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The Generalitat begins the process to declare the Cordà de Paterna well of cultural interest

La Cordà de Paterna continues to accumulate recognition.Thus, the Technical Commission for the Study and Inventory of the Intangible Heritage of the Generalitat has decided to approve that the declaration of Cultural Interest (BIC) of the 'Cordà' of Paterna, within the scope of beliefs, within the scope of beliefs, is opened, within the scope of beliefs,festive rituals and other ceremonial practices, and as well as an immaterial relevance (BRL) of the crafts of the 'Palmito' of Aldaia, within the scope of traditional knowledge about productive practices, processes and techniques.

With a great tradition and reference in the region of L'Horta, the 'cordà' of Paterna belongs to the type of pyrotechnic acts commonly called modality 'cordà', in which pyrotechnic free flight artifice is used with erratic displacement with erratic displacement.Many are the reasons that lead to this statement, from all areas and perspectives: social, holiday, historical.And it is that the 'cordà' of Paterna integrates from time immemorial to all the residents of the town, whether from their direct participation in the 'cordà' of each year, or throughout the culture of fire and other pyrotechnic acts that congregates its celebration.

It is an act cemented in an imposing participation of the local community, from the Fire Commission of the Old Niles to the present Technical Commission and the Sector Council of the 'Cordà', together with an extraordinary municipal infrastructure and great institutional support.

Social and cultural heritage in the town

La Generalitat inicia el proceso para declarar Bien de Interés Cultural a la Cordà de Paterna

Paterna has a hymn of the 'Cordà', a monument to the shooter, a sector council, a 'coeter Major' and a specific 'focus' council, and, and, also, organizes numerous activities inserted in the annual festive cycle linked to thegunpowder.To this is joined by the demand for the associative fabric of shooters and shooters, along with festive entities.Without a doubt, it is part of the cultural and social heritage of the town of L'Horta Nord.

To the importance of its uninterrupted celebration at least since the 19th century (except postponements due to exceptional circumstances), its progressive growth is added, the result of the addition of events related to gunpowder as of the work and union of various sectors of societyPaternera.

In recent decades, its perfect organization, always in search of spectacularity and security, has led it to be admired internationally, as well as to receive distinctions such as the party of autonomous tourist interest in 2007 and the party of national tourist interest in national interest in2017.



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