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Babies Babies Maternity leave: Step-by-step guide to request it

If you are pregnant or you are already in the last trimester of your pregnancy, you may have doubts regarding how to apply or what procedures you must carry out in order to receive maternity leave, so we are going to guide you step by step to that you know everything you have to do.

Maternity leave: These are all the steps to follow

Before explaining step by step how to request and collect your maternity leave, we want to congratulate you on your pregnancy or on having had a baby. On the other hand, you should know that maternity leave is something you are entitled to as a working woman.

Maternity leave corresponds to a benefit received during the period in which the mother ceases her activity due to the birth of her child. A benefit that is also charged in the case of guardianship or adoption of a child. In this way, it can be understood that maternity leave serves to cover the income that the worker loses during the time she is on leave.

Requirements for maternity filing

Being able to request maternity leave, in the same way as the fact of receiving any type of benefit (such as paternity leave) implies a series of requirements that are:

As for the contribution periods that are required, these are the criteria that are followed:

What happens if I don't meet the requirements? In case of having a baby but not meeting the requirements that we have just indicated, the woman can avail herself of the so-called non-contributory subsidy for maternity, which is used for those women who, although they are working, do not meet the indicated minimum contributions.

How to apply for maternity leave?

The body that manages everything related to maternity leave is the National Institute of Social Security, so it is to them that we will have to go to request it, for this you must take into account these two factors:

Main Procedures

Now let's go, point by point, to see the procedures that must be carried out (or in fact presented) in case of requesting maternity leave depending on whether it is due to birth or if it is due to guardianship or adoption.

It should be noted that once the woman has submitted what is requested, she should not wait to receive her maternity leave, but in cases of guardianship or adoption, she must wait a minimum of 30 days for the resolution of the request. .

How long is maternity leave?

Currently the duration of maternity leave is 16 weeks. although there may be exceptional cases that are:

When does maternity leave start to be effective?

How much is the amount to be charged during the cancellation?

Currently, the amount of maternity leave is 100% of the worker's regulatory base. Which is the same as the contribution base.

To make the calculation, the start date of the maternity leave is taken into account.

If there is a multiple birth or adoption of more than one child, a special subsidy is received for each minor child or foster child.

Payment of maternity leave is made monthly in arrears, that is, it is normally charged on the last business day of the month and if it coincides with a holiday, it is charged on the previous business day.

Maternity leave for self-employed women

If you are a self-employed professional, you also have the right to collect maternity leave, taking into account these requirements:

In the same way that we have indicated, the withdrawal will last for 16 weeks and will cover 100% of the regulatory base. In any case, if the woman wishes, she can reduce the working day to 50% and with it, the percentage that she receives.

Maternity leave in case of being unemployed

If the woman is receiving an unemployment benefit at the time of the birth of her child, she can also request maternity leave paid by the INSS, so that what she is receiving for unemployment is paralyzed and once she has finished receiving the maternity leave, you will collect your unemployment benefit again.

It is yes, the unemployed worker will have to go to the SEPE to be able to request that the unemployment benefit be paid again.



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