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The honeymoon between AMLO and Joe Biden is over: Jorge Castañeda Gutman

Mexico.- commentator Jorge Castañeda said that the "honeymoon" between AMLO and Joe Biden was over, after the United States Government decided to talk about the meetings they had with the Mexican President.

During the program es La Hora de Opinar, led by Leo Zuckermann, the topic of diplomatic relations between Mexico and the United States was discussed, highlighting the last visit of the Secretary of Energy to Mexico, where she held a meeting with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Jorge Castañeda, former Secretary of Foreign Affairs in Fox's term, indicated that the relationship between AMLO and Joe Biden maintained certain agreements regarding the work each President had to do, especially with regard to migration from Central America, which was amended to the Mexican Government, in order to stop caravans trying to reach the neighboring country.

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Se acabó la luna de miel entre AMLO y Joe Biden: Jorge Castañeda Gutman

In this sense, Castañeda assured that Biden gave Andrés Manuel a free letter to combat this social problem, in addition to letting the Mexican President talk about the different issues that were dealt with in the bilateral meetings.

However, this was over, due to the discomfort of senators in the United States, as they felt that AMLO should not reveal what was said at the meetings, while his government refused to give statements.

"this honeymoon López Obrador has run out of, telling Biden 'Don't mess with me, as long as you Don't mess with me, but Don't mess with me, and let me tell me what happened,' Castañeda Gutman said.

The former official made this approach after President Andrés Manuel's meeting with the Secretary of Energy, where it has been one of the few times that the Biden government has spoken, highlighting the issues dealt with in the meetings, and not just the AMLO version in which he states that his ideas are heard and accepted by the neighboring government.

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According to Castañeda, the President of Mexico revealed only one version of the meetings, which favored his government without a reply from the U.S. authorities.



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