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How to hang clothes inside the house - 6 steps

Evaluation: 4.5 (45 votes)By Laura Ruiz. Updated: January 4, 2022 Image: todohogares.com

Need to hang clothes but it's raining? On rainy or humid days we have no choice but to dry clothes inside the house, but do we know how to do it? Hanging clothes at home can pose a risk to our health due to the amount of humidity generated by wet laundry, especially in people with asthma or allergies. Therefore, it is important that we know how we should do it and avoid endangering our health or that of those around us. If you want to know how to hang clothes inside the house, keep reading this OneHowTo article and discover the steps.

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The first thing you should do to hang clothes inside the house is to buy a folding clothesline. The most appropriate are those that rest on the ground because you can place them without problem and store them when you no longer need them. Look at the manufacturing material and try to get a quality one, if possible made of stainless steel or plastic, since poor quality metals will probably end up rusting and staining clothes.


When you have the folding clothesline, you should find a place in your house that is free of humidity and with plenty of ventilation to prevent the humidity released by wet clothes from occupying the entire room. Try to make it a space that you do not use very often, so avoid hanging clothes in the dining room or bedrooms.


How to hang clothes indoors - 6 steps

Once the clothesline is in place, it's time to hang the clothes inside the house. First, shake out the garments one by one and remove excess water. Then, you will have to organize the clothesline properly so that your clothes dry faster. As? Very easy. We will start with the central part of the clothesline. Dedicate the central rods to small pieces of clothing, such as socks or underwear, and the outer ones to medium-sized ones, such as thin, cotton or polyester T-shirts. The heaviest and bulkiest items of clothing, such as sweaters or large towels, should be placed on the sides of the clothesline.


Do not store the pieces of clothing next to each other, leave a space between them so that air can pass through and they dry more quickly. Hanging the clothes without respecting the spaces can cause the garments to pick up humidity and bad odors. Here is an article so you know how to properly hang each item of clothing.


If you don't have a folding clothesline and you don't have time to buy one, there is a very effective trick to hang clothes inside the house. Place the garments separately on hangers and hang them on the shower or bathtub curtain rod, always respecting the space between them. In this way, in addition, you will prevent the clothes from wrinkling and picking up moisture. This trick is very good especially for hanging jackets, shirts and dresses inside the house.

Image: blogardulceblogar.com6

Now that you know how to hang clothes inside the house, don't worry if it starts to rain or snow because you can dry your clothes without any problem. Put all these instructions to the test and get your laundry ready to fold and store in the closet.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to hang clothes inside the house, we recommend that you enter our category of Home cleaning.



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