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Recurrent purchase at Amazon: how the subscribe works and save on periodic purchases

Do you have your Amazon Prime account for a long time?Do you make many purchases on Amazon? Do you usually ask for some things or products that you need every so often repeatedly?

You may not know it, but the ecommerce giant has an option for you to make recurring purchases easily and saving you some passing money.

Es lo que se conoce como el Suscríbete & Ahorra.Amazon enabled this functionality in 2017 and thanks to it you can receive your preferred products periodically.

The main advantage is that you will not have to make the same purchase again and again, because when using this Amazon tool will be in charge of doing it automatically.

However, there are others. Como su propio nombre indica, el Suscríbete & Ahorra, te da la posibilidad de gastar menos dinero en eso que sueles adquirir.It all depends on the frequency and quantity you request.In addition, you will enjoy free shipping at each subscription.

Prime Now: Amazon's supermarket

With Amazon Prime Now, make your weekly purchase including fresh products and collect it today in the 2 -hour strip you choose.

Accede a Prime Now

How to start using recurring purchases

Creating a subscription on Amazon is very simple.You can do it from the file of any article that has this option on the right side of the screen.You will see how it is shown in a single purchase box or recurring purchase.

In the recurring purchase section you will see the conditions for each specific article.So you will know how much exactly the discount amounts to subscribe to this product.

Compra recurrente en Amazon: cómo funciona el Suscríbete y Ahorra en compras periódicas

With a subscription you usually get a 5% discount and if you make more than 3 subscriptions you can reach 10%.However, for certain items you could reach 10% and 15%, respectively.This is quite frequent in those items of one of Amazon's white brands.

In the recurring purchase box you can also decide the quantity and periodicity.Simply click on the arrow that is located to the right of both concepts to display a menu and select the values that interest you most.


In quantity you can choose up to 30 units by default.In delivery each you have the opportunity to choose between deliveries every 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, 5 weeks, 6 weeks, 7 weeks, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months or 6 months.The most common option is usually the monthly delivery, but everything will depend on your needs and those of your family.

When you have selected both aspects confirm your subscription in the yellow configure button now that appears at the bottom.

Qué productos permiten la opción Suscríbete & Ahorra

No todos los productos que se venden en Amazon tienen la opción Suscríbete & Ahorra disponible.It is generally associated with consumer, food or cleaning items that are sold in supermarkets and large surfaces and that in some cases are essential.

For example, you can find it for coffees, tes and drinks.Here things such as tail cao, milk, capsules for coffee maker, etc..But you can also recurrently asking that wine that you like so much.

There are also baby products, including wipes, diapers, initiation milk, bath sponges, etc..

Another category in which you can make recurring purchases is home care and clean.


Amazon has also extended its tool to shaving products.It can be very comfortable to subscribe to the blades or machinillas that you always use and spend a few weeks.

Beauty items are also included.You can use the subscription in dark circkercatches, hair care products, creams, shampoos, oils...

If you take vitamins, proteins and nutritional supplements, you will also find the possibility of asking them repeatedly.

However, you will only have to take an eye on the Amazon card what you want to acquire, to know if you are subject to recurring purchases.

How to cancel recurring purchases

If this option tests, but you don't just convince you you always have the possibility to cancel it when you want.Doing it is quite simple.

If you are logged in with your Amazon account the upper bar, just to the right of the search bar, you will see an option that indicates account and lists.Click on it.In doing so you will access a complete menu.Show down to the box called purchase programs.In the click on products to products.


Here you simply have to click on subscriptions at the top and choose the product you want to cancel the list (if you have signed several things).At that time, a window will be deployed where you can edit all the details of your subscription.You will see an option to cancel subscription that you must press.

This will open another window that asks if you want to skip the next installment or want to leave the subscription.To confirm it click on the Cancel my subscription button.



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