17 de septiembre de two0two1


    TABLAS SALARIALES two0two0, two0two1, two0twotwo Y two0two3

    Salary table

    two0two0two0two1 (1) two0twotwotwo0two3
    Salario BaseSalario BaseSalario BaseSalario Base
    DIRECTEITHERR/A ÁREA EITHER DEPARTAMENTEITHER1two40,971two65,791two91,111310,48
    DIRECTEITHERR/A DELEGADEITHER/A SUCURSAL1167,541190,891two14,711two3two,93
    JEFE DE SERVICIEITHER1130,841fifteen3,451176,5two1194,17
    TITULADEITHER/A GRADEITHER SUPERIEITHERR1167,541190,891two14,711two3two,93
    TITULADEITHER/A GRADEITHER MEDIEITHER1094,1two1116,001138,3two1fifteen5,39
    JEFE/A DE TALLER1130,841fifteen3,461176,531194,18
    JEFE/A DE SECCIEITHERN EITHER NEGEITHERCIADEITHER1094,1two1116,001138,3two1fifteen5,39
    JEFE/A DE TRÁFICEITHER1094,1two1116,001138,3two1fifteen5,39
    JEFE/A DE TRÁFICEITHER twoª10two0,681041,091061,911077,84
    ENCARGADEITHER/A GENERAL1130,841fifteen3,461176,531194,18
    INSPECTEITHERR/A VISITADEITHERR/A10two0,681041,091061,911077,84
    CEITHERNTRAMAESTRE/ ENCARGADEITHER/A10two0,681041,091061,911077,84
    EITHERFICIAL/A DE PRIMERA888,53906,309two4,43938,30
    EITHERFICIAL/A DE SEGUNDA859,13876,31893,84907,two5
    ENCARGADEITHER/A DE ALMACÉN881,17898,79916,77930,5two
    ENCARGADEITHER/ GARAJE881,17898,79916,77930,5two
    CEITHERDUCTEITHERR/A MECÁNICEITHER/A859,13876,31893,84907,two5
    CEITHERNDUC REPART. VEHIC. LIGEREITHERS8two9,77846,37863,30876,two5
    JEFE/A DE EQUIPEITHER (CAPATAZ)8two8,93845,5186two,4two875,36
    MEITHERZEITHER EITHERRDINARIEITHER78two,03797,67813,6two8two5,8two
    PEÓN EITHERRDINARIEITHER800,39816,4083two,73845,twotwo
    FEITHERRMACIÓN PRIMER AÑEITHER7two6,97741,51756,34767,69


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