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Lawyer delivered all the details of law that allows the order of the surnames to be changed

In triangle we met all the details about the law that allows the order of the last names with the lawyer, Paola Merchak.

As of this Tuesday, January 11, the law that allows the father and the mother to define the order of the surnames of their daughters and minor sons, order that will be determined for the rest they have in common began.

The initiative also contemplates that all persons of legal age may request administratively from the Civil Registry, and only once, the change of the order of their surnames contained in their birth registration.

All details about the new law

On this, the lawyer Merchak clarified that "the common agreement of both parents is required. Both parents must agree to put the maternal last name to the paternal."

Abogada entregó todos los detalles de ley que permite cambiar el orden de los apellidos

Along with this, he explained that "the issue of deciding what last name put the first child is very important, because that will also determine the last name that all other brothers will have. One cannot put a child the maternal last name and theanother the paternal ".

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As for the persons of legal age who want to change the order of their last names, the lawyer indicated that "they have to raise a request directly to the Civil Registry and can be in person or through the web."

"If that person has children under 14, the lawyer indicated that" those children will change their last name for the single will of the father, "adding that" it is different, it is whether this person has children over 14 years old, butMinors than 18, in that case the express consent of these children is also required so that the change can be made. "

Know all the details in the following video.

Ver videoDescubre la nueva Señal 13E


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